My Demon, My Love...

Chapter Slaves Die in the Name of Love pt. 3

“This is wonderful news, Dalair!” Mythri finally spoke up after several minutes of silence.

Mythri quickly jumped up and embraced Dalair. Bakhtiar jumped up as well and began patting Dalair on the shoulder.

“Congratulations, son!”

“We have just one tiny requirement before we agree.” Mythri informed Dalair, pulling away from their hug.

“What?! What is it?” Dalair asked, a million different scenarios beginning to play out in his mind.

“Well, we hope that this will not be too much of an imposition, however, we require that you and Penelope marry as quickly as possible.” Bakhtiar explained.

Dalair was surprised by this. He had played out this conversation a hundred times in his mind before talking with his parents. He had predicted and practiced for several scenarios. Out of the diverse number of theories he had concocted, this had not been one of them.

“Why exactly?” Dalair questioned, cautiously, unsure of their motives.

“Because most of our kind will think that this wedding is taboo. We do not need word getting out to those who are unsympathetic to our cause before your nuptials can be completed.” Mythri clarified.

“It is the safer route, son. If she is already your wife when those who oppose us discover your union, then they cannot disrupt or, even, stop your wedding. Make no mistake, Dalair, this is a dangerous path that you are choosing. There are those who would stop at nothing to put an end to human-demon relationships.” Bakhtiar expounded.

“Believe me, father, I am all too aware. I have wrestled with this decision for quite some time. However, both Penelope and I agree that we are willing to take this risk if it means that we can be together.” Dalair confirmed his commitment.

“Then you have my full support.” Bakhtiar asserted.

“How exciting!” Mythri cheered. “We must begin preparations at once!”

Over the next several days, the entire estate was a bustle with preparations for the wedding. Mythri was busying herself with decorations and dinner preparations. Umay spent her time searching down the perfect wedding dresses in Penelope’s size for her to try. Dalair and Bakhtiar found themselves consumed with the effort to find a Justice who would be willing to marry a demon and a human.

They decided to keep the guest list small; only inviting demons who were confirmed as sympathetic to their cause, as well as, demons whom the Viveks trusted implicitly and, of course, any of the servants that Penelope had befriended. They could not risk word of the wedding getting out to anyone who might wish to cause harm. Everyone who made the guest list had to be chosen carefully with certainty that they would not speak about the ceremony to anyone.

There was even much debate over whom Dalair had chosen for his groomsmen. Dalair considered Prince Reve to be his truest and most loyal friend and wished for him to act as the best man at his wedding. He, also, wished for Prince Kane to fulfill the position of groomsman as he considered him one of his closest friends as well.

Mythri and Bakhtiar worried that the princes would accidentally spread the word to their parents or their older brothers. Dalair was adamant that the younger princes could be trusted and insisted that he be allowed to ask them to participate. After much discussion over the matter, Mythri and Bakhtiar finally relented. They knew that Dalair would not budge on his position. So Dalair immediately called for his friends to join him at his estate as soon as possible. He wanted to discuss the situation in person as he knew that the matter was a sensitive one.

Immediately, upon their arrival, he escorted his friends to the game room, poured everyone drinks, and suggested a game of pool. While they played, Dalair slowly worked up his nerve.

“So, I am sure that you have realized that I asked you here for more than just a game of pool.” Dalair finally began.

“Good! I was hoping so! It feels like I haven’t been out of that castle in ages! Let’s go out and find some fun!” Reve encouraged.

“I don’t know that I feel like partying, Reve. I was hoping that we would take it easy tonight.” Kane suggested.

“Ah, come on! When was the last time that the three of us went out together?” Reve urged. “More importantly, when was the last time that either of you found yourself a demoness?”

“Well…that is kind of…along the lines of what I…uh…wanted to talk to you guys about.” Dalair interrupted.

“Why, Dalair? What’s up?” Kane questioned, sensing the nervousness in his friend’s voice.

“Well, I did meet someone. Actually, I…uh…I’m getting…married.” Dalair breathed a sigh of relief when he finally said the words.


Both Kane and Reve were taken completely by surprise. They were not even aware that Dalair had met anyone; much less, that he was serious enough about her to marry her.

“I didn’t even know that you were dating anyone.” Reve said, flabbergasted.

“Yeah, neither did I.” Kane concurred.

“I didn’t tell anyone. I only told my parents when I told them that I was getting married.” Dalair explained.

“Why the secrecy?” Kane inquired.

“Well, you guys might find this next part upsetting…” Dalair began.

“What could be upsetting about falling in love?” Kane asked.

“Is it Mert? Is that why you are being so secretive?” Reve questioned.

“No, it’s not Mert!” Dalair answered, growing exasperated by the conversation.

“Hey, I am not here to judge. If that’s what you are into then…” Reve teased.

“Here name is Penelope!” Dalair blurted out.

“Penelope? I don’t think I’ve ever met a Penelope at court? Is she not a noble?” Kane inquired.

“No, she isn’t a noble.” Dalair confirmed.

“The upper class?” Kane continued.

“Afraid not.” Dalair answered.

“Just how far below your station does she fall, exactly?” Reve queried.

They were suddenly interrupted by the sound of someone entering the room.

“You called for me, sir?” Penelope asked, shyly, upon realizing that Dalair was not alone.

“We never called for anyone.” Kane assured her.

“What are you doing working?” Dalair demanded.

“I needed something to do as a distraction. I figured that this was the best one.” Penelope explained.

“Why don’t you go and find Umay?” Dalair suggested.

“Umay has gone with your mother to the bakery. There is an issue with the cake.”

“Still, I do not like the idea of you working. You should be relaxing.”

“Are you ill?” Reve inquired of Penelope.

“No, sire. Of course not.” Penelope answered with a bow.

“Well, then, why are you hassling the poor girl, Dalair? Leave her to do her work as she pleases.” Reve recommended.

“Reve, you don’t understand.” Dalair attempted.

“Nonsense. Miss, could you please do us a favor and bring us a few sandwiches?” Reve requested of Penelope.

“Of course, your majesty. I will return as quickly as possible.” Penelope answered as she turned to exit the room.

“Penelope, do not do that. You will not serve us. You have to get used to being served, not doing the serving.” Dalair commanded.

Penelope stopped in her tracks. Both Reve and Kane slowly turned to face Dalair.

“Penelope?” Kane asked.

“Yes.” Dalair responded with a nod.

“Human?” Kane clarified.

“Yes.” Dalair answered.

Suddenly, Reve turned and approached Penelope. Penelope immediately tensed, unsure of the prince’s intentions. Dalair knew that Reve would never hurt Penelope, but he was curious as to the meaning of his sudden movements. Reve wrapped an arm around Penelope, turned her and gently guided her towards the door.

“Penelope, sweetheart, as wonderful as it is to meet you. We need to have a quick, private conversation with your husband-to-be.” Reve informed her, politely.

Just as Penelope was outside the door, Reve quickly moved to shut it. However, he did remember to congratulate her just before the door came to a complete close. Reve returned to the pool table and stared at his friend in astonishment.

“Do you have any idea what you are doing?” Reve demanded of Dalair.

“Yes, I am quite aware. I have spent a lot of time debating this in my head. I know the risks, but I also know that I love that woman and I want to be with her.” Dalair explained.

“Is she completely aware of the risks?” Kane questioned.

“Yes. Despite the risks involved, she wants this just as badly as I do. I have already marked her.” Dalair responded.

“You marked a human? I did not even know that was possible.” Reve remarked.

“It’s entirely possible. She did not get her half of the abilities just the mark and she could not mark me back. However, I am linked to her completely. I feel all of her most intense emotions; it’s an amazing feeling to be so deeply connected with someone.” Dalair confirmed.

“How did you get your parents to agree to this?” Kane asked.

“I didn’t. I told them that I was marrying Penelope and they accepted it. Their only request is that we perform the wedding quickly.” Dalair explained.

“So, when is the wedding?” Kane inquired.

“Tomorrow. That is why I asked you both here. I would consider it a great honor if you, Kane, would be my groomsman.” Dalair informed them.

“Of course! It would be an honor!” Kane responded.

“Are you sure? I understand if you do not want to participate given the circumstances.” Dalair assured him.

“Of course, I want to participate! I do not care who you marry; as long as you are happy!” Kane reassured.

“Reve, I would also consider it a very great honor if you would agree to be my best man. Though, once again, I do understand if you would rather not play a part in this.” Dalair entreated.

“Ridiculous that you would suggest such a thing!” Reve bellowed. “Of course, I will be your best man! How could I not be involved in your wedding?!”

“Ah! That is such great news! I was worried that you guys would not approve.” Dalair sighed with relief.

“I don’t approve. However, that has nothing to do with you marrying a slave. I just can’t believe that you are going to be married at all! I figured that Kane would be the first of the three of us to be tied down.” Reve explained, jokingly.

“Really? I always thought that it would be you, Reve.” Kane interjected.

“Yeah, we figured that you’d screw around with the wrong demoness and she’d tie you down with a kid.” Dalair added with a chuckle.

“Nah, not me. I am not the marrying kind. I’ve never met a demoness yet that could tie this down and I doubt that I ever will.” Reve asserted.

“You never know what could happen, Reve. I certainly did not expect to fall in love with a human.” Dalair shrugged.

“Well, I am happy for you, buddy. I just don’t think that you will ever find me falling into this same trap.” Reve teased.

The three friends talked and laughed for the rest of the night. They knew the next day would be a tense one. All weddings required an element of stress, on top of that, this one had the added threat of danger. If word of the marriage reached the wrong demons; a day of bliss could turn to one of horror in an instant.

The next day, everything began moving quickly, as soon as they rose from bed. Everyone was taking care of their early wedding day responsibilities. Mythri started making last minute checks for the ceremony and reception. Bakhtiar went to fetch the Justice and, discreetly, escort him back to their estate. The guests were instructed to arrive in waves, so that the gathering appeared to be a casual, last minute garden party.

Penelope was held up in Umay’s room with her maid of honor, Umay, and her bridesmaid, Truda, another human servant. They helped her to get on her dress. As well as, applied her makeup and styled her hair. Penelope was almost starting to feel like true nobility with all of the pampering she had been receiving.

Dalair stayed in his room as well, attempting to keep his nerves calm. He was worried that something would happen to prevent the wedding. So, Kane and Reve each took turns sitting with Dalair, while the other monitored the security situation.

Reve had even requested that some of his men be brought to the event from the palace. He directed them under the guise of body guards for he and Kane with strict instructions that they were not to enter the house or garden grounds except in the case of an emergency.

Before they knew it, the time had come. Mythri came to fetch Dalair and the princes. Instructing them to line up at the front of the aisle.

“I am sorry, but I never got to ask you, which ceremony will we be performing?” The Justice leaned in to ask Dalair.

“What exactly do mean…umm…” Dalair began.

“Andvari, sir.” The Justice offered.

“Ah, thank you, Andvari.” Dalair answered.

“Are we doing a traditional demonic ceremony or a more basic, neutral one?” Andvari inquired further.

“The neutral one. I do not want to force my bride to participate in the gruesome nature of the demonic ceremony on her wedding day.” Dalair asserted.

“Excellent choice, sir. I would have advised as such.” Andvari confirmed.

Music began to play softly over the sound system. The small crowd grew quiet. A young, pale human with dark hair began to walk down the aisle towards them. She was followed down the aisle by Umay. When Kane saw her, Reve could have sworn that he heard Kane whisper a soft “wow” and Reve chuckled to himself. He had suspected for a long time that Kane was harboring feelings for Umay.

Suddenly, everyone rose from their seats and turned to see Penelope coming towards them in a beautiful ball gown-style wedding dress that sparkled as she moved. As Dalair watched her coming towards him, he felt whole for the first time. She was his other half and she would finally be where she belonged.

“We are gathered here today before these witnesses to recognize the love that Dalair and Penelope have for each other. May all who are present here appreciate the importance of this moment as they join, together, as husband and wife. Please face each other.” Andvari began.

Penelope and Dalair turned towards each other. Andvari turned slightly to address Dalair.

“Do you, Dalair, take Penelope to be your wife?” Andvari asked.

“I do.” Dalair answered.

“Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect her, forsaking all others and holding only unto her, despite the fact that she is human?”

“I do.” Dalair promised.

Andvari turned his attention towards Penelope.

“Do you, Penelope, take Dalair to be your husband?” Andvari asked.

“I do.” Penelope replied.

“Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect him, forsaking all others and holding only unto him?”

“I do.” Penelope promised.

Andvari adjusted himself to the center to address both at once.

“Now, seal your promises with these rings, the symbol of your shared life together.”

Reve reached over and handed the rings to Dalair. While Penelope handed her bouquet to Umay.

“Penelope, this ring I give as a token and a pledge, as a sign of my love and devotion. With this ring, I thee wed.” Dalair pronounced as he slid the ring onto Penelope’s left ring finger.

“Dalair, this ring I give as a token and a pledge, as a sign of my love and devotion. With this ring, I thee wed.” Penelope proclaimed as she placed the ring onto Dalair’s finger.

“Dalair and Penelope, by the power invested in me by the King and Council, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss your bride!” Andvari announced.

Dalair, happily, grabbed Penelope and pulled her in close to him. They kissed long and passionately before turning to face the crowd.

“Demons, demonesses, and humans, I guess, for the first time ever it is my privilege to introduce to you; Lord and Lady Dalair Vivek.”

Everyone in the garden began to clap and cheer as Dalair and Penelope walked down the aisle together.

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