My Demon, My Love...

Chapter Friendships Are a Necessary Diversion

Azlyn had been working for Prince Reve for just over a month. She had become very adept at her new responsibilities and was enjoying working for the prince. She found him to be extremely different from any other master she had ever had before. He treated her like her feelings mattered, which was something that she had not experienced since being taken away from her parents twelve years ago. She was beginning to think that being sold to the palace was the best thing that had happened to her in a very long time.

There had been no further awkward moments between Azlyn and Prince Reve since that first day. Azlyn figured that it was probably better this way. She doubted that the prince had felt the same spark between them that she had experienced. Though she mused to herself about how funny it would be if she, a lowly slave, actually managed to win the heart of a prince.

“It would be like something straight out of a fairytale.” Azlyn thought with a hint of a smile.

However, Azlyn quickly brought herself back to reality by reminding herself that her life was no fairytale. She would not end up with some happily ever after. Her life was to be one of misery until she finally met death. At least, working for Prince Reve had finally made things more bearable.

Azlyn had even managed to make a new friend. One morning, she had arrived in the kitchen several minutes early to fetch Prince Reve’s breakfast. Being that she did not have anything to do at that time, she thought it best to wait. She saw a girl who appeared to be around the same age as herself. She was struggling with some of the dishes that she was carrying and Azlyn feared that she would drop them. Azlyn knew all too well what breaking a demon’s property could lead to and she feared for the girl’s safety. She rushed to her aid, grabbing a stack of plates out of the girl’s arms, just before it fell.

“Thank you! You just saved me a terrible whipping!” the girl proclaimed in relief.

“Not a problem at all. I would hate to have not done something to help you and for you to have suffered for it.” Azlyn assured her.

“Well, I owe you one. Not everyone around here is helpful like that. Let me know if there’s ever anything that I can do for you. My name is Nissa.”

“Nice to meet you, Nissa. I am Azlyn.”

From that morning onward, Azlyn tried to make a point of arriving early to the kitchen for breakfast. She would help Nissa with her chores and they would share stories about their lives. Azlyn learned that Nissa was twenty-one years old and had been kidnapped at the age of sixteen from the human realm. She had been sold immediately into the palace and had worked in the kitchen since.

Azlyn felt extremely sorry for Nissa. Azlyn had never known what it felt like to be free, therefore, she did not know what she was missing. But to have been free and for that to be, suddenly, ripped away from you; Azlyn imagined that must be a fate worse than death.

Despite their terrible circumstances, it felt good to finally have a friend. This kind of connection was something that Azlyn had been missing for a long time.

Azlyn also discovered, through her friendship with Nissa, that she was apparently the envy of most of the slave women in the castle. The role of Prince Reve’s personal slave was a highly sought-after position. Everyone knew that he tended to be kind. Not to mention, it did not hurt at all that he was extremely easy on the eyes. All of the women, as well as the demonesses, swooned when Prince Reve walked past them. It could even be said that he was, arguably, the best looking of all four royal brothers.

Azlyn learned that this jealousy was the reason that no one was kind to her. She had attempted to be friendly with other slave women, but she was always met with a dirty look and a sneer. No one would assist her when she was in a precarious situation; all the other women were hoping for her to fail, so they could have a shot to take her place. Now that Azlyn was aware that it was not personal, she did her best to not let it bother her.

Azlyn was currently on her way to take Prince Reve his riding clothes. She had never gone to the stables before and was having a hard time navigating the halls. She had attempted to ask a couple of the demon servants for help, but they simply acted as if she did not exist. Azlyn was not surprised by this, even the lowest level demon was still considered far superior to a human, however, she had hoped for someone to offer some small bit of advice.

Azlyn did not want to keep Prince Reve waiting. He had been patient and helpful thus far, but she had also avoided angering him as much as possible. From that very first day, she was aware that he was incredibly fast. She knew that he must be strong as well, since only the strongest members of the royal family were given the honor of overseeing the entire demonic military.

Azlyn frantically darted around another corner, hoping that this would lead her in the right direction. As she went to turn on her heel down the hallway, she stumbled, as she slid along a freshly mopped floor. Azlyn slammed right into what felt like a brick wall. However, she soon realized that it was not a wall at all.

“Are you alright, miss?” A male asked as a hand reached out to help her.

Azlyn grabbed the hand, grateful for the assistance.

“You should slow down a bit.” The being recommended.

“I do not have time to slow down. I must get these clothes to the prince in the stables as quickly as possible.” Azlyn explained, frantically.

Then Azlyn looked up and realized who she was talking to. He had been so kind and casual with her that she had taken for granted that he must be another slave. The giant of a male who stood in front of her was no human, he wore the heavy, scaled, metal armor of a guard. His sheer size and presence would have overwhelmed the toughest of humans. This was a demon and not only had Azlyn run into him, she had referred to him casually. Azlyn felt herself beginning to panic.

“You must be Prince Reve’s new personal slave.” The guard observed. “I take it that you don’t completely know your way around here yet.”

“Yes, sir.” Azlyn answered, averting her gaze to the ground. “I am sorry for running into you. I was not watching where I was going. I am lost, and the prince needs his riding clothes. The prince said that others would help me find my direction, however, I have found no one who is willing to help. With all due respect, of course, sir.”

“I am sorry to hear that. I am not doing anything right now. I can take you to the stables. I was actually just on my way there to see a friend of mine.” The guard offered.

“That would be most appreciated, sir.” Azlyn responded, gratefully.

“No need for that. Call me Zareb.” The guard responded with a nod.

“It is very nice to meet you. I am Azlyn.”

Azlyn and Zareb began to walk towards the stables together. Getting better acquainted along the way. Azlyn felt very at ease with him, he gave a sense that he could be trusted. He was the only guard who did not look at her like she was piece of meat to be devoured. Not to mention, he was only the third demon that she had ever met who showed kindness to a human; Prince Reve, of course, being one and a demon-child that she had met when she was much younger.

“Azlyn is a very pretty name. I do not think that I have heard it before. What is its meaning?” Zareb asked.

“Beg your pardon?” Azlyn replied.

“You know, the meaning of your name. Everyone’s name means something. I do not know about the human realm, but in the demon realm you are often given your name for a reason.” Zareb informed her.

“I do not know much about the human realm either.” Azlyn interjected.

“Oh, so you are a second generation then, huh? Then your name definitely carries a meaning. For example, Zareb means ‘guardian’ and my friend who we are on our way to meet is Blaz and his name means ‘unwavering protector.’ Do you know yours?” Zareb continued.

“No. I don’t think that I do. Someone may have told me once, but I do not remember.” Azlyn answered.

“I’ll look into it and find out for you. That’s one of my hobbies. I like names!” Zareb declared.

Azlyn giggled.

“I like you, Zareb. You are different from the others.” Azlyn paused, realizing that she may have just errored. “I hope that you do not take that in offense.”

Zareb stopped and carefully checked their surroundings. Once he was sure that no one was watching them. He bowed to Azlyn; his long, dark, shaggy hair falling in front of his face.

“Offense, never! Why, my dear Azlyn, that has to be the kindest thing that anyone has ever said about me!”

Zareb then straightened himself, smoothing back his hair, and presented Azlyn with a huge, toothy smile. Azlyn could not help, but giggle again.

They continued on with their journey. When, suddenly, Azlyn’s curiosity got the better of her. She was not aware that names had such power here and she began to wonder.

“So, you like names?” Azlyn asked, casually.

“Yes, ma’am. I think it’s fascinating how much someone’s name can reveal about that being or, at least, what their parents expected of them.” Zareb joked.

“Do you know the meaning behind the names of lots of beings?” Azlyn pursued her curiosity further.

“Oh yes. I’ve been collecting name meanings since I was very young. I know the meaning of almost everyone’s name in and around the castle.” Zareb said proudly.

“Even the royal family?” Azlyn tried desperately not to sound too eager as she asked this.

“Of course. They have excellent names. Let’s see here. I believe that Chesed means ‘devil.’ Mara means ‘bitter.’ Gedeon and Hadeon both mean the same thing, ‘destroyer.’ What a surprise that the Queen would name her twin sons with rhyming names that contain the same meaning.”

Zareb rolled his eyes and Azlyn giggled again. Then he continued…


Azlyn’s air caught in her throat and her heart skipped a beat at the sound of Reve’s name. She tried to contain her excitement. She did not know why she was so eager to know anyway. It was probably something awful like his father and older brothers.

“Reve means dream, if I remember correctly. Then last, but not least, Kane means warrior or intelligent, though the latter seems to be more fitting of Prince Kane.” Zareb mused.

“Wait…Reve means dream?” Azlyn asked, stunned.

“Yep.” Zareb shrugged.


“Why what?”

“Why such a beautiful name surrounded by names with such dark meanings?”

“There is a legend that says the queen picked that name because a seer had a dream about who Prince Reve was to become. Supposedly, he is going to do great things for this realm, but the seer was vague, and no one knows exactly what that is going to be. He is not meant to be king, so I am unsure of what influence he could really have, other than militarily of course; he is a brilliant military leader. Anyway, supposedly, Queen Mara chose to name him for this dream.” Zareb explained.

Azlyn thought about this as she and Zareb walked the rest of the way in silence.

Once they arrived at the stables, Zareb was anxious to introduce Azlyn to his friend, Blaz. He grabbed her arm and gently led her into the stables behind him.

“Blaz! Blaz, where are you?!” Zareb called out. “I have someone that I want you to meet!”

Suddenly, a handsome young man with sandy brown hair came out from inside one of the stalls. He strolled over to them, wiping his hand on a rag as he went.

“Hey! Zareb, it has been a bit! How are you, my friend?” Blaz answered, enthusiastically.

Zareb and Blaz embraced in a swift hug, surprising Azlyn further. Azlyn had, quickly, realized that Zareb did not treat the humans like other demons did during the short time that she had known him. However, here he was, openly embracing a human and speaking with him like old friends. This was a level of demon kindness that Azlyn did not know existed.

“I am sorry that it has been so long. You know that I have been very busy with my duties, as I am sure you have as well. Not to mention, it is really only safe to be friendly like this when only the two younger princes are around. The rest of the royals would have my head for being so friendly with a slave.” Zareb explained.

“There is no need to explain, my friend. I am just happy to have you here now.” Blaz paused as he turned to Azlyn. “And who is this lovely young thing that you brought with you?”

Blaz shot Azlyn a sly smile and winked at her. Azlyn felt her cheeks growing red as he looked her over.

“Ah, this is my new friend. Her name is Azlyn. She is the new personal slave to Prince Reve. She is also a second-generation slave, just like you.” Zareb introduced her.

“Well, aren’t you lucky. Prince Reve is certainly one of the nicest royals. It is good to meet you, Azlyn. I am Blaz.”

Blaz extended his hand and Azlyn extended her own, expecting a handshake. However, he quickly turned her hand and placed a kiss on the back of it just above her knuckles.

“I hope that we can become friends.” Blaz said winking at her, his hand still holding hers.

“Forgive Blaz. He is a bit of a flirt.” Zareb apologized.

“Can I have my hand back?” Azlyn asked, nervously.

“Yes. Why don’t you give the lady back her hand and fetch my horse for me?” A voice commanded, sternly, from behind Azlyn.

Azlyn turned to see Prince Reve and was relieved that he was there. For some reason, Blaz was making her feel a little uneasy, he did not seem threatening, but something about his demeanor made her uncomfortable. Prince Reve’s presence definitely broke the tension in the room a bit by replacing it with a whole new one.

“Azlyn, I see that you found your way here.” Prince Reve said as he approached.

Blaz, quickly, dropped Azlyn’s hand and ran off toward the other end of the stables.

“Yes, master. Thanks to the kind assistance of this guard. If not for him, I may have never found my way.”

Azlyn wanted to make sure that Zareb was recognized for his assistance in her plight. If the prince was grateful, then this might work out to Zareb’s benefit in some small way.

Suddenly, Prince Reve’s eyes darkened as he narrowed them, sharply. The horns on his head began to extend slightly, as he crossed his arms and a scowl spread across his face. Prince Reve stared directly at Zareb and emitted a low, barely audible growl. However, it was evident to Azlyn that Zareb heard it loud and clear.

Zareb was completely surprised by this; this was a primal reaction all demons had when it came to claiming their mate. Was Prince Reve claiming Azlyn? It could not be; Prince Reve is a demon of royal blood and Azlyn was a human slave. Was he even aware of what he was doing? As per tradition, Zareb immediately lifted both his hands, exposing his palms, and bowed to Prince Reve; signifying his submission to the prince’s claim. This would allow the prince to calm, knowing that Zareb had no intentions toward his prospective mate.

Prince Reve took in a deep breath and his face calmed. He, too, was surprised by the reaction he had just experienced. Why was he challenging this guard as if Azlyn was his mate? This was highly embarrassing, and Reve knew that he would need to spend more time analyzing this.

Prince Reve quickly grabbed his riding clothes from Azlyn and ducked into the nearest stall. He knew that he needed to control himself. He was a prince, after all, he could not go chasing after some slave. Regardless of how beautiful she may be or how amazing her touch felt. He emerged from the stall, determined to simply hand Azlyn his clothes and then ride away on his horse.

Prince Reve’s plans were quickly changed when he saw that Blaz had returned with his horse and had proceeded to continue flirting with Azlyn. Zareb cleared his throat as Prince Reve approached, attempting to casually warn Blaz that his flirting was not a good idea.

Prince Reve tossed his fine suit onto the ground of the stable. Then without a second thought or a word of warning, he scooped Azlyn up, placing one arm beneath her knees and one behind her back. He carried her to his horse and tossed her onto it. Then he proceeded to jump atop it as well. He allowed Azlyn a moment to adjust herself on the horse as she, instinctively, clung to Prince Reve for dear life. Then with a snap of the harness, they took off. Leaving a bewildered Blaz and Zareb behind them.

“Have you ever seen anything like that? Since when am I not allowed to flirt with another slave?” Blaz asked, baffled.

“I don’t think that he wants you flirting with his human.” Zareb responded.

“What do you think that was all about?” Blaz questioned.

“I have no idea, but for Azlyn’s safety, I do not think that we should tell anyone. I don’t think this information would be well received.” Zareb suggested.

“I agree. That situation was…different.” Blaz offered.

Blaz grew uncharacteristically silent for a moment and looked as though he was deep in thought. Zareb observed him for a time, but then decided to interrupt his focus.

“What are you thinking about, Blaz?”

“Nothing much.”

“Doesn’t seem like it’s ‘nothing much’ to me.” Zareb persisted.

“Well, I was just thinking that it is too bad that it looks like Prince Reve wants to claim Azlyn. She’s awfully beautiful.” Blaz said with a twinkle in his eye.

“I know that look, Blaz. I think you should stop thinking whatever it is that you are thinking. If the prince has claimed her for some reason, then you need to leave her be.” Zareb instructed.

“I wonder if she wants to be claimed by Prince Reve. Maybe she’s not interested in him.” Blaz continued.

“You are not listening to a word I am saying, are you?” Zareb realized.

Meanwhile, Prince Reve rode them deep into the forest as quickly as he could force his horse to go. Azlyn had her arms wrapped around the prince and her face was pressed against his chest. She knew this was inappropriate behavior, but she was also frightened. She did not know what Prince Reve was doing or why she was on this horse. She had never been on a horse before and they were moving incredibly fast.

When they finally arrived at a clearing in the forest, that Prince Reve felt was far enough away from the castle, he slowed the horse to a stop. He immediately jumped down off the horse and turned to offer Azlyn assistance in her dismount as well. After he helped her down, he knew that his actions required some sort of explanation.

“I am sorry if I scared you, Azlyn.” Prince Reve began.

“I am fine, sire. Do not…fret over…me. It was just…unexpected…was all. Not to mention…that was my first time…on a horse…master.” Azlyn was trying to control the tremble in her voice as she spoke.

Reve could have kicked himself for his carelessness. How had he let his emotions take control so easily? Why was he so possessive of this slave? What kind of hold did she have over him? Well, none of that really mattered now. All he knew was that he craved her, and he did not want anyone else to have her.

“Stop with all the masters and your highnesses. When we are alone, I would like for you to just refer to me as Reve.”

“With all due respect, that would be highly irregular, your majesty.” Azlyn responded, careful not to make eye contact.

“Everything about this is highly irregular!” Reve bellowed.

“I am sorry, sire, but I am not sure what you mean.”

Azlyn was trying her best to disregard the thoughts racing through her head. She was attempting to pretend that she had not witnessed all of the prince’s actions today. She was doing her best to ignore the fact that she, herself, felt strong and confusing emotions whenever she thought about him. Not to mention, the even more puzzling sensation that she felt when they touched.

“Never mind. It is nothing. This is just something that I would really like you to do for me, Azlyn. It makes me feel like a normal demon and my last personal slave always called me Reve in private.”

Reve attempted to justify his request and hoped that Azlyn would believe his reasoning. Truth be told, he did not know why he wanted her to call him by his name so badly. It had never bothered him to be referred to by his titles or even as ‘master’ by the other slaves, but, for some reason, he did not like it when she did it. It felt wrong that she had to address him in that way and he wanted that remedied.

“If you are sure that is what you wish, then I shall try my best to remember your request, Prince Reve.”

When Azlyn said Reve’s name, it sent shivers down his spine. He had never much cared for his name. He was often picked on when he was younger, as his name did not contain a dark or devious meaning. However, when Azlyn said it, his name became much more bearable.

“No, just Reve, please.”

“Alright, if that is your command, I will comply.” Azlyn responded.

“Say it.”


“I want to hear you say it to ensure that you are taking my request seriously.” Reve instructed.

“Of course…Reve.”

The name rolled off Azlyn’s tongue easier than she had expected. She thought that it would be strange to refer to a demon of such noble status by their first name. However, she found that it just made her feel more comfortable with Reve than she had before, and she had hardly thought that possible.

“Thank you.” Reve sighed.

Reve took in a deep breath and looked around. He knew that he should not have this conversation with Azlyn yet; he had to control himself. He needed to be more than certain about his decision if he was to pursue a relationship with her. He could not base everything on a primal, emotional response. This was a very dangerous situation; demon-human relationships were highly frowned upon and, being royalty, Reve was no ordinary demon.

“We should probably start heading back. I ran the horse hard on the way here. We will need to take it easy going back and we are a fair distance from the castle.” Reve suggested; attempting to ignore the situation and ease the tension that he was feeling.

“Alright. I shall walk as to not put your horse through further stress.” Azlyn offered.

“My horse will be fine to carry us both, he just cannot run any further.” Reve reassured her.

“Still. A horse is a very valuable animal. It is best not to push it. I suggest that I follow you as you ride the horse, to save you both the stress.”

Azlyn smiled, sincere in her offer.

“Absolutely not, Azlyn. You are not even wearing any shoes. If the horse does need rest, then I shall be the one to walk.” Reve insisted.

“I could never agree to that. You are worth far more than I.” Azlyn declared.

“You do not have much say in the matter, miss. This is an order.”

With that, Reve grabbed Azlyn and scooped her up as he had done before in the stable; except this time he was more gentle, playful even. He looked down at her in his arms and paused a moment. His eyes fell to her lips; he thought desperately about how badly he wanted to kiss her. He imagined what it would feel like to have her lips against his. But instead he shook his head, reminding himself of his station and knew that he needed to resist the temptation.

Azlyn looked up and noticed Reve staring longingly at her. There was a part of her that really wanted him to kiss her, to feel that electricity flowing from their lips; but the other part of her knew better than to give in to her desire. Demons did not get into relationships with humans. Demons used humans for their sick pleasures and then tossed them aside as soon as they were no longer desired. Azlyn did not want this to happen to her, she did not think that she could handle the heartbreak and embarrassment that it would bring. Demons were not kind or gentle when they used you.

After an intense and awkward moment, Reve lifted Azlyn and placed her gently onto the horse. Then he climbed aboard, and they began their slow ride back to the castle. They talked as they went; about simple things at first, such as favorite colors and favorite songs. But as time went on it began to get a little more personal; as they discussed their families and their pasts, mostly Reve’s as Azlyn thought it best not to talk much about herself. She still could not bring herself to trust him fully, after all, he was still a prince of the demon realm.

When they finally arrived back at the castle, the sun had begun to set. Reve felt like he knew Azlyn better than he had ever known any slave before, except Teanna, of course. Azlyn felt like she had never been closer to anyone in her life. Reve had opened up to her in way that she had never expected. He was making it harder and harder for her to deny that there was a spark between them.

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