My Demon, My Love...

Chapter Epilogue

“Oh, my darkness, that has to be one of the saddest stories that I have ever heard. Poor Penelope. Poor Dalair. Poor Umay.” Azlyn sniffed as she wiped the tears from her cheek.

“I am sorry. I know that it doesn’t have a great ending.” Reve apologized as he reached for Azlyn; pulling her in close to him.

“No, it doesn’t. Especially when you consider…” Azlyn motioned to indicate that she was referring to Reve and herself.

“You don’t have to worry about that. I would never let anything like that happen to you.” Reve assured her.

“No. Of course not. You would just keep me locked here as your pet while you force me to watch you wed another.” Azlyn shrugged, attempting to remain emotionless as she spoke.

“Azlyn, come on. You know that it is not like that. I am going to do everything in my power to ensure that I do not have to marry anyone else.” Reve promised.

“I know that you say that now, Reve. However, I am not as ignorant as you may believe. You are a prince and, eventually, you will have to marry. Your excuses will not hold up with the kingdom forever. What will you do then?”

“I don’t know, Azlyn. I am new to all this and I am doing my best to figure it all out as we go.”

“Would you ever have the guts to do what Dalair did by marrying Penelope?”

Azlyn knew that she may have pushed her luck with that question. She was certain she was not going to like his response.

“I don’t know, Az.” Reve answered, flustered. “I have never really thought about it.”

Azlyn was right; she did not like the answer.

“So, you have never thought about a future for us?” Azlyn barely contained her whimper.

“To be honest, I have not thought much beyond where we are now. I know that I love you and that I want to be with you forever. I also know the law and my responsibilities to the realm. I would be very torn. Do I want to marry you? Absolutely. Would I risk our safety or my family’s status? I do not know. This would be a tough decision for me.”

Azlyn was trying to be understanding. Nonetheless, it stung a little bit to actually hear that Reve had never considered marrying her. She had figured that was the case, but hearing the words actually come from his mouth was much harder than she would have imagined. Of course, his family’s status took precedence over their love; she should have expected as much, as wonderful as Reve may be, he was still a demon, after all.

“Azlyn, I love you more than I have ever loved anyone or anything in my entire life. You are the most important thing in all of the realms. I would do anything for you. My top priority is your safety.” Reve reassured her quietly, while he placed his hand under her chin.

“I know. This is just hard for me. I know that I am just a slave and I should just be happy with what you have offered me. I will try to stop complaining. I am sorry for appearing ungrateful for your kindness.”

Reve forced Azlyn to look up at him.

“Do not talk about yourself like that!” Reve reprimanded. “You are more than just a slave to me! You are my mate! You are slave in appearance only! I love you and only you! I will find a way for us to be together, I promise you!”

“Reve, I…”

“No, Azlyn.” Reve placed his hands on either side of her face and stared directly into her eyes. “I promise you.”

Azlyn did not need to hear anymore. She knew that his promises were, ultimately, ill-conceived. Though, it meant the world to her that he believed them in that moment. Azlyn immediately jumped into Reve’s arms and began kissing him as hard and passionately as she ever had before. Her lips hungry for his; she grew desperate to be ever closer to him. He placed his hands beneath her and he lifted slightly. She raised her legs and wrapped them around his waist. He carried her to the bed and laid her gently onto it, climbing on top her as he did so.

Azlyn reached up, placing a hand on Reve’s chest, stopping him from continuing further. Reve looked down at her with a confused expression. Azlyn smiled back up at him as she used her hand to guide him onto his back; as she slowly sat up and positioned herself over him. Reve returned a knowing smile as Azlyn climbed on top of him.

Azlyn began grinding back and forth against Reve’s crotch while he laid back and enjoyed the show. He reached up and peeled off her shirt, exposing her breasts. He let out a light moan as his pheromones released. Reve reached forward and pulled her body into him; trailing kisses from her lips to her breasts and back again. Azlyn slid her hand inside his pants and began to fondle him.

Without warning, the door to the room swung open and a beautiful, regal demoness, by the name of Duvessa, entered holding a small tray.

“Prince Reve, I was thinking that we could…” the demoness began; stopping as she scanned the scene before her.

Reve quickly grabbed the blanket next to them on the bed and threw it over he and Azlyn. Azlyn buried her face into Reve’s chest and completely froze out of sheer shock and terror. She was not sure if she should move away from him or not; although, Reve did not loosen his grip on her, as a matter of fact, he pulled her in closer to his body.

“What are you doing in here, Duvessa?!” Reve demanded.

“Well, I…uh…Lorelei wouldn’t let anyone else near you at the party, so…uh…well, I thought that…we could have some alone time…together.” Duvessa stammered.

“How did you get into my room? The door was locked!” Reve inquired.

“I bribed a guard for a key.” Duvessa admitted.

“You will give me the name of that guard, so that he can be properly punished. Now, I think that you should leave.” Reve instructed.

“What…uh…what are you doing with that slave?” Duvessa questioned.

“My business is of no concern of yours.” Reve asserted.

“I understand that, your highness. However, I happened to notice that the slave is marked. This is highly unusual; as was the tender and loving way that you appeared to be embracing her. I will not even begin to mention how she is on top of you; a sign of dominance and great disrespect. If my beliefs are correct, none of this behavior is acceptable.” Duvessa remarked.

“Close the door.” Reve commanded.

End of Book One.


Thank you for reading!

The next book in this series is My Demon, My Love...: A Slave's Redemption.

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