My Demon, My Love...: Changes of Heart

Chapter Prologue

“Reve…” Azlyn called for him.

Reve looked up and could see Azlyn reaching out to him. She stood directly in front of the portal. They had made it; they were going to get out of here. They could start their life together, free from the torment of this realm. Reve reached down and snatched Azlyn’s bracelet from Jacan’s cold fingers. He stood up and gave a sigh of relief as he felt himself beginning to revert to his regular form.

“Come on, baby. Let’s get out of here.” Azlyn stated with a smile.

Then out of the corner of his eye, Reve saw movement. Something or someone was coming, and they were doing so at great speed.

“Az, run!” Reve cried as began to pick up his own pace.

Nonetheless, Reve was too late. A demon guard by the name of Xun, who was known for his incredible speed, had appeared from the forest. He rushed upon Azlyn and just as Reve reached the portal, Azlyn was forced inside. Their fingers missing by mere inches as Reve reached out for her.

“Azlyn!!!!” Reve roared.

“Reve!!!!” Azlyn cried, as the fog enveloped her and dragged her deeper into the void.

But there was nothing that Reve could do. There was nothing that anyone could do. Azlyn had gone through the portal alone and without her bracelet. Reve knew that she never could have survived.

In his rage and despair, Reve grabbed hold of Xun. He growled, deeply, as he forced Xun to his knees.

“You have murdered my wife!!!!”

He grabbed hold of either side of Xun’s head and began to twist until he heard a pop. Xun’s body slumped to the ground and thick, black blood flowed all over Reve as he held Xun’s head, high above his own. However, Xun’s murder did nothing to satisfy Reve’s grief.

Reve merely tossed the head aside and fell to his knees, staring into the portal. Large, warm tears began to fill up his eyes and fall down his cheeks. His heart shattered inside his body and he knew that there was nothing, in all the realms, that would ever make it whole again.

Reve looked down at Azlyn’s bracelet, which lay on the ground near his knees. He picked it up and ran his fingers over the delicate craftsmanship. If only she had been wearing the bracelet still, then everything would be different. If only he had reached her in time, his touch could have saved her.

Reve’s thoughts were disturbed by the sound of rustling in the bushes. However, he did not care to face whomever it was that approached him. He was too broken now; everything that he had lived for was gone.

“Ah, brother…” A voice sighed behind him.

Reve, immediately, recognized the voice. How could he not? He had come to know it well.

“Gedeon. I should have known that you were involved in this.” Reve sneered.

“Well, I could not just let you leave, brother. Not when there is so much at stake for the kingdom now.”

“So, you ordered the murder of my wife?! To save your precious kingdom?!” Reve demanded, rising to his feet.

“This infatuation of yours had gone on long enough, Reve. Someone had to put it to an end! I did what I had to do to keep you here, in this realm, where you belong!” Gedeon snapped.

“Why did it matter?! You could have just let me go. I am insignificant to you! You’d do just fine without me.”

“No, Reve, that is where you are wrong. With everything that has happened over the last few days…” Gedeon sighed before continuing. “I have realized just how important, to my reign, that you really are.”

Reve was confused by Gedeon’s words. He had never acted this kindly towards Reve and he knew that these words were not drawn from guilt over Azlyn’s death. Something was different about Gedeon, something had changed.

“What happened?”

Gedeon took a deep breath.

“It is father, Reve. It does not look like he will be with us much longer.”

“Why?! He was fine just a few days ago.”

“Yes. His health took an unexpected turn for the worst. I suspect sabotage.” Gedeon stepped forward as he spoke his next words, earnestly. “I need you Reve. You are one of the few that I can trust. Forget about the human realm, now that Azlyn is gone, there is nothing there for you.”

Reve hated Gedeon more than he had ever hated anyone in that moment. He had not wanted to hear the things that he had to say, and he certainly did not want to help him become king. He would make him pay for what he had done, but not now, he would wait for the perfect time. Nonetheless, he could not help but admit that there was some truth in Gedeon’s words. There was nothing for him anywhere now. Without Azlyn he had no reason to go to the human realm.

Without Azlyn, he had no reason to care about anyone or anything. Without Azlyn, life had no meaning; he did not care if he lived or died. The Reve who had existed before Azlyn, the Reve who had fallen in love with her, the Reve who had loved Azlyn more than life itself; died alongside her that day. A new, more vicious Reve emerged in his place. A Reve who could function as the perfect soldier with nothing but blind hatred burning in his eyes.

“Come on, brother. Enough with this nonsense. Let’s return home.”

Reve stared into the portal one more time, longing to see Azlyn emerge from it. He knew this was impossible. His heart hurt too much to hang onto a wish or dream that she was alive somewhere. For his own sanity, he had to block it out. He had to numb himself against thoughts of her having survived. There was absolutely no way that she would have lived, and false hope would do him very little good.

With a heavy heart, Reve tossed Azlyn’s bracelet into the portal. Holding on to his last failed attempt to protect her would just bring back too many memories. Memories of that last beautiful night together. Memories of how he had given every part of himself to guarantee her life.

Reve turned, walking away from the portal and followed Gedeon back home.

Meanwhile, Azlyn opened her eyes as her body made contact with the hard ground. She sat still, in complete disbelief, afraid to move. Had she made it? Was she really alright? The wind played with her hair as it weaved through the trees; she took in a deep breath and scanned her surroundings. She was alive; she did not how, but she had survived the portal.

“Azlyn?” An unknown voice called out to her.

Azlyn turned and faced the being whom had approached.

“Yes…” Azlyn responded, warily.

“I’m glad to see you made it. I am Dalair. Welcome to the human realm.”

End of Book Two.

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