My Demon, My Love...: Changes of Heart

Chapter Impossible to Deny pt. 2

Reve made his way down to the dungeons. He was not certain which cell Azlyn had been locked in, so he enlisted the help of one of the guards. Once they found her, he stood in the doorway, staring at her through the little window for several minutes. He could barely see her in the darkness, but what he did see, pulled at his heart. This was all his fault. His rashness had brought this pain upon her. The person that he had never wanted to harm, and he had been the one to put her in this awful place. He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. He wanted to enter the cell with a clear head, so he corrected himself. He would do the best that he could to keep this interaction professional and emotionless.

“Open the cell door.” Reve instructed the guard.

“Yes, sire. Of course.” The guard answered, fumbling with his keys until he discovered the correct one.

The door swung open and Azlyn looked up, seeing Reve standing in the open doorway. He flicked on the light switch, which sat just outside the cell; blinding Azlyn and causing her to cower from the light.

“That is all for now. I will call you when I need you to lock the door again.” Reve informed the guard.

“Yes, your majesty.” The guard responded with a bow before walking away.

Reve stepped inside of the cell and leaned the door shut. He stared down at Azlyn, who sat huddled in the corner, her knees pressed up against her chest. She had clearly been crying and she was clutching something to her. Reve studied her for a moment, silently.

Azlyn stood up slowly to face him, tucking Hunter’s photos into her pocket as she did so. Azlyn did not know if Reve was worthy of seeing their beautiful daughter. He had not proven himself to be the kind of demon that they needed him to be, so why should Azlyn share something so precious? All Azlyn needed from Reve now was to be released from this prison, so that she might continue her search for Hunter without his aid.

“What did you do with Blaz?” Azlyn demanded, trying to keep her emotions under control.

“Blaz is fine.” Reve assured Azlyn. “I used the trick that you taught me; just enough to make it appear that he had been properly punished.”

“You whipped him?” Azlyn questioned, angrily.

“Yes, three on each shoulder.”

“That is all?”

“Yes. I promise.”

Azlyn breathed a sigh of relief. There was a shred of the old Reve still left inside of this demon, somewhere.

“Your promises don’t seem to mean much anymore.”

“What is that supposed to mean?!” Reve was taken aback by the accusation.

“I think that you know exactly what it means. Who is Emilie? Your new personal slave?” Azlyn sneered.

“Emilie is no one. She belongs to Gedeon, not myself. I merely said that to get a reaction out of you.”

“Yeah, sure. Like I am supposed to believe that.” Azlyn replied, rolling her eyes.

“You can believe whatever you’d like. I am stating the truth, either way. I have remained devoted to you, even when I believed you to be deceased.”


“Why, what?” Reve was surprised by this question. That had not been the response that he was expecting.

“Why would you remain loyal to me?”

“Because…” Reve began, hesitantly. “Because I could not picture myself with anyone else. The idea made me sick and angry. You are…you are…you…”

Reve could not hold himself back any longer. He had desired this moment so desperately for far too long. His need for Azlyn overwhelmed his senses and he could not hold onto the façade any longer. Reve rushed forward and pinned Azlyn against the wall. He snaked one hand onto the back of her head, intertwining his fingers with her hair. His other arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her into him. She fit against his body just as well as he had remembered.

Reve proceeded to pull Azlyn into a kiss; soft and gentle at first but growing more intense and passionate by the moment. There it was…the electricity that he was looking for; the desire that he had longed to feel. He pulled her into him, closer, not even an inch of space between them now. He wanted to drink her in, all of her. He was an addict, she his drug; for the first time in years, he was relapsing, and he could not get enough.

At first, Azlyn wanted to struggle against Reve’s advances. She was still furious with him for how he had behaved in the stables and for the fact that she was currently locked in this cell. Despite her best intentions, she melted into him the moment that his lips touched hers; she had longed for this sensation. She tossed her arms around Reve’s neck and held on, tightly. Her legs, as if willed by a mind of their own, wrapped around Reve’s waist. Reve moving his hand from her back to under her buttocks, supporting her.

They groped at each other greedily. Reve trailing kisses down Azlyn’s neck, then back up to her lips. Azlyn, involuntarily, let a slight moan escape from her mouth. This only excited Reve further; Azlyn could feel his muscles tense. His horns began to elongate, and his demon-hood stiffened as his pheromones were released; Azlyn knew this scent well, the forest after rain.

Azlyn reached up and grabbed onto one of his horns, as she had done their very first night together, spurring him deeper into the kiss. Azlyn lowered her legs and took the opportunity to shimmy her pants to the ground; she knew that if it were left to Reve, he would simply tear them off, likely destroying them, and she did not want to risk Hunter’s photos being ruined in the process. Reve took this as a signal and undid his own pants and shirt. He noticed that Azlyn had not yet removed her top and he took the opportunity to rip it off her, shredding it to pieces, as was his way.

Reve stepped back for a moment, eyeing Azlyn’s nude body; he stared her up and down, greedily, taking in every inch of her. He had almost forgotten how truly beautiful she was. In mere moments, he was on top of her again, he lifted her up supporting her with his hands beneath her butt and pinned her back against the wall. He slid himself inside of her and she cried out in pleasure.

This was the moment that they had both longed for, to be together again, fully together. To feel that sensation that sparked only when it was the two of them touching. For this reason and so many more, neither of them could ever be with another. This fire inside danced only when the other was near.

Azlyn’s nails scratched down Reve’s back as their bodies moved in rhythm. They made love for hours, feeling the need to make up for lost time. Each begging the other to continue onward, despite their growing fatigue. Until finally, they collapsed on the cold cell floor, wrapped in each other’s arms, completely exhausted.

Sometime later, Azlyn awoke with the realization of what she had just done. The guilt was overwhelming, when she should have been focusing on convincing Reve to help her to look for their daughter; she instead allowed her elation at seeing him again to cloud her senses. She should not have been enjoying herself when her child was in danger. The tears began streaming down her face as she chastised herself for being such a terrible mother. Her love and desire for Reve should have never overcome the seriousness of Hunter’s situation. How could she have done this?

Reve awoke moments later to the sounds of Azlyn’s quiet sobs. He sat up and reached out to her, wrapping her in his arms and smoothing her hair. He needed to get her out of here; he needed to get her away from his brothers. She would never be safe here. He had to figure this out and play it as smart as possible. Now that he had her back, he had no intentions of letting her go again.

“Az, what’s wrong? Aren’t you happy to be together?”

Reve reached for Azlyn’s chin and tilted her head to encourage her to look into his eyes.

“Of course, I am happy to be together again.” Azlyn assured him. “I just feel guilty for being happy.”

“Why?!” Reve was surprised by this revelation. “What is there to feel guilty about?”

“Reve…the most terrible thing has happened! We have to do something!” Azlyn blurted out, terrified.

“What has happened? What is wrong?”

“Hunter has been kidnapped! We must act quickly! We have to save her!”

“Who is Hunter?” Reve demanded, forgetting for the moment that Umay had told him the name of Azlyn’s child. In the excitement of being with Azlyn again, Reve had completely forgotten about the issue of her daughter.

“Our…daughter…Hunter Cinnia Reidar.” Azlyn answered, hesitantly, sensing the sudden tenseness in Reve’s voice.

Reve’s anger when Umay had initially informed him about Azlyn’s child, immediately, returned. He clenched his fists, his muscles tensed, his nostrils flared, and his horns began to extend. He quickly turned and punched the wall to keep from lashing out at Azlyn; leaving a deep imprint as the concrete crumpled around his fist. How dare she give the child of some random, worthless demon the name of his clan!

“How could you give that CREATURE my family’s name? I will not have my name on some inferior demon’s offspring.” Reve grunted through gritted teeth.

“What?!” Azlyn responded with surprise.

Azlyn had expected that Reve would be upset that she had failed in keeping their daughter safe. However, she had not prepared herself for the possibility of his anger being directed at the denying of Hunter rather than her failure as a protector.

“It is NOT possible that I have a daughter.”

“How is it not possible? I have a daughter, so clearly, you have a daughter!” Azlyn charged.

“I am not doubting that YOU have a daughter. Umay told me about her. It is how you survived the portal, I know that.” Reve sighed. “I am merely saying that I am not the father.”

Azlyn had wondered if Umay had talked to him yet or not; now she had her answer. Umay had probably decided not to rush to deliver the bad news to Azlyn; gauging his current reaction, he probably had the same one with Umay or worse. Azlyn could not blame Umay for not wanting to be the bearer of bad news, she would not want to have done it either. Or, perhaps, Umay believed that Reve would come around if she gave him some time. Umay’s reasoning really did not matter much. What truly mattered was that Reve was denying their child when she needed him the most.

“What do you mean that you are not the father?! Of course, you are her father! There is no doubt, it can be no one else!” Azlyn asserted.

Azlyn ran over to where her pants lay, tossed aside on the floor. She fished the pictures out of her pocket and shoved them in Reve’s face.

“Look at her! Look at her and tell me that she is not yours!” Azlyn demanded, tears beginning to fall down her cheeks. “She is the spitting image of you! She looks more like you than she does me!”

Reve brushed Azlyn’s arm aside without so much as a glance at the photographs in her hand.

“Be that as it may…” Reve replied, as casually as he could manage, struggling to contain his own emotions. “There has never been a demoness born throughout the entire history of the royal bloodline. My father had all sons, as did his brothers. My father’s father had all sons. My father’s father’s father had all sons and on like that through the centuries. You expect me to believe that I am the first, EVER, in my entire family lineage, to have a daughter?!”

Azlyn sat in stunned silence for a moment. She was deeply hurt at Reve’s accusation that Hunter could be anyone’s but his. She had not laid with another since before meeting him, Reve was the only one that she had ever desired. He was the only being, in her entire life, that she had given herself to, willingly. He knew these things about her, yet, he still had the audacity to accuse her of having another demon’s child. Azlyn took a few moments to compose herself, as she did so a thought occurred, she looked up at Reve and asked…

“Has any member of the royal bloodline ever had a child with a human before?”

Reve was taken aback by this question, Umay had asked him the same thing. Of course, no other member of the royal family would have produced a child with a human and if they did, they certainly made sure that no one ever found out about it. Maybe this anomaly did have something to do with the fact that Azlyn is a human. Nonetheless, it was too minute a possibility for Reve to base everything off of. He needed more time to think, he was growing increasingly frustrated being trapped in this cramped cell. He needed to get out of there, he needed to get some fresh air; he needed time without Azlyn clouding his thoughts.

“No. Of course not.” Reve answered. “However, that does not change anything. I do not see how one tiny factor could change centuries of genetic heritage so drastically.”

“Being half-human is not a tiny factor!” Azlyn asserted. “Who knows what kind of effects that had on your precious royal bloodline!” Azlyn took the photos of Hunter and shoved them into Reve’s hands. “I refuse to allow you to do this! I refuse to allow you to turn your back on her without so much as glance into her face! Look at her! Look at her and try to tell me that she isn’t yours!”

Reve conceded and looked down at the pictures that he held. The images before him were filled with the happiest, most beautiful little demoness that Reve had ever seen. Reve could not deny that the child looked remarkably like him; he had to admit she was hard for him to deny.

A hint of a smile crept across Reve’s face as he looked through the photos. Azlyn saw this and allowed it to give her hope. Maybe now that Reve had seen Hunter with his own eyes, he would no longer be able to insist that she could not possibly be his child. Now they could get somewhere; then someone with connections could begin the search for Hunter.

While Reve could not deny the similarities between himself and Hunter; he was still having a hard time wrapping his head around the fact that she was a demoness. Not to mention, she was a half-breed, keeping Azlyn alive had always proved hard enough. Adding a half-breed child to the situation was more than Reve could handle, at the moment.

Currently, Reve was angry and confused. He still was unsure how to feel about the child. He was not certain how or if he could help Azlyn. He was overwhelmed by emotions and feelings which he had blocked from his mind for almost two years. Normally, he would reach out to Azlyn to help calm him down. However, this time, she was part of the problem. He needed to get away from here and take time to clear his head.

“You have a beautiful child, Azlyn.” Reve sighed.

“We…WE…have a beautiful child, Reve. She needs you now more than she ever has before. She is in danger and we have to help her!”

Reve grew silent for a few more moments; Azlyn shuffled, nervously, uncertain why Reve was being stubborn about this. Why was it so important to him that Hunter not be his? Azlyn had always assumed that he would be happy about their child, she was a product of their love. She had envisioned telling him about Hunter many times; never once had she ever considered that he would question the paternity.

“I cannot be a part of this, Azlyn.” Reve finally spoke. “Life is hard enough right now. I cannot be distracted from my duties by you and some other demon’s child.”

“Reve, you can clearly see that she is yours! She is somewhere in this realm! Who knows what they are doing to her! Please, Reve, she is your daughter!”

“All that I clearly see is that you have a type. Obviously, the demon whom fathered this baby is similar in appearance to me. Why do you not turn to him for help in searching for his child?” Reve dug in his heels, even he was becoming unsure of why he was digging in so hard on this issue.

“When did I have this supposed affair, Reve?! I was with you all the time!” Azlyn demanded.

“I don’t have time for this nonsense. I should have known better than to come here!” Reve snapped.

With that, Reve tossed the photos at Azlyn, allowing them to scatter to the floor. He picked up his jacket and tossed it on, buttoning it shut.

“Keep my shirt for now. I do not want you distracting the guards with your nudity.” Reve sneered before turning and exiting the cell.

Reve slammed the door shut and turned out the lights on Azlyn. He stared at her, coldly, through the window in doorway watching as she scrambled to recover the photos. He called the guard over and had him lock the door. Then he stormed away. He was being pulled in different directions; he wanted to help Azlyn and he had a hard time turning his back on a child in need, regardless of whether or not she was his. His emotions were out of control and he still was not feeling entirely himself. His heart told him to do the right thing and his head told him to keep being angry. He was torn as to which to follow; the old, caring Reve or the ruthless, new Reve.

Azlyn gathered up all the pictures and made sure that they were safe. Even though she was reluctant to do so, she scooped up Reve’s shirt and slipped herself inside of it. It was better than being around all these uncontrolled demons with her breasts exposed and no one to protect her. She slid her pants back on and crawled back to the corner that she had previously slept in. She began to bawl, uncontrollably, tears streaming down her face. How could Reve do this to her? More importantly, how could he do this to Hunter? How could he leave them when they needed him so badly?

What Azlyn had not yet realized, was that one of the photos that she had brought with her was now missing. Reve had, skillfully, tucked his favorite of the pictures into the sleeve of his jacket just after throwing the other’s at Azlyn. He walked to his room and locked the door once he was inside. He took the picture out and laid back on his bed, staring at it.

The photograph was of Hunter hugging Azlyn tightly around the neck as Azlyn gave Hunter a kiss on the cheek. Hunter had a great big smile on her face and Azlyn looked so happy. Reve placed the photo next to him on the bed, propping it up with the pillow, so that he could look at it while laying down. A smile crept across his face as he stared at the picture. He found that he could not keep himself from wondering what Hunter was like.

Whether this little demoness was or was not his, she was a piece of Azlyn, and she needed help. Reve sighed.

“Don’t worry, Hunter. I will find you. I will return you to your mother.”

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