My Demon, My Love...: Changes of Heart

Chapter A Heinous Betrayal

Reve tossed and turned in his bed, making an attempt at a fitful sleep. He found it impossible to relax; Azlyn was locked in a dungeon with her life constantly at risk. Not to mention, the untold dangers that his daughter may be facing at the hands of unknown demons. He desperately wanted to jump out of bed and begin tearing apart the realm, piece by piece. He would burn the entire place to the ground if necessary; whatever it took to find Hunter and free Azlyn.

Reve was growing tired of relying on others to protect his family. He was feeling powerless and useless; he hated every moment of it. He was about to give up on any more attempts at a restful sleep. He knew that he needed to have full energy for what may come, but it did not make it any easier for him to relax.

Reve’s thoughts were interrupted by a sudden knock on his door. He pushed himself out of the bed and went to unlock his door. He noted that it was much easier to make his way through his room since he had allowed Nissa to have the broken furniture removed. He decided that he would have to allow the room to be cleared out more often after his destructive outbursts.

“Who is there?” Reve asked before agreeing to open the door.

“It’s Kane and Dalair.” Kane’s voice could be clearly heard from the other side of the doorway. “Reve open up! We have important information!”

Kane had an air of panic in his voice which, immediately, drew Reve’s attention. He swung the door open without hesitation and stepped back to allow them to enter. Once inside, they closed door and bolted it shut. Dalair quickly scanned the room; assessing the situation.

“What is it? What have you found?” Reve demanded.

“Well…” Kane began.

“Excuse me, but I believe that we should continue this conversation in the bathroom.” Dalair cautioned.

Kane nodded his head in understanding; agreeing with Dalair’s evaluation.

“What? Why?”

“Given the certain level of sensitivity regarding the information that we have to share, I think it would be best to ensure that we cannot be overheard.” Dalair explained.

“No one should be able to hear anything unless I am breaking furniture against the walls. This room is quite soundproof.” Reve claimed.

“I believe that you and Azlyn proved that to be false on many occasions.” Kane teased with a chuckle.

Reve sighed. Flashes of happier times with Azlyn began to play through his mind. He glanced towards the bed, momentarily, as he wished that he had just followed his instincts, years ago, to lock himself and Azlyn into this room for the rest of their lives. Though that would have hardly been fair to either of them; especially, if Hunter had still arrived. No, it would not have been a perfect answer either, but then maybe he would not have lost her. Maybe he would have been by her side as Hunter was born. Maybe Hunter would have never been taken. Reve quickly shook his head; now was not the time for what ifs. Now he needed to focus on repairing what had already been broken.

“If you believe it to be important enough to enclose ourselves further, then that is what we will do.” Reve announced as he began walking towards the bathroom door.

Kane and Dalair followed quickly behind him. Knowing full-well that they may not want to be locked in an even smaller room with Reve when they told him their news. They just had to hope that he would not become so consumed with rage that he took his anger out on anyone that he could get his hands on. Kane knew that he had become unpredictable during Azlyn’s absence and he was uncertain if her presence had done anything to right the situation.

After they entered the bathroom, Kane closed the door and locked it. Dalair peeked his head into the shower and turned it on full blast.

“Better safe than sorry.” Dalair muttered with a shrug.

Kane took in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

Reve watched them closely, his eyes beginning to pierce into them, trying to decipher the gravity of their news from their emotions. He began to grow frustrated as they both hesitated to get on with their reason for coming.

“Tell me what it is that you have come to say. You have been searching for information about my daughter. I have little patience when it comes to this particular topic.” Reve growled through gritted teeth.

“We have discovered word of Hunter’s last known location.” Dalair began.

“What is it?! Where is she?! What are we waiting for? Let’s go!” Reve was elated to hear this news. He finally had something to go off of; he was finally getting some answers.

“Do you remember a guard by the name of Daegal?” Kane inquired of Reve.

Fire danced in Reve’s eyes and his nostrils flared as his memory of Daegal returned to his mind. Reve had beaten Daegal within an inch of his life when he found him and another guard attempting to rape Azlyn in the slave showers; the very last time that Azlyn was permitted to use those showers. Reve did not even want to think of what might have occurred had he not intervened. His blood began to boil at the thought that this sorry excuse for a demon may have had his filthy claws on their daughter.

“Of course, I remember Daegal.” Reve snarled. “The image of him and Jacan as they attempted to defile Azlyn will be forever burned into my brain.”

“Well…you will not like this either, but…Daegal was seen traveling through the realm with a strange-looking child. He was overheard boasting that he was headed to the castle to be reinstated in the royal guard.” Dalair informed Reve.

Reve snickered, scornfully, at the suggestion.

“I would never allow such a thing.”

“I know that you wouldn’t…” Kane paused, taking in a deep breath before continuing. “Word on the street is that he intended to go over your head by meeting directly with the king.”

“Gedeon.” Reve hissed, clenching his jaw as his hands balled into fists.

Reve had suspected that Gedeon knew more about Hunter than he had been letting on. Gedeon had crossed many lines before; Reve had very seriously considered killing him when he had found Gedeon and Hadeon attacking Azlyn. But kidnapping his daughter, that was a new low that Reve could never look past. Reve had hoped that Gedeon would not be involved in something so heinous; this was new low. Brother or not, Gedeon would have to pay for this.

It was bad enough, unforgivable even, that Gedeon had threatened Reve’s wife on more than one occasion; hell, if Azlyn had not been pregnant then Gedeon would have been responsible for the order that would have led to her death. Reve had fantasized about killing Gedeon so many times since the day that Azlyn had fallen through the portal. Now that Reve had to worry about the safety of his daughter as well. There would be no more hesitation. As soon as Hunter was safe, Gedeon would die.

“Where is she?” Reve commanded, looking from one face to another, waiting for an answer.

“Her trail ends here, at the castle.” Kane breathed.

“WHERE IS SHE?” Reve demanded his voice growing deeper and more serious as he spoke.

He wanted a more specific answer to his daughter’s whereabouts. If she was on the palace grounds, then he needed to know where exactly. The castle was vast, and their estate was sprawling with several villas dotted throughout. That was if Gedeon had not already smuggled Hunter off of the grounds.

“We do not know.” Dalair finally admitted.

The words hung in the air like a thick blanket over their heads. A darkness set in as the energy shifted to that of a murderous nature. Reve did not attempt to hide his change as his body began to grow primal. He knew that his brothers would be no match for him, and he did not fear Gedeon’s title as others did. If he attacked quickly then the guards would be too confused to react; uncertain of where their loyalties should lie. Gedeon may have been their king, but Reve was their leader; many would take a moment to consider allegiance before joining the attack.

“Out of my way.” Reve grumbled as he prepared to leave the bathroom.

“Wait a moment, Reve. Shouldn’t we have a plan first? We don’t know exactly where Hunter is, and they have Azlyn in the dungeons. If we go to rescue one, then we may be risking the life of the other.” Dalair reasoned.

These words reached Reve even through his primal-state. He could not risk the life of his wife for that of his daughter; even though he was certain that was what Azlyn would wish. If there was any chance that he could save them both then that is what he would have to do.

“What do you suggest?”

“I suggest that you calm down and use that brilliant mind of yours. How would you handle this if it was a military operation?” Dalair suggested.

“Reve, you are one of the greatest military strategists that this realm has ever seen. Use your logic, not just your strength. Take a moment to consider what we have available to us and what we are up against. Our advantages may be few, but let’s use what we have to save both, Azlyn and Hunter, without putting the other at risk.” Kane argued.

Reve knew that they were correct. They did not have much going for them, but they needed to use what they did have to try and get both of them to safety. Reve took in several deep breaths and let them out slowly, calming himself down. Gedeon’s time would come, it just would not be now.

“Soon, brother, soon…” Reve allowed himself one final murderous thought before returning to his normal-state.

The three demons talked late into the night about their plans to release Azlyn from the dungeons and, subsequently, rescue Hunter from Gedeon’s clutches. They went back and forth; covering all their options. They formulated a multitude of schemes to cover a variety of situations. They wanted to be prepared for every possible outcome; no consideration was too small, and no circumstance was too unlikely for consideration.

“You realize that this could lead to a war?”

Reve’s eyes narrowed and that all too familiar fire began to dance within them as a dangerous smirk spread across his face.

“Then let war come.”

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