My Demon, My Love... - A Slave's Redemption

Chapter Usually the Past is Best Left Buried

Lord Sheber answered the door and immediately embraced Reve; throwing his arms around Reve’s shoulders, pulling him in for a tight hug.

“Ah! My prince! It has been too long! What a pleasant surprise!” Sheber declared as he released Reve from his grasp.

“Sheber, my friend, it is good to see you! I am sorry that I have arrived with no notice, this was a last-minute trip. I was hoping that you might be able to lodge myself and my personal slave for the night.”

“Of course! I would be happy to have you! Grab your slave and come in!”

Reve returned to the vehicle and nodded to Azlyn who had been waiting for his signal to join him. They gathered their bags out of the SUV and met Sheber just inside the door.

Reve could not believe the dilapidated state of, what was once, a gorgeous manor-house. Sheber had truly allowed his family’s legacy to fall into disrepair. Things were even worse than Azlyn had remembered them. All of the paintings, ornaments, and statues had been destroyed or had disappeared altogether, most likely sold to the highest bidder. Holes had been punched through many of the walls and plaster hung down from the ceiling. The chandelier above them dangled awkwardly as several of the supports had given way. The entire place was covered in a thick layer of dust as if no one had touched anything in the room for quite some time.

“Please ignore the mess. I apologize, but my slaves have been…preoccupied.” Sheber smirked.

Azlyn knew what these words meant, and it immediately sent a chill down her spine. She continued to glance around the room, trying to ignore everything that Sheber was saying. When she began to feel an all too familiar burning sensation; she, discreetly, glanced up at Sheber and found his eyes locked with hers.

“Az…lyn…” Sheber hissed as her name dripped from his lips like venom.

At that moment, Azlyn wished that she could make herself as small as possible; she would climb inside Reve’s pocket and just stay there until it was safe. She did not want Lord Sheber looking at her, his gaze caused her extreme discomfort; it felt like fire against her skin, sizzling away at her flesh.

“I can hardly believe that you are still alive. It is good to see you again, my dear.” Sheber sneered as he walked towards Azlyn. “I have missed you a great deal. Have you missed me, too?”

Sheber reached up and ran a long, bony finger against Azlyn’s cheek. Azlyn felt like she was going to be sick; her knees began to tremble, and her breath caught in her throat. Sheber began to allow his finger to trail down her neck, clearly, headed towards her chest, now oblivious to Reve’s presence.

“Excuse me!” Reve interrupted, loudly. “Do you think that you could show my slave and I to where we will be staying?”

“Of course.”

Sheber turned addressing Reve, acting as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. He quickly led them up the steps and down a long corridor. Azlyn glanced around as they walked, feeling uncomfortable with how familiar everything looked. True that it was dirtier and more dilapidated than it had been when she had last seen it, but this was hardly a surprise. Sheber was not the kind to waste money or time on something as trivial as having his home cleaned or repaired. Sheber pushed open a large, wooden door and showed them into a surprisingly well-cared for room.

“Hopefully, these accommodations will be up to your standards, my prince.” Sheber announced gesturing to the beautiful bedroom.

Azlyn glanced around the room with its red walls and gold trim; she knew this room, she knew it all too well. Her eyes fell on the dark, four-poster bed with its overstuffed red comforter. Her head began to spin as the painful memories flooded her thoughts.

“I keep this room for special occasions, such as this, when honored guests like yourself grace my humble abode.” Sheber explained.

“Thank you, Sheber. This room will do quite nicely.” Reve assured him.

“Shall I show your slave to the slave quarters?” Sheber hissed approaching Azlyn with a hungry look in his eyes.

“No!” Reve commanded his voice booming. “Azlyn will stay with me.”

Sheber was taken back for a moment. He was surprised that Prince Reve was so protective over Azlyn. Though his shock was quickly replaced by a knowing smile.

“I see. I had heard rumors that one of the princes had taken a regular, sex slave. I must say, Azlyn is a good choice. Fairly good-looking, as far as humans go, and quite skilled.” Sheber said with a wink.

Reve clenched both of his fists, tightly. He knew that he needed to remain as calm as possible if he was going to get through this without killing Sheber.

“As a matter of fact, I did not realize how much Azlyn would be missed around here until after I sold her.” Sheber commented, scanning Azlyn’s body. “What would you say to a trade for the evening? I’ll let you use one of my girls, I’ll even let you pick which one that you like most. You let me relive old memories with sweet Azlyn, here.”

“No.” Reve snarled doing everything in his power to maintain control over his rage. Black blood began to slowly drip from within his closed fists; his claws having extended, piercing into his own flesh.

“What?” Sheber inquired, biting his lip while staring Azlyn down.

“I appreciate the offer, but I am not interested. I am not one for sharing.” Reve growled as calmly as he could manage.

“I can understand that.” Sheber conceded. “Let me know if you change your mind. In the meantime, I will give you a chance to get settled.”

With that, Sheber gave Reve a bow and left the room, closing the door behind him. As soon as Sheber was gone; Azlyn fell to the ground, gasping for air.


Reve rushed to Azlyn’s side and picked her up off of the floor. He held her in his arms and carried her over to the bed. He was about to set her down on it when she suddenly started to struggle and scream.

“No! No! No! Please! I don’t want to touch that bed!”

Reve quickly swung Azlyn away from the bedding and held her against him as tightly as he could.

“Are you alright, Az? Is there something that I can do to help you?”

“I don’t know if I can stay here. I hate this room! I hate this house! I hate that demon! I’m sorry! I thought that I was strong enough to do this, but I’m not.” Azlyn babbled.

“It’s alright, Az. It’s alright. We don’t have to stay here.” Reve assured her.

“I’m sorry, it’s just that demon and this room.”

“What happened in this room?”

“He doesn’t keep this room nice for distinguished guests. He rents this room by the hour and a slave of the tenants choosing, comes with it.” Azlyn shook as she explained the purpose of, what was essentially, a lavishly-decorated torture chamber.

“You were…your body was…” Reve could barely bring himself to even think the words, much less, say them. “...sold in this room?”

Azlyn could only nod in response.

Reve clenched his jaw and flared his nostrils. His urge to go primal was growing stronger by the moment. He wondered if Sheber had purposely put them in that room or had this, really, simply been the only room he had available? He knew that he had promised Azlyn not to kill Sheber, but he was having a harder and harder time keeping that promise.

“Don’t worry, Az. We’re going to leave. You stay here with our stuff and I will go find Sheber. I will explain that our plans have changed and that we need to return to the castle sooner than expected.”

Reve gave Azlyn a quick kiss on the forehead and set her down on top of his backpack which lay on the floor. He walked to the door and as he turned back to say something to Azlyn, there was a knock from the other side. Reve turned and opened it slowly, checking to see who it was.

“Hello, Prince Reve, I have been informed by my master to extend an invitation for you to join him for a formal lunch in the dining room.”

A beautiful, young, curvy slave woman stood in the hallway. She was almost completely naked, as the clothing that she wore left very little to the imagination.

“This could work well for me. If Sheber does or says anything that angers me, then I can kill him and Azlyn does not have to see it.” Reve thought with a smirk.

“Thank you for the invitation. Tell Sheber that I will be there momentarily.” Reve replied to the slave.

Reve went to push the door shut again to speak with Azlyn before going to meet Sheber. However, the slave reached forward and stopped the door from continuing to close.

“Actually, sire…” the slave continued. “I have been instructed to escort you to the lunch myself. This house can be confusing, and my master does not wish for you to get lost, your highness.”

“Alright. Just wait here a moment then.” Reve instructed the slave.

Reve then walked back to Azlyn; he leaned down and quickly whispered to her.

“Az, I am going to go to this lunch to tell Sheber that we are going to leave. I will be right back for you.” Reve paused and leaned in a little closer, lowering his voice some. “Don’t leave this room until I get back. I know that you do not like being in here, but I think that this is where you will be safest. I will know exactly where to find you.”

Azlyn nodded in agreement.

Reve wanted so badly to kiss her before having to leave her alone in this place. On the other hand, he knew that would only draw attention; if he did not end up killing Sheber, he did not want any further rumors spreading about he and Azlyn’s relationship.

“I love you.” Reve mouthed to her before turning back to the slave who waited in the hall.

Once Reve left the room, he closed the door tightly. Azlyn pulled her large backpack over towards her and lined the two bags up together. She placed herself directly in the center of the bags and pulled her knees up to her chest. She did not want any part of her body making contact with any part of this room. She was all too aware of the horrors that were inflicted here; if these walls could talk, they would scream and never stop.

After a few minutes had passed, Azlyn heard the door creak open and she looked up, hopeful, that Reve had returned. However, her excitement was immediately replaced by terror as the demon standing in the doorway was none other than Lord Sheber.

“Azlyn…” Sheber growled, staring at her like she was a piece of meat. “I had forgotten how much I missed your company until today.”

Sheber stepped into the room and swiftly approached Azlyn. He leaned down close to Azlyn’s ear and whispered…

“Did you miss me?”

Sheber’s breath was hot and smelled rotten. Azlyn cringed at his closeness and shuddered as the moisture from his mouth touched her earlobe.

“Prince Reve has commanded that no one, besides himself, is allowed to touch me.” Azlyn informed him hoping that Reve’s status might deter him.

“Prince Reve never has to know. He will be busy for quite some time, anyway. This could be our little secret.” Sheber insisted.

Azlyn wondered what Sheber meant by Reve being busy. If he was not having lunch with Sheber, then what would he be doing that would keep him?

“I must protest, sir. My master has instructed that I am only for him and I am bound by his orders. On top of this, my master is your prince, so you are expected to obey his direction. I apologize, my lord, but I must reject your suggestion.” Azlyn attempted to discourage Sheber from his thoughts.

“The fact that it’s forbidden only makes it hotter.” Sheber snarled.

Sheber then proceeded to lift Azlyn up off of the backpacks and tossed her onto the bed. Azlyn started to panic and pushed herself away from him. Sheber jumped after her as she rolled off of the bed. He lunged out and was able to catch hold of her ankle. He started pulling Azlyn towards him as she struggled to get away.

“Reve! Where are you?! I need you!”

Meanwhile, Reve had been following the slave around the manor-house for several minutes. He was growing frustrated as he wanted to get this over with and return to Azlyn to get her away from here.

“Excuse me, uh, miss…” Reve began.

“Layla, sire.” The slave interrupted.

“Oh, alright. Well, Layla, how much farther to the dining room? I have business to attend to.” Reve inquired.

“Just right around this corner, my liege.” Layla beckoned.

They turned the corner into a large, old, dust-covered dining room that clearly had not been used for ages. Reve looked around, but he did not see any sign of Sheber in the room.

“Where is Lord Sheber?” Reve inquired.

Reve turned to face Layla and found her standing completely nude in front of him, her scant clothing tossed aside on the floor.

“We do not need my master’s presence for the meal that he has ordered for you.” Layla cooed, seductively as she stepped towards Reve.

“What is the meaning of this?!” Reve demanded.

“I am yours for the evening, or the whole night if you wish it. Use me as you please.” Layla entreated.

“I do not wish to be rude, but I have no interest in any of this.” Reve protested.

“Oh please, your majesty, let me satisfy you.” Layla begged, sticking out her bottom lip.

“No, thank you. I am being kept quite satisfied.” Reve assured her.

“By that frail-looking, plain woman in the bedroom? I can guarantee that I am much more skilled in the ways of pleasure than she is, your highness. I can blow your mind in ways that she has not could not even conceive of.” Layla insisted.

Reve was growing annoyed with Layla’s persistence. He knew that she had been instructed into this behavior, nevertheless, he was trying to make it clear to her that he was not interested without allowing his anger to take control of the situation. It certainly was not helping his restraint having Layla bad-mouth Azlyn as she was. Azlyn was perfect and this slave knew nothing of beauty if she considered Azlyn plain.

“Miss, I understand that you have been told to do this by your master. That aside, I have been quite clear that I am not interested in this offer.”

Layla reached out and attempted to pull Reve towards her. In response, Reve quickly swatted her hands away and stepped back.

“Do not touch me. I have been more than polite in this situation, but I will not be so any longer. You will keep your distance!” Reve growled.

Layla immediately recoiled. She was not used to being rejected and she worried what Lord Sheber would do when he found out that she had not distracted the prince as she had been commanded to do. Despite all of this, Layla was much more concerned about evoking the wrath of a royal demon; the royalty were well-known throughout the realm for being particularly cruel to slaves. Not to mention, the prince had no financial investment in her and could kill her without thinking twice. Lord Sheber may beat her, but he enjoyed the income that she brought in through his prostitution ring; she was one of his top earners, so it was unlikely that he would kill her for something so trivial.

“I am sorry, my master told me…” Layla began attempting to explain.

Reve was no longer listening to anything that Layla was saying. He had completely forgotten her existence. He was suddenly overwhelmed with emotion; something was not right.

All the while, back in the bedroom, Azlyn had been doing her best to thwart Sheber’s advances. But struggle as she may, her efforts were proving futile; Sheber may not have been as strong as Reve, but he was still a demon. Azlyn started to scream as loudly as she could; hoping that someone who might care could hear her. Sheber quickly put an end to her cries by throwing her onto the bed; forcing her face into a pillow and holding her head down, so that her screams were well muffled.

Using his free hand, Sheber swiftly undid his belt and the clasp on his pants. He then used his extended claws and began slashing apart Azlyn’s clothing. He ripped apart her shirt and he had begun to destroy the pants that she wore when something unexpected caught his eye.

“What in the hell is that?”

Sheber reached up and moved aside the scrap of clothing that still covered the majority of her left shoulder. What he saw there, immediately, sent shivers down his spine? What had he done?

“You have been marked?!”

Sheber released the hold on Azlyn’s head, allowing her to lift it. Azlyn gasped, desperate for air. Had he really just attempted defile the mate of another demon? Worse still, had he just done this to the mate of a royal demon? He knew that Reve had been having sex with Azlyn, but Sheber had just assumed that it was purely for pleasure or to release aggression; he had not even considered the possibility that Reve actually cared for her. The possibility had seemed too implausible to entertain. Could it be, had a prince actually marked a slave as his one true mate?!

“Who did this to you?” Sheber demanded of Azlyn, fighting the tremble in his voice as he spoke.

Azlyn did not answer Sheber. She was not certain how she should respond. She desperately wanted Sheber to know who she was so that he understood the gravity of what he was attempting to do to her; he was not raping a mere slave, she was the wife of a demon prince. On the other hand, she was not supposed to reveal that Reve was her mate either; she was his slave until they were safe, nothing more.

Sheber grabbed Azlyn and turned her around to face him. He was beginning to panic now; there was a terrified look in his eyes that Azlyn had not seen before. He grabbed hold of each of her shoulders and began to shake her.

“You will answer me, Azlyn!” Sheber bellowed, growing desperate for her to respond with the name of anyone other than a royal. “Who put this mark on you?!”

There was a loud crash and Sheber turned to see Reve standing in the doorway; the door having been ripped free from its frame. Reve had transformed completely over to his large, menacing primal-self. His eyes burned with an intense fire and smoke fumed from his mouth and nostrils.

“I did.” Reve snarled.

Sheber swiftly released his hold on Azlyn and pushed her away from him as he began to distance himself.

“My prince, I’m so sorry! I did not know! I…” Sheber began to plead for forgiveness.

“You did not know?!” Reve mocked, sarcastically, feeling less than merciful.

Reve stepped into the room; walking towards Sheber. Sheber continued to back away from him, trembling as he went.

“So, earlier, when you suggested a trade for the evening and I told you that no one touches Azlyn except for me. Did that sound like I was encouraging you? Or did you just see this as an opportunity to challenge your prince?!” Reve growled.

“No, your highness, of course not!” Sheber insisted, as his back met the far wall stopping his ability to retreat any further.

“Well, I will tell you something else that you did not know, Sheber. She is also, legally, my wife. You just attempted to rape a princess of this realm. You have assaulted royalty and the penalty for that is…death.” Reve sneered, taking extra delight in the final word.

“No, please, sire, have mercy!” Sheber cried as he slid down the wall, falling to his knees.

“Mercy? What do you know of mercy? Would you have shown mercy on my wife if I had not intervened?!” Reve hissed.

Azlyn knew what was coming and she did not want to see it. There would be no stopping Reve from killing Sheber now and, to be honest, she was not sure that she would even if she could. That demon had tormented her for long enough; he deserved to die for the pain he caused, not just to her, but to all of the slaves he had ever owned. Azlyn crawled across the floor back to their backpacks. She climbed on top of them and allowed the bed to block much of her view of the violence that would soon emerge.

“No one touches what is mine! Even more importantly, no one, and I mean no one, harms the woman that I love!” Reve roared.

Reve reached down and grabbed Sheber by one of his horns, lifting him up off the ground. Tears began to spill from Sheber’s eyes. Reve looked at the squirming, little demon in his hand. He noticed that Sheber was not even making an attempt at going primal to challenge him. Reve was surprised that Sheber would not even make an effort to save his own life.

“What kind of demon are you?” Reve asked in an accusatory tone.

Sheber could not answer, all he could bring himself to do was continue to cry. He knew that he was no match for Reve; not even on his best and Reve’s worst day. Snot began to bubble from Sheber’s nose as he struggled to contain his overwhelming fear.

Reve stared down at him, almost feeling pity for the sniveling fool. He knew that Sheber’s alcohol and drug-riddle brain barely comprehended right from wrong any longer. Once his mind became fixed on a desire, he could think of nothing else and he would do anything to achieve his obsession. Reve felt sorry for what Sheber had become. Nevertheless, it did not excuse Sheber’s actions.

“You know, it’s funny, you could have done almost anything else with almost anyone else and I may have let you live. However, you have chosen to prey on the one thing, in all the realms, that I care about more than my own life.” Reve informed Sheber.

Reve used his other hand and placed in on Sheber’s throat; he slowly dug his claws into either side of his neck, piercing Sheber’s flesh. Sheber cried out from the pain which only drove Reve further; he was in full-demon mode now, any sense of humanity inside of him would remain locked away until this business was over with.

Reve released his grasp on Sheber’s horn and held him aloft by his throat. Using all of his strength, Reve threw Sheber’s body against the wall behind him, causing the old house to creak and rumble as dust fell from the rafters. Sheber began to cough, hard, as the force of the impact had caused some minor internal damage.

Reve picked up Sheber and then proceeded to throw him onto the bed. He turned him onto his stomach and pinned him down with his right hand against his head. With his left hand, Reve drew his sword out from the sheath on his side. He leaned forward and hissed in Sheber’s ear, sinisterly…

“I have heard that we have been known to torture rapists from the human realm in this way.”

With that, Reve turned around, holding one of Sheber’s legs, he thrust his sword straight through Sheber’s clothes and up into his anus. Sheber screamed out and his body began to writhe from the pain. Reve pushed harder and thrust the sword up to its hilt inside of Sheber’s body. Then in one smooth motion, Reve pulled the handle of his blade upwards; like a lever, that swung a pendulum through his organs, his joints popping as they gave way. After having cut Sheber in half from anus to throat, Reve stared down at the remains of the most cowardly demon that he had ever come across.

“Now you know how all of your victims felt.” Reve sneered as he pulled his blade free of Sheber’s body; wiping his remains onto the comforter on the bed.

Azlyn looked on, staring at Reve as he stood there splattered in Sheber’s blood. Reve returned Azlyn’s gaze as he began to steady his breathing. His anger being replaced with anxiety as to how Azlyn would receive him now. He had never killed anyone in front of her before and he feared that she would not see him the same way after. He searched for some kind of reaction on her face, but he could not read her; she stood there, emotionless, watching him.

Azlyn was surprised by her own reaction as well. She had expected to be horrified by seeing Reve behave this way; she had just watched him murder another demon and she was not the slightest bit bothered by it. As a matter of fact, she felt an enormous sense of relief at knowing that Sheber was gone. He had tormented her for so long and now he would never torture another creature again. Azlyn was not repulsed by Reve, she had never been more grateful for him than she was in that moment.

Azlyn stood up off of the backpacks, where she had been cowering during the confrontation. She scanned Reve up and down as she moved slowly towards him. Reve turned to face her; wondering what she was planning. Was she going to slap him or scream at him? Would she tell him that she never wanted to see him again? Would she accuse him of being just another demon? A million possibilities began running through his mind and none of them were good.

But to Reve’s surprise, Azlyn did not do any of those things that he was certain she would. Her reaction was much more unexpected than any of that. Azlyn walked up to Reve and wrapped her right arm around his waist and placed her head on his shoulder. With her left hand, she reached up and placed her hand on his cheek. Reve, immediately, relaxed into her embrace and wrapped his arms around her tightly; resting his head, gently, on the top of hers.

“Come on, baby, it’s all over now. Let’s get out of here.” Azlyn whispered, reassuringly.

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