My Demon, My Love... - A Slave's Redemption

Chapter The Good Moments Must be Cherished

“Azlyn! What are you doing?!”

Azlyn woke with a start as she heard a male’s voice booming down at her. The sun was shining bright, but based on its location, she knew it was still quite early in the morning.

“You could catch your death out here! Why would you be sleeping outside?!” Reve lectured as he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up.

“Reve!” Azlyn squealed, throwing her arms around him and planting kisses all over his face.

“Wow! Maybe I should show up late more often.” Reve teased.

At those words, Azlyn remembered why she had slept outside and why she had been worried all night. She slapped him as hard as she could in the center of his chest.

“Hey! What was that for? What happened to the kisses?”

“How could you leave me like that worrying all night long that something had happened to you?! You should have just come in the car with everyone else.” Azlyn scolded.

“I wanted my horse away from my parents and their possible wrath. I do not know how they will react when they find out I have fled the realm with my human wife. Not to mention, I always disappear on rides, sometimes for days, I’m hoping that this will buy us more time.” Reve explained.

Azlyn thought about this for a moment and realized that Reve was right. That poor creature should not have to suffer for decisions that they made.

“I am still not happy that you made me worry.” Azlyn pouted.

“I know, and I am sorry about that. I saw the other three off to ensure that they made it away safely. Then I went to grab my bag before heading to the stables. My father called for me and wanted to lecture me about duty; apparently, he is quite bothered by my recent behavior.” Reve chuckled. “I had to leave later than I intended so that I would not arouse my father’s suspicion.”

“Let’s not separate again.” Azlyn begged.

“We won’t. I promise we will never spend another day apart. Now let’s get you inside. Today is our wedding day.” Reve said with a smile as he carried Azlyn across the threshold.

Reve took Azlyn to her bedroom and laid her down on the bed. He climbed on top of her and began to kiss her, hungrily. His horns extended, his muscles tensed, and his pheromones released.

“Shouldn’t we wait until tonight?” Azlyn teased. “Won’t it make our wedding more special if we delay the pleasure and restrain ourselves?”

Reve ran his hands down Azlyn’s bed. He placed them under her knees and pulled her up into him.

“Oh, come on, Az. You can’t make me wait for you any longer. I need to feel you.” Reve begged, grabbing a handful of her right buttocks. “Our wedding is going to be special, regardless. You know that.”

Azlyn was about to protest, but Reve leaned in and began trailing kisses up and down her neck. She shivered as each of his kisses caused a tingling sensation to flow through her. Reve placed his hand between her legs and Azlyn moaned her consent.


They were interrupted by a sudden knock on the bedroom door.

“Azlyn! Azlyn! It is time for breakfast and then we have to start getting you ready for your wedding!” Umay’s voice sang from the other side of the door.

Without further warning, the door swung open and Umay walked in.

“I don’t want you worrying about Reve; Kane is going to head out on one of my horses to look for him.” Umay said, looking down at a notebook in her hands.

“Umm…that won’t be necessary.” Azlyn giggled, embarrassed that Umay was catching them this way.

“What do you…” Umay began before looking up and realizing what she had just walked in on.

However, instead of apologizing and excusing herself from the room or even telling Reve that she was glad that he had made it safely. Umay immediately began lecturing them…

“Reve! You are getting married to this woman in a few hours! Control yourself!”

Azlyn could not help it, she began to laugh out of sheer awkwardness and could not get herself to stop.

“You are not supposed to even be seeing her until after your wedding! Now compose yourself and get out of this room!” Umay continued.

“But…Umay, I…” Reve attempted to argue.

“No, it’s bad luck! Now get out!” Umay demanded.

“Hey, who is the royalty, here?” Reve challenged.

“The only royalty here today is your bride. Now get out!” Umay ordered, pointing to the door.

“Well…” Reve chuckled. “I suppose that I should do as I am told then.”

Reve leaned in and gave Azlyn a quick kiss. He pushed himself off of her and growled in protest. He jumped off the bed and grunted as he passed by Umay.

“Go find Kane. He will help you get ready.” Umay instructed.

“Yeah, yeah.” Reve waved a hand at her, dismissively.

“Also, I need you guys to keep an ear out for Andvari. He should be arriving in the next hour or so.” Umay called after Reve as he wandered down the hall.

Then Umay turned her attention back to Azlyn; who had sat up in her bed and was still feeling mortified that Umay had walked in on them.

“Alright. Since Reve is now here, we will have your breakfast brought to you in bed. We don’t want him seeing you, more than he already has, before the ceremony.”

Umay noticed that Azlyn was being very quiet and was refusing to look up at her.

“Is everything alright, Azlyn?”

“Yeah, everything is fine.”

Umay shook her head, chuckling under her breath. She realized what Azlyn was struggling with and thought it silly.

“Azlyn, there is no reason to be embarrassed about my catching you with Reve. First of all, he is about to be your husband. Secondly, everyone does it, it’s completely natural. If you would have walked into my room last night, then you would have seen the same thing.” Umay joked, easing the tension.

Azlyn knew that she was right. She was just not accustomed to her sexuality being an acceptable thing. Slaves were discouraged from sexual relations with each other unless they were purposely paired up for mating by their masters. Any relations they had with demons were, typically, not consensual. So, an acceptable sexual connection that a slave actually enjoyed was almost non-existent.

“You’re right. I have more important things to worry about. Like my wedding!” Azlyn squealed, shaking off the embarrassment, and refocusing her attention.

Several hours later, Azlyn was finally ready for her wedding; she looked radiant in her white, lace wedding gown which flowed behind her, naturally, as she walked. Her hair was up in beautiful pin curls and for the first time ever, Azlyn wore makeup. She looked herself over in the mirror; tears began to well in her eyes, but she fought them back not wanting to ruin Umay’s hard work. She did not see the abuse or the scars that they left behind, she just saw herself. For the first time in her life, Azlyn felt beautiful.

“Umay you did an amazing job! I look like a princess!” Azlyn marveled.

“Well, that is fitting, since you are marrying a prince.” Umay chuckled.

“I didn’t even think about that when I said it!” Azlyn laughed.

“You look gorgeous, Azlyn! Prince Reve is a lucky demon!” Nissa praised.

“Thank you, Nissa! I am so glad that you could be here! Today just wouldn’t be right without the three of you. You mean so much to me!” Azlyn gushed as she looked over each of their faces.

“How are you feeling, Azlyn? Are you nervous yet?” Truda asked, jokingly.

With that question, Azlyn’s demeanor changed. She went from all-smiles to serious, almost sullen.

“Is everything alright, Azlyn?” Nissa questioned, concerned about the change. “You aren’t having second thoughts, are you?”

“No…well…not exactly.” Azlyn answered, hesitantly.

“What do you mean?! You love Prince Reve! This is like a dream come true for you!” Nissa could not believe what she was hearing.

Nissa had been there since the beginning of Azlyn and Reve’s relationship. They had overcome every possible obstacle to be here today. If anyone in this entire realm was meant to be together, it was Azlyn and Reve. She could not believe that Azlyn would be considering backing out now, when they were so close to their happily ever after.

“I still want to marry Reve. Although, I’m worried that I might be thinking about only what I want. I’m not sure that this is the best thing for Reve. He is giving up everything for nothing. There is just a part of me…that…well…that wonders if Reve will wake up one day and realize what a terrible mistake he has made.” Azlyn explained fidgeting with the material on her dress.

“Azlyn, I have known Reve most of his life. I am not going to lie to you, I have seen him with many demonesses. That being said, I have never seen him, ever, look at anyone the way that he looks at you. I have never seen him as gentle and caring with someone as he is when he is with you. When Dalair got married; Reve attempted to talk him out of it, not because Penelope was a slave, but because Reve did not believe in marriage. You mean more to Reve than his own life. I promise you, Reve will never regret being with you. As a matter of fact, I believe that he will wake up every day, grateful to have you.” Umay declared.

Azlyn took in a deep breath; she wanted so badly to believe Umay’s words. She loved Reve with all of her heart and she knew that Reve loved her. Nonetheless, there was something nagging in the back of her mind, that told her that he was giving up too much too quickly just to be with her. She worried that he may come to resent her for it.

“I hope that you are right.” Azlyn sighed.

“Let’s stop this. You love Reve and he loves you. You are about to walk down the aisle and get married. So, unless you are planning to cancel the wedding. Let’s get our excitement levels back up and get you out there to be married!” Truda encouraged.

“You’re right.” Azlyn began, putting her smile back on. “Thank you, Truda. By the way, I was hoping that you’d be willing to join us as one of my bridesmaids. I have asked Zareb if he would be willing to escort you down the aisle, along with Nissa, in case you said yes.”

“Of course! Thank you so much! That would be an honor!” Truda accepted, gratefully.

“Good! Now let’s go get me married!” Azlyn cheered.

“Yay!” Umay, Truda, and Nissa cheered and clapped.

Reve, Kane and Zareb stood at the end of the aisle, just inside the large, wooden gazebo. Andvari stood at the back of the gazebo, waiting for the bride and her ladies to make their grand entrance. The candles were lit, and the lights were twinkling above. Beautiful violin music began to play over the sound system.

Truda was the first down the aisle wearing a long, purple, cowl-necked dress; carrying one red and one white rose. Nissa followed Truda, wearing a long, red, wrap dress whilst carrying one red and one white rose. Umay was next in a yellow and orange vintage-inspired A-line gown; carrying a bouquet that matched the other two.

Finally, Azlyn turned the corner and began walking, gracefully, down the aisle. Her beautiful mermaid-style, lace wedding gown fit her like it had been designed just for her; she carried a bouquet of Tiger Lilies. Reve held his breath as soon as he saw her, and his heart skipped a beat. She looked like an angel, as she floated down the aisle towards him; though he could not explain it, he would swear that she had a glow about her, shimmering as she moved. She was absolutely radiant, and he could scarcely believe that someone so unbelievably stunning was his.

Once Azlyn had joined Reve in the center of the gazebo, she turned and smiled, sweetly, up at him. He beamed down at her; feeling as though he could burst from how much happiness he was feeling.

“You look so very handsome.” Azlyn whispered to Reve.

“You look so breathtaking…there are no words…ravishing barely scratches the surface.” Reve breathed.

Azlyn giggled, flattered by how flustered Reve had become.

“It is beautiful when I am given the opportunity to join two beings who belong together as obviously as you two.” Andvari commented with a smile.

“See. Told you that we are meant to be.” Reve teased, winking at Azlyn causing her cheeks to blush.

“Have you been previously warned about what occurs in a demonic wedding ceremony?” Andvari asked, turning to Azlyn.

“Yes, Umay has prepared me.” Azlyn confirmed with a nod.

“Good. Normally, when a human is involved the couple opts for a neutral ceremony. However, the circumstances here are different, as this is a royal wedding.” Andvari informed her.

“I will be alright.” Azlyn assured Andvari with a smile.

“Excellent. Then I shall begin…we are gathered here today before these witnesses and all things dark to recognize the connection that Prince Reve of the House of Reidar and Azlyn share. May all who are present here appreciate the importance of this moment as they swear themselves to each other, joining together, as husband and wife.” Andvari began.

Andvari turned, slightly, to address Reve.

“Do you, Prince Reve, take Azlyn to be your wife?” Andvari asked.

“I do.” Reve answered.

“Do you swear to all things dark that you will love, honor, and protect her, forsaking all others and holding only unto her, even committing murder on her command, despite the fact that she is human?”

“I do.” Reve promised.

Andvari turned his attention towards Azlyn.

“Do you, Azlyn, take Prince Reve to be your husband?” Andvari asked.

“I do.” Azlyn replied.

“Do you swear to all things dark that you will love, honor, and protect him, forsaking all others and holding only unto him, even committing murder under his order?”

“I do.” Azlyn promised.

Andvari adjusted himself to the center to address both at once.

“Now, seal your promises with these rings, the symbol of your never-ending love for each other.”

Kane reached over and handed the rings to Reve. While Azlyn handed her bouquet to Umay.

“Azlyn, this ring I give as a token and a pledge, as a sign of my love and devotion. With this ring, I thee wed.” Reve pronounced as he slid the ring onto Azlyn’s ring finger.

“Reve, this ring I give as a token and a pledge, as a sign of my love and devotion. With this ring, I thee wed.” Azlyn proclaimed as she placed the ring onto Reve’s ring finger.

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