My Demon, My Love... - A Slave's Redemption

Chapter Accept Your Fate

The basement was dark, and the smell of mildew hung in the air. Reve pulled Azlyn close to him; unsure of what they had just wandered into. Just as Reve was about to request a light source from the demon that they had followed; he could see a match struck to life on the other side of the basement.

Eistein used the match to light a small lantern that he had retrieved from the floor. The lantern did not offer much light, but it was better than nothing. Reve and Azlyn slowly moved closer to where Eistein stood. As they did so, they could see the faint outline of a doorway against the wall.

Eistein held the lantern up towards the doorway; allowing Azlyn and Reve a clearer view. With his free hand, Eistein reached out and pushed the door open, slowly. The heavy, stone door creaked and groaned as it was forced from its position. Azlyn and Reve stepped forward to see what sat beyond the strange, hidden entryway; however, they were quickly discouraged from excitement to find only a long, dark hallway stretched out before them. They had expected something far more mysterious and intriguing.

Eistein quickly stepped into the hallway and bid for them to follow. Reve took a deep breath before he stepped towards the doorway. He held Azlyn right behind him; his arm swung awkwardly around her pressing her into his back, not allowing more than a few inches between their bodies. They stepped into the hall and walked a few feet inside. They waited as Eistein fit the door back into place.

“Follow me.” Eistein bid.

They slowly began to follow Eistein and his dim lantern down the dark hallway. Reve pulled Azlyn to his side and wrapped his arm around her. She reciprocated by holding tightly to him, gripping his shirt. They moved carefully as they went; almost as if Eistein was bracing for something. This made Reve very uneasy as he was uncertain of what was to come. He did not like placing his trust and Azlyn’s safety in the hands of some unknown demon.

As they walked, they were, suddenly, overcome with a strange sensation; feeling as though they were surrounded by electricity as if walking through a force field. The electricity tickled as it danced along their skin. Azlyn found it amusing and giggled lightly at the feeling. Reve, on the contrary, was not amused at all. He was already uncertain if they were doing the right thing by following Eistein; he was growing to regret this decision more and more by the moment.

“Eistein, what is this?! What is happening?!” Reve demanded.

“I apologize, your highness. I promise that it will be over momentarily, and I assure that it is causing you no harm.” Eistein responded, bidding them to continue forward.

After another moment, the electricity stopped, and their surroundings had completely changed. The dark hallway was no more; instead, it appeared that they had ventured into a forest, somehow. They were surrounded by trees on all sides, excepting a path that continued to run directly before them. The forest was dark and full of fog. There was an eerie quality that was exacerbated by the moonlight which twinkled down through the trees, illuminating their path.

“Wasn’t it daytime when we left? How long were we in that hall?” Azlyn questioned as she looked up at the night sky.

“Yes ma’am, you are correct.” Eistein responded, casually, as he blew out the lantern; setting it down in the center of the path where they had emerged, so that it may be returned later. “However, we were only in the hall for a few minutes. It is still daytime where we were before.”

“Did we go through a portal?! How far did we travel?!” Azlyn inquired, excitedly.

“Yes, we did travel through a very basic portal.” Eistein answered.

“Wait…are we in the Forest of Perpetual Darkness? Is that why no one is ever able to find the Mystics?” Reve interjected.

“The Forest of Perpetual Darkness?!” Azlyn commented in surprise. “I thought that it was uninhabited.”

“So, did we.” Reve added with a shrug. “I guess that we were wrong.”

“It is nothing against yourself or your military scouts, we take great pains to keep our location a secret.” Eistein assured Reve.

Reve merely grunted in response. He was not enthusiastic about the fact that the Mystics had been hiding right under his nose, on the other hand, the Forest of Perpetual Darkness was vast, and the terrain was difficult to navigate. He had always suspected that there was more to the forest than they had uncovered. Not to mention, he needed the Mystics’ help, now was not the time to have a tantrum about their hiding from the royal guard. This was no longer his responsibility anyway; his only responsibility now and forever was to Azlyn.

They followed Eistein down the moonlit path. Reve kept one arm tightly around Azlyn, holding her close, and he kept his other hand tightly around the top of the sheath to his sword. They could hear the sounds of animals in the distance; strange creatures lived here, animals who never saw the light.

They had walked for about thirty minutes when they came upon a large boulder, blocking their path. Eistein seemed undeterred by the obstruction; he waltzed right up to the boulder and leaned over a large bush. He knocked four times against the boulder; hitting it as hard as he could. A massive doorway started to appear as a portion of the boulder began to dissipate before their eyes. Azlyn gasped in surprise.

Eistein stepped away from the bush and reared back his right hand. He swung it forward quickly and smacked the bush, hard. The bush suddenly shrieked and jumped up; spreading and lengthening its branches. Before it scurried to the left; leaving the doorway open for entry.

“I’ve never seen a bush like that!” Azlyn exclaimed.

“After you…” Eistein beckoned as he motioned towards the entryway.

Reve scanned their surroundings for a moment. He knew that they were not safe, exposed, in the Forest of Perpetual Darkness. However, Reve’s military training told him not to enter the strange location first without having prior information on what may exist inside. For all he knew, they would step off a cliff and fall into a never-ending void.

“Not at all. After you, I insist.” Reve requested, as kindly as possible, through gritted teeth.

Eistein sensed Reve’s apprehension and nodded his agreement. After which, he turned and stepped into the dark doorway without any hesitation. Reve and Azlyn slowly followed, stepping through the entry at the exact same time.

After they had gone through the opening, it immediately sealed back up behind them. But they were not immersed into total darkness this time. Instead, they were greeted by the flickering of a large bonfire in the center of a vast cavernous room, as well as, torches that lined the walls. Four older demons, wearing hooded-robes, stood in the center of the room, staring directly into the bonfire.

“Thank you, Eistein. That will be all.” One of the demons dismissed Eistein without ever looking in their direction.

“Yes, my sage.” Eistein responded with a nod before departing deeper into the immense, cave-like lair without another word.

“Prince Reve of the House of Reidar. We have been expecting you.” One of the demons stated. “Please come forward and join us.”

Reve hesitated momentarily before stepping forward, holding Azlyn just a step or two behind him. He was wary of what these Mystics had planned for him. Nevertheless, he refused to show weakness or cowardice in the presence of other demons. Especially ones that already held such sway over him being that they had something which he desperately needed.

Just as Reve and Azlyn were, roughly, three to four feet away from where the nearest Mystic stood; all four of Mystics turned to face them simultaneously. Azlyn gasped as she noticed their eyes.

“Do not be frightened, sweet child. We have blinded ourselves to the sights of this world, so that we may see, more clearly, what lays beyond.” One Mystic informed Azlyn.

“I am not frightened, sir. I apologize for the rudeness of my gasp. I was merely startled by the beauty of your eyes.” Azlyn attempted a quick recovery, as she stared in the strange, cloudy eyes that emitted an eerie glow.

“Aren’t you a kind being.” Another Mystic commented.

“We know that you do not speak the truth, though, we appreciate the attempt that you make to keep from causing us offense. There are not many in this realm that would display that much gentleness.” Another Mystic interjected.

“Come closer, child. We wish to see you more clearly.” The Mystic closest to them beckoned.

“But…how can you?” Azlyn hesitated not wanting to appear rude again.

“Through the mind’s eye, sweet child. We have already seen you, but we wish to get a good look at you for ourselves in person.” The Mystic bid.

Azlyn began to step around Reve, much to his displeasure. As she moved to step in front of him; Reve kept a tight grip on her left hand, allowing only an arm’s length of distance between them.

“Ah, there you are. You really are lovely! By far the most beautiful human, inside and out, that we have ever seen! Now we can truly see what all the fuss is about.” The Mystic commented.

Reve emitted a low growl, under his breath, warning anyone who might consider venturing too close to Azlyn. However, the Mystics appeared unaffected by Reve’s deterrent.

“What is your name, lovely one?” One of the Mystics asked.

“Umm…Cinnia, sir.”

“We do not appreciate being lied to, young lady.” One of the Mystics warned.

“Oh…I…umm…” Azlyn stammered.

“Let us try again.’ The Mystic closest to them offered. “What is your name?”

“Uh…Azlyn, sir.”

“Ah! Now that is better!” The Mystic exclaimed, clapping his hands together.

“If you knew my name then why did you even bother asking me?” Azlyn demanded.

“Azlyn, you should not speak to them like that.” Reve scolded, fearing how the Mystics would react to Azlyn’s boldness.

Reve tightened his grasp on Azlyn’s hand and began pulling her back towards him. If the Mystics were going to retaliate against her, then he wanted her close to him. It would be easier for him to protect her the closer that he had her to his body.

“No need to worry, sire. She is perfectly free to speak her mind openly here.” One of the Mystics reassured them.

“As a matter of fact, we welcome any knowledge, wisdom, or kindness that she is willing to share.” Another of the Mystics chimed in.

“She is higher ranked than any of us here.” Another Mystic added.

This reaction struck, both, Azlyn and Reve as odd.

“Do not worry, your majesty. You will understand our meaning soon enough.” One of the Mystics reasoned, sensing Reve’s sudden skepticism.

“Cinnia is a beautiful name. That was your mother’s name, yes? And your father is called Arsen?” One of the Mystics inquired.

“Yes, yes that is true. How did you know?” Azlyn asked; feeling excitement at the mention of her parents, instinctively, stepping away from Reve and towards the Mystic.

“Oh! Azlyn, dear! We know everything about you and, of course, your husband.” One of the Mystics answered, gesturing to Reve.

“How did you know that we are married?! We have not told anyone except those who were present at the wedding!” Reve demanded.

“As we have told you before, sire. We know everything about both of you.” One of the Mystics reminded.

“We had been waiting for your wedding day for a very long time.” Another Mystic included.

“What?! Why?!” Reve questioned with surprise.

“That is best left for another time.” The Mystic nearest them cautioned. “We have limited time now. We should get to the reason why you have come.”

“Ah, yes, the bracelet is the reason that you have graced us with your presence today.” One of the Mystics added.

“Can you help us? Is there really such an object?” Reve inquired, earnestly.

“Oh yes, the bracelet most definitely exists. We will gladly procure one for you.” The Mystic assured. “However, there are certain things that we will require, in order to do so.”

“Yes, of course. Anything. I will give you anything to ensure Azlyn’s safety.” Reve offered.

“We are glad to hear that because you are the one who has the most to lose in this deal.” One of the Mystics informed him.

Reve suddenly became uneasy. He did not like how stoic these Mystics remained. It made them impossible for him to read. He was not certain if they were sincere in their intentions, or, if they had something more sinister on their minds.

“What is it that you need exactly?” Reve questioned, cautiously, as he pulled Azlyn closer to him again.

“Do not worry. We have no designs for your wife.” One Mystic assured Reve, hoping to ease his tension.

“It would be highly inappropriate for us to lay with her. We are not worthy of such an honor.” Another Mystic interjected.

“What we need can come from you alone.” One of the other Mystics spoke up.

“Enough speaking in circles!” Reve commanded, growing tired of the riddles. “Tell me what you need, and I will get it for you.”

“Of course, your majesty. We will be direct.” The Mystic nearest to them began. “In order to create this bracelet, we will need to fill it with the blood of a demon. As we do not have an excess of this laying around, we will require a vile of your own blood.”

“That is fine. Take as much as you need.” Reve answered without hesitation.

“I assure you that we do not need much.” One Mystic promised. “Just enough to fill the thin, hollow inside of the bracelet.”

“However, this is just one of the things we need. You may not be so agreeable to our other requirements. Nonetheless, both of these conditions are necessities and, we are afraid, if you do not agree, then we cannot continue any further.”

“Out with it then.” Reve demanded, not wanting to waste any more time.

“Alright, well, first things first. It will take us several hours to craft the bracelet for you. We request that you spend the night with us, here.” One of the Mystics spoke up.

“You just want us to sleep here? What is the catch?” Reve asked, skeptically.

“Well…the catch is…for a lack of a better term…that we require you to do more…than just sleep…while you stay with us.” Another Mystic responded, hesitating as he spoke, showing the first sign of emotion that they had seen from any of the Mystics.

“More than just sleep?” Azlyn questioned.

“Yes. You see, we require that you…lay with each other while you are here.” The Mystic nearest them explained.

“What?! What are you some kind of sick perverts?!” Reve growled, furiously. “You plan to watch us for your twisted pleasure?!”

Reve could hardly believe that they would dare to suggest something like that. He and Azlyn were not there to put on some kind of peep show for them. They were husband and wife; their intimacy was sacred and for them alone.

“No, sire, you misunderstand.” One of the Mystics explained. “We have no desire to watch your lovemaking. We only require that you do so, tonight. We have seen things to come and we feel it could prove to be very important.”

Reve and Azlyn, both, grew quiet as they contemplated this for a moment.

“So…you are saying that we need to make love, but you will let us do so in complete privacy, with no interference, whatsoever.” Azlyn ventured.

“Yes, of course. We have no desire to participate in any way. We will not even listen. We just need to ensure that you do lay together, tonight.”

“Alright.” Azlyn agreed.

“Really?” Reve asked with surprise.

“Yes, I don’t see why not. We probably would have made love anyway. If that is all that it takes, then I see no reason not to agree.” Azlyn shrugged.

“This is excellent news. We thank you for your cooperation.”

“Okay. So, what is the final requirement for the bracelet?” Reve pressed, wanting to change the subject.

“Well, Prince Reve, this will require a great sacrifice on your part.”

“Just tell me what it is. I have grown tired of these proceedings. I want my wife safe, that is all. Tell me what I need to do to make that happen.”

“Well, your majesty, the final object that we must obtain is…your sword.”

“My-my sword?” Reve asked, unsure if he had heard them correctly.

“Yes, your highness. We do not have access to much metal. We will need to melt down your sword and much of the metal will be used to create the bracelet for your wife”

“The jewels, embedded in the handle, will be kept by us as payment for our services.”

“You want to melt my sword?”

Reve could hardly form the words. His sword was as much a part of him as any other part of his body. His father and the Council had presented him with the sword when he was barely old enough to lift it. His sword was an honor that was only bestowed on the Minister for Defense in the event that, said, Minister held royal blood. It was a distinction that had not been awarded to many.

“We apologize, sire. We know that this is not ideal for you. We wish there was another way, however, we need the metal to forge the bracelet. Without it, we have no way retrieving all of the necessary materials.”

Reve reached for his scabbard and popped open the button that was keeping it closed. He reached inside and, slowly, unsheathed his sword. He held it out in front of him studying it closely. He took a moment to memorize every scratch and each deep gouge; they were memories of a battle, hard-fought. This sword had seen many enemies slain; cut down by Reve’s cold, harsh steel.


Azlyn’s voice pulled him from his thoughts. He quickly looked up to acknowledge her.

“You don’t have to do this, Reve. We don’t need this bracelet. Everything will be fine without it. As long as we cross through the portal, together, then there is nothing to worry about.” Azlyn assured him.

Reve looked back down at his sword for a moment more. Then he looked up into Azlyn’s eyes. He studied her face for a moment.

“No, Azlyn.” Reve began with a sigh. “I cannot risk your safety. I want to have this bracelet, so that we know that you will be alright. I want you to be able to go through the portal, even if something happens to me. I want you to get out of here and find your way to safety, no matter what transpires.”

“But, Reve, your sword…” Azlyn started to protest.

“My sword means very little to me when I compare it to you.” Reve assured her.

Without another word, Reve walked over to the Mystic who stood closest to them and handed over his sword.

“You have made the right decision, your highness.”

“Just make sure that this bracelet works. If anything happens to Azlyn, I shall return to kill each one of you.” Reve assured them.

“She shall not come to harm.”

The Mystic nodded his understanding in response.

“Now, sire, I apologize, but I must take your blood.” The Mystic informed him.

“Of course.” Reve agreed.

Reve quickly presented his arm and made a fist to reveal his veins. The Mystic presented a needle, with a long glass vile attached, that had appeared as if from nowhere. The Mystic stuck the needle into Reve’s arm and began withdrawing the blood until the vile was full. After removing the needle, he quickly reached out and tapped the wound in Reve’s arm and, immediately, the bleeding stopped.

“That should heal quickly, sire.” The Mystic informed him.

Reve looked up at him, eyes full of questions. He was just about to voice some of them, when they were suddenly interrupted as Eistein emerged from somewhere within the depths of the cave. He bowed to them slowly as his presence was made known.

“Eistein, please show our guests to the chambers that have been prepared for them. They have one final part of the agreement to complete.”

“Yes, sage.” Eistein confirmed his understanding with a nod.

Reve led Azlyn by the hand over to where Eistein stood. He wanted to get out of this room before he began to second-guess his decision. He would never put Azlyn at risk for anything in all of the realms. However, giving up his sword was something that he had never imagined himself doing. It was not easy for him to part with something that had protected him during some of the worst moments of his life.

They followed Eistein deeper into the bowels of the cave. They walked in silence as they went, making Azlyn uncomfortable. Everything had been so strange since they had arrived. Her head was flooded full of questions.

“Eistein…” Azlyn ventured. “May I ask you a question?”

“Of course, miss. You may ask me anything.” Eistein encouraged.

“Do not take this the wrong way, but how come you are not blind like the other Mystics?” Azlyn questioned.

“I am not a full Mystic yet, miss. When it is time to take my place in the Circle of Fire then I will undergo the ritual to blind myself. Until then I simply practice and study at the feet of the sages.”

“Like an apprentice?” Azlyn queried.

“Yes. Exactly.”

“Are there other apprentices?”

“Yes, miss. There are four apprentices and four sages at all times in each coven. This way if something were to happen to a sage then there’s an apprentice ready to take his place.”

“Oh, how interesting. How did you become an apprentice?” Azlyn was sincere in her interest.

“I sought out the Mystics when I found that I had an affinity for magic. When they discovered that my purposes were pure; they revealed themselves to me and took me under their wings.”

“Is that the way it happens with all apprentices?”

“No, miss. Most apprentices are sought out by the Mystics when they are very young. Somehow, I had slipped past their radar, forcing me to find them at a much older age than most.”

“Fascinating. Do they take the children by force or with the permission of the parents?”

“Azlyn?!” Reve interjected, feeling that she was crossing a line.

“What? I am just wondering.” Azlyn defended herself.

“Do not worry, your majesty. Her questions do not offend.” Eistein assured Reve before addressing his attention back to Azlyn. “In answer to your question, miss, many of the children are orphans. For the few that are not, the parents agree to having them join the Mystics. No one is ever taken by force.”

“That is good to hear.” Azlyn responded, relieved by the revelation.

Being a slave in the demon realm had often caused Azlyn to assume the worst of those around her. Not that anyone could blame her for her opinions. Demons were a very forceful species; they often did what they wanted, whenever they wanted it, and it did not matter who they hurt along the way. It was good for her to find that the Mystics were a more benevolent, demonic society.

They came to the end of the hall and were confronted by, what appeared, to be a dead-end. However, Eistein knocked four times on the boulder wall in front of them and another doorway appeared. They peeked into the room and found the whole place was light up by candlelight.

The room had been decorated with candles, laces, and pearls. A large, fluffy bed sat directly in the center covered in luxurious linens. A fountain sat in the corner, trickling, gently. A table was laid out with mouthwatering chocolates and a bottle of champagne, chilling on ice.

“We wanted everything to be perfect for you.” Eistein explained as he gestured towards the room.

“Yes, I see that…” Reve hesitated as he scanned the interior. “Why is that exactly?”

“I am sorry, sire, but I am not at liberty to divulge that information. Suffice it to say, it is a matter of great importance that the two of you lay together, as husband and wife. We need to ensure that everything in the universe lines up, perfectly, if we wish to ensure the survival of you both through this ordeal.” Eistein informed them without divulging too much information.

“Thank you, Eistein.” Reve declared, sarcastically. “Because that answer was not cryptic at all.”

Reve gestured for Azlyn to enter the chamber and followed directly behind her.

“I shall return when the bracelet is completed. There is a restroom available through the opening tucked away, discreetly, in the corner. Please do not hesitate to call out for me if you need anything. Simply, knock four times on this wall, stick your head into the hallway, and call my name. I shall join you as quickly as my duties permit.” Eistein instructed before the wall solidified again.

“Well, this has certainly been an interesting day.” Reve huffed as he turned around to scan the room.

“It certainly has gone unexpectedly.” Azlyn agreed.

“I cannot believe that these strange demons expect us to have sex in this room, on cue, like some caged animals.” Reve began to rant.

“I really don’t see what the big deal is.” Azlyn stated, strolling over to the table.

Azlyn opened the bottle of champagne and poured a glass for each of them.

“Are you saying that you think we should actually go along with this?” Reve asked.

“Yes, I do.” Azlyn responded, confidently.

Azlyn brought a glass over and handed it to Reve. She clinked her glass against his and took a swig of the champagne. Reve eyed her closely and, quickly, threw back his entire glass.

“Don’t you find this situation a little weird?” Reve questioned.

“Of course, I do.” Azlyn began as she put her fingertips in the center of Reve’s chest and began, slowly, pushing him backwards. “However, they seem to find it rather important that we do this. Not to mention, I certainly wouldn’t mind a little alone time with you.”

Reve stumbled backwards, falling onto the bed. He had not even realized that Azlyn had been directing him towards it. As he landed, she climbed on top of him, straddling his lap.

“With everything that has been happening lately and all of the danger that we’ve been in. I wouldn’t mind taking advantage of the safety that we are currently in, to enjoy ourselves a little.”

“I have to admit, I like this side of you.” Reve purred.

“Would you like to see more of me?” Azlyn cooed.

With that, Reve could not control himself any longer. His horns extended, his muscles bulged, and his pheromones released. He was about to toss Azlyn down onto the bed and ravage her.

“Nuh-uh.” Azlyn teased, stopping Reve. “This time I get to be in control.”

With that, Azlyn pushed Reve back onto the bed and began grinding against him. Reve grasped, firmly, onto her buttocks, squeezing tightly.

“Mmm…Az, what are you doing to me?!”

“Shh…” Azlyn pressed her finger against Reve’s lips. “Just lay back and enjoy the ride.”

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