My Dad's Bestfriend

Chapter 68 The Long Night Of Shadows


I found myself gazing at him blankly as he averted his eyes, avoiding any direct contact with me. It was difficult to discern whether it was guilt etched across his face or something else entirely. It was questionable whether I should confront him about it, given that he hadn't shown an ounce of guilt when he unceremoniously dumped me or when he was caught in a rather compromising situation with Chloe. God! He had even taken it a step further by publicly declaring his reconciliation with his ex.

A man like him didn't seem capable of guilt, nor could he care for me. If he had cared, he wouldn't have done what he did to me.

"I think I'd rather head inside to find my friends; I can find my way home with them," I said, my emotions in disarray and the effects of alcohol only intensifying the confusion. I couldn't determine if it made me more foolish or insightful, but that was a secondary concern at this point. "Thanks for your help."

I needed to stay far away from him, for my own sake.

As I began to step away, he seized my wrist firmly. "Are you out of your mind? You're considering going back into the club for what? To attract another asshole and get yourself into some shit again?"

"Yes, I am out of my mind! I am fucking crazy, alright?!" I yanked my hand away from his grip, inwardly resenting how my skin still tingled from his touch, yet I remained inexplicably drawn to him, like a moth to a flame. "I don't know what I'm going to do, but I do know one thing I don't want to be anywhere near you. I want to stay as far away as possible! You saved me from getting raped, and I'm grateful for that, but now it's time for you to leave!"

I pivoted to walk away, but he caught my arm and turned me around. The back of my heel met the rough pavement, causing a nearly inaudible wince to escape my lips- those blisters weren't going to fade for weeks.

Jacob, I may add, consumed by an unusual mix of agitation, appeared oblivious to it all. His piercing green eyes blazed with frustration, anger, and a myriad of other emotions that I chose not to read. Why bother reading them, anyway? He wasn't the Jacob Adriano I once knew-a transformation into an entirely different human being had occurred within the span of only 48 hours. He was- Twisted, heartless, fucked-up, and fucking cruel.

"Don't be stupid, Evelyn. You are far too drunk to consider going back into that club," his jaw clenched, "Enough with this drama; get in the car."

It was either sheer stupidity on his part or perhaps my own for even considering the idea. For fucks's sake-Why on earth would I want to share a car with him after all he'd put me through?

I scoffed, letting out a bitter, humorless chuckle. "Don't pretend you care about me, Jacob. It no longer suits you, nor does it serve me any longer. So, I suggest you drop the act and get the hell out unless you plan to be the one to take advantage of me. You've already done it once, haven't you? Maybe not by force, but manipulation counts just the same, doesn't it? There's not much difference between you and that guy, if you ask me."

Rage flared in his eyes, and I could tell I'd caught him off guard. Nevertheless, he quickly retorted, "Are you even listening to yourself, Evelyn?"

Of course, I was, and he probably knew it too. But his ego was too colossal to admit it.

"Yes, I am. I can hear myself loud and clear. But if you're having trouble understanding, I can repeat it for you, would you like that?"

"I didn't take advantage of you, Evelyn. So, stop spouting nonsense, okay?" His anger was evident.

Fuck him. Delusional motherfucker!

"You admitted you used me as a distraction, so that's practically the same damn thing. You're a liar, a terrible being!" My words rang out, loud yet trembling. "I gave you my heart, and you shattered it without a second thought. You made promises you had no intention of keeping, uttered words you didn't mean, and pretended to be someone you're not, all while knowing you don't love me. Screw it, I don't even want to see your face! Get the hell out of here, if you have any ounce of shame left."

Don't cry, Evelyn. Don't you dare shed a tear.

He stared at me in silence, his expression unreadable. Even if there was something to discern, something to grasp, I couldn't, because my vision had blurred from the tears welling up in my eyes. Damn it, I didn't want to appear weak, I didn't want to let him see the pain he had inflicted, so he wouldn't use it against me for his own selfish purposes.

But how can you act unaffected when I am crumbling inside?

Even looking at his face was agonizing. It felt like reality was landing relentless blows on my face, my sides, my heart-unyielding until it shattered me completely.

He let out a frustrated sigh, "I can't leave you like this, Evelyn. Let's set aside what's happened and think rationally. You're not safe here alone, especially in your current state. Come with me. Let me take you home."

"Why do you care, huh?" I demanded, closing the gap between us, refusing to let him evade my gaze this time, "You didn't care when I begged for your love.

walked in didn't care when I

on you in the middle of your little fucking session with your ex-oh, pardon me, your fucking girlfriend. You didn't care before you publicly announced that you were back with the supposed love of your life, all the while hiding the affair you had with me behind closed doors, the fact that you broke my heart like a brute to crawl your way back to her. You didn't care at all. So, why the hell are you here now? Why are you trying to play the saviour?" I grabbed his t-shirt, pulling him closer.

Our eyes locked, and his wavered. His uneven breathing became apparent. His once-alluring features no longer captivated me; they only served as a painful reminder of how he shattered me, how he tore me apart. How he reduced everything we had to nothing but a momentary attraction.

For heaven's sake, he hadn't even labelled us. He didn't bother to. This fucking cruel bastard!

Releasing a trembling sigh, he took hold of my hands, his touch surprisingly gentle. "I can't answer any of your questions... I just can't."

That was all he had to say? Seriously?

Oh, how desperately I wished I could remember every single detail of this night, just to give myself another reason to despise him. But given my inebriated state, emotions in turmoil, and heartbreak consuming me, these overwhelming circumstances were destined to blur into obscurity by morning. I just knew it.

This was probably the only time in this entire night when I wished I weren't so drunk.

"If you can't, then just leave, Jacob," I attempted to pull away, a sob finally escaping my lips. "Just leave. I'm exhausted, truly exhausted, and I can't do this anymore. I can't... please."

He refused to let me go, his strength and resolve effortlessly overpowering my feeble resistance.

"I can't leave you here, Evelyn. You need to come back with me," he murmured, drawing me closer and hoisting me into his arms as I crumbled, devoid of any strength or will to fight any longer. I wished I weren't so messed up, so that for once, I could resist him.

"It hurts so much, Jacob," I

confessed between sobs, "Maybe

it's all fun for you, but for me, it's like

being dragged through hell. I can't bear it anymore; I'm so tired. Every minute, wish this was all just a nightmare, and then again, I wish I'd never met you. Please, make it stop... please," I cried, clutching onto his jacket as I buried my face into his chest. It pained me to find solace

in his embrace when he was the one

who had shattered my heart.

He was the one at fault, yet here I was, in his arms, discovering more peace than I had felt in these past two days.

At this point, I had more reasons to hate myself than Jacob.

"I'm sorry, Evelyn," he whispered, leaning down to place a kiss on my forehead. For a fleeting moment, I almost felt like I was getting closer to the Jacob I once knew. But then again, I had been a fool once, and I had no desire to be one again. "I'm so fucking sorry..."

Did he truly mean it? Even if he did, it didn't make everything right. He had wronged me, and being sorry didn't repair even a fraction of the damage he had caused.

Could a mere apology truly mend me and restore me to who I once was? It could never.

My sobs grew louder, my body refusing to obey my commands, not allowing me to articulate that this apology wouldn't mend anything. I was still hurting, and I always would be, but not a single word escaped my lips.

He settled me inside the car, gently fastening my seatbelt, before brushing my hair away from my face and wiping away my tears-his movements exuded tenderness, as manipulative as ever, almost making me question whether the nightmare was real and this moment, with him before my eyes, was the only truth.

"Let's go home, okay?" he asked, cupping my face. The warmth of his touch seeped into my skin.

I blinked, surprised by his words. However, as my vision blurred again and the world seemed to close in on me, I sensed I was just an inch away from blacking out.

I managed to give him the faintest nod, and as he leaned in to press a kiss against my forehead, that inch closed. The world around me darkened, and I slipped into oblivion.

This night couldn't have been any worse.

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