My Dad's Bestfriend

Chapter 38 Moonlit Confession


I gently traced my fingers along his jawline, careful not to disturb his peaceful slumber. He appeared breathtakingly beautiful, an unconventional sort of magnificence that brought me tranquillity instead of the usual racing heartbeats.

After numerous times of literally fucking the shit out of each other that left us both physically spent, we had succumbed to sleep a few hours ago. But my rest had been short-lived. Perhaps fate or maybe god himself willed me to witness this scene, granting me the privilege of marvelling at its creation and seizing the opportunity for himself to brag about it.

Indeed I could give him the credit. Jacob was, in my eyes, flawless.

I brushed aside a lock of his chestnut-brown hair that had fallen onto his forehead. The colour complemented his skin tone seamlessly, radiating a subtle shine. I could have easily spent the entire night just observing him. The idea wasn't all that bad, considering sleep had eluded me. Fair enough, isn't it?

"A grown man who sleeps like a baby," I murmured softly, ensuring my voice remained barely audible. My gaze remained fixed on him; he lay on his side, facing me, while I lay on my stomach. Adorable.

My fingers tingled with the desire to trace his features his defined cheekbones, the contour of his nose, his smooth forehead, the tempting curve of his lips, and the rosy hue of his cheeks. But I refrained. I couldn't bear the thought of rousing him from his serene rest. Who would, really? It was an absolute sacrilege to disturb him at this moment. Someone had to be an absolute bitch to do so, and I often had been that bitch-Yet, it was different with Jacob-only with him.

Suppressing my impulses, I managed to sit up, even though the urge to shower his face with kisses was a struggle.

How could someone always look so damn tempting? Lord, have mercy.

I threw off the duvet, trying to get up and out of bed. But I couldn't tear my eyes away from him.

Just one quick kiss. Then I'll go.

I gave in, leaned over, and planted a soft kiss on his lips. I had to make sure I didn't get too into it and wake him up. I smiled, pulled away, and got out of bed.

I felt like an idiot for falling in love with this man. But what can you do? The heart wants what it wants, it could hardly bother giving a single fuck about what's right and wrong.

I walked out of the room, putting on Jacob's shirt as I went, and stood by the hatch. Damn, what a view.

Even though the cold winds felt sharp and bitter against my skin, making me shiver, and a part of me wanted to crawl back into the warm bed next to Jacob, I toughed it out because the sky was just too amazing to miss. I could handle a bit more.

I gripped the cold metal railings, a shiver running down my spine, and exhaled a soft sigh.

Thoughts raced through my mind, loud and clear.

These moments were something else. When Jacob was around, I didn't give a damn about the world. But it was all going to end soon. Once my dad's marriage is done, he'd go his way and I'd, unfortunately, even though it'd deeply hurt me, have to go mine.

Damn, they were right-good moments don't stick around for long.

Why did he have to be my dad's best friend out of all the people in the world?

Another sigh escaped my lips, and I found myself rubbing my arms to dispel the coldness the winds were etching into my skin. Deep down, though I didn't want to admit it, I was seeking a bit of comfort, a promise that I'd find a way to make this last as long as possible.

Forbidden things always come at a price, no matter how enticing they might be.

I delved into my thoughts, exploring corners that usually remained locked when I was with Jacob. But tonight, those corners were wide open, forcing me to confront reality, pulling me out of this trance that perhaps one in his right mind would call delusion instead.

A moment later, the chilly winds were replaced by a pair of arms enveloping me, securing me close until my back met something solid. Warmth radiated from his body, crawling into mine from over the fabric, slowly, his scent filled the air, the one that this shirt had too, however not enough to be sufficient for one who had already grown fond of drowning in it.

"Hey, baby," his husky voice sent a jolt through me.

I shivered at the sound, my grip on the railing loosening as my hands settled on top of his, resting on my waist.

"Why are you awake? I tried not to wake you up," I whispered, leaning into his touch. God, I missed him. Yes, I know it had only been, barely ten minutes but trust me, those felt so damn long.

"I was missing your touch," he replied, lowering his head to kiss my neck. "For a moment, I freaked out when I woke up and didn't find you beside me."

A soft chuckle escaped me. I raised my hand, caressing his jaw. "So, Mr. Adriano is starting to get used to me?"

"Oh, you have no idea," he sighed, his nose nestled against my neck, "I think I'm becoming obsessed, bordering on insanity."

A smile tugged at my lips. A strange warmth blossomed in my chest as I pressed a kiss to his temple. "Well, now you know what it feels like to be obsessed with someone. Welcome to the club."

"You and I aren't the same, Evelyn. I might end up wrecking everything just to make you mine, and the crazy part is, I might not even regret it. I might not regret any of the damage I cause to relationships in the process," his voice dropped, his words heavy, echoing the same questions that haunted me, "But here's the thing-I don't want to. I don't want to ruin anything, and I don't want to let this go. It's confusing as hell, but it feels so damn right." He tightened his hold on me, as if to shield me from the world.

"Let's not overthink it right now, okay?" I turned to him, my hands sliding around his neck, pulling him closer. "We'll figure it out. Everything will be okay."

"You're right," he breathed, leaning into my touch. I could feel his heart racing, its rhythm in sync with mine, as if it was always meant to be.

A few moments passed just in silence; none of us spoke a word. The silence felt peaceful. With him, and this ocean, I felt free like these cold winds and I pondered, whether, if I were to succumb and get swept away like them, forced to a new destination, or I'd get to stay here forever.

Breaking the silence, Jacob's voice echoed, shattering the walls that had enclosed us, leaving it all crumbling at our feet.

"You're quite the swimmer, Evelyn, aren't you?" he asked, a mischievous smile playing on his lips as he glanced at the ocean. Oh, no way. He can't be serious-absolutely not.

"Jacob, that's a terrible idea," I protested, urgency in my voice.

"Nothing's a terrible idea when you're by the ocean," he responded, his grin widening, and my senses went on high alert.

"I am not going to go along with this crazy idea, Jacob. I won't jump."

"And why's that?" He arched an eyebrow, his green eyes sparkling under the moonlight, making it hard for me to hold my ground. Fuck, he looked handsome- Shit, Evelyn, just for once, act sensible.

"Because the water is freezing cold, for God's sake. We'll either freeze or get swept away by the waves. I'm not risking it."

"I'll keep you warm," he whispered, his voice steady as his lips brushed against mine, momentarily weakening my resolve, "And believe me, no waves are going to take us away. We've taken bigger risks before, Evelyn. You know that."

Not a single nerve in my body, not even a small hair strand, was up for partnering in this reckless plan.

"No chance, it's not the same," I insisted, attempting to step back. He was out of his mind.

"Come on, Evelyn. Let's be a little wild tonight," he wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me closer as he edged us toward the edge, "You jump, I jump, remember?" He chuckled.

"This isn't some Titanic shit, Jacob. It's just plain crazy!" I struggled to break free, but his grip was firm.

"One. Two..."

"Fuck! This is beyond insane. Jacob, no!"


In the blink of an eye, we were plummeting straight off the yacht and into the deep sea. The water enveloped me, its icy grip threatening to numb my entire body in seconds. Breaking the surface, I gasped for air-holy shit, this was beyond absurd. The cold water was a near-painful shock against my skin, yet it oddly induced a sense of calmness.

Jacob emerged beside me moments later, his arms encircling me and pulling me close. The moon climbed higher in the sky, casting a soft glow on his face. I could cherish this view, even risk my life for it, a thousand times over.

"I told you I'd keep you warm," he said, his breath ragged, though not nearly as much as mine-my composure was long gone.

"This is insane," a chuckle escaped my lips, my words betraying a mixture of astonishment and exhilaration.

"I know... but you see, I'm a fan of crazy things," he brushed my hair away from my face. Even though I was already shivering, his touch sent another shiver down my spine, enveloping my body and veins in its embrace.

His wet hair clung to his forehead, and water droplets traced their way down his skin. His tongue darted out, lightly moistening his bottom lip. Desire surged within me, igniting my body, my thoughts, my very being. It held me captive, and I had no intention of breaking free.

I cupped his face in my hands, my intent clear. Without hesitation, I pulled him into a kiss. He drew me close, our bodies melding together, fitting seamlessly, and suddenly, the coldness ceased to exist. Instead, warmth enveloped us-a beautiful warmth that blossomed deep within my chest. In that warmth, a garden grew. Cherry blossoms, red roses, and the calming scent of lavender. Peace settled within


We broke the kiss after what felt like an eternity, our eyes locking onto each other.

I felt brave, and more courageous than ever before. Ready to spill what I'd been, deep down, hesitating to reveal all these days.

"There's something I want to tell you, Jacob," I whispered. His arms held me just as securely as before, not giving an inch. Yet, a glint sparkled in his eyes, as though he could discern something in mine. I wasn't certain if he truly could, but I had been an open book while he was shrouded in mystery.

"Go ahead," he encouraged, his green orbs unwavering, locked onto me with unwavering intensity.

I hesitated, the words tangling in my throat, forming a web of hesitation. I knew that if I let this moment pass, I might never find the courage again.

"I...I love you, Jacob," I finally confessed, my words trembling as they tumbled out. A wave of relief washed over me as I finally uttered the truth, "Yes, I do. Truly, deeply, and fucking hopelessly. I am so madly in love with you, Jacob..... I love you."

He remained silent, his gaze still locked on me, though his emotions remained hidden. For a moment, doubt stirred in my mind at his quietude, but it all dissolved when a smile curved his lips, and he drew me even closer. One of his hands cradled the back of my head as he brought our faces together. His warm breath ghosted over my face, raising goosebumps on my skin.

"I love you too, Evelyn Fernandez," his voice deepened, the intensity in his eyes burning even brighter as he spoke. "And let me tell you something: I plan on loving you for a very, very long time." Then, he made our lips meet again,

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