My Dad's Bestfriend

Chapter 136 Back To Home


"Here it is, Bianca. He confessed everything," I said softly, extending the camera to her. It had been concealed in my dress during my visit to Tyler's mansion-the sole purpose of my visit being to extract his confession, not to sleep with him. But in the end, it seemed inconsequential. Jacob was inclined to believe what suited him, and I no longer had the energy to fight for truth when he had already inflicted enough pain upon me. Far more than I could bear.

It had been Bianca's and my plan all along: to deceive Tyler into confessing without him realizing it. I would pretend to play into his desires, coaxing the truth out of him under the guise of granting his wishes. And it worked, but unfortunately, not in the manner I had anticipated.

"Are you sure you're alright, Evie?" Bianca's concern was evident in her eyes, her furrowed brow, lines of her forehead, and uneven breaths betraying her worry. "I understand Jacob royally fucked it up. He's impulsive and foolish, and I totally understand what you've been through. But could you please consider speaking to him one last time? He's been searching for you everywhere since you left. He's genuinely concerned. Maybe we could at least let him know you're here?"

"No, Bianca. Please, don't," I whispered, brushing away the tears that had welled up in my eyes. Despite my attempts to blink them away, they persisted. "If you truly want to help me, please keep me away from Jacob for these last few hours before I leave for America. I'm not in a state to even bear the sight of him. Please, try to understand..." Panic began to rise within me, my breaths growing heavier. "Just don't... I beg you, please "

"Hey, Evie... it's okay," Bianca reassured me, gently taking hold of my hand and giving it a comforting squeeze as she noticed my distress. "I won't say anything to him."

Her words prompted a sigh of relief to escape me. She wouldn't disclose my whereabouts to him. Yes, she wouldn't.

"If I were to see him now, Bianca, I know I'd start fucking hating him..." I exhaled, pulling my knees closer and wrapping my arms around them, resting my chin on top, a heavy sigh escaping me, my words trembling, "And I don't want that. I can't bear the thought of hating him. So it's better that it all ends like this. Maybe not on good terms, but at least in a way that if we cross paths in the future, neither of us would need to turn away. This is how it has to remain, for the better. I've forgiven all his transgressions and turned a blind eye to so much, but I can't lose myself in the process anymore. I'm done putting him before myself. Not anymore. So, please try to understand. I know you're his sister, and it must be painful for you to witness this, but trust me, it's better for him to stay away. Because if he shows up here, I'll end up hurting him more than he's ever hurt me."

Bianca let out a small sigh, her hand gently rubbing my back. Her touch provided some solace, reminiscent of Clara's, and I found myself longing for her presence. I missed Dad too-I wished I could hug him tightly and let my tears flow freely. I knew being close to him would lessen my pain, maybe not in a significant amount because the heartbreak Jacob gave me today would forever sting, but maybe just a little bit, to help me with the pain and simply live.

"I don't know what to do with you two," Bianca finally murmured after a while, "You two can't live without each other," this time her voice was barely audible, almost a whisper, yet I heard it clearly.

"Life goes on, Bianca. It doesn't wait for anyone," I replied softly after a brief pause. "And I'm sure Jacob will find a way to carry on, just as I will. Leaving his house in anger may have seemed impulsive at first, but the more I reflect on it now, the more I believe it was the right decision. Sometimes, it's best to walk away before things deteriorate to a point where reconciliation becomes impossible. I gave him numerous chances, did everything I could, but he disappointed me in ways I never thought possible-and now, I need to focus on picking up the pieces of my own life. No one else can do that for me; I have to do it myself, and that starts by staying away. It's what's best for me. I lost my way for a while, but now it's time to find my way back home."

"Have you told Samuel yet?" Bianca inquired gently.

"Yes. He's landing in America tonight, and tomorrow he'll pick me up at the airport," I replied, my grip around my knees tightening. I fought back tears, but every fiber of my being yearned to release them-it felt like an internal battle, tearing me apart.

"Let it go, Evie," Bianca whispered, her gaze soft, "Don't hold yourself back. Let it go."

"I... I can't," I managed to croak out, my throat constricting with emotion as the words struggled to escape.

"Holding back will only increase your pain, sweetheart. Allow yourself to feel it," she urged gently, her words carefully chosen. "Crying won't harm you. It'll only ease your suffering."

With a sob escaping me, the sound reverberating through the silent hall, the first tears streamed down my cheeks, Catching the moonlight peeking through the window and glistening like tiny crystals. "He broke my heart, Bianca. He did... just with his words."

"I know. He's an idiot," Bianca murmured, her touch comforting as she patted my head. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize for his mistakes," I

sniffled, another sob breaking through. "He's not sorry. He's never been sorry for what he's done-not when he kissed Chloe, not when he constantly pushed me away. He' wasn't sorry tonight when he said those hurtful things without an ounce of remorse. He was


Before Bianca could respond, I continued, the words tumbling out, "I'll never forgive him for this... ever. He promised he'd never hurt me, but he's done it so perfectly. He made sure I felt every bit of it," I confessed, my voice thick with emotion. I can't love him anymore, Bianca. Before I start to hate him, it's better for us to part ways."

"Are you sure you want this, Evelyn?" Bianca's voice carried a hint of uncertainty. "I won't impose my thoughts on you, and I won't defend my brother's actions, but I need to ask-are you truly certain about this? About parting ways?"

It took me a moment to consider her question. Despite having made my decision, I found myself hesitating. Why was it so difficult, even though I believed it was the right choice? But ultimately, my mind remained steadfast in its resolution.

"Yes," I finally replied, my voice steady. "This is what I want, Bianca. It's what needs to happen."

"Alright," Bianca nodded in understanding, tenderly brushing away my tears and cupping my cheek. "I'll take you to the airport tomorrow. But for now, let's have some wine. Your favorite?" A small, bittersweet smile touched my lips. "Sure."

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