My Dad’s Best Friend (A Touch of Taboo)

: Chapter 18

Of course I want him to punish me. That was the whole point of this. I’m still going to protest.

“No!” I grip the counter and arch my back. Combined with the way he’s pulling at my apron, it has the ties around my neck loosening to expose my breasts.

Jonas doesn’t move away. He just grabs more fabric in his big fist, until I might as well be naked. He looks down at me and shakes his head. “If I palm you right now, I’m going to find you wet, aren’t I?”

I nibble my bottom lip. “Maybe?”

“You get off on inciting me.” He pushes me back, pinning me in place. “This isn’t going to end the way you want.”

“Isn’t it?” I grin.

He shakes his head slowly. “What am I going to do with you?” He lifts me onto the counter before I can respond. “Don’t answer that. You’re just going to piss me off.” He spears me with two fingers, but he’s not trying to get me off. No, he’s testing how wet I really am. How ready. “Just as I thought.” Jonas pulls out his fingers and shoves down his lounge pants.

I felt him. I’ve sucked him off. I’m had him inside me. The sight of him still steals my breath and sends a little thread of alarm through me. I’m all sorts of hot and bothered, but the look in his eye says this will be a punishment. “But—”

He fists his cock and presses it to my entrance. Not enough to enter me, but the threat remains all the same. “The only thing you respond to is fucking, so I’m going to fuck some obedience into you.” Still he waits.

I slowly lean back against the cabinet. Between that and his grip, I’m braced pretty solidly. I bring my legs up and hook my fingers around my thighs, holding myself open for him. “If I’ve been bad, then you should punish me, Daddy.”

He looks almost tormented for a moment before he gets himself under control. “At least you’re finally admitting that you’re not the good girl you pretend to be.” He pushes forward a little, easing the head of his massive cock inside me. “No good girl has a pussy so eager to be fucked. Look at the way you take me.”

I obey, looking down my body to watch him work himself into me. His cock spreads me vulgarly, each stroke disappearing a little deeper, only to reappear wet with my desire. “I like watching you fuck me,” I whisper.

“I like it, too.” The words are dark and low like a confession. “I’ll spend the rest of my life jacking to the memory of how sweet it feels to sink into your tight little cunt.”

The words force a moan out of me. Or maybe it’s the fact that he’s decided I’ve been prepared enough. Jonas slams into me, sheathing himself to the hilt. I tighten my hold on my thighs in response, which only serves to spread me wider for him.

“I like you like this. Holding yourself open for me. Letting me do anything I want to you.” He fucks me in rough strokes, driving deeper and deeper yet. He shifts the fist holding the apron to the side down, pulling the ties around my neck free, so he that he press his thumb to my clit. “Now be a good little slut and come around my cock.”

I don’t have a chance in hell of denying him. I don’t want to deny him. With each slide of his thumb, with each rough stroke of his cock inside me, I barrel closer and closer to oblivion. My whole body goes tight and hot and then I’m doing exactly as he demands, orgasming hard enough that I start to slam back into the cabinets. Jonas anticipates me, so my head hits the palm of his free hand instead of the wood. And then his mouth is on mine, claiming me here just like he’s claiming my pussy. He keeps fucking me, keeps kissing me, until another orgasm starts to build in the aftermath of the first. I want to touch him, but I can’t quite make my hands obey. It’s like they’re fused to my thighs, my body unable to do anything but take what he gives me.

This time, when I come, I propel him under too. He curses against my tongue and then he’s driving into me, grinding his way through his own orgasm. Jonas gentles his kiss as he keeps pumping into me almost idly. Finally, he shifts to press his forehead to mine. “This is only going to encourage bad behavior.”

I smile against his lips. “Maybe.”

“Thought so.” He eases out of me and helps me off the counter. My legs feel a little like all my bones have turned to mush, but I manage to keep my feet. Barely.

The kitchen is a mess. There’s flour everywhere. The counters, the cabinets, the floor. All over me and Jonas. I look at us and start laughing. “Sorry.”

“No, you’re not.” But he’s smiling, too. He undoes the ties around my waist with gentle hands and tugs the apron free. “We’re going to need a shower.”

“Oh no, not another shower in your amazing bathroom.” I grin. “We should clean up first, though.”

It takes us far longer than it should, mostly because we can’t quite keep our hands off each other. I drag my mouth down Jonas’s spine as he cleans the cabinets. He presses kisses to my neck while I try to get the counter in order. I end up sucking his cock while I’m trying to wipe the flour off the floor, and then he bends me over the now-clean counters to fuck me from behind.

Really, who can blame us?

We only have the weekend, after all.

By the time we manage to make it into—and out of—the shower, it’s well past lunchtime and edging into sunset. The rain still hasn’t let up, which adds to the feeling of us being in our own little world. One completely untethered by reality, where fantasy reigns supreme.

Jonas builds up the fire again and then pulls me down with him onto the couch. “I have some questions about what you said earlier.”

There’s no point in pretending I don’t know what he’s talking about. Especially since anticipation is already zinging through me. “About chasing me.”

“Yes.” He takes my hand in his and idly runs his fingers over the inside of my wrist. “How far do you want to play into that?”

I start to give a blithe answer, but force myself to actually think about it. “I want to protest. A little more than the ‘we shouldn’t be doing this’ but not a full out ‘oh my god, I don’t want this’ kind of thing. I don’t know if that makes sense.”

He considers the fire, still tracing abstract patterns on my skin. “So I chase you. I catch you. I hold you down.” He glances at me. “I force your legs apart and taunt you with how much you want this even though you know you shouldn’t.”

My throat goes dry and I have to swallow several times to speak. “Yes. Like that.” I hesitate. “I get off on the shame of wanting something that I shouldn’t.”

“I’ve gathered that.” He gives a slow smile, though there’s still an edge of restraint. “I don’t really have much experience with formal kink, but something like this needs a clear word to stop things if they get too intense for you.”

I haven’t done much formal kink, either, but what he’s saying makes sense. If part of the game is protesting, words like stop and no don’t exactly have the same meaning. “How about enough for that? If I say that, we stop.”

“That works.”

I won’t say it. I already know this safety measure is unnecessary. Jonas is too in tune with me to push us into uncomfortable territory. All the same, I think we both breathe a little easier as we settle on it. “Okay.” I look around. “Um, how does something like this get started?”

Jonas laughs. It’s deep and untethered and hits me right in the chest. He pulls me into a quick kiss that ends far too soon. “That depends on what you want.”

What I want? I want it all. Everything. I’m greedy for all the experiences he’s giving me, all the fantasies we’re playing out. “What if…” I shiver. “What if you’re working and I interrupt you? Just to ask a question or get a book, but then…”

“You’ve been flaunting that hot little body at me for years,” he says it almost as if musing. “I’m finally going to take you up on it, you little tease.”

I flush hot. “Yes. That.”

“Okay.” He sits back. “You want that now?”

“There you go, asking your trick questions again.” I climb to my feet and look at him. “Um, would it be totally untoward of me to ask you to put on a suit?”

Jonas gives another of those deep laughs. “Anything for you, baby girl.”

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