My Dad’s Best Friend (A Touch of Taboo)

: Chapter 12

Despite the harsh words, Jonas buries his face in my neck and kisses the sensitive skin there. He rolls us onto our side, takes a moment to adjust my legs so he’s not crushing me, and then pulls me back against his chest. His cock is still twitching inside me. Every time it pulses, I give a little twitch of my own. I’m so over-sensitized, I’m not sure if it’s too much or if it’s just going to wind me back up again.

I’m shaking and I can’t seem to stop. “Jonas.”

“I’ve got you,” he murmurs.

Maybe I should feel caged by him right now. He’s got me tangled up tightly enough for the term to fit. I don’t, though. Instead, it’s almost like he’s made a safe cocoon between me and the rest of the world. A strange thought, but there’s no denying how safe I feel in this moment.

How safe I’ve felt from the very start of this.

It’s several long minutes before our bodies cool and my heart rate returns to something approximating normal. Jonas presses another kiss to my throat. “Think your legs will hold you?”

“You say stuff like that and then claim that I’m the one responsible for your big ego.”

He gives me a squeeze and disentangles himself from my body. I can’t quite shove down a whimper in response. I’m a little sore and a lot tired, but it’s like he’s a fever in my blood. I’m suddenly terrified that I’ll never get enough of him.

No, that’s ridiculous. Of course I’ll get enough of him. It’s just that he was right earlier when he said a single night won’t be enough. That’s all.

He climbs to his feet and then offers his hand. I kind of want to slap it away just to see what he’ll do, but I’m wobbly enough to worry that I won’t be able to stand without help. He tugs me to my feet and gives me a nudge toward the bathroom. “I’m going to change the sheets. Get the shower started.”

“You know, we’re not fucking right now. You don’t have to take the bossy tone.”

He gives me a long look. “I was under the impression that you knew who you invited into bed with you, Blake. The fantasy might be an amped up version of it, but this is me.”

did know that. Jonas has one hell of a reputation for being unyielding, to the point where my father jokes about it all the time. I’ve seen evidence of that myself, both six years ago and with his refusal to my business offer. I lift my chin. “I’m aware of the fact that you’re a cantankerous grouch and set in your ways.”

He raises his brows. “A cantankerous grouch.”

“Tell me it’s not the truth.” I continue before he can respond. “That wasn’t my point, by the way. You can be the bossy ass all you want, but understand that I’m not going to roll over and play obedient baby girl when we’re not doing…” I wave my hand vaguely at the bed.

If anything, his brows arch higher. “Your definition of obedient is as flawed as your definition of sorry.”

“That’s the second time you had a chance to quote the Princess Bride and just let the opportunity pass you by.” I shake my head. “What am I going to do with you, Jonas?”

“I’m sure you’ll come up with more than a few ideas.” He’s still looking at me as if trying to figure out what I want. “I’m not asking for unquestioning obedience, Blake. I’m not interested in that—not this weekend, and not in general. But we’re both sweaty and covered in come. We’ll sleep better with a shower and clean sheets.”

I start to respond, but pause when I realize what he’s implying. “We’re sleeping together?”

That stops him short. He frowns. “I’d assumed…” Jonas glances at the bed. “If you’d be more comfortable with me on the couch—”

“No!” I try to temper my tone, to shove the enthusiasm down to a more moderate level. “No, that’s not what I want. I’m just realizing that we didn’t talk much about what this weekend would look like other than the whole ‘this pussy is mine’ thing.”

He shrugs. “It looks like what you want it to look like.”

Now it’s my turn to frown. “That’s not an answer.”

“I know.” Jonas drags his hand through his hair. “I didn’t exactly plan on this on any level. There’s no reason for us not to sleep in the same bed.” He gives me a slow smile that has butterflies erupting in my stomach. “Besides, I like eating pussy first thing in the morning. You on board with that?”

I blink. “Is that a trick question?”


I blink again. “Has anyone ever said that they don’t want to wake up coming on your mouth?”

“Blake.” Jonas has that tone again, the exasperated imperial one. “Answer the question.”

I could remind him that I already signed up for damn near anything he wants to do to me, but I kind of like how he’s continually checking in. No matter how cranky he is normally or how much the asshole he plays when we fuck, Jonas has a nurturing streak that makes my chest feel funny. It’s such a contrast, but no less genuine than the other sides of him.

So I give him an honest answer. “I would very much like to wake up to your mouth all over my pussy, Daddy.”

His gaze drops to my mouth and then he’s stalking toward me and yanking me into his arms. “I ought to put that disobedient mouth to good use.”

My jaw is still a little achy from sucking his cock earlier, but I don’t give a fuck. “If you think that would help.”

“No, baby girl.” He clasps my throat in a light grip and guides my face up to his. “I don’t think anything but fucking you just shy of comatose will help, and even then you’ll find a way to mouth off.”

“Probably,” I whisper.

“Definitely.” Jonas kisses me. It’s nothing like the kiss earlier. Before, he was branding me as his. This feels like… Almost like he’s simply enjoying himself. Enjoying me.

He lifts his head far too soon. “Shower, Blake. Before I change my mind.”

I’m weaving on my feet a little, but I’m not about to let something as mundane as exhaustion stop me. I run my hands up his chest. “Would it be so bad to change your mind?”

He snorts and turns me toward the bathroom, giving me a little push. “Shower.”

“Yes, Daddy,” I say sweetly. I think I hear him cursing under his breath, but the truth is that a shower sounds like heaven. Especially his shower. I’ve wanted to turn on the facets and see if it’s designed exactly as I suspect.

Five minutes later, Jonas finds me standing in the shower, just outside the spray of water. “What are you doing?”

“I’m mad at you.”

He frowns. “What?”

I motion at the perfectly constructed shower. “This. This is amazing. The tile work and the way you arranged the shower heads and… Fuck, Jonas, I’m furious I didn’t think of this first.”

“I’m hardly the first person to do something like this,” he says mildly as he nudges me beneath the spray.

I duck my head under the water for a moment and then I’m staring at him instead of the shower. Water runs down the lines of his chest and hips and I’m not polite enough not to stare at his cock. He’s still half-hard, which is nearly as unbelievable as this shower. I shake my head and try to focus. “You might not be the first, but this is really Grade A design and don’t pretend otherwise.”

He shrugs. “It’s what I do.”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to remind him that he could be doing it for the Hendersons, but I manage to swallow the words at the last moment. He already said no, and at this point I doubt he’s going to change his mind. Pestering him about it will just muddy up what we have going right now. I’d rather enjoy this weekend and then hit the ground running on Monday with a new plan for that account.

I focus on using his soap to wash off. In typical bachelor fashion, he has some two-in-one shampoo conditioner thing that makes me cringe a little, but I can’t deny that it smells like sexy man. Or maybe it’s just that I will forever associate Jonas with this scent. I bet I can buy some of this when I get home, just in case I need another hit during a dry spell.

No, that’s not normal. That’s a weird thing to do. Even weirder than masturbating while sniffing his pillow.

I really, really can’t believe I did that.

We finish up showering, and I’m only slightly disappointed that he doesn’t try something. The truth is that the day is catching up with me, and exhaustion has attached weights to my body. I’m practically stumbling by the time I braid my hair and make it back into the bedroom.

Jonas didn’t stop at changing the sheets. He made the entire bed again. Of course he did.

He pulls back the comforter and glances at me. “Do you have a specific side to sleep on?”

“Not really.”

“I’ll take this side then.”

It’s only when I climb beneath the covers that I realize he’s between me and the door. There’s absolutely no reason to look into that. I’m sure it’s simply the side he always sleeps on. Still, something warm and strange takes up residence in my chest. It only gets stronger when Jonas rolls toward me, and without a word, tugs me back until he’s spooning me.

I fall asleep surrounded by him, feeling totally and completely safe…and wake up with Jonas’s tongue in my pussy.

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