My Cruel Blind Alpha

Chapter 24


“Damon, I already toldeth you. Alec, Leah, and I are the only ones going up the mountain tomorrow morning.” Insuvai argued with Damon.

“But why.” He whined.

“Because I hath said so. So helpeth me god, if I have to bind to this hotel room than I shall.” Insuvai yelled. I busted out laughing.

We all check into a hotel room a half hour ago and it was a little past midnight. Tomorrow morning, Insuvai, Alec, and I would begin the expedition up to to the second witch cavern.

“So how long is it going to take anyway,” I asked.

“About two weeks since we should be going at a festinate pace.”

“Thanks Insuvai,” I said to her. I gave her a big bone-crushing hug.

“What was that about?” She asked confused.

“Just a hug. I should be going now. We have a long trip ahead of us.” I said.

“Bye guys.” I waved goodnight to them and they did the same. I left their hotel room and went to mine.

“So it’s going to be two weeks?” Alec said when I entered the medium sized room.

“Yes. Then you’ll have what you want.”

“Thank you.” He said.

“No problem. What are mates for.”

I took a shower and brushed my hair and teeth. After I got out, Alec took his shower. I sent a couple texts out to Rem, Alice, Xena, and all my family members that had a phone. When Alec was done with his shower I quickly put my phone away. Then I crawled into the hotel bed. I was beyond tired so it was not hard to fall asleep


“Leah, we have to leave soon.” Alec woke me up the next morning.

“Okay,” I muttered sleepily.

He went to the bathroom and I took that as my chance to get dressed. I put on a pair of leggings and brushed my naturally straight blond hair. When he came out of the bathroom, I stood up and walked toward him.

“What do you need?” He asked.

I caught him off guard when I hugged him quickly. “I’m going to make sure Insuvai is up.” I walked to their hotel room and knocked quietly on their door. Insuvai smiled when she opened the door.

“You ready?” I asked.

“Indeed, I’ll be out. And we can useth Damon’s truck, I already asked.”

I went down to the lobby and waited on both of them. Insuvai was the first one to come down, and Alec met up with us shortly. “Okay let’s get this show on the road.” Insuvai smiled while spinning the keys in her hand.

“When was the last time you even drove a vehicle?” I asked.

“Fifty years ago. Nay big dealeth.” She waved it off with her hand.

“Moon goddess please help us,” Alec muttered.

“I’m scared,” I admitted.

“I’m not lacking valor. Just a bit rusty.”

We all got in the truck, for what seemed like the thousandth time, and she started to drive. I was in the passenger seat and Alec was in the back. We had our backpacks and equipment in the back with Alec.

Insuvai wasn’t that bad of a driver, besides the speeding, but it still scared the hell out of me.

A couple hours of silence passed by, but soon enough Insuvai was driving along the countryside that led up to Mount Denali.

“Are you sure they are here?” I asked.

“Positive, the valorous thing is, it is not at the top of the mountain, only near it. Therefore it shall not taketh to longeth.”

“Finally,” Alec said under his breath.

“Are you going to bid me what you wanteth up there?” Insuvai quizzed me.

“I just want to see Velvezhi,” I told her mentioning my grandmother’s name.

“Very well,” Insuvai said while pressing the pedal down to the floorboard.

I closed my eyes and grabbed the door handle. “Oh my goodness. Stop! What are you doing? There is a speed limit!” I shouted.

“I don’t seeth any cops.” She shrugs while hitting one hundred miles per hour. Then the sudden flashing of lights and a siren was heard.

“Told you so,” I muttered.

“I told you so.” She mocked in a high pitch voice. “Relax, I got this.” She said. She pulled off into the side of the road.

“Great. This is just wonderful.” Alec huffed.

Insuvai rolled down the window as the cop approached.

“Good morning ladies.” The cop greeted us. “Do you know how fast you were driving?” He asked as he placed his hand on the truck.

Insuvai placed her hand on top of his and they made eye contact. “We weren’t speeding, I think you shall let us wander about. Nī coṉṉapaṭi cey.” She chanted. The cop took his hand off and went back to his police cruiser.

I watched as he drove off. “Wow.”

“I toldeth you.” She said.

“I’m so jealous right now,” I told her.

“Honey, all you needeth to learn is seduction. It works liketh magic.” Insuvai said. Alec growled and I rolled my eyes.

Insuvai resumed driving at a fast pace. I turned the music up, and just got lost in my own thoughts. It took about forty-five minutes of Insuvai’s speeding until we got to the base of the mountain, then we couldn’t drive anymore. I hopped out the truck and opened the back door to get the equipment.

I took a deep breath, “Well time to do this again and get it over with.”

“It is only halfway up. Two weeks at the maximum.” Insuvai replied.

“Who exactly are we seeing?” Alec asked.

“Velvezhi and Achira,” Insuvai answered.

“They sound like old people names.” He sarcastically.

“Those lads are dustier than dirt, yet we age not, so a plus it is.” Insuvai said and laughed.


It has already been a week since we started our hike up the mountain, and currently, I was dying of thirst.

“Guys wait.” I paused for a minute and took a small drink.

“Luckily, we are going at a festinate pace, and this is taking shorter than did expect.” Insuvai crammed a lot into one day, which is why we were almost there.

After a couple more hours of walking, we finally reached the third campsite. I set up the tents and Insuvai made some fire using her magic.

“In the morning, we only have liketh three more miles to wend. It is getting dark and I am not restful.” Insuvai said as she took out a pack of hot dogs from her backpack.

“Hotdogs? When did you get those?” I questioned.

“The night before we hiked up this mountain. At least the weather shall keepeth them cold.” She answered.

“Do you guys wanteth some?” She offered.

Alec and I both agreed, so she roasted them over her fire.

“Thank you,” Alec said when Insuvai handed him four hotdogs. Alec went inside the tent we shared.

I stayed outside with Insuvai until she was finished with the rest. We had a couple conversations as we ate.

“What are you thinking about?” She asked me.

“Just about talking to Velvezhi.”

“What are you going to talketh about?”

I shrugged my shoulders.

“I just can’t wait to get backeth to Logan.” Insuvai sighed dreamily.

I chuckled, “I thought you said you wouldn’t fall for a wolf.”

“I know not what it is about him.” She said.

“I always thought you would end up with a dragon shifter,” I muttered.

“Nay, they have too much of a fiery personality.” She said. “I only met one fire dragon shifter, then they all went missing.” She continued.

“What was her name?” I asked. I always have been curious about dragons.

“Esmeralda, but she preferred Esmer. It was a long time ago when I last saweth her. She was pregnant with her second dragon litter.” She said.


“Enough of the chitter, child. We better go to sleep.”

“Goodnight Insuvai.” I gave her a hug and went to my tent.

“Goodnight, my child.” I heard her say.

I entered the tent and laid down on the ground. “Goodnight Leah.”

“Goodnight Alec.”


“Rise and shine.” Insuvai poked her head into the tent.

I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and woke up Alec. “Alec, you are finally getting your eyesight back.” I happily said.

“Then we can finally go home.” He finished.

“Let’s go,” I said and we walked out.

I gathered our tent together and put it back in Alec’s backpack. I made sure we had everything that was needed before we left.

The walk made my legs ache, just a little bit. I haven’t exercised in forever and my wolf was on edge. I got nervous a couple times, but I ended up calming myself down. It seemed to be a repeated cycle. My heart would spike due to nervousness and stress. Then with a couple more footsteps, I would calm down. I felt like my stomach was doing flips and it was very uncomfortable.

“Are you okay?” Alec asked as he was walking beside me.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I assured him.

“We shall be there soon,” Insuvai said.

“Fantastic.” I forced a smile on my face.

Insuvai stopped and we did as well. We stopped at a somewhat flat clearing. I looked out into the valley and it was breathtaking. It calmed my nerves for a second. “The view is breathtaking.” I admired the beauty.

“It must be nice.” Alec huffed under his breath.

I ignored his comment and focused on Insuvai. “Vāyilkaḷ tiṟakka.” She muttered softly over and over again. Snow fell from the side of the mountain and I watched as a barrier opened. Insuvai stepped in and Alec and I followed. We were inside a tunnel that was in the mountain. Like the first cavern, there was markings and symbols on the dirt wall and floor. When we fully entered the tunnel, the barrier closed behind us. Darkness consumed us until Insuvai snapped her fingers. The torches ignited and a small flame appeared, allowing us to see as we walked down the tunnel.

“That wasn’t creepy at all,” Alec muttered.

“Get used to it, you hath no idea.” Insuvai mused.

“About what.” Alec snapped back.

“Quiet wolf.”

“You act like I’m lesser species,” Alec growled.

“You are.” Insuvai retorted.

“But yet, you are fucking another Alpha,” Alec argued.

“Shall we bring up all the whores that you have fucked? That number is bigger than mineth, and I’ve been around longer than you have.” After Insuvai’s words, there was a deafening silence.

We walked out into a large clearing. A huge smile came to my face when I was finally reunited with Velvezhi and Achira. Achira, my great aunt, returned a warm smile back to me, but my grandmother had a scowl on her face.

“Wipe that smile off your face child.” Velvezhi snapped.

The tension thickened like all the air had been sucked out of the room. My grandmother was not the most powerful original witch, Achira was. However, Velvezhi was the leader and she had the most authority. She was a born to be a leader and she is a powerful fighter. She could have a room full of Alpha’s submit to her in a matter of seconds.

Her long straight blond hair, like mine, flowed freely down to her lower waist. With a couple braids and flowers in her hair, she looked like a goddess. They all did. The sharp eyeliner, that she always wore, made her look bold. She had on a dark pair of jeans with a nice shirt that showed her well-developed breast. Velvezhi was known for her coldness toward everyone, except her sisters.

Achira had black hair with piercing blue eyes. Her hair was wavy and flawless. She didn’t like makeup, but she loved to be stylish when it came to clothes. She always wore brand name clothing. Unlike Velvezhi, she loved all of her family, especially my mother, Blake, and I.

“I came to talk to you.” I was about to speak more but she silenced me by raising her hand.

“I know what you are here for. It’s a shame. You came all this way for nothing.” She boomed with her powerful voice. Alec growled.

“Silence wolf!” She yelled.

“Velvezhi, please you don’t understand.” I walked toward her. Insuvai and Achira looked confused, so did Alec.

“How dare you say I don’t understand. I have a mate as well, in case you forgot.” Her voice was razor sharp.

“Please, do this for me. It’s the only thing I have ever asked for.” I begged Velvezhi. She was the only one that has successfully done such a spell, and I wouldn’t dare ask Achira and Insuvai to do it.

“Restoring a sense is dangerous.” She said and glared at me. I was now a couple feet away from her. Insuvai and Achira gasped.

“I know the consequences.” I begged her.

“Don’t you dare!” Insuvai yelled at me.

“Very well. As you wish, but you are foolish.” Velvezhi walked toward me and pulled out a long stunning silver dagger.

Without a second thought, she thrust the dagger into my heart, and I knew there was no recovering from this. My last thoughts were that I was finally able to give Alec what he wanted most in the world. His eyesight. Insuvai screamed, but I smiled because I was finally going to be in peace. There was going to be no more abuse. I immediately fell to the ground and let the white light consume me.


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