My Cruel Blind Alpha

Chapter 22


The lightbulb was still out, so I switched to my wolf’s vision. I saw Alec jump up from his cell across from me. “Someone is here.” He said. I allowed my wolf to heighten her senses. All I heard was the sound of guns going off and heavy footsteps. Someone was definitely here.

“It’s Insuvai and Damon I hear them,” Alec said.

“Who’s that?” Ava worriedly asked.

“Don’t worry Ava, we are getting out of here!” I exclaimed excitedly.

“I hope so. I can’t take it anymore.” Ava whispered.

I listened again with my senses. “Damon, track them down!” I fadedly heard Insuvai yell. They must be directly above us.

“Damon! Insuvai!” Alec and I yelled at the same time. Hoping Damon would hear us, I yelled again for them.

“I hear them!” Damon shouted. A couple of minutes passed by, then I saw a bright light coming from the hallway. Damon and Insuvai appeared in front of my cell door. Insuvai had fireballs in her hand. She glared harshly at the cell doors, and it fell to the ground.

“Damn,” I said. Sometimes I forget how powerful she is. She walked to me lighting up my cell. Soon wrist and ankles feel free again thanks to Insuvai. I showed Insuvai to the other two cells that contained Alec, Ava, and Grace. Insuvai let Alec out first. Alec walked out of his cell and Damon had a glimpse of his face. Insuvai and Damon gasped in horror and looked at me for answers glancing back at him.

“Don’t ask.” The pain was laced in my voice as I shook my head. Damon and Insuvai focused on getting the girls out and then we left the dungeon. As we escaped the house and piled into the crowded truck, I couldn’t help but notice all the hunters lying on the ground.

“Are they dead?” I asked.

“No, only sleeping. They will wake up when we leave, and they won’t remember who we are.” She said.

“Good,” I said.

Damon was driving away from the house. Insuvai sat beside me in the back seat. I think she wanted to let Alec sit up front because it’s clear he went through a lot. The healing bruises, blood stains, and the open wound on his face proved that. Ava was sitting on Grace’s lap and they were leaning against the truck door fast asleep. The trip was silent, but it was expected to be.

“Are you well?” Insuvai asked me.

“I am. Thanks to Alec.” I told her. I never questioned Alec at the time of what he did. He could have let the people hurt me then he wouldn’t be in the condition he’s in, but he didn’t. It confused me because I remember him saying that I could be tortured and he wouldn’t care. To me, it seemed like he did care or else he wouldn’t have stopped them. Or perhaps, he just wanted to be the one to torture me. Maybe he couldn’t stand the fact that someone else was hurting me other than him. I came to the conclusion that I torturing myself with these thoughts and I just needed some sleep. I rested my head against the car door.


“Hopefully there isn’t any more complications.” I heard someone say.

“I really wouldn’t care.” My mate muttered. I opened my eyes for a brief second and discovered everyone else was fast asleep except for Damon and Alec. I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep so I could listen to their first peaceful conversation with each other.

“Are you sure your okay?” Damon asked.

“Why do you two always ask the same things? I’m an alpha. I’ve been through worse.” Alec groaned.

“Okay man just making sure.”

“You have alpha blood.” It was more of a statement than a question.

“Yes, I do,” Damon replied.

“You could stay in my pack. You would be great at whatever position you want.” Alec said. I smiled because I didn’t even have to ask.

“Thanks man, but I’m not sure if I belong there.”

“Why wouldn’t you? You could be Leah’s guard.” Alec said.

“Yeah, she’s a good person. You are lucky to have her as a mate. She can do amazing things.” Damon had an amazed tone in his voice.

“Like what?” Alec started to have an attitude but he tried to stay calm.

“Um, well. I mean she kicked ass. She did. When I saved her and she came to consciousness, she fought a lot of wolves. Killed them with her bare hands.” I mentally thanked Damon for keeping my secret, while trying to stifle a laugh because of how awkward and unbelievable he sounded.

“She is a good fighter.” Alec agreed. I was surprised Alec just rolled with what Damon had said.

“She would be a good Luna,” Damon said.

“Let us not get ahead of ourselves.” His voice turned cold.

“What you don’t think so?” Damon asked.

“I just had someone else in mind. But that’s ruined.” He muttered.

“Someone else?”

“Just forget about it!” Alec snapped.

Damon snarled at Alec. He is probably the only person I have witnessed to be alive that has growled him. “How could you want another woman other than Leah? Your own mate!” He raised his voice.

“You don’t know what you are talking about,” Alec shouted back. “Now fucking drop it!”

“You don’t deserve her. How could anyone want someone else when she is in the picture. If she was my mate, I’d make her mine right now!” Damon growled.

The next thing I know the truck spun out and a bunch of growls were heard. My eyes jetted open and everyone woke up. Alec, with his bright golden and brown eyes, had his hands wrapped around Damon’s neck. His glowing eyes gleamed with fury. Damon clawed Alec’s hand to make him let go. Once Alec let go they both began to punch each other with full force.

Insuvai and I screamed at them to stop, and Grace looked horrified at the scene. The fight didn’t falter until Ava started screaming and crying. “Please stop! You’re scaring me!” She cried.

They two men, that were acting like children, came back to realization. “Don’t talk like that ever again,” Alec growled.

“I’m making a point. Get your shit together.” Damon tore his eyes away from Alec and focused on driving. My breathing became normal and soon my adrenaline disappeared. I looked between the two powerful men. Alec looked unfazed by the attack, but Damon had a couple bruises forming that I could see. His breathing was heavy as he continued to drive. Alec smiled smugly.

“It sounds like you need to get your fighting skills and breathing together,” Alec said. Damon’s hands tightened on the steering wheel as he ignored Alec’s words.

After a couple hours passed a lot of the tension vanished. “We are not stopping at a hotel for a couple nights. If I keep driving then we will be there within a couple days.” Damon said and I was happy this was soon coming to an end.


“Oh my god!” I groaned rubbing my temples. “Will you just shut up both of you,” I said to them.

“If he would get off my back, we wouldn’t have a problem,” Damon replied. Alec growled and turned to me. He suddenly grabbed my hair and yelled, “Shut the fuck up and quit telling me what to do!”

Everyone’s face turned into horror at his sudden outburst toward me, all except for Damon’s. Insuvai forced Alec’s hand to let go. Damon turned serious, “Don’t touch her like that!”

“I can kill you within a second so don’t underestimate me. I will do what I want, so don’t worry about my mate!” Alec sneered.

Damon was about to reply but I interjected, “Damon just forget about it. Just keep driving.” He seemed reluctant to dropped it, but eventually, he tore his eyes away from Alec to continue driving.


The days passed and it seemed to be the same thing over again. Damon and Alec bickering and arguing, then Insuavai and I having to split it up. You could tell Ava and Grave received a lot of abuse because when fights would break out, between the males, they would huddle together and space out. I felt bad for them. Two days had passed and these two men were driving everyone nuts. I finally couldn’t take it anymore.

“Damon check into a hotel. I can’t take this anymore!” I yelled interrupting their argument. This is why all wolves know not to put two alphas together.

“I’m sorry.” Damon was the only one to apologize. After a couple miles of driving, he found a medium-sized hotel and pulled in. The two guys checked in and we unloaded all of the bags.

“Leah.” Someone called.


“I’m going to have to taketh Ava and Grace to receiveth at least some decent clothes,” Insuvai said. She was right. I looked at the clothes they had. Grace wore torn clothing that looked too small and Ava had small holes in hers.

“Would you liketh to cometh?” Insuvai asked.

“I hate shopping. Just take Damon. I want to talk to Alec anyway.” I said. She nodded and we got situated in our rooms. Alec and I shared a room while Insuvai decided to be with the girls. Damon had his own room.

I was now alone with Alec. “I’m just going to kill him.” He straight up said and my eyes went wide.

“What? No!” I said

“And why not!” He yelled.

“Because you can’t just kill people.”

“No, you are probably just fucking him.” He accused.

I gasped at his accusations. “Why would you say that?” I said hurt. “And with what time Alec!”

“When he saved you. You probably fucked him in that truck!” He yelled. I cautiously started backing up due to his anger. With every step I took back he took a step forward. I raised up my hands. “Alec, calm down. This is not the place to do this.” I told him.

He grabbed me by the throat and pinned me to the wall. “Make that the last time you tell me what to do! I’m the Alpha.” He said into my ear and I shivered. He squeezed my neck harder but then his phone started ringing. I gasped for air when he let go. He took the phone and went out of the hotel room. I looked into the mirror and spotted some bruises on my neck. I decided gathered some clothes to take a shower then I went into the bathroom. After healing myself and taking a long shower I wanted to rest.

“Took forever,” Alec muttered when I got out of the shower. He walked pass me nearly knocking me over in the process. I gulped hard and just laid down on the large bed. It was more comfortable than the truck and it was peaceful when Alec wasn’t being an asshole. I was almost falling asleep but then the bed dipped down.

“Scoot over!” He hissed.

“I’m sorry,” I mumbled.


“Look on the bright side, at least you are away from Damon for now.” I knew the two despised each other at times.

“Look, Alec, there’s something you need to know.”

“I’m listening.” He mumbled.

“I wouldn’t ever cheat on you. I told you before that I always wanted a mate. Why would I jeopardize that?” I told him.

“You’re just lying.” He said.

“No, I’m not. I’m here with you and for you Alec, no one else.”

“And your point is.”

“My point is I am not cheating on you. I couldn’t hurt my mate like that, even after all the things you’ve done.” I said.

“And what exactly have I done?” He scowled.

“You kidnapped me, threatened to kill my family and pack, choked and hit me, almost killed me, and then you think I’m cheating on you. If I wanted to leave you I would have done that a long time ago, but I didn’t. So stop being mean to me and stop accusing me of cheating.” I said.

“I’ll do as I please.” He snaps. He huffed and turned around not facing me anymore. I sighed and rolled over on the bed.


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