My Cruel Blind Alpha

Chapter 19


I woke up the next morning alone in the bed. My stomach growled and I was on the hunt for food. I changed into some appropriate clothes for the day and walked to the kitchen. Someone was making a big breakfast and my stomach growled like a monster.

The lady looked at me and I blushed quite embarrassed. “Good morning, Luna Knine.” She greeted happily.

“Good morning. Would you like some help?” I asked.

“If you wish, Luna.” She responded.

I happily helped her make the big breakfast. It was fun cooking with another female. Soon the dining room and living room filled with people ready to eat. “Luna, I am going to set up the table.” The woman said and I nodded my head continuing to cook the food.

“Greetings.” Insuvai greeted me. “Good morning,” I said.

“Guess what.” She beamed. I looked at her questioning. “Well, we art not getting on a plane anytime soon. So Damon offered to cometh and driveth us to Alaska. We already did talk to the grumpy Alec .” Insuavai stated happily.

I laughed, “Great an awkward road trip.” I said.

“It won’t too bad.” She said and left. I finished making breakfast and the woman came in. “Luna, you can sit down now. I’ll make everyone’s plates.” She offered.

“No, it’s fine. I’d rather help.” I said. I could tell she was grateful for my help. There were many people to serve including children, and I didn’t mind eating last. Just as long as the pack at first.

When it was finally my turn to eat the tables were already full. So I made myself and Alec a plate. I went up to our room with the two plates, hoping he would be there. Luckily, he was.

“Hey, I got you a plate of breakfast.”

Alec nodded his head and I gave him the plate. I scarfed down the plate of food, not realizing how hungry I truly was until now. I looked over at Alec and I could see he has done the same. I took this as the time to explain what happened to me while I was kidnapped. I explained everything from the time all the wolves jumped me in the woods, to when Damon saved me. I explained how he was a rogue, but he wasn’t like the others. The only thing I didn’t explain was when I went crazy and burned everything. Alec had a displeased look on his face.

He cleared his throat, “We will be leaving shortly with Damon and Insuvai.” He said.

“Do you know how long this road trip will be?” I asked. It seemed like he took care of all the traveling everywhere we went, which is why I asked.

“About a week. We will be stopping at a couple hotels on the way.” Alec added.

“Okay,” I said.

There was a heavy knock on the door. “Come in,” Alec answered.

Damon popped his head through the door. His black hair and blue eyes framed his face perfectly. The light stubble on his face made him look like his father. “Hey. I’ll be in the truck when you guys are ready.” Damon said. He then left.

There was an awkward silence between Alec and I. Considering his last words to me last night, maybe there should be. “My stuff is already packed,” I said and grabbed my suitcase. I walked out of the room and down the hallway. I heard the shuffling noise of feet behind me. I looked back and it was Insuvai. We both smiled at each other and made our way down the stairs. Logan was waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

“Hey, can I talk to you before you leave,” Logan asked looking at Insuvai. “Sure,” Insuvai said, and they went to a room.

I waited for Alec and Insuvai in the living room. Alec was the first one to walk down the stairs, with his eyes glowing, he slowly made it down. At the same time, Alec reached the bottom stairs, Insuvai and Logan were done talking. We all headed out the door, with Logan on Insuvai’s tail.

When we reached the truck, I grabbed Alec’s suitcase and put it in the back of the truck with mine. I turned around to load Insuvai’s luggage into the truck as well. My eyes widened in shock because Logan and Insuvai were kissing.

They stopped kissing and just embraced each other. “You’ll come back right?” Logan asked while cupping Insuvai’s face. “Yes,” Insuvai said and they kissed more. I awkwardly cleared my throat, letting them know there was an audience.

Insuvai blushed. “I better go now.” She said.

“Be safe,” Logan called after Insuvai as she was walking toward Damon’s truck.

“I will,” Insuvai said.

“Gross,” Alec muttered beside.

After Insuvai loaded her suitcase into the truck she quickly ran to the passenger seat and hopped in. Alec and I were stuck in the back of Damon’s black truck. Damon started the truck and we were on the road again.

After we got out of the pack territory, I looked at Insuvai. I had to say it. “So that was some spell huh?” I laughed at Insuvai. She blushed and looked out the window, avoiding my gaze.

“Leave it, Leah.” Her tone was playful yet embarrassed.

“So sex on the first night.” Damon hinted, and we both laughed. Insuvai’s face was as red as an apple. She ignored us and silence fell upon us again. I looked over at Alec and noticed his jaw was clenched. He looked pissed and his fists were balled up. I put my hand over the top of his hoping to calm him. He sharply pulled away from his hand.

After an hour into the drive, I began to feel restless. “I’m hungry,” Insuvai whined. “Did you not just eat?” Damon asked.

“I’m still hungry,” Insuvai said.

“Fine.” Damon groaned and pulled off to get some fast food. After everyone orders their food we patiently waited for it. “So do you know where you’re going,” I asked Damon.

He scoffed playfully, “Do you even know where you’re at.”

“No.” I laughed.

“You’re in Canada stupid.” Damon chuckled.

“Hey! I’m not stupid. You’re a retard.” I joked with Damon. I felt like we had a special bond, as friends. After all, he did save my life. I was going to talk to Alec soon about him joining the pack, regardless if I was going to be around. I want him to be safe.

“Here’s your food.” A woman chirped while handing Damon two bags. She looked at his face and smiled the best she could. “Thanks, Ma’am.” He said.

After a couple hours into the trip, my eyes were beginning to hurt. I leaned against the door and closed my eyes. “Hey! Falleth not asleep backeth there.” Insuvai shouted making me jump.

“I’m not! I’m just resting my eyes.” I defended myself. Insuvai gave me a disapproving playful look. “Mhm.” She said. An hour went by and I couldn’t stop myself. I feel asleep because I was bored.


I heard giggling and snickering, and I felt something heavy on my right shoulder. “Awe, they’re so cute.” Someone gushed. I felt someone touch my cheek, and I immediately opened my eyes. I swatted Insuvai’s hand away. “What’s so funny?” I asked. The truck was parked, both Damon and Insuvai were looking at me. They shifted their gaze and I looked over as well. I noticed that the heavy force was Alec, who was resting against me.

“Insuvai do you have your phone?” I asked.


“Take a picture,” I said.

She got her phone out of her pocket and aimed it at me. “Smile!” She explained. I put on the biggest and brightest smile I had. She took the picture, “Beautiful.” She said smiling at the picture. “I wish there were phones in the medieval times.” She said. I laughed and Damon looked at her horrified.

“How old are you?!” Damon squealed. We both broke out into laughter, which woke Alec up. He looked grumpy. “Honey, I been around since ancient times,” Insuvai said in between laughs.

“How? You look twenty!” He exclaimed.

“You sound like a girl,” Alec grumbled, which made Insuvai and I laugh even harder.

“I’m a witch. One of the three original witches.” Insuvai said.

“Witches are immortal?” Damon asked.

She sighed, “Nay, worry not about it.” Insuvai said.

Damon started the truck and continued driving. I looked out the window and admired the city we were driving through. Bright lights decorated the city, and many people were walking about. I always wanted to live in a big city, then again I don’t want to leave my country. When we got stuck in traffic, Damon would impatiently tap his fingers, Insuvai would just complain, and Alec just sat there. I didn’t mind sitting in traffic because it gave me the time to look at everything. I was a very observant person and I liked the city’s mystic beauty.

A phone rang, breaking the silence. “Remmy.” A voice repeated over and over again, it sounded like it came from the phone. Alec grabbed the phone from his pocket and said, “Answer call.” Alec was talking on the phone, and I thought it was cool how he had that feature on his phone. Damon and Insuvai where engaged in a conversation and Alec were on the phone, so I rested my head against the door. I watched as we passed the city and entered into a countryside. The streets had no houses, so it was very empty.

A weird noise came from the truck, and steam rose from the hood. “What the fuck!” Damon said. “Relax it will be fine,” I told him. “Easy for you to say, but I don’t have money to fix this.” Damon groaned.

“It must be a rogue thing.” Alec’s voice sounded cold. It caught me off guard, and I could tell it angered Damon. “I’m not a rogue.” Damon retorted just as coldly. Thick tension filled the air, so thick it could be cut with a knife. “You smell like one,” Alec growled.

Damon fought to keep his wolf from going submissive, “I was kidnapped by a Rogue when I was younger. You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Damon said. “Just be grateful that I’m driving you guys to Alaska.” He added.

“Sure, I’m so fucking thankful that your rogue pack kidnapped my mate,” Alec said sarcastically. “Oh, where are my manners, thanks, Rogue.” Alec’s voice sounded deadly, and they both snarled at each other.

“Um, guys?” Insuvai said. Of course, they ignored her, still growling at each other. I looked out the window and realized what Insuvai was talking about.

“Guys! Stop fucking peacocking and look out the damn windshield!” I yelled. Alec, with his wolf in control, and Damon’s head snapped toward the windshield. Nine men, wearing black, had guns and were slowly walking towards our truck. Their guns were raised at us.

“Did we break a law already?” I freaked out.

“No, they are hunters. I smell wolfsbane and vampire venom on them.” Alec said. “I take it none of you have run into a hunter, great.” Alec sarcastic stated.

“They are probably not even hunters. I doubt-.” Damon was silenced when a bullet shattered the windshield and entered his right shoulder.

“And you were saying?” Alec heartlessly said proving a point. Damon growled out in pain looking at the men. He was pissed and his raging wolf eyes appeared. He let out a loud deep growl and got out the truck. He yelled, “It’s going to take a lot more than that.”

Alec got out the vehicle and so did I. Alec chuckled walking closer to the men. “Stay right where you are.” One man said. They had their guns pointed at all three of us, and they had surrounded the truck. It looked like they wouldn’t leave anytime soon. “Stay?” Damon questioned laughing like a lunatic. “We are wolves. Not dogs.” Damon said and shifted into his wolf. He charged at the man and shooting broke out. I shifted into my wolf. I charged at the nearest group of guys. You could tell some of them were inexperienced because they froze.

I sank my teeth into the man closest to me. He screamed and the other men jumped back in fear. Once I killed him I moved on to the next hunter, then the next. This was the first time I’ve encountered a hunter. I imagined they wouldn’t be this easy to kill, but I guess I was wrong. When I was done I looked to see if Alec and Damon were okay. Alec had killed most of the hunters. Damon was almost done, but he was handling himself well. I made the decision to help Damon finish off his hunters. We were down to three hunters.

Alec had one hunter in the air by his throat. Alec ripped his throat apart and the hunter fell to the ground. Damon had the second hunter down on the ground as he killed him. I noticed the last hunter was a couple feet away from me, and he had a pistol pointed at Alec. Alec’s back was facing toward to hunter and he didn’t realize he was there. I tackled the hunter to the ground and a loud shot rang through the air. My wolf whimpered and fell off him. A bullet sized hole was in my chest, near my right shoulder. The hunter shoots me once again in the leg, and I was forced to shift back. The hunter walked to my human form and aimed the gun at my head. I watched as the hunter’s heart was clean out his chest. His body fell to the ground and I was happy to see Alec standing in his place.


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