My Cruel Blind Alpha

Chapter 11


“What did you think?” Alec asked when we got back in the hotel room.

“It was great!” I never have seen such a huge festival in my life. There were people dancing all around enjoying each others company.

“My parents use to bring me here a lot.” He turned to face me.

It seemed like the world paused for a split second. He quickly pushed me on the bed and hovered over me. His hands touched my face. I wanted him to continue, but I need him to stop playing games with my emotions. It wasn’t fair.

“What is this?” I asked, breaking what could have been a moment.

“Huh?” He was confused.

“Why do you keep pushing me away? Then you kiss me. You hit, choke, and almost killed me. Then at times like this, you want to love me. Only to bring my hopes up to crash them back down.” I was annoyed.

His face turned hard as stone, “Your right. Only my wolf wants you. I need to stop giving in to what he wants.” He coldly said and slammed the door as he walked out.

A picture fell off the wall and broke. I looked at the door for five minutes, waiting to see if he would return. One thing was for sure, if he didn’t want to be with me then he needed to stop acting like it. I cleaned up the broken glass myself.

When Alec came back, we got dressed to leave. There was a tourist group going up Mount Everest today, and we would tag along with them.

On the way to meet up with the group, we talked about our plan. When we would catch the scent of the witches, we would just slip away from the group. It would be as simple as it sounds.

While walking, we finished our conversation because we were almost at the location to meet the expedition guide. “Hey, it’s great to see you.” Our guide greeted us with an outstretched hand. I shook his hand, then he reaches out toward Alec.

“Um no, okay.” The guide chuckled nervously when Alec didn’t shake his hand because he couldn’t see it. The guide had no idea about his condition because Alec always wore dark sunglasses.

“Well, I hope you packed a lot in the backpacks because this will take about seven to nine weeks. Four weeks up and four weeks down.” He cheerfully said then went to talk to other tourists.

“That’s a long time,” I said.

“Yes. Hopefully, you don’t fall down the mountain.” Alec muttered and his voice was laced with poison.

“I’m doing this for you. So stop being a dick. What? Do you really think I want to spend two months alone with you either.” I angrily said. He knew he couldn’t hurt me due do to all the humans around. He lightly growled at me but said nothing.

The first week seemed to be longest. It didn’t help that we were surrounded by humans, who could be very slow at time. “Stupid humans,” Alec grumbled lowly.

“Stupid Alpha.” I mockingly grumbled. He laughs.

“What’s so funny?” I asked.

“Your voice.” He said.

I scowled at him. “Don’t you have anything better to do them complain.”

“You know you have to be alone in a tent with me tonight, away from the humans." He threatened.

“I’ll turn around right now.” I threatened him back. He gripped my wrist tightly.

“Don’t threaten me.” He growled at me.

“Don’t be an asshole.” I retorted. He stepped in my way and towered over me, his body shaking.

“Alec calms down, there are humans. You don’t want to shift.” I whispered to him.

“Your are such a bitch.” He grumbled and walked off.

On the way to our first camp, some of the humans were giving us weird glances. I assumed it’s because we wore just a regular light coat, while they had heavy coats.

“Aren’t you cold.” The guide asked.

“No, I love the cold.” Most werewolves do.

“So are you and that one guy married.” He asked looking at me while we were walking.

“Yes, he’s my wonderful husband.” I lied smiling a little.

“Is he alright?” He was referring to Alec who was ten feet ahead of the group, not caring if he was going the wrong way. He was probably using his wolf’s eyes to see.

“What can I say, he’s a natural alpha.” I chose my words carefully. He chuckled.

Alec growled and I heard, “Stay away from him.” Only I could hear him. I shook my head, ignoring him.

“Okay, guys we will set up camp here.” The guide said. Alec stopped. I took the tent out and set it up. The humans all gathered around and talked and laughed. It amazed me on how strangers could talk like friends, but my mate couldn’t even love me. I stayed in the tent with Alec. I got food out of my backpack and started eating. I offered him food, but Alec sat motionless.

“Are you alright?” I asked.

“No, just stop.” He wasn’t in the mood to talk.

“Stop what? What’s is your problem.” I continued to eat my food.

“Stay away from him.” His eyes flickered back and forth. He must be talking about the tour guide.

“Is it you or your wolf saying that?” I questioned.

“Me. Now stay away from him.” His blind eyes showed. I scoffed. His eyes narrowed in the direction of my voice. “Don’t disrespect me.” His alpha tone showed. I put my sandwich down.

“Cut the shit with your alpha tone. I’m your mat-” I was cut off by a slap to the cheek.

“Don’t finish that fucking word.” He angrily said. I was shocked, and I didn’t know what to do. “Why are you even here. What’s the catch in this.” He said suspiciously. “You probably lead me away from the pack, to kill me so you could go back and be Luna without me.”

I laughed, “Oh no, you caught me. You figured out my diabolical plan.” I sarcastically said.

“Why are you here.” He raised his voice.

“Because I love you, damn. Is that so hard to believe- that I actually love you.” I raised my voice.

He was in shock for a second, then his face turned ice cold again. “Your lying.” He said. I didn’t say anything in return.

“How could you even love me. After I do horrible things.” He said.

“Because I’m a foolish person.” I stood up, “Sometimes, love can consume a person.” I walked out of the tent. I took a couple deep breaths and back in. My legs were tired and I needed some rest.

I woke up in the middle of the night. The humans were sleeping so I asked Alec, who wasn’t sleeping, if he would like to leave. We decided to just take the journey up the mountain by ourselves. It would be faster.

“You can’t love me.” He said when we were a couple miles away.

“It is already too late.” I blatantly said. I know I shouldn’t have those kinds of feelings toward him. Honestly, I don’t know how I could love him. He has done nothing to earn my love. He threatened my pack and kidnapped me. All I get is his constant verbal and physical abuse. If we weren’t on this journey, we’d probably be at the house, and he would be hitting me once again. I have jerked out my thoughts when he grabbed me by the collar.

“Get it through your thick fucking head. I don’t love you. I never could love someone as weak as you.” He shouted in my face.

“We both know that I’m not weak.”

He chuckled. “You couldn’t even defend yourself against vampires.” He argued.

“No. But I can defend myself from your constant abuse.” I retorted.

“Abuse? I’ll show you abuse.” He said darkly. I gulped because there were no humans around anymore. He grabbed me by the neck and slammed me against the cold rock. “Look how weak you are.” He kicked my side. “Get up weak little mate.” He slapped my face hard. “Think you can still love me?” He asked mockingly. I stood up.

“You can’t change my feelings,” I muttered.

He tried to punch me but I quickly dodged it and punched him in the face. I pushed him back from me.

“Just stop it! What the hell is the matter with you.” I screamed in anger. I walked past him. He pulled me back by my hair, my nose was in the air and I smelt something familiar.

“Wait, stop. Do you smell that?” I asked.

Alec let go and sniffed the air, “Blood.” He stated.

“Where could there possibly be blood at?” I said while looked around. I started walking forward. “I honestly don’t know-” I screamed as I fell.

“Leah!” Alec yelled. I fell into a nice looking cave.

“I’m fine.” The blood scent got stronger.

“Alec comes down here I think I found something,” I yelled above.

He jumped and landed with a heavy thud. “Smells good in here.” He said.

“Ew.” Blood will never smell good to me.

We walked into the cave, and I eyed the ancient markings on the cave wall. I recognized that most of the symbols were used by witches.

“This is defiantly the witch cavern,” I stated.

“How do you know?” He asked.

“I just know,” I replied. We continued walking until I saw the light. Something wasn’t right.

“Hello?” I called out when we got to the opening room. There were papers lying on the ground. It looked like objects had been thrown across the small room. There must have been some sort of altercation. Then I gasped as I saw a trail of blood leading behind a flipped table.

“What is it?” Alec asked.

“Someone got here first.” I ran over to the flipped table. A beautiful brunette laid on the ground.

“Leah? Is that you. We’ve been waiting-.” The brunette trailed off. I looked at the special carved knife in her abdomen and pulled it out.

I ran over to the table and quickly put together a healing remedy. I may not be able to control my special element, but my mother did teach me a few things about small remedies and herbs.

“What are you doing?” Alec asked.

“Be quiet.” I shushed him.

“Don’t say that to me.” He continued.

“Shut up!” I yelled, “There are more important things right now.” I was worried about someone else’s life.

“What is that?” Alec was looking through his wolf’s eyes as I carried a small mixing bowl over to Insuvai.

“A healing remedy,” I answered quickly. I took the smelly liquid and poured it over her wound. Within seconds the wound closed all the way and she awoke with a gasp.

“Bloody vampires and their bloody Datura flowers.” She yelled. I couldn’t help but giggle at her heavy accent, but then I stopped realizing this wasn’t the time.

“Okay, what the hell is going on! And what the fuck is a Datura flower.” Alec rage. He wouldn’t get his answer because the Datura flower was deadly to witches, only witches and some creatures knew about what it could do to witches. Like obviously the one that attacked and was trying to kill Insuvai.

“Oh, it’s the blindeth one.” She said and stares at me blatantly.

“Watch it.” He growled.

“Nay wolf. Gaze thy bloody mouth. Do you knoweth who you’re speaking to.” She sneered with a powerful voice.

“Why do you speak like that?” He asked.

“I expecteth not someone of lesser intelligence to understand me.” She smartly said.

She turned to me. “May I speaketh to thee.” She asked me.

“Thee may.” I always loved talking to her. She is the one that taught me who how to speak early modern English when I was young. Out of her sisters, Insuvai always loved ancient and old fashion life. Hence, the old styled corset dresses she wore.


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