My Brother's Best Friend Is My Mate

Chapter 23: Facing the big bad wolf

In the kitchen, that's twice the size of the one in my parent's house might I add, Spencer finds something for both of us to eat. I settle with a bowl of Lucky Charms and a granola bar covered with Greek yogurt. "Should I pour the milk in first?", Spencer teases and I can see she's holding in a laugh. "Do that and I'll have you hung." I say and try to look as serious as possible. Spencer laughs and I continue my speech. "In my opinion people who pour the milk in first are literal sociopaths. I think putting the cereal in first is better and so much more efficient because then you'll know how much milk you should add to your cereal." Spencer throws her head back in laughter just as someone steps into the kitchen. Liam. He's wearing a camouflaged t-shirt and trousers with big black boots and he looks as if he has just woken up. Despite the look of sleep in his eyes, he manages to look even more handsome than before, which I had thought was impossible. I keep my eyes focused on my cereal because I don't want to talk to Liam. I wouldn't know what to say to him and even if I did I still wouldn't talk to him because then it would be awkward. But then again if I had cursed Bigfoot powers then I would've wanted Spencer to talk to me and treat me the same if I were human, so I should be civil with Liam. Despite everything, I think he's a pretty decent person, he made me stay here the night and he rescued me from those guys. He seems kind and calm which is totally a distraction from what he can really do when he transform into........ whatever he did the other day. I will really have to do some research later when I go home. Anyways, back to the topic of Liam. What's the worst that could happen if I talked to the guy? "Do you want some cereal?", I ask and push the box of Lucky Charms into his hands. To say he looks surprised is an understatement but nevertheless, he starts making some for himself to my complete amazement. Then he does something completely incredulous. "What are you doing?", I ask, trying my best to keep my voice from cracking. Liam looks at me with a deer-in-headlights look. "I'm making cereal", he says. I laugh and get up from my almost finished bowl of cereal. "No, you're making poison", I correct him. Then I give him a long speech about how he should never put the milk first then add the cereal. "In conclusion", I hand Liam his bowl of cereal made the proper way, "this should now be the way you make cereal. I hope you learnt something new from this incredibly helpful, life changing demonstration." By now Spencer was yelling on top of her lungs with laughter and I could see tears forming in her eyes. Liam smiles and I see.... is that what I think it is? Dimples! And he was extremely cute with them! I then made it my life mission to get Liam to smile more often.00000000

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