My Bloody Revenge

Chapter 49: Life

"I have all the information in here if you want to know.” Malarath says holding up a thick folder. Lyra hesitates but takes the folder after debating whether or not it was a good idea. In the end, the need for answers won.

"You want a moment to yourself?" Lydoran asks squeezing her in comfort.

"You can all stay.” She eyes the folder resting in her lap. With slightly trembling hands she opens the folder and looks at the content. First thing she sees is a photograph of her mother or Tiana as she always told her to say. A woman with blond hair, blue eyes that holds nothing and an empty smile, stares back at her. Next photo is of her father and he sure has gotten fatter over the years. Blond hair slightly greying at the temples and the hairline seems to have crawled backwards. Same kind of cold eyes and self-loving smile as Tiana. Following pictures ware of Ben with a perky blond hanging off of his arm with a big smile and Jenny posing with some guy who looks to be a narcissist. Not to forget blond and blue eyed like the rest of them. "Are they cast in the same mold or something. Looks so creepy."

Scrolling forward she sees more pictures of the house and other people never seen before but while skimming through the papers she quickly understands that they are families to the man and woman on the pictures. Both Jenny and Ben seem to have married into money. Everything is in the folder. Every little detail about her family and the other two as well. Even the total amount of money given from EImir to them. How much was paid monthly and when. She even finds out that they are so called 'Harvesters', meaning they nurse kids and sells them to him and has been doing it for years. Lyra being the only girl chosen as special. While reading she thought she would find out about being adopted or something but according to the papers she is the real daughter of Tiana and Michelangelo, mike for short, Pialla. Their address is in there along with phone numbers and other contact information.

"Have all of you read this shit?" Lyra asks looking up from the papers. "They are sick people, very sick. I actually wish I was adopted or something.”

"I have read some and that was enough for me. I offered Lydoran and Jaze to read but both declined. For obvious reasons and maybe it was a wise choice.”

Skimming through some more she comes to the conclusion that these people are beyond human. They are not even animals since that would be an insult to the whole animal kingdom. Lyra doesn't even think a word for scum like them has been invented yet.

"Oh my, they have some kind of orphanage/ boarding school too. I don't want to read any more. Let's just burn the shit.”

"Are you going to make a visit to them too?" Jaze wonders.

"No. I don't see a point in doing that. Their precious piggy bank is gone and so is his shadow so their punishment will be crashing into reality and no more money. Without money they can't live like they do and the in-laws will probably ask their beloved children to divorce, so add disgrace to the list as well. But I wish I could send some kind of greeting though.” Lyra says with a thoughtful expression.

"That has already been arranged, love. Me, Jaze and Malarath sent a little package to your parents. It should be delivered today actually.” Lydoran states proudly.

"Really? What did you send them?"

"How much do you love me?" Lydoran leans close and captures her lips. "Tell me how much and I might tell you." he teases. Laughing she straddles him and returns the kiss ignoring all the papers covering the floor below. "You do know I can ask the other two? But I love you too much to do that. I love you more than you'll ever know and then some.”

"You are killing me woman.” He groans out huskily. "We sent them EImir's head stuffed with money. How's that for a greeting.”

"You guys did that?" She looks at them all with a shocked face. "For real?" All three of them nods frantically while grinning like the damn Cheshire cat. " Can't believe it. Thank you, thank you!"

Leaping out of her seat she more or less tackles both Jaze and Malarath where they are seated and hugs them tightly with happy tears streaming down her cheeks. Their love and care have no boundaries and they always stay by her side. Even Malarath whom she has known for a very short time has welcomed her with open arms. He has helped and supported her even though he didn't have to. Her family just got bigger and much, much better.

"Where is my thank yous? Lydoran asks pouting. Turning she gives him a seductive smile. "You will get richly rewarded later, babe.” she purrs out winking. She finally has a life of her own and people to care about. A family. No longer is she that lonely, lost and sad girl. She found freedom and love. Thanks to two wonderful vampires. Now three.

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