My Bloody Revenge

Chapter 43: Hunting

Lyra looks between Jaze and Lydoran. So alike yet so very different. Both have massive black wings but Lydoran's are charcoal while Jaze has inky black with a hint of blue. But there's were their similarities ends and differences begins. Unlike in human form Lydoran gets this amazing white hair instead of his usual black and then there's his signature eyes, they really turn pure silver in color and everything stands out against his dark skin. Standing side by side they look mighty and otherworldly, like fallen angels. One dark and the other light. Magnificent sight to see. Another thing that captures her eyes are the swirling tattoo on the side of Lydorans neck and on a closer inspection she finds that it covers his entire right side. Its patterns are similar to her own.

"What a sight we are.” Lyra says with a crocked smile.

"Of course. We are vampires after all.” Lydoran answers cockily with a smile to match. His voice has gotten darker and sounds of an accent flows with every word spoken, which gives a harsher clang to his speech.

"What are we hunting tonight?" Jaze asks excitedly.

"Can we make the wings retract or something? Cause I won't be able to run properly with them flapping around.”

"Yeah, just follow what you just said.” Jaze says in matter-of-fact kind of way. More annoying than helpful, which he is well aware of too. Lyra ignores him and concentrates on making them retract and hiss in pain. It hurt a lot but thankfully it didn't last for long.

"Please tell me it won't always be this painful.”

"The more you transform less painful it will be. First time is always the worst.” Lydoran explains while retracting his own wings. "Let's hunt some deer.”

They start running at a leisurely pace, mostly goofing around allowing Lyra to adjust and getting used to her new transformation. At first, she stumbles around a lot and gets caught in bushes or tree roots and even accidentally breaks a tree at one time. It reminds of a child learning how to walk. Eventually she gets the hang of walking around with a tail, sure it was retractable like the wings but she stubbornly wanted to learn and now all that's left is learning how to walk with wings as well. She not only has to learn how to walk but also control her newfound abilities which isn't as easy as she first thought it would. Hence plowing down a tree.

"How do we hunt?" Lyra scrunches her eyebrows in deep thought realizing she’s following on something she knows nothing about. How intelligent of her.

"With the help of our instincts. Use all your senses, love. What do you hear, see, smell?" Lydoran walks up and embraces her from behind to center her.

At first Lyra doesn't hear or smell anything out of the ordinary. Her sight is slightly better, she can see where she put her feet, but there is nothing extraordinary about it. It almost angers her until a thought hit. Some years back EImir played a game where she had to wear a blindfold and although her sight was gone the hearing got better. Closing her eyes Lyra tries again, focusing on the surrounding and gradually sounds invades little by little until she can hear more distinctly and accurately pinpoint what and where. Running water to the left, flapping of wings in the tree tops right above and faint heartbeats to the right. She can suddenly smell the water despite being nowhere near it and all the trees and bushes. The sweet scent of jasmine flowers wafts by followed by something rotten as a gust of wind comes their way. Lyra scrunches her nose at the rancid smell of dead animal. Opening her eyes slowly she’s stunned by how vivid everything is compared to just moments ago. "Wow..." breathes out in a whisper.

"What did you find." Lydoran looks at her with a cryptic smile.

"A herd. I'm guessing its roe deer. To our left about twenty minutes in.

"I'm betting ten euro on hart deer." Jaze says, flapping the note in the air.

"Twenty on fallow deer.” Lydoran says confidently. Once all bets are settled Jaze and Lydoran appoint Lyra as the leader and follows in her steps as she leads them deeper into the woods. At the first half of their walk there is nothing but dense trees that blocks out what little light the moon produces but unbothered they keep a steady pace until reaching a clearing. Shifting positions to avoid getting scented and spook the animals all three crouches and stealthily sneak closer. In the middle of the clearing stands several roe deer's, calmly munching on grass.

"Ah fuck!" Jaze swears quietly.

Lyra looks back at Jaze with questioning eyes to which he simply points towards something to the left of the eating roe deer. Following his finger, she sees a smaller group of fallow deer's. Disbelief flashes in her eyes. "How did you know?"

"You will learn.” is his only answer.

"Look at the roe buck over there."Jaze points towards a larger deer with an impressive set of antlers.

"Not the buck." Lyra assert firmly.

"And why not?" Jaze questions.

"They need him." she says with finality. Lyra feels her predatory instincts kick in and elongates her fangs. slowly she creeps closer to the edge and locks eyes on her selected prey. "Going right into the middle.” with that said she takes off into a sprint, jumps when near enough and grabs a firm hold against the throat while holding it down. With a slight jerk on the wrist she effectively kills the deer by snapping the neck and digs her fangs deep into its artery. Drinking greedily, she feels how the warm liquid makes its way down and sates her hunger. The thrill of the hunt makes it taste heavenly. Sensing the presence of another predator she takes a few deep breaths to identify the source and deems it a non-threat. Taking a few more gulps she stands up and turns slowly and comes face to face with a large grey-black wolf. A few steps behind she spots at least four more but somewhat smaller wolves yet still larger than the average wolf and all of them have their eyes on her. Standing proudly, she keeps eye contact with what she assumes is the alpha. No one moves and it irks Lyra so without nothing to lose she bows her head and steps aside allowing the wolf to take her kill. Heck, she has taken what she wanted from it anyway so it would only be a waste to leave it.

"Were we hunting on your territory?" The sound of Lydoran’s voice startles them. Seems like they didn’t hear him coming.

Where there previously stood a rather oversized wolf a proud male now stands. Roughly the same height as Lydoran, maybe a few inches shorter. Lean body and slightly tanned. Naked too although that doesn’t seem to bother him. "How many of you?" he asks with a surprisingly light voice. Almost boyish but still manly.

"There is one more of us. I'm very sorry for intruding, we didn't know the territory were occupied. I hope my consort didn't insult you?"

"On the contrary, she bowed and offered her prey for me to take. Manners from a child, a very powerful child at that. The power radiating off of her threw me off at first thinking she was an older vampire. You are lucky to have such a strong mate.”

"And don't I know it." Lydoran answers with one of his signature smiles. "We will be going now, but you have two more deer here you are welcome to take. Have a nice night alpha. Lyra..." he holds out his hand for her to take and together they walk away.

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