My Bloody Revenge

Chapter 32: Say What

Things has certainly turned for the better since Lyra was found by Jaze in the woods. Living together with them has taught her many things. Best part is that she can now look herself in the mirror without feeling hate towards herself. At least clothed. Seeing all those scars still makes her insecure. Nightmares haunts her from time to time but even that is getting better. Sighing she closes the book after reading the same sentence over and over. Looking outside the window thoughts of walking in the garden seems more appealing than trying to read. Being alone at home makes it feel empty and lonely. Quickly dressing she walks out into the fresh air inhaling the smells around her. Autumn is approaching. Lost in her own world she fails to register Lydoran as he walks up to her, it's not until he stands right behind her that she with a scream notice she's no longer alone.

"Don't do that!" She scolds with a wild beating heart and heavy panting.

Chuckling he apologizes with a slight bow. "What are you doing out here all alone?”

"Felt like taking a walk. Less lonely being outside. Are you done working?"

"Yeah but Jaze has to stay in town for a few days so once again there is just the two of us. Anything special you feel like doing?"

"Can you train me?"

Lydoran looks at Lyra in surprise. “Train you? Do you mean self-defense or something else?" "Teach me how to not be afraid all the time. Please?" Biting on her lip in nervousness she hopes he will grant her this wish. She asked to be like them but hasn't gotten any answer to that and she's been too much of a coward to bring it up again in fear of anger either of the two or both Remembering Jaze mention training without turning she thought it safe to ask.

"We did talk about training you so why not start now. But you need other clothes so change into some shorts or sweatpants and something less in the way for the upper body."

Together they head inside to change. Lyra rummages around her closet and finds some revealing shorts that looks more like sleepwear but better than nothing and a tank top. Knowing how many scars and other flaws she puts on display she quickly changes and runs out, avoiding looking into the mirror. Lydoran is waiting for her outside dressed in wife beater and sweatpants. When sensing Lyra, he turns with a smile that freezes the closer she gets. Arms and legs have scars marring her skin as well as on the shoulders. What little skin exposed on the back shows deep tissue damage and raised skin. Hideous scars that tells of torturous moments. Repeatedly reopened and no longer able to heal properly. She senses his intense stare taking in and probably memorizing each and every scar on her and makes her a bit uncomfortable. "Ready to become bad ass?" he teases with a smile.

Thankful that he didn't say or ask anything she rewards him with a huge smile from the heart and nods eagerly.

"Alright. First thing is stretching out and warming up the muscles. Don't want to damage anything or get cramps.”

Bending every part of their bodies Lyra finds herself panting out of exhaustion and they haven't even started yet.

"Now we are going to do sit ups, pushups, squatting and use jumping ropes. We start with ten of each then a pause before doing another ten. If it feels too much you take a short breather after five before continuing, okay?"


Following lead Lyra has no problems keeping up at first but after doing the first twenty movements her entire body feels like jello and lead at the same time. Refusing to give up already she struggles through and gets it all done without complaining. Bad part is her breathing is labored with a wheezing sound to match. Sweat is covering her entire body and she is red like a tomato in the face.

"Are you okay?" Lydoran asks cupping her cheeks with both hands. "Drink some water and lie down for a bit."

Nodding she grabs one of four water bottles Lydoran brought out and simply falls down like a sack of potatoes. Taking a few greedy swigs, she feels rejuvenated again. Slowly her body temperature and breathing gets back to normal again.

"Another round of ten each and then we call it quits for today.”

Groaning Lyra sticks her tongue out before stretching her arms towards Lydoran. "Help please.” Chuckling he takes her hands and gently yanks her up from the ground. Brushing away dirt and dry leaves she proceeds to endure another agonizing round of training.

"You did good, love."

"Feeling more dead than alive at the moment yet have never felt more alive." scrunching her nose she looks at Lydoran skeptically. "Did that even make sense to you?"

Laughing he hugs her. "Yes it did. Hungry?"

"Starving." Smiling she hugs him back. "Mashed potatoes with gravy and fish, can you make that?"

"Absolutely. How about a shower first then help me out in the kitchen and then end today with movies and brownies with vanilla ice cream?”

"YES!" Fist pumping, she jumps up and down like a kid. "Can I sleep with you tonight?"

"Always, love. Still having nightmares?”

"Yeah, but I get fewer and fewer, thankfully.”

"Good. Don't want you to have them at all. When you are a vampire like us maybe they'll go away completely.”

Stopping mid step, she slowly looks up at Lydoran not really sure her hearing registered correct information. Eyes big as saucers and mouth slightly open.

"You heard right." he confirms her silent question.

Without thinking she throws herself at him and places a big kiss on his cheek squealing loudly. Lyra can't believe what he just said. Finally having her own spot among people, she loves and respects and are accepted by is enough to kick start her water works. Fat tears of purest happiness flows down her cheeks uncontrollably.

"You have no idea how much that means to me. Thank you, Lyd. Thanks to you guys I never feel lonely. Love you.”

"Love you too and we always will."

High on her own happiness she starts running then shouts. “Last one inside is a rotten tomato.” Laughing like crazy she makes a mad dash for the front door. Ever since reading that part in a book she wanted to try it out and now was a perfect moment to do so.

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