My Bloody Revenge

Chapter 25: Just Thoughts

Laying on the bed Lyra can't help but let her thoughts wander to a darker time in life. It had been a long time since her so called parents came to mind but for some unknown reason, they invaded her mind now. Two people who was meant to love and protect her from the evils in the world. They were supposed to be the ones teaching her about life yet THEY invited pure evil and let him take her. Hating thoughts like these she tries to focus on something else but without either Jaze or Lydoran at home there is not much to keep the darkness away. There was a time when she as a girl thought Elmir stood for something good. He made her feel normal and loved, not to forget, managed to make the everyday beatings stop. How foolish of her to think that life was turning for the better when in reality everything turned for the worse. Thinking back on everything Lyra can't help but let a sad laughter slip out. What they did to her was only the beginning, training if nothing else for what's to come. With the puzzle pieces slowly coming together it wouldn't surprise her if Elmir had most if planned out from start. The way he protected her and made sure she got an education. Everything was an elaborate plan and in the end her parents not only got rid of her but profited from it as well. The big smile and happy feeling she got when hearing Elmir was coming to get her, that she no longer needed to live with the people who hated her, made colors fly around her otherwise monotone life and brightened it beyond imagination. The landing to reality was hard. Painful and unforgettable. Not wishing to dwell deeper into darkness and depression she looks for her phone and throws away a text to both Jaze and Lydoran.

*To Jaz, Lyd: Hey guys, how's work?*

She doesn't have to wait more than a minute or two before getting a replay.

*To Mousy: Hectic and not as fun as being home ;P What you up to?*

*To Love: Are you bored, love? Done and on my way back. Hungry?*

*To Jaz: Nothing much. Lyd is done and on the way back. You also done soon? Hungry?*

*To Lyd: How'd you know? Yes, very hungry and happy to not be alone for much longer =D* *To Mousy: Good. Need to stay an hour or 2 longer Sorry =( Tell the old man to save me some food as well.»

*To Jaz: No worries and will do =) See you at home later”

Leaving the phone on the bed she stands up and stretch her body.

“I'm back!"

With a huge smile she leaves her room and rushes down stairs and into the kitchen.

"Welcome back. Everything ok?" she asks while entering.

"It was nothing serious but everything's fixed and I don't have to go in for a few days. Bought some pistachio ice cream on my way back.”

Seeing the big tub of ice cream in Lydoran's hand she can't help but jump around like a little girl. Blushing a little when he laughs at her antics.

"Thank you." Attacking with a big hug she is thankful for both the ice cream and that he is home again.

"Thought you needed some cheering up. So tell me, what you made you so sad today?"

Tilting her head a little she rests her eyes on Lydoran wondering how he always seems to be spot on in his hunshes. Maybe it's a vampire thing she concludes inwardly. "Just thought of my parents and how stupid I was for thinking life would be for the better when Emir came to get me. Never thought such a nice person could turn out to be the cruelest of them all.”

"Nothing stupid with how you were thinking, love. Anyone in your shoes would have thought the same. Come here." Looking into his smiling face and warm silver-grey eyes she smiles back and walks into his out stretched arms. Hiding her face in his chest she hugs him back. Loving how warm and cuddly he is. Strangely enough she knows deep inside that neither Lydoran nor Jaze will ever do what EImir did to her. They are genuine and truly cares for her. It gives an incredible feeling in knowing that.

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