My Bloody Revenge

Chapter 2: Freedom

Trudging forward she tries her best not to fall on hands or knees again. She already lost count on how many times she has stumbled and scraped herself. Only time she really knows where she walks is when lightning momentarily lights up the sky revealing all the hidden roots and stones in her path. Hours has passed since she left the house and she is soaked to the bones. The dress, once frilly and big, sticks to her body like second skin weighing her down making it harder to walk than it already is. Standing in the middle of the never-ending forest she looks around hoping to find some kind of indication on where to go. She knows there is a town nearby but has no clue how to get to it or how far it actually is from the house which makes it near impossible to know now. Tired and cold there is no other options than keep on walking. Assessing herself she sees gushing wounds on her knees from falling down over and over. Hands and elbows are not looking much better. Tearing some fabric from the dress she uses it to wrap the wounds on her hands and knees before continuing walking. The weather is relentless and refuses to let up even a little bit. Goosebumps covers her body constantly and her teeth never cease with its clattering. Even though she keeps on walking and rubbing her upper body the heavy rain combined with the wind makes it hard to stay warm but she refuses to give up. If this is the price, she has to pay for her escape then that is a small one to pay compared to what will happen if he should find her. Stumbling forward she eventually gives in and lies down on the forest floor when yet another root trips her feet. Sheer will can only carry her so far and she is so tired. Her body aches and her feet fare no better.

Suddenly a little burst of giggles slips through her plump, bluish, lips and it soon escalates into a full-on belly laughter. Lying on the wet, dirty, ground she laughs yet there is nothing funny to laugh at or to be happy about but she can't stop it. Doesn't know where it comes from and by now, don't really care. It's an empty, hysterical laughter. After laying there for what seems like a short time the laughter slowly dies down and all her previous determination is fading bit by bit leaving nothing but emptiness behind making her temporarily paralyzed. With nothing more than the clothes on her cold, dirty body, and nowhere to go she is left with nothing. Although, after thinking clearly there was nothing to begin with so maybe this time, she has actually gained something.


The rain keeps on pouring down hard, whipping her soaked body without mercy and the strong wind gusts making sure her body temperature remains low but Lyra doesn't care about wind nor rain anymore. She doesn't care about anything other than the surreal feeling of hope coursing through her body leaving a soft smile on her trembling cold lips. Gathering the last of her draining energy she goes on her hands and knees then from there slowly stands. Not caring about directions anymore she aimlessly resumes walking. New bruises join the already exciting ones and her body is in dire need of rest and night is here which turns this walk into a disaster waiting to happen. With droopy eyes, aching feet and a growling stomach she huddles close to a big tree with low hanging branches and curls up. Her last thought before finally allowing herself to fall asleep is hoping the rain will stop soon. The urge to keep moving still aching inside her but the need for rest screams louder than the need to keep running. Unfortunately, the much-needed sleep is short lived when a sudden rustling sound nearby startles her awake momentarily sending a panic rush throughout her entire body thinking it's her husband again. Looking around and feeling the cold attack her body in full force she remembers where she is. Sitting close to the tree Lyra tries to locate where the rustling sound comes from but finding the task rather hard since it seems to move in different directions or is there more than one out there? Letting panic overtake she dashes out in a random direction and starts running hoping to get away from what or whoever it is while prying that the darkness of the night will keep her hidden. She runs as fast as her tired legs can carry her without stumbling on roots or stones but luck is not on her side when suddenly arms are wrapped around her waist tripping both of them to the ground harshly as a result. While tumbling on the ground one-word bounces around in her head over and over in a deafening volume. No. Without her consent Lyra's body goes limp from exhaustion and pure fear. Tears falls down and it's getting harder and harder to breath until the entire world fades away and goes black as her eyes shuts and she goes unconscious. Not how she pictured her grand escape to end.

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