My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste

Chapter 74

Bailey's pov

"I'll catch a ride with Ryan!" Kristina waved me goodbye, her face flush from the heat of the sun blaring down on us. I smiled, murmuring an okay and watch her head to Ryan's car.

Mira was there, seated in the front seat. She has been catching rides with Ryan to go and come back from school for the pass few days, in an obvious route to avoid her brother.

She stared over, her eyes turning hard once they spot me from afar. I sighed, watching Kristina enter the backseat and say something to her to pull her attention off me.

Lost in my thoughts about Mira, suddenly arms circle around my mid section and lift me up. I squealed, surprised, my heart pounding. Kaleb laughed behind me, turning me around to face him and hugged me to him.

His eyes gleamed with fondness. " Tomorrow is my little flower birthday."

I blushed, looking at him shyly. * I'm getting old."

His nose twitched adorably and he snorted. " If you call yourself old then where does this leave me?"

I grinned, wrapping my arms around his neck, completely forgetting that we were still in the school's premises and there was no doubt many clingy eyes on us. But the thing is, when Kaleb was near, he seem to make me forget about everything else and focus on him alone.

It always felt as though we were the only ones in the room, in the space, he just always could do that to me. Make me forget about the world and only focus on him.

I tilt my head and playfully whispered. * Hmmm, how about grandpa?" The tip of his lips twisted into a smirk and he leaned forward, tilting his head so his lips is close to my ear. * How about daddy?" his voice is husky and as he pulls me impossibly closer I know what he meant instantly.

"You two get a room!" Ryan's voice yelled playfully, breaking the little bubble Kaleb and I were in. I pulled away, flushing when my eyes scanned around and noted the many eyes staring at us. One of those pair of eyes belonged to Mira.

She looked away and grumbled something under her breath. My gut twisted and the smile left my face.

Kaleb laughed at Ryan, completely oblivious to the glares his sister sent our way before she tore her eyes away.

As we bid Ryan and Kristina goodbye Kaleb was hell bent on holding me in his arms all the while. Though I knew Mira was uncomfortable, I dare not make Kaleb put me down, knowing he wouldn't anyway.

We watch Ryan drive off and with me in his arms, completely ignoring the stares we received, Kaleb walks over to his car. He opens the door with one hand while the other is under my bum, keeping me up.

I looked over his shoulder, sporting Stefan leaning against the pillar before the door. His eyes caught mine and he pushes off the pillar, walking away silently. He's still sporting that ugly purple now black eye and dark red nose.

“ Are you and Stefan still not on good terms?" My brows pinched as I looked up at Kaleb when he settle me on my feet. Avoiding eye contact, Kaleb shrugged, opening the door wider and ushered me in.

Letting out a huff, I settle on the seat and buckled myself in, glaring at Kaleb when he entered and still avoided eye contact. " Explain.”

He looked over at me with a wince and lifted on of his shoulder into a barely visible shrug. " He's being an ass.”

One of my brows flicked up in fake surprise. " Are you sure he's the one being an ass?"

Kaleb chewed on his lower lip, his eyes sheepish as he nod unsurely. I sighed. " Sam did you even apologize?"

He flinched, his lips pulling back into a wince. " When you call me by that name I know you're mad."

I rolled my eyes. " I am. And you're wrong, you like it when I moan it out.”

He grinned, lifting his hand in his hair sheepishly. * Well that's completely different. When you moan that name I am inside you but now I am not, which means you used it for something different.”

I huffed knowing he was completely right and glared. " You need to fix the relationship between you and Stefan, Kaleb. I can't be the reason you lost a friendship. Besides, Stefan did no wrong.”

Kaleb groaned, turning away to start the car. " He did deserve it-

" Sam." I hissed, smacking his shoulder. He faked a pained groaned and pulled away, his eyes flickering to mine as he pouted. " My girlfriend got abusive. My poor arm, I can't feel it anymore."

With eyes that reflected the gleam of adoration, Kaleb teased. " Can my sweet girlfriend kiss my shoulder to ease the pain? Or-

He pointed at his lips, and they spread into a grin. * My lips?" he nod, his brows crinkling as he feigned a thinking expression. " Yes, my lips would do just fine. Even better actually.”

I rolled my eyes then gave him a stern look. " Fix it or else you won't be getting any for a week."

His eyes widen, the blood draining from his face. He looked so adorable that I almost lost the stern upfront.

" But-but-

He groaned, turning to me, his eyes wide with panic. He offs the car. "Baby come on. You know I can't live without you. I'd die if I can't kiss you or-

His eyes flickered lower, just between my legs and he bit his bottom lip. " Come on flower, you won't do this to me, would you?"

I fixed myself on the seat, of course because his gaze affected me. But I needed to be stern and pretend that he didn't affect me at all. You have three days to apologize to Stefan. If not, you're not even going to hold my hands."

Kaleb gasped, completely stunned and did something I expected yet no one else would think he'd do. He pouted childishly and leaned over to hug my arm, his head on my shoulder as he practically begged.

" Please baby," He whined, shaking my arm he held. I bit my lower lip to not crack a smile and give into my emotions. " I can't live without you."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Kaleb was acting as though I said we'd break up.

" Well you'd better apologize.”

Kaleb groaned low. " Give me a week."

"Two days." I replied, this time not suppressing my grin. He lifted his head to look at me, pouting so cutely I had to force myself to not lean forward to plant a kiss on his lips.

" Fine. But you better give me more than a kiss when I do.”

I rolled my eyes, tearing my eyes off his to look forward. * Don't you always get more than a kiss anyway?"

" Not during school.” He pointed out, his tone lowering into one of disappointment.

I sent him a disbelief look, crossing my arms as I began to feel the start of a blush. " That's because we're in school Kaleb!"

He shrugged. " I don't care. I want to be with you every second of every day."

I rolled my eyes, blushing furiously. " You're just a rascal.”

Kaleb laughed, starting the car once more. " No, I'm just addicted to you."

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