My Bestfriend Slipped Inside Me (An Alpha’s Secret) by Demiah13

Chapter 37


hunger Sull hembling them the experience. Lerted for more. “You

want more baby” he growls, his voice raspy and low as he leans down 60 captime my hips

Yes please.” I moan into his mouth my entire body buzzing with pleasure as he continues to move inside me with slow sweel strokes. And he did, he gave me his all and more than I could have handled

until I was literally face pressed to the mattress with him behind me thrusting so hard I was sure my body and the mattress had become one


Dm not sure when we stopped, I only remember the crack of dawn, the pretty colors flashing through the window before we finally let exhaustion consume us. I went to sleep with my head on his bare chest and his arms wrapped around me, however, I woke up without his presence beside me.

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Xade’s pov

Finally up?” Xaden asked from the living room area, his head tilting to look at me over the couch. He smirked. “Had a fun night?”

I rolled my eyes, opening the fridge and taking out the milk and some frozen blueberries. “When did you get back?” I asked, opening the milk and chugging down a huge gulp without making.

“Around one-ish, had to put the pizzas in the fridge befo

cy spoil o had to cover my ears with five pillows. V really got a set of on her,” he snorted, standing to his feet. I smirked because he not wrong. My girl was very loud last night and I was proud I was the one to be blamed for it.

Xaden makes his way over as I take out the blender from the box. A sudden sharp pain in my temples made me wince, closing my eyes as I wait for the throb to leave. When it’s gone. my eyes peeled open and Xaden is already staring at me with a look of concern. “Did you overdo the wolfsbane doses last night?”

I shook my head no. “I took the right amount to calm my wolf down so I wouldn’t awaken the need to mark her.” Xaden doesn’t seem

convinced and looks at me skeptically. With a sigh, I reassured him. “I got this brother, no need to worry.”

Xaden shook his head. “Not to worry about my little brother sacrificing himself all for the sake of love?” he uttered sarcastically. “You know what this will do if you overuse it right?”

I ground my teeth, and opened the bag of blueberries, tossing them in the blender while I avoid looking at Xaden. “I am well aware.” I grit



my teeth, pouring the milk “But I have this under control and I know what I am doing. I won’t risk harming Avery in any other way”

“You’re going to do more damage than good when she finds you dead one day brother.” By the sound of his voice I know he was growing frustrated and furious. “What do you expect me to tell her then? How her lover couldn’t control himself and said f*ck all the complications with being mated with a human and decided to be with her at the risk of his own life?”

I snapped my eyes to his and glared. seething silently. ” You tell her nothing.” I snapped. “Or so help me I will rise from the dead and drag you down with me.” I pointed a finger at his chest in warning. ” You may be older but don’t forget who beat your *ss more than five times during pack practice.”

Xaden jaw popped. “And don’t forget who always have your back no matter what. I am not the bad guy here Xade, I don’t want to bury my little brother.

His words had me relaxing my stiff shoulders, sighing knowing that he was right. He was only concerned for me like a normal brother would be. If the tables were turned, I would be too.” I know,” my voice has lost the tough edge. “But it’s inevitable at this point.”

My death. That’s where my future will be going. I can’t bring myself to fear it because I chose her and I would do it again. No matter how much time we have left. I promise I would hold her with both hands. and never let go until my last breath.

Xaden let out a grunt. running a hand through his hair and causing it to be messy. “This would have been easier and avoidable if you had not kickstarted the bond when you slept with her. You were doing well, why did you give up?”

Why did I give up and cave in? Easy I love Avery. I love her so much




that I no longer wanted to pretend that I didn’t. I have loved her before the bond and have loved her throughout

Naden was right. I was doing well with avoiding marking her by being with other females to calm my very lustful beast. I was more drawn to Melissa because she always smelt like Avery, so it was easier to picture Avery’s face whenever I am with her.

Not my best of choices but that had been the only way. I could not have taken wolfsbane to calm my wolf at that time since the wolfsbane was too powerful and could potentially kill my wolf if I overdose. But since I am already a dead man walking, it is the only option strong enough to calm my wolf down from marking V

cting my


“Because I love her.” I admitted to my brother who was reply. “I could no longer resist. It’s a strange feeling. lov. more than your own life.” my eyes flickered briefly to my brother. Maybe one day you’ll understand when you find your mate.”

Naden’s face twisted as if he had smelled something bad and faked gag. “Spare me with the lovey dovey shit. I’m too old for this and the last thing I want is a whiny female in my car twenty four seven.”

I want to point out he was only a few years older than me and wasn’t old at all, but hold my words back by biting my tongue. “But I’m also serious Xade, you know how this ends.”

I nod, my eyes moving off his and looking down the hall where my girl is still fast asleep in my bed. “It ends with us.” I whispered. It won’t matter if my end will be tragic, as long as it ends with us I am okay with that

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