My Bestfriend Slipped Inside Me (An Alpha’s Secret) by Demiah13

Chapter 13



Avery’s pov 

Tears pricked my eyes. Was it because of what would have happened if Xade hadn’t intervened or was it because Xade had come all this way for Mel? Why did the thought hurt? A few days ago I wouldn’t have minded. 

Okay, maybe I would. I would always secretly envy the girls he had been with and based it on them taking his attention away from me. Had it been completely different all along? Was I jealous because I had secretly wanted Xade as more than a friend from the beginning? 

I skipped the stairs two at a time, which is legendary to do with heels like mine, but I manage to do it without falling flat on my face or a*s. I don’t know where I was going, or why I was running away actually but I just needed a moment alone. 

Having him here after two days without seeing him, or hearing his voice, was a bit overwhelming. The least he could have done was answer my text. Try to fix our friendship. But he had showed no 


Did he not know how miserable I had been these last two days without seeing him? Hell, I had missed that apple scent he brought with him. I had missed him. 

The tears that stung my eyes flowed freely down my cheeks. I can taste the salty tang. My chest hurt too. 

Of course he’d show up for Mel. After two days of avoiding me, he comes here like her knight in shining armor to save the day. Then why 


isn’t he downstairs with her? Consoling her? Why is he trying to keep up with me as I brush past drunk idiots? 

I can hear his calls behind me for me to stop, but I refuse to turn around and look back. I had a mission. A mission to get alone and not face him yet. I was kind of scared of how I’d react. The last time we were face to face didn’t end well and I didn’t want to say anything dumb that will further f*ck our friendship up. 

“V! Slow down goddammit!” he yelled, sounding so close. Even his harsh breathing I can hear and feel as if it was brushing against my neck. My heart sped and I opened the first door that caught my vision. 

It ended up being a bathroom and thankfully it was empty. I stepped right in and turned around to close the door when a boot wedges between the crack to stop it. I knew it belonged to him instantly, especially when that apple scent filled the air around me. 

I try to push the door closed but I was no match for his strength. He thrusted it open and I stumble back as he stepped in, closing and locking the door behind him. Oh f*(ck. This had been a bad idea to Come 11 

I feel trapped, like a little mouse in a cage. I stared at him wide eyed, gulping. 

He wore a red shirt today and dark jeans. His hair was tousled as if he had run his fingers through the thick strands a lot, and God those piercing eyes. I have always noticed him. I always did. It was hard to not notice Xade Archer. 

“What the hell Xade? What if someone catches us alone in here? What do you think they’ll imagine is happening!?” I rushed in one breath, my heart racing. Knowing college pervs, they probably thought we were going to bone in here. 



The thought Xade and me f*cking again made a blush crawl up my neck and settle on my cheeks. I scowled at myself inwardly. 

You think I care what people think?” he hissed, his face pissed and his stance rigid. I have never seen him so stiff with rage and frustration. before. It makes his stunning eyes have a wild look to them. 

But he had no right to be this pissed off. He was the one who had been avoiding me! 

“Why did you even follow me in here?” I flapped my arms around wildly.” You ignored me for two days Xade! Two f*cking days! dos días! And you come in here after me.” I snapped in frustration. 

Xade’s eyes flicker down to my lips, a flash of something crossed his. eyes and his tongue sweeps right across those plump lips of his. My breath hitches and my skin buzzed. The air around us swirls with something unknown. 

Something wild. 

I swallowed, feeling that my throat had been parched. “Why?” I croaked out, the single word tearing out of my throat. I swallowed once more.” Why were you ignoring me? After what happened after your 


I thought I lost you. I wanted to whisper, but I kept that to myself because I was scared he’d respond that I did lose him. 

I didn’t think he’d reply, but he surprised me when he did. He takes a step forward while talking. “Because I can’t seem to f*cking think when I am around you V,” he hissed and with each step he takes he is eating up the distance between us. 

His words had me rooted and I can’t even seem to get my legs to move. 



It’s like he has me under a spell. 

His eyes. It takes my breath away with the intensity in those depths. My heart jams in my chest fiercely and I took in shaky breaths. My hands were trembling at my sides. 

“You’ve plagued my mind V. I can’t stop thinking about how good it felt when your tight little pussy wrapped around my cock,” he closed his eyes, as if he is in pain, and when he peels them open, my breath is stolen at the look of heat that flashed in them. ” Or the sounds of your moans.” 

His eyes flashed dangerously, like a wild animal and it sent a sharp shiver slithering down my spine. “For two days I have been tortured. Two days V. Can’t you see that if I hadn’t stayed away I would have. given in?” 

My breath gets trapped in my throat when Xade corners me against the counter, trapping me with his much bigger body. “I would have lost control and f*ck you in every damn corner of the earth.” he groaned, pressing so close to me I can feel his bulge right against my stomach. 


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