My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 97

Chapter 97

7. Hard Choices


The three-headed whip with spikes dragged on the floor as I did my best not to lash out in anger. The man

wielding it looked at me coldly. His eyes hard and devoid of emotion or compassion. Right in front of me,

Andrea and Zoe were kneeling on the floor, beaten and bloody because I had hurt Theon. They were being

punished to hurt me.

They had both lost so much weight since the last time I had seen them. Both were covered in burns from the

silver they had been bound in.

I had awoken to find myself tied in this empty room, drugged and poisoned. The spells and chains that

shackled me were powerful, yet the moment I had created a barrier around me, they had brought Andrea and

Zoe, forcing me to lower it.

I had been whipped and beaten for hours, there were moments I would black out and others when it was

taking my all not to unleash hell upon them all.

But even though I was remaining calm for the two women before me, my anger was rising.

I needed to get out of here, the only person who I didn't know the location of was Gamma Henry... The urge to

break free and get my pack out of here was tempting. As he lashed me continuously, my mind was working on

a plan, refusing to give in to the pain.

"I told you not to shield yourself!" He hissed, bringing the whip down on my back with a violent lash.

“I'm not." I hissed back, but the pain wasn't as severe as it was moments ago.

"Then tell me, why you aren't bleeding?" He growled, yanking me back by my hair. I didn't scream, even when

he snapped my head far back, hearing something crack "Monsters don't bleed." I spat resentfully. "Yes, and we

both know you are nothing more than a filthy monster." He slapped me across the face, and I clenched my jaw.

I didn't regret what I did to Theon, even if it hurt me too, because he deserved it... But the look of confusion on

his face when I rejected him niggled at my mind. What did he expect? That I would forgive him and join sides

with them?

"Fine, then I'll teach these women a lesson instead." He moved away from me, his dirty blonde hair sticky with

sweat and his pale eyes full of hatred.

He grabbed Zoe by the hair, yanking her to her feet before running his hands down her waist. She tried to pull

free, but she was too weak to even put up a fight.

"I think this will be better if you strip." He said, his eyes raking over her, before he tore her shirt from her body

leaving her in her bra. My eyes flashed at the fear in Zoe's eyes. All three of us knew his intentions were far

worse than a beating. "Don't touch her." I warned quietly, trying to remain calm, despite the heaving in my

chest. My anger was increasing and the pain in my back was fading with each passing minute,

despite the fact I had been bound and beaten all day. "Why not? She is a beauty..." His gaze went to her

breasts as Zoe covered her chest, only for him to slam her into the wall and yank her arms away. "Do not

disobey me!"

Andrea looked at me, her eyes calculating, as if trying to devise a plan herself. I had tried to mind link them all

throughout the time they were here, but the silver in their bodies was stopping me. 'Andrea!' I tried again, but

once more I hit a wall. Andrea stumbled to her feet, trying to pull the man who was trailing his filthy hands up

Zoe's leg, but she was far too weak and he kicked her to the floor. My own anger was pulsing within me, and

my eyes flashed.

"I said, do not touch her." I growled, feeling my alpha command ripple through me and into my voice.

The man instantly turned, his hands pausing from the band of her pants where he had been trying to one-handed to remove her belt.

"You bitch!" He growled, angry at my interruption, but it was obvious I had an effect on him.

I could hear it all; the blood rushing through our veins, our erratic heartbeats. The temptation to free myself and punish him rising. I could feel the presence of my wolf come to the forefront of my mind, as if wanting to break free. 3

It was different, this feeling... it wasn't like when I was screaming at Theon, it was so intense, full of light and strength with the urge to protect. "Yiley..." Andrea trailed off, but my eyes were on the man whose

hands remained on Zoe. "You will lose the hands that commit sin." I whispered. My voice was deeper and more eloquent. Then I felt it, the shift within me as I almost felt like I was pushed into the back of my own mind.

A true growl left my lips as I used all my power to break free from the bindings that held me. Feeling the intense pain as my bones snapped and reformed, it was a feeling I had never experienced before, and I realised what was happening. Pearly shimmering white fur now covered me. I launched myself at the man, without a second thought I bit a chunk out of him, crushing one of his hands at the same time as he fell to the floor unconscious. My eyes blazed as I tossed the chunk I had taken out of him aside, breathing heavily. 4

Any pain I had felt was gone, I looked at Zoe and Andrea, both who were staring at me in awe, I knew I was larger than most wolves.

"You are an Alpha." Zoe said hoarsely, clearly in awe, as if my wolf was the proof of that, which I guess it was. I looked down at my body. Aside from the pale lilac in my tail, which looked a lot fluffier than the usual wolf tail, the rest of me was a pearlescent white. 1 'Thank you' I said in my mind to my wolf as I felt her step back and return control to me once more,

It took me a few moments to force myself to shift back. I turned to the body on the floor. He was bleeding out fast.

Before he dies and Theoden realises the bond's broke, we needed to get out of here. That's if he hadn't managed to warn him already. I was done, we needed to get out of here.

"We don't have much time, where is Henry kept?" I asked, pulling the shirt off the man and slipping it on. Although I didn't want to touch anything of his, I had no other choice.

"He is not in the palace, but there's a room under the stables. That's where we were kent." Andrea said quickly. "We'll get him, it's time to get out of here." I replied quietly. "We can get the women and

children to make their way to the western side-" Andrea placed a hand on my arm and shook her head.

"We can't, if we take them, they will be caught. The Obsidian Shadow pack is huge and the majority of their people are warriors. If we leave them here, they will get to carry on as usual, but if we take them."

"They may get killed..." My heart crumpled at the thought that I was about to abandon my people. "She's right, Alpha, you need to get out of here so we can fight against them, to gather an army. There's also no place where we can hide them all, we'd be caught instantly." Zoe added, squeezing my hand I pressed my lips together. The thought of leaving them here, would they really be safe?

"What if he kills them in anger?" I asked fearfully. "If he wanted to kill us, we would have been dead by now, let's have faith in Selene. It would only make him look worse if he does so." "Then what of the warriors.... If we took them, they would kill their women..." "Then... You are the only one who needs to get out of here." Zoe said quietly.

“I'm not leaving you two, and Gamma Henry."

"Listen to me Yileyna- no, Alpha Yileyna. You can only truly help us if you go out there and seek the help that only you can gather." Andrea said firmly. "It's wrong."

I could hear shouting coming closer.

"No, it's a sacrifice you need to make for your people." "Theon said that Theoden would kill you all." "Then we will die martyrs." Zoe said firmly.

What was the right thing to do? I ran my hand through my hair, looking at the two women, it was obvious their minds were made up.

"Ok, what about the three of us, we can at least go together?" I asked, glancing towards the door.

"Then we will all be caught and killed. You need to go alone Alpha, now." Andrea refused

firmly. I looked at them, torn between the choice before me. "Gamma Grayson, Raiden, Rhys and Ryan are all alright. I've been in touch." I added quickly, wanting to give them something to hold onto, taking their hands before giving them a quick hug The relief was clear in their eyes, and pulling away, I closed my eyes.

Sensing the presence of every being that was touching the ice that encased the entire castle through it.

My heart skipped a beat, feeling Theoden and Arabella not too far. If he gave Arabella the command to find me, we may have some trouble. She was disturbingly powerful, and for a fleeting moment, I wondered how she had come to be on Theoden's side.

"May Selena be with you." Zoe said. 1 I looked at them, they were weak, and despite not wanting to leave them... I had no choice...

If we stayed here, we would die.

"Take care." Andrea added.

I nodded before taking a deep breath. Pushing open the door, I glanced back at the two brave women, giving them a smile of promise.

I will be back

I ran out of the room and through the dark halls. "Get her! She's gone that way!" "There's nowhere for her to run to!"

I could feel several heavy footsteps closing in on me as I ran up the only stairs ahead. My heart thundered when I realised I was in a simple circular room. I looked around, spotting the small window right ahead. This room was in one of the towers of the castle and that was the only one way out.

My heart was pumping, I knew this was a risky idea, but it was the only one I had... Taking a deep breath, I ran to the tight window, slamming my fist into it, shattering the glass just as several men came through the door behind me.

"There she is!"

One foot on the windowsill, I turned quickly, creating a huge wall of ice stopping them in their tracks before I

turned and looked down at the ground far far below.

Here goes nothing. Closing my eyes, I jumped, willing myself to shift. I felt the power roll through me, using the

wind to slow my fall. I landed on my paws and broke into a run, get to the wall and get out of Westerfell... Once

I was out, I would be safe. The wind and snow were swirling around me as many wolves followed me, yet I

was faster, using the wind to slow them down greatly. 'To everyone, if you can hear me, then I just want to say

that I promise I will fix everything. I don't know how, but I will. Stay strong and protect each other. I will return

for you all.'

Murmurs of good luck and we will await your return followed me, but I was unable to reply, feeling the deadly

darkness of Arabella approaching. I wasn't strong enough to fight her and an army of wolves right now. The

beating and poisoning had still weakened me to an extent. I changed direction, heading towards the White

Dove, the narrow path that only someone small could fit through would be my way out. I had left the blizzard

behind, and I hoped Arabella became confused. I squeezed between the fence, trying to calm my beating

heart as I squeezed my way behind it right to the end, ignoring the way my chest and behind were being

scraped, it was too tight here....

I finally reached the end and climbed out, remembering that night I had tried to alert everyone about the attack.

I kept running, my paws barely hitting the ground. My wolf was confident and headstrong and she didn't stop

even when I felt pained at the thought of the people I was leaving behind... While staying there, I had not been

able to do anything. A sudden sharp pain wrapped around my left leg, and I went crashing into the snow. I

growled looking down to see the silver that was wrapped around my leg. So in wolf form, silver hurt me

"Congratulations on your shift."

My heart thumped as I looked up at the one who had stopped me.

He stood there, with the wind wreaking havoc behind him. The entire city was covered with a blinding

hurricane that loomed above the city walls behind him, yet he stood unmoving despite how pale he was,

bandages that were already staining red covered his torso and I was forced to shift when the silver became too


"What do you want from me?" I asked icily, moving away from him and the silver. Inching towards the raging

waters behind me.

He closed the gap between us and I looked into his pale amber eyes, that were half lifeless.

"This wasn't how things were meant to be." He said quietly, his eyes skimming my body. I saw the slight frown

on his forehead, and was that anger in his eyes? Before he looked away, almost as if trying to stop himself

from looking at my naked body.

Why hadn't Arabella come by now? She would be here soon, I had to go.

"You did this, when you betrayed us, if there is an ounce of compassion within you at least keep the people of

Westerfell safe." "Until you return?" He asked emotionlessly, looking back into my eyes. I didn't respond and

he advanced closer. I stepped back, not wanting him near me. Until he accepted the rejection, this bond would

continue to sizzle between us.

He stopped in front of me, and the water was already lapping at my ankles.

"Go away, Theon." I said, not hiding the hatred in my voice. "Is that your final wish?" He asked quietly. I


Final wish?

I raised an eyebrow. "Do you really think you can defeat me? Right now I'm a lot strong than you. Go run to

your precious father." I spat, turning away. I had no idea where I was going but anywhere away from him. I

didn't have much time, I needed to leave.

He grabbed my arm, stopping me from leaving. The tingles were still there, stronger than before the bond but

weaker since my rejection. "Tell me, is that what you want from me?" "Yes! What else did you expect? I

rejected you! I hate you, I want you far away! I want you to accept this rejection and just let me go!" I snapped

in exasperation, the pain of my parent's death killing me.

He had hurt me far too many times.

He nodded slowly, before he let go of my arm and I let out a breath of relief, turning my back on him. But to my

surprise and irritation, he wrapped his arms around me from behind, making my eyes widen in shock, my

breasts resting against his arms. My stomach fluttered and my body disobeyed me, reacting to his touch. What

was he doing?

Our hearts thundered as one and I felt the sting of agony within me, accompanied by the prickling of tears

wanting to fall. Why was this love so painful? Why didn't it just go away? His arms squeezed around me, and

for a moment it felt like it was just him and me. Every sound from the crashing waves, the roaring wind and the

howls of the wolves faded away... He buried his face in my neck, when I suddenly tensed thinking he was

about to mark me, ready to jerk away, but instead he spoke, his voice low and thick. "I, Theon Alexander Hale,

accept your rejection. Goodbye, Little Storm." 31

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