Murder on a Mystery Tour

: Chapter 5

You are cordially invited to


Theme: Choice of Heir to Van Dine Industries

As an American, you are either a high-ranking executive or major shareholder of Van Dine Industries. Old Ellery Van Dine has peacefully breathed his last at the age of ninety-four, in this year of grace, 1935. In his Last Will and Testament, he clearly stated that he wished his own flesh and blood to inherit his vast fortune and Van Dine Industries. He further stipulated that his heir must take personal control of Van Dine Industries, since he felt that only a member of the family could properly guide the fortunes of the firm through these difficult times.

There are two candidates: his great-grand-daughter, the Honourable Petronella Van Dine and his great nephew, Edwin Lupin.

As old Ellery had seen neither of his prospective heirs since they were children, he left it up to you, the executives and shareholders of Van Dine Industries, to decide between them.

The Hon. Petronella Van Dine was brought up on a tea plantation in Ceylon, to which her father had retired after his young wife’s death in a road accident. He blamed himself for the accident because he had lost control of his Dusenburg and collided with a Bugatti after a night’s gambling (during which he had lost heavily) at the Casino in Monte Carlo.

Petronella had assumed her mother’s maiden name in order to inherit her mother’s estate and had accompanied her father to Ceylon. She had been sent to an English-run boarding-school in Madras, returning to the tea plantation for holidays. But Petronella has grown up and must be allowed to take her rightful place in Society, so her father has sent her to England to be Presented at Court under the ægis of his old friend …

Lady Hermione Marsh, who has quietly evolved a thriving business guiding Provincial and Colonial young ladies through the intricacies of Society. Despite her best efforts, however, Petronella has become known to the Press as the Madcap Heiress, blotted her copybook by refusing to dance with the Prince of Wales (because he kept watching a certain Mrs Simpson all the time he was talking to Petronella), and compounded these felonies by falling in love with …

Lieutenant Algernon (Algie) Moriarty, known far and wide as the Cad of the Regiment, whose debts to every tailor in Savile Row were exceeded only by his Mess bills. He had recently been discovered elbow-deep in the Regimental funds and left alone in his study with a revolver containing one bullet so that he could do the honourable thing. As soon as the door had closed behind his friends, Algie had decamped through the window, subsequently pawning the revolver. (He had later been heard to grumble that he could have got a better price had there been a full clip of bullets in it.) Unfortunately, the face he shows Petronella is a convincing one and she refuses to believe any of the rumours circulating about him.

Reeling under these blows, Lady Hermione has withdrawn the Hon. Petronella from the social swim, hoping that the scandals may fade from the public mind if they lie low for a while. To this end, she has retreated with Petronella to Chortlesby Manor, home of her brother …

Sir Cedric Strangeways, military historian, currently working on a magnum opus of the Great War. To aid him in his research, he has a constant stream of houseguests, come to impart their reminiscences of battles and events of the Great War (1914–1918). He has welcomed his sister and her protégée but his heart—and most of his attention—remains in the past. He has cheerfully opened his Manor to the Van Dine contingent, although perhaps not quite sure of the purpose of your visit.

By sheer coincidence, Edwin (Ned) Lupin has chosen to spend this year of grace (1935) studying at Oxford University. He has been summoned to Chortlesby Manor by the Van Dine solicitor so that you may have the opportunity of meeting him, studying him and comparing him with Petronella Van Dine and deciding which of them you would find it easier to work with. Edwin is a fine, upstanding, all-American boy who appears to have no vices—none that have been discovered, so far. Is he, perhaps, too perfect?

You have the weekend to ponder your decision. It will not be all work and no play, however. On Saturday morning, transport will be provided for those of you who might wish to explore Salisbury and visit the Cathedral. We will be having a Scavenger Hunt on Saturday afternoon and a Gala Dinner on Saturday evening.

Undoubtedly, there will be other events of interest to test your judgement and business acumen. In the case of untoward events, please consult the notice board in the lobby, where necessary information will be posted.

We trust that your visit to Chortlesby Manor will be an enjoyable and memorable one.

We also trust that you will come to the right decision as to the fittest heir/ess to your own Van Dine Industries.

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