Mr. Wright and Mrs. Right by Minerva Sowle

Chapter 101

Chapter 101 More Anxious Than Gwendolyn
Complex emotions were pooling in Maverick’s eyes.
+5 Bonus
After pondering for a while, he uttered in a tone that was even more firm, “We must return to Fairlake tomorrow!”
Nico didn’t respond, gritting his teeth. Suddenly, he made up his mind. He took advantage of Maverick’s current state and struck
his palm toward the back of the latter’s head.
With a grunt, Maverick fainted on the spot.
The other subordinates were scared to death after seeing the scene. “Nico, do you have a death wish? Once Boss wakes up,
he’ll definitely not let you off the hook!”
With a firm gaze, Nico obediently knelt beside Maverick’s legs.
“Boss is a reckless person. If I don’t stop him, he’ll surely want to return to Fairlake, even if he were to crawl there. He’s seriously
injured and has a fever right now. I can’t let him risk his life like this. Even if he wants to beat me to death after gaining
consciousness, I’ll let him do so!”
Upon hearing that, everyone sighed helplessly and said nothing in the end.
Two days later, inside the CEO’s office of Wright Construction Group, a sharp sound of things being thrown in the room could be
heard even with the door closed.
Samantha glanced at the shattered pieces of the coffee cup on the floor and gently comforted, “Aunt Frida, please calm down.
We were definitely tricked by Amryn Real Estate this time. They paid such a large sum of advance payment for the goods they
ordered from Oceanic Constructions. We didn’t expect all of them to be defective products.”
“You couldn’t even take down such a small company. How on earth do you handle tasks!” Frida fumed angrily.
What she was even more enraged about was Samantha had spent 500 million in cash only to end up with a bunch of practically
unusable defective products. Besides that, the main reason that led to this consequence was that the contract seemed to have
been premeditated in which the type of goods was ambiguously mentioned on it. Although Samantha had checked the contract

several times before signing, she still failed to discover the flaw. As a result, she couldn’t use the contract to argue with Oceanic
Constructions, letting the defective goods go to waste in her hands.
“A whopping 500 million down the drain! If any issues arise in the company’s other projects, the company will face difficulties in
cash turnover!”
Although Frida wasn’t good at running a business, she was still quite quick-witted when it came to losses.
Samantha knew she was at fault, so she could only apologize to Frida obediently in a partially coquettish attitude. “I’m sorry,
Aunt Frida. I let my guard down this time. Rest assured; I’ll do my best to make an – amend for this loss. Please put faith in me
once more. Although I messed up this time, I’ve still done a lot
for the company before. Please think about my good qualities.”
Samantha was telling the truth. Before this incident, she had managed all the company’s affairs quite efficiently.
Frida’s rage faded away a lot. “Fine. Whatever means you use. Just hurry up and make up for this deficit.”
Chapter 10! More Anxious Than Gwendolyn
“All right, Aunt Frida. Don’t worry,” Samantha replied.
She walked out of the offer with a calm expression. Later, her face suddenly became solemn
Whatever means, huh? This is the only option, then!
1 Borus
Meanwhile, Gwendolyn sat in her car in the garage of Amryn Real Estate. She recently went to an auto shop to modify her
Volkswagen Passar’s windows. Not only did the new windows provide privacy by blocking the view from outside, but they also
offered soundproofing to prevent eavesdropping.
Yulia leisurely walked over. Before getting into the car, she ensured no one was around.
“Boss, Samantha took on tons of projects and collected the corresponding advance payments to cover the losses in the contract
she signed with Oceanic Constructions,” Yulia reported.

“Should I admire how courageous Samantha is for taking on so many projects? She studied abroad before. though... I can now
confirm she’s someone with knowledge without practical experience. She gets flustered easily when encountering even the
slightest problem. Her approach of taking in new funding to cover the debts will only lead her to more serious matters.”
Gwendolyn pursed her lips, pondering for a moment before continuing to ask, “How is the progress that I asked you to acquire all
the scattered shares of Wright Construction Group at high prices recently?”
“Here. Take a look,” Yulia uttered.
She handed the organized documents to Gwendolyn and stated, “In order to avoid suspicion, we acquired the shares in a few
amounts at one time, Over the past two days, we’ve transferred a total of 15% of the shares to your name.”
Gwendolyn focused on reading the documents.
Yulia continued to say, “Now, in Wright Construction Group’s holdings, Maverick owns 40% of the shares, making him the largest
shareholder, CEO, and head of the business group. As for the other 45%, the 15% is held by one of the relatives of the Wright
family, Dexter Wright, Maverick’s uncle.”
Gwendolyn frowned and shook her head. “No, we can’t acquire that 15% of the shares. Dexter is a sly old. fox with high
vigilance. We should try our best not to alert him.”
Yulia suggested, “Then that leaves the 10% and 20% of the shares Sheralyn and Frida own. If we can acquire both of their
shares, your total stake would be 5% more than Maverick’s, making you the largest shareholder with the most say in Wright
Construction Group. However...”
She paused for a moment, looking a bit worried. “Getting shares from Sheralyn and Frida won’t be easy. They won’t just hand
them over. Boss, do you have any idea for this plan?”
Gwendolyn lowered her head in deep thought as if something had come to her mind. She slightly curved. her lips into a smile.
“Don’t worry. Someone else is more anxious than us right now!”
Just as Gwendolyn said, Samantha was indeed anxious now. She had just taken on a large number of projects and received a
ton of down payments. Because of that, she ordered the employees to finish the old projects as soon as possible. She also took
money from the old projects’ material costs to barely cover the owed amount in the Oceanic Constructions contract.
Consequently, the next day, a construction site made headlines due to issues with the quality of materials. The building, which
was scheduled to be completed within the month, suddenly collapsed, and it even affected the neighboring buildings.

Chapter 101 More Anxious Than Gwendolyn
That meant the demolition and reconstruction were necessary. In turn, the project was required to provide more funds than the
losses incurred by Oceanic Constry
During this period, she had secretly pocketed a lot of money through various small projects for her spending Yet, now that the
company was riddled with debts, she didn’t have enough cash to cover such a massive deficit
Frida, too, always asked Samantha about the deficit, giving off an air of complete distrust toward the latter.
Samantha sat in her office, feeling incredibly anxious.
Just as she was thinking about a solution, the office phone on the desk rang
It was Frida who made the call from the CEO’s office.
Samantha had no choice but to force herself to smile as she picked up the phone. “Aunt Frida, is there anything I can do for
Frida, on the other end of the line, seemed a bit unhappy. “Samantha, why didn’t you come to me and report your work today?
Did something go wrong again?”
Samantha was taken aback and quickly pleased Frida, uttering srailingly. “No, Aunt Frida. If there are any issues, I’ll definitely
discuss them with you right away. It’s just that I’ve been quite busy lately, so I haven’t had the chance to report to you. Just give
me a few more hours. I’ll come to you after I finish checking all the projects.”
Frida hung up the phone after responding flatly.
Samantha clenched her fists, feeling incredibly restless inside.
Didn’t she say she trusted me the most? If she does put faith in me, why does she still interrogate me every day? I suspect she’s
just trying to win my loyalty to work for her with these worthless lies all this while! If. that’s the case, she can’t blame me for doing

Samantha’s gaze gradually grew sinister, and she quickly arranged for someone to twist the truth of the construction accident.
A few hours later, she gathered the documents and went to find Frida.
As soon as she pushed the door open, she rushed to Frida’s desk. “Aunt Frida, there’s bad news!”
“What’s the matter?” Frida questioned.
“We actually had an old project, Balmoral Grand, collapsed half a month ago, and it was quite a serious accident. However, the
person in charge of the project was afraid of taking responsibility, so they kept it hidden. If it weren’t for me thoroughly
investigating today, I’m afraid this matter would remain undiscovered!” Samantha answered.
“There’s such a thing?” Frida was shocked and quickly flipped through the documents.
Samantha took in Frida’s reaction and continued, “The amount of money needed for this remedial project is huge, and there are
other ongoing projects that also require a lot of funding. If we can’t keep up with the capital flow, all projects will be forced to stop,
leading the company to face a semi-bankruptcy crisis!”
Chapter 101 More Anxious Than Gwendolyn
Frida slumped into the boss’s chair, feeling disheartened.
Oh no. It’s over! Could it be that the efforts of several generations of the Wright family destroyed so quickly in my hands...
+5 Bonus
“If my husband and Old Mr. Wright were still alive, they would be so angry that they’d strangle me!” Frida
Her hands trembled with fear. Suddenly, she had an idea. She grabbed her phone. “No. I can’t just let matters be! I must find my
precious son to take control of the situation immediately!”
Samantha firmly grabbed Frida’s hand to halt the latter’s plan. “Aunt Frida, we don’t even know where Maverick is now. Even if
we do, I’m afraid it’ll be too late for him to solve everything. If we don’t cover this. huge deficit in time, the crisis of Wright
Construction Group will only become more severe.”
“Then... what should we do?” Frida queried.

Samantha’s lips curled up slightly. A sinister glint flashed in her eyes. “I have a plan!”

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