Mr. Williams Runaway Wife ( Amelia and William )

Chapter 6

6 Aphrodisiac. 

Right from time, his mom had always adored Amelia, and a stranger would think Amelia was her daughter not in–law, and this was one of the reasons they had gotten married. She took care of Amelia like her own

“Mother, good evening.” Amelia greeted Victoria. She felt guilty picking up her calls given she had served William divorce papers. If they eventually got divorced, she would surely miss the woman. 

“Dear, good evening. How are you doing? I missed you so much. I’m making your favorite tonight. Would you like to join me for dinner?” 

As usual, Victoria’s voice cheered Amelia up. She truly loved this woman and couldn’t say no to her even though her marriage with William was splitting. 

“Okay, mum. I’ll be there.” Amelia replied solemnly, chewing on her lower lip. It was something she did whenever she was nervous. 

“Good girl. Bring William along with you.” And then Victoria hung up the call. 

Amelia didn’t want to ride in the same car as William, but she knew Victoria wouldn’t like it. Also, she would find it suspicious. She was still debating on going in her car when William interrupted her 


“Let’s go together. I do not want her to worry because of her health.” 

At first, Amelia wanted to argue with him. Why had he made them come this far if he didn’t want to bother Victoria? It annoyed her, but she knew and understood what William was driving at. She also 

wouldn’t want to worry Victoria unnecessarily. 

“I’ll have someone drop your car at home. So please, let’s go together.” 

Reluctantly, Amelia got into the car, trying very well to hide her distaste. Victoria was extremely sensitive and would notice the slightest tension in the air. 

Up until they got home, Amelia and William didn’t say a word to each other. Everyone stood in their lane. William drove, and Amelia on the other hand looked outside the car the whole time. 

Soon, they were home. Back to the compound Amelia had grown after the death of her mom. The last time she visited was fifteen days ago or so, but every time she stepped in there, she couldn’t help but get emotional and nostalgic. She had so many memories of this place. It was the beginning of her feelings for William. 

Back when they were younger, Amelia would come to visit during the holidays since their moms were besties. The first day she visited, she met William reading a book in the garden and she fell for him. 

At first, it seemed like a crush, but soon, Amelia knew it was love. Love at first sight. Even though William never really paid her attention, she always followed him around. Over the years, nothing changed in the house. It still had the same vibe as when she grew up there. 

6 Aphrodisiac. 


Before getting out of the car, William once again reminded her not to bring up the divorce topic and it pissed Amelia off. If he was so worried, why did he let them get to that stage? However, she didn’t argue with him. 

Williams got out of the car and got the door for Amelia too. Then, he took her hand in his and they walked towards Victoria who stood at the porch. 

Immediately they got to Victoria, she snatched Amelia’s hand out of William’s and engulfed her in a tight hug. 

“I missed you so much, sweetic.” 

“I missed you too, Mom. I’m sorry I didn’t visit.” 

Victoria placed her index finger on Amelia’s lips, shushing her from talking any longer. 

“Let’s get to the dining table, otherwise the food will get cold.” 

With that, Victoria led Amelia to the dining without sparing William a glance. 

Of course, Victoria knew what happened. She was the one who brought Laura in as their help, and she gave her 

separate others. She told Laura to report whatever happened to her. She knew Amelia and William’s marriage wasn’t based on mutual love. 

As they ate, William would occasionally try to feed Amelia and place her favorite parts on her plate. Amelia didn’t understand why he was going that far and she found it suspicious, Victoria wasn’t a fool either. If Laura hadn’t told her what happened, she would have guessed. 

“You do not have to pretend. I know you guys are speaking of divorce.” Victoria commented calmly, dropping her cutleries after the food. 

“Mother, I…” Amelia was about to explain, but Victoria interrupted her. She had seen the news and was disappointed in William. She hadn’t raised him in such a way

“I do not want you guys to break up. Do not worry about Chloe, I’ll make sure she doesn’t disturb you.” 

Immediately Victoria mentioned Chloe, William glanced at her and she eyed him. Then she went on to talk more, trying to convince Amelia. 

After discussing with Amelia for a while, Victoria realized it was late in the night and asked them to stay. She wanted to spend more time with Amelia and wouldn’t allow her to leave so late at night. Little did the couple know it was part of Victoria’s grand plan. 

“I already cleaned your room. You guys can spend the night there.” 

Amelia excitedly went upstairs to the room she used while she lived there, and William trotted slowly behind her. 

Flinging open the door, she was glad to see the room was just as she had left him. Her picture frames were still on the vanity, and everywhere was clean. Amelia was happy Victoria had maintained the 

6 Aphrodisiac. 

room. Nothing changed. But she took back her words when she opened the wardrobe. 


All her clothes weren’t there anymore. They had been replaced with skimpy nightwear of different styles. Seeing this, William’s adam apple bobbed. He was reminded of the last night Amelia had spent 

at home. 

He remembered her body moves, her skin, and how she had glowed when the moonlight reflected on her skin. Immediately, he tore his eyes away from the wardrobe. 

“I’ll take a shower first,” William said and walked into the bathroom. He needed a cold shower to help him clear his thoughts. 

It didn’t take long before William stepped out of the bathroom. He had washed his hair and was drying it when Victoria knocked on the door. Now, Amelia was in the bathroom taking a shower too. 

Victoria brought them a jug of fruit juice. She knew how much they both loved her homemade juice, so it was perfect to execute her plan. Coupled with the nightwear she had arranged in Amelia’s wardrobe, she knew there was no way the duo would keep their hands to themselves tonight. 

Before Amekua returned from the bathroom, William had already taken the juice. He could feel his body was different, but he went on to tell Amelia about the juice. 

“Mom brought us some late–night snacks with your favorite juice. She told me to kiss you goodnight too.” 

Amelia was full from dinner, but she would never pass up a chance to taste Victoria’s fruit juice. 

‘I’ll just take a little.‘ Amelia assured herself as took half of the glass cup. Then she went to sit on the vanity chair. She wanted to apply her skincare products before proceeding to sleep. 

At first, Amelia wasn’t sure about putting on the nightgown, but she found it hard to sleep in clothes she had on during the day. After she drank the juice, she however felt a wave of confidence wash over her. 

Placing her leg on the second stool, Amelia began applying her product. 

Williams on the other hand couldn’t sleep. He felt hot and kept stealing glances at Amelia. It felt like she was teasing him, and he could feel himself get aroused. It wasn’t normal. He always knew how to control himself, but he couldn’t today. 

William didn’t realize when he stood and walked towards her. Standing behind Amelia, he swept her hair to one side and bent to kiss her neck. 

Amelia was shocked and wanted to push him off, but for some reason, she couldn’t. Instead, she only leaned into his touch even more. 

Amelia felt her body vibrating from pleasure. She wanted badly to be in William’s arms, and so she did. 

It seems Victoria’s wish for a grandchild was going to be granted tonight. So far, her plan is progressing well. After all, the effect of the aphrodisiac was kicking in. 

  1. Possibility Of A Change. 

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