Mr. Williams Runaway Wife ( Amelia and William )

Chapter 1



1 The Decision. 

The light was blinding, but slowly Amelia opened her eyes, trying to get them adjusted to the 


Her head hurt, and the environment was strange and unfamiliar. She tried thinking of what was happening and slowly sat up. 

Rapidly, Amelia’s sight and hearing got adjusted to the environment, and she realized she was in a hospital. She could see people run around the ward through the opening between the drawn curtains. 

Ah, yes. She was involved in an accident. A fire had broken out in the shopping complex, and she was unfortunate to be there at the moment. 

Propping herself up with the pillow, Amelia listens to the newscaster on TV. Someone had thrown a cigarette bud in a bin without completely putting out the fire

Amelia wanted to shake her head in disgust, but she couldn’t. She feared another wave of nausea would hit her. The careless individual had caused about fifty people to be injured. Thankfully, none of 

them were serious. 

She looked at the hanging drip. Soon, age would be done with it, but Amelia couldn’t wait any longer. 

She wanted to be out of here as fast as she could. 

Pulling out the IV cannula from her hand, Amelia made to get off the bed, but before she could, the 

curtain was drawn. It was a nurse. 

The nurse’s eyes darted back and forth between Amelia’s hand and the IV, and from the look on the nurse’s face, Amelia didn’t need a soothsayer to tell her the nurse was displeased. The nurse clearly couldn’t hide her displeasure. 

“Mrs. Amelia, we haven’t been able to reach your emergency contacts, and you need someone to sign 

you out“. 

The nurse didn’t make any comment on the drip, and Amelia was grateful. It was probably because 

there was only a little liquid left in it. 

“You won’t need to worry about that. I will sign myself out” 

Amelia hoped the nurse wouldn’t press on it. Oh, she prayed she wouldn’t. She was married to someone influential, but it seems as though she wasn’t. Especially at times like this. She always felt lonely. Alone. 

I think you would need someone. You suffered from a mild concussion earlier and there might be headaches, fatigue, and you would feel drowsy too. You would need someone with you.” 

Amelia was pissed, but she couldn’t pinpoint why. Was it because the nurse kept hammering on her 

1 The Decision. 

needing someone? She looked at the tag on the nurse’s chest for her name. 


“Miss” Amelia drawled out, trying to confirm if the nurse was a Miss. She looked young, but Amelia didn’t want to take any chances. A nod from the nurses told her she was on the right track. 

“… Emma I’m fine. I do not need anyone to look after me. See, I’m good.” She raised her arms, trying to buttress her point. “Plus, I took the drip. At least, to a reasonable extent.” 

“Well, if you insist. But I’m just looking out for you. That’s all. You’re cleared. And, you can just call me Emma.” Emma smiled at Amelia before turning to leave. 

Amelia returned the smile and picked up her phone. She turned it on, and as usual, there were no notifications. Just a spam message. Smiling sadly, she wondered what else she was expecting. 

Opening her phone app, she clicked on Husband. It was William, and she was willing to give him a chance to prove himself. Biting on her lower lip, Amelia clicked on the dial button. 

At first, the line was cut off, but when she dialed the second time, he picked up on the second ring. 

“For fuck sake Amy, your reason for calling had better be an emergency. You should know I was busy since I didn’t pick up your calls.” 

Amelia wasn’t so surprised. William always claimed to be busy, and whenever he was frustrated, he would hurl words at her for calling him. He always had an excuse. 

Earlier, before she passed out at the accident scene, she had called him. Even though he treated her like trash, he was still the first on her speed dial and she found herself always waiting for him. It was a matter of her heart, and she couldn’t control it. But soon, it would change. 

“I’m at the hospital. I was at the mall when the fire broke out. Can you come pick me up, please?” 

For a second, William was silent, but he soon gave an answer, and it wasn’t different from what Amelia thought. 

I am sorry. I can’t make it as I’m busy at the moment. I’m in the middle of an important meeting.” 

He sounded so professional and it threw Amelia off guard. When did they get to this point? She couldn’t pinpoint it. Without waiting to get a reply, William mumbled his goodbyes and hung up. 

Amelia didn’t need a soothsayer to tell her she was on her own. Without waiting any longer, she stood and made her way out of the hospital. 

However, just as she was about to step into the lobby, she noticed a figure. One she would recognize even in a deep slumber. And it was none but Williams. Didn’t he say he was working? 

While trying not to get noticed, Amelia traced him, and soon, they were at the VIP center, and it surprised her. Did any of his friends get hospitalized or what was it that brought him to the hospital

Now, William was standing before a door. He looked around, trying to make sure no one was, following him, and Amelia quickly darted behind a block. Thankfully, he didn’t notice her. 

Immediately William entered, she went to the door, and it wasn’t well closed. The space allowed her 

1 The Decision. 

to peep, and what she saw broke her. 


There in the room was another lady locked in William’s embrace. He smothered her hair, looked into her face, and then they kissed. 

Unconsciously, Amelia gasped, and the duo paused. 

“Did you hear that?” the lady asked. She was still in William’s arms, but they had paused the kisses. 

“No. What is it?” William then turned back to look and noticed he left the door open. “Shit, the door is 


It was Amelia’s cue to move. Without making any more sounds, she left the door side and hid behind the block she was earlier in. Then, she heard the door close after a few seconds. 

Knowing Williams, he would have stepped out and looked around before closing the door. 

Amelia couldn’t believe who she just saw. It was no one but William’s ex–girlfriend Chloe, the 


Sliding her back down the block, Amelia sat devastated. She looked like someone who just saw a ghost. 

Right from the beginning of what she would have called their love story, Amelia knew William was still hung on Chloe, and he had admitted it, but she stayed. She was willing to be his rebound and she didn’t mind, but now she knew better. She minded. 

Chloe was the reason William had told her he was busy. She took out her phone once again and dialed his number. He picked up on the third ring. 

“Amy, what part of I’m in a meeting do you not understand?” Now, he was panting and if Amelia hadn’t known better, she would have gotten worried and asked if anything was wrong. 

“I guess your meeting is in a hospital VIP room.She replied calmly, watching the petals fall through the window. Fall was here. 

“God damn, Amelia. Are you following me around now?” 

Amelia didn’t reply instead, she hung up and called Lea. She needed to get out of this place. 

“You look so stressed. Are you sure you’re okay?It was the first thing Lea asked as she arrived. She was also busy but made time. Now, Amelia understood the saying No one that truly cares would be 

busy for you. 

Amelia didn’t want to talk. She feared she would break down, so she told Lea it was the aftereffects of 

the accident. “I only need to rest, and I’ll be fine.” 

As Lea dropped Amelia, she apologized for not being able to stay with her. She had urgent things to get back to and promised to check in on her later. Then she filled Laura, the help, in on the situation, telling her to take good care of Amelia. 

A few minutes later while eating the light food Laura made, Amelia thought of everything that happened. There were signs, but she brushed them off. 

1 The Decision. 


However, she couldn’t any longer. She had to put herself first. Love herself more, and stop moping 


Later at night when William returned, he was surprised not to meet Amelia in the sitting room. Since they got married, she would never go to sleep unless he was back home. 

Little did he know Amelia had made a decision. She was going to end the circle of her unrequited, one- sided love, and this was only the beginning of the end. 

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