Mr Spencer (Mr. Book 2)

Mr Spencer: Chapter 21

My phone vibrates across my desk and I answer it quickly. “Any news?” I ask Spencer.

“She’s five centimetres dilated.”

“Is she all right?”

“In Masters’ words, she’s a champion.”

Excitement sweeps though me. “How many times have you spoken to him today?”

“Every hour on the hour.”

I love these men, they’re so close. “Were you this excited when he had his other children?’

“Yes,” he gasps. “Babies are fucking exciting, Charlotte.”

I smile dreamily as I imagine the day that Spencer becomes a father, and how excited he will be. I hope it’s to my children.

“Are you going to go see them tonight?” I ask.

“If the baby is here, we will.”

“We?” I frown. “I don’t want to intrude.”

“Don’t be stupid. You’re part of our gang now. Don’t you want to see the baby too?”

I smile goofily. “I do.”

“I also organised for us to look through that office space I found. The estate agent is meeting us there at six.”

“You… did?”

“What’s with the delay?”

“Spence,” I whisper. “Do you really think I can do this?”

“I know you can, angel,” he replies without hesitation. “You know you can, too.”

I nod with renewed determination. “You’re right, I can do this.”

“The building may not be what you’re looking for, anyway. We’re just getting a feel for it at this stage.”

“Again, you’re right.”

“I’ll pick you up from work at five.”

“Can’t wait, see you then.”

“Bye, angel.”

“Love you.”

“I love you, too.”

He hangs up, and I stare out the window. How this beautiful, thoughtful man loves me above all other women, I’ll never know.

“And through here is the kitchen.” The estate agent smiles.

Spencer leads me from the office to a large kitchen area. I’m fighting the huge smile.

“And the rental terms?” Spencer asks her casually.

“We could do a five by five.”

“We’re only after a two by two at this point.” He looks around. “We plan on expanding within three years, and this space won’t be big enough for us then.”

“I’ll go outside and call the owner now; see what she says.”

“Thank you.” We walk back out into the main office area.

The door closes behind her and he turns to me. “What do you think?”

I look around at the expansive modern space on the tenth floor, right in the middle of London. There are six offices, all with glass walls and views that look out over the city. The reception area is large and modern. It has a kitchen, a conference room, and its own private bathrooms.

“Spence,” I whisper. “It’s perfect.”

“Right?” He smiles, proud of himself for finding it.

“Are you sure I can do this?”

He kisses me softly. “You can do anything you set your mind to, angel. Stop doubting yourself.”

I imagine how I could make this place look and excitement fills me.

“Don’t act interested,” he says. “Play it cool while I negotiate the rental terms.”


I walk over to the offices and start looking through them again. The agent returns.

“When would you want to consider beginning your rental agreement?”

I think for a moment. “Probably after Christmas. It would be hard for me to find suitable staff at this time of the year.”

“The owner said that should be fine.”

Spencer nods. “Okay, we’re going to look at a few other buildings this afternoon, so I’ll let you know.”

My face falls and Spencer gives me the look. Oh, that’s right, we’re playing it cool.

“The rent is rather high,” he says casually.

“Let me see what I can do about that,” the agent replies.

“If we can get the rent down a little, we may be able to work something out.”

I shake her hand. “Thank you for meeting us.”

“My pleasure.”

We follow her outside, and I take one last look at the space and fight to hold back a huge smile.

I think we just found an office for me.

I follow Spencer as he strides down the hospital corridor. He’s carrying the biggest bunch of flowers I have ever seen, and I’m loaded up with gifts, too. I think Spencer bought half of the store today.

“Hurry up,” he whispers.

He’s so excited.

I’m seeing this other part of him I never knew existed… the paternal part.

My ovaries have exploded to smithereens.

Playboy Spencer is hot, fuckable, funny, and the entire world wants a piece of him. But family Spencer, the one that only a few select people get to know, is caring and considerate, swoony and beautiful… I could go on and on.

All I know is that I’m a very lucky woman to have him love me.

The way he looks at me, the way he loves me, it’s all I need.

We get to a door and he turns. “You ready?”

“I’m not the one having a baby, Spencer.”

He chuckles and knocks on the door.

“Come in!” someone calls.

Spencer tentatively opens the door. Bree is in bed and Julian is sitting in a chair beside her, holding their newborn baby.

Spencer places the flowers down and rushes to Bree’s side. “Are you okay, darling?” he whispers as he kisses her temple and takes her hand in his.

She laughs at him. “I’m fine, Spence.” She turns to me. “Hi, Lottie.”

“Hello.” I bounce with excitement. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you.” She smiles proudly. “He’s just perfect.”

Spencer turns to Julian and lets out a quiet chuckle. “Congratulations, man.” He shakes Julian’s hand and then pulls the little blue blanket down to look at the baby.

“What’s his name?” Spencer asks softly.

“Henry.” Julian looks like he’s about to burst with pride. I find myself getting teary watching the two men swooning over this little baby boy.

I turn back to Bree. “Was the birth okay?” I ask softly.

“God.” She sighs. “It was fucking hell.”

I bite my bottom lip to hold back my smile. I love Bree. She’s so normal.

“You know how they tell you your whole life that it’s bad?”

“Yeah,” I answer cautiously.

“It’s worse than bad. It’s times ten worse.” She widens her eyes. “I thought I was going to die.”

I giggle and my attention goes back to Julian and Spencer who are staring at the bundle in Julian’s arms. They are utterly awestruck.

“Where are the kids?” Spencer asks.

“They’ve just gone home. They’re coming back in a few hours,” Julian tells him. “Bree hasn’t even showered yet.”

“Oh.” My face falls as I glance between them. “I’m so sorry to intrude.”

“Don’t be silly. Seb was trying to come into the delivery room.” Bree smiles. “He’s just gone to get us some dinner.”

“Can you two watch Henry while I help Bree shower?” Julian asks.

“Of course.” Spencer stands and takes the baby from Julian. I watch on as he lifts him up to his face and gently kisses his little forehead, and then I melt into a puddle.

I can’t deal with this. Spencer with a baby is frying my brain.

Julian helps Bree up and leads her into the bathroom. I walk over to Spencer as he holds the precious little bundle and I pull the blanket back and stare at the perfect chubby little face.

“I can’t wait to have a baby of my own one day,” I whisper.

Spencer smiles, leans down and kisses me softly. “Me, too.”

We both smile at little Henry who is staring back at us.

“You’re going to make a wonderful father, Spence.”

“One day.” His eyes rise to meet mine. “This, angel… you and me.”

Emotion overwhelms me, my eyes fill with tears. “What a perfect day that will be.”

We kiss. It’s soft and intimate, a celebration of life and a promise of things to come. “I love you,” I whisper.

“I love you, too.”


We’re sitting in the car watching Charlotte as she walks down the street.

“This is killing me.” My father sighs.

“It’s for the best.” I watch Wyatt and Anthony follow her into a café. “She’ll come around. She won’t stay with him, I know it.”

Dad exhales heavily, a mutual sadness rolling over us. We’re so close yet so far away.

“Every week we’ve travelled to London to watch her this way. I miss her, Edward.”

“Me, too, but I have no idea what this Spencer Jones wants with her, and until I know for certain we cannot, with a clear conscience, encourage this relationship.”

Ten minutes later, Charlotte reappears with a fresh juice and a brown paper bag containing her lunch. She disappears down the street. I start the car and pull out into the traffic.

“At least she’s okay.” I sigh.

“I’m not okay, Edward. We need to start thinking about making peace with this. She’s not coming home.”

“Trust me, he will hang himself… we just have to wait.”


“Anthony called me,” Beth says casually as she sips her cocktail.

I gasp and look over at him standing up against the wall with Wyatt. “Oh my God, when?”

“Last night.”


“Shh, I don’t want Lars to know.”

“Why not?”

“Because if she is getting it on with Edward like we suspect, she’s going to tell him.”

“Hmm, good thinking.” We’re in a cocktail bar on a girl’s night out. Spencer and Sebastian are at our place watching football. Lara is in the bathroom of the bar right now, but she’s staying at our place tonight.

“What did Anthony say?” I whisper.

“He asked me if I wanted to go out some time. He told me that Spencer warned him away from me a few weeks ago—said he didn’t want us to date because if we didn’t work out then he didn’t want my friendship with you to suffer.”

My face falls. “What?”

“Apparently, Spencer knew that Anthony had the hots for me all along.”

My mouth falls open. “You’re kidding, he said that?”

“You know, Spencer is more like Edward than you think.” She huffs.


Lara smiles warmly, arriving back at the table. “Another round?” she asks.

“Please.” I smile.

“Sure,” says Beth.

We both watch as Lara saunters to the bar. “I think she’s definitely sleeping with Edward,” I whisper.

“But why wouldn’t she tell us that? We tell each other everything. I don’t get it. Why is she hiding this?”

“I don’t know.” I shrug. “All I know is that in the last month my family haven’t talked to me, Lara has been to stay at Spencer’s house five times. That’s more than she’s ever seen me. It’s as if she’s checking on me for Edward.”

“But surely she can see how happy you two are together.” She frowns. “He dotes on you, for fuck’s sake.”

Lara arrives back at the table with three drinks.

“Thank you.”

“Tell me all about your new business venture.” Lara smiles. “Where are you up to with it?”

“It’s not a business, it’s a charity.” I smile proudly. “So far, I have the office space I wanted, and I hired two people who I was working with at the mailroom in my old job.”


“Sarah and Paul.”

“Isn’t Sarah a loose cannon?” Lara frowns.

“No. She’s smart, intelligent, and I adore her. As for Paul, well, he is just Paul. He’ll be good for the place until his next trip.”

“Who else is going to work there?”

“Two young lawyers straight from university—both guys. They start in February.”

Beth bounces in her seat. “This is so exciting, Charlotte.”

“I know.”

“Don’t let Sarah bonk the solicitors,” Lara warns me. “Or Paul, for that matter.”

I laugh. “I already warned her: no sex with the staff.”

“What did she say?” Lara asks.

“She told me she was hoping for a threesome on their desk.” I smirk.

“Charlotte.” Lara gasps. “You’re going to have pubes on your desk, too.”

We all burst out laughing. “How are my father and Edward?” I ask.

“Good.” Her eyes meet mine as she catches herself, shrugging casually. “As far as I know.”

“Have you seen them?”

“I ran into Edward the other day. He asked me how you were.”

“What did you say?”

She shrugs again. “I told him you were happy.”

I watch her.

“Did you tell him to fuck off from me?” Beth asks casually, lifting her drink to her mouth. “I’m so fucking annoyed with him.” She tuts. “If he took the time to get to know Spencer, he would see how wonderful he is. He pisses me off to no end.”

“Edward just wants you to have your own place, Charlotte. It’s not unreasonable, if you ask me.”

Beth’s eyes meet mine. Always defending him.

“I’m old enough to make my own decisions, Lara. I love Spencer. I want to live with him. My family should accept that and stop judging him like they judge Penelope. Spencer’s done nothing wrong and I won’t stand for him to be treated the way that they treat him.”

Lara rolls her eyes at me, clearly unimpressed.

“Have either of you ever tried bondage?” Beth asks. “I met this new guy and he wants to tie me up.”

I bite my lip to stop myself from smiling. I can’t believe Beth. She’s fishing for information for me.

Lara smiles darkly. “Being tied up is fucking hot. Handcuffs are a personal favourite of mine.”

Beth looks at me again. I swear that was her in Edward’s room that night.

“Have you ever fucked Edward, Lara?” Beth blurts out.

Lara chokes on her drink. “What?”

“Have you ever fucked Edward?”

My eyes widen in surprise. I’ve never asked because I didn’t want to force her to lie to me.

“What on earth?” Lara splutters. “Why would you ask me that?”

“It’s a yes or no question, Lars,” Beth states.

Lara waves her hand around in the air. “Don’t be ridiculous. Oh, look, there’s Charlie.” She stands. “Back in a minute.” She takes off and nearly runs to the other side of the restaurant to get away from us.

Beth and I stare at each other.

“She’s totally fucking him,” Beth says.

I sip my drink. “Yep. I know.”

The car slows to a stop, and I peer in at the house through the window.

I’m here to meet Spencer’s family, and I’m nervous as all hell.

Family meetings haven’t gone that well for us so far.

Spencer opens my door and practically drags me from my seat. “I’m nervous,” I admit in a rush.

“Don’t be nervous, they’ll love you.” He takes me by the hand, leading me towards the house.

“What if they don’t?”

“Then we’ll be even.”

Oh, God.

The house is nice, neat, and of average size, sitting out in the countryside. I smile as I look around at the neighbourhood. I get a vision of Spencer, Seb, and Julian hanging around here riding their bikes as kids, and I smile.

“Hello!” Spencer calls as he opens the front door. The smells of something amazing cooking wafts through the house.

“Hey!” I hear a woman call from another room before she rushes in. “Spence.”

I clasp my hands nervously in front of me when she comes into view. She’s attractive and in good shape. She has blonde hair that sits just below her shoulders, and blue eyes that shine like Spencer’s. She immediately wraps her arms around me and pulls me close. “Hello, my dear Charlotte.”

“Hi,” I whisper nervously.

She takes my hands in hers, smiles, and looks me up and down. “So, you’re our Spencer’s girlfriend? Beautiful.”


She turns her attention to Spencer and kisses his cheek. “Hello, sweetheart.”

“Hi, Mum.” He smiles. “Where’s Dad?”

“Out in the garage.”

He calls his stepfather his dad? I didn’t know this.

Spencer takes off outside, returning only moments later with a big, burly mechanic-looking guy. Spencer presents me like a prized pig.

“And here she is. This is my Charlotte,” he says proudly.

My Charlotte.

The man wipes his hands on a tea towel before he shakes my hand. “Hello, love, nice to meet you.”

He looks like he has some kind of Italian or European heritage. He has big, brown, kind eyes. He puts his arm around Spencer, and I smile at the two of them. It’s obvious that they are very close.

“I hope you’re hungry, I’ve been cooking up a storm.” His mother smiles.

I nod nervously, unsure what to say.

Spencer rolls his eyes and wraps his arm around me. “She’s nervous.”

His mother laughs. “That makes two of us. You’re the first girl Spencer has ever brought home. I’d almost given up hope.”

“About time, Son,” his dad interrupts. “And she’s so pretty, too.”

I giggle, feeling a little more at ease.

His mum takes me by the hand and pulls me into the kitchen. “If Spencer loves you, we love you.”

I’m in bed staring at the television, but I’m not watching it or even listening.

My mind is in Nottingham with my father.

I miss him… desperately.

Spencer is reading beside me and things couldn’t be any better between us. We laugh, make love, fuck, and talk about the charity I’m creating. He’s become my best friend and my partner in crime.

We’re hopelessly in love.

But I have this thorn in my side that won’t go away.

It was one or the other: my family or my love. Why couldn’t I have both? I know if they just gave him a chance, they would love him.

Spencer reaches over and slides his hand up my thigh. “You okay?” he asks.

I nod, unable to speak past the lump in my throat.

He puts his book down and wraps his arms around me. “What is it, angel?”

I shake my head because I don’t want him to know that I’m grieving the loss of my family.

“I’m just tired, baby,” I whisper as I kiss him softly. I run my fingers through his two-day stubble, and I stare into his big, beautiful eyes. He kisses me slowly, his tongue sliding through my open mouth. For a long time we lie in each other’s arms and kiss. It’s tender, unhurried and intimate and when he kisses me like this there is nobody else on earth but us.

His lips drop to my neck and he bites me with just the right amount of pressure before his hands slowly slide my panties down my legs.

He bites my nipples, kissing each one in reverence, and then he drops lower and lower. He spreads my legs and pulls me apart for his pleasure. I hold my breath as he looks at me. His lips gently kiss my inner thighs.

It always feels so intimate when he looks at me like this…the intimacy I crave from him, the entrée to perfection.

His thick tongue slides through my flesh, and I arch my back as the pleasure takes over. Spencer rests my legs over his shoulders. His hands are splayed on my lower stomach, and I watch him lick me like I’m a goddess.

His goddess.

With every swipe of his tongue, I love him just that little bit more. My hands rest on the back of his head.

“Baby, come up here,” I whisper. “I want you close tonight.”

He crawls up and over me. His lips glisten with my arousal. “Do you know how much I fucking love you, angel?” he whispers.

I wrap my legs around his waist. “Why don’t you show me?”

In a perfectly practiced move, he slides his thick cock deep inside me, and we both moan in unison. I feel my pulse throbbing in every part of my body. Our lips crash together, and we kiss as his body withdraws and slowly slides in home once more.

“Spence…” I murmur against his big lips.

“Yeah, angel.”

“I want you to roll me over and fuck me hard.”

He bites my bottom lip and tugs on it with his teeth. “I’ve created a monster.”

He flips me over and slams into me with a hard slap on my behind. He grabs my nipple and squeezes it, causing me to cry out in pain.

“Fuck me,” I moan as my sex clenches around him. This is what I love—a certain kind of craziness that comes over me when he awakens the animal inside of my soul. “Fuck me hard.”

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