Mr. Nelsonn Winning His Ex-wife’s Heart

Chapter 26

Chapter: 26

I'll kill you today!”

Sonya cursed at the top of her Lungs. After wiping the coffee off her face with the
back of her hand, she charged toward Chelsea like a ferocious Lioness.
“What's going on here?” A cold and majestic voice suddenly boomed.

A sea of eyes turned to look in the direction that the voice came. It was Edmund.
He came over with Eugene and the director of the film.

“Edmund, thank goodness you are here! Look at my face. That bitch splashed
coffee on me!” Sonya ran to meet Edmund and complained like a spoiled child.
This was typical of her. Whenever she did something wrong in the past, she
always turned the situation to suit herself by lying to Edmund. Chelsea was used
to her trick.

Chelsea felt that Edmund would take his sister's side like he always did, so she
decided to excuse herself. She whispered to Zuri, “I have to go to the bathroom
to clean this mess.”

She didn’t want to trade words with Sonya anymore. As far as she was
concerned, they were even now that she had given Sonya a taste of her own

The scald on her arm wasn't too severe, but she wanted to deal with it now so
she wouldn't have to stay here with these annoying siblings. It was the perfect
excuse to leave.

Zuri wasn’t going to stand aside and watch Sonya make it seem Like Chelsea
was at fault. She retorted immediately, “Sonya, why are you such a liar? Why
don't you tell them that you splashed coffee on Chelsea first? And it was hot
coffee at that!”

With a swift move, Zuri pulled Chelsea back and carefully stretched out her
scalded arm for everyone to see.

“Because of your wickedness, Chelsea's arm got scalded like this. How dare you
make it seem Like you didn't do anything wrong? Don’t you have a heart? Mark
my words. If this scalding gets worse than this, I will destroy your face!”
Edmund's eyes widened in shock when he saw Chelsea's injured arm. He hadn't
noticed it at first. Not only was her white T-shirt stained, but her arm was also red
as if it was burned by fire.

“Apologize to her now!” Edmund ordered, his eyes blazing.

“What are you waiting for, bitch? My brother said you should apologize to me. Do
it now!” Sonya shouted as she folded her arms and looked at Chelsea

Edmund gave her a cold glare. He said firmly, “No, it's the other way around.
Sonya, apologize to Chelsea now!”

ALL the onlookers gasped in shock. Chelsea was also stunned, but she looked
away indifferently.

It was rather ironic that he never defended her when she was still his wife. But
now that he had no marital obligations to her, he was taking her side against his

His sudden concern for her well-being was superfluous in Chelsea's eyes.

She didn’t need his protection anymore, so her heart wasn’t moved, nor did she
attempt to thank him.

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“What?” With a horrified expression,
Sonya looked at her brother and

asked, “Are you being serious right

now? You want me to apologize to

this thing? Why are you taking her

side? Yes, I splashed coffee on her.

But she did the same to me!” The

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Fighting tooth and nail was one of

Zuri's fortes. As a result, a heated

brawl was no biggie for her. She

stepped forward and retorted again,
“Shut up, you brat! If you hadn't

spoken ill of Chelsea and poured

coffee on her for no reason, would

she have splashed coffee on you?

She gave you a taste of your own
medicine. Stop playing innocent!” The
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the latest chapter there!

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After Zuri successfully shut Sonya

up, she turned to Edmund and said
sarcastically, “Your sister is so funny,

Mr. Nelson. Chelsea and I were

having a good chat while drinking

coffee when Sonya came out of

nowhere and began to insult Chelsea

for no reason at all. It was after she
poured hot coffee on Chelsea that

she got exactly what she deserved.”

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Sonya glared at Zuri with bloodshot eyes. She had the urge to pounce on her.

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