Mr. Mitchell: Billionaires’ Club Book 2 (Billionaires’ Club Series)

Mr. Mitchell: Chapter 27

Isat at a reserved table in the front of the venue next to Jim’s sister-in-law, Ash, and other executives from Mitchell and Associates. I was in awe from the second we stepped into this hotel conference room. The décor transformed the area to look like we were at some massive convention.

The tone was set with the perfect lighting, a stage, and a large projector screen behind a glass podium. Maybe this was what all resort conference rooms looked like. I had no idea since this was my first time attending anything like this.

We watched a fantastic presentation that was underscored with music that kept you drawn into the history of Mitchell and Associates. It felt as if we were at a badass movie theater. Hell, I already worked for this company, and I’d even gained deeper respect from watching clips of its powerful mission and values on a global level. I almost forgot it was Jim’s company until the presentation ended, and the lights came on, illuminating hundreds of eloquently dressed attendees as Jim crossed the stage and walked to the podium.

“Good evening,” Jim said with a smile that enhanced his painfully handsome looks. His voice was commanding—everything about him was intriguing to me at the moment.

The room fell silent from its post-presentation chatter the minute Jim’s smooth voice greeted the room.

“I’d like to thank all of you for accepting our invitation to join us over the next two days,” he said as his eyes scanned the guests. “First of all, I want you to know that you are sitting in this room for a reason. Each one of you were purposefully selected to attend this event based on your value, who you are, and what you stand for. With that said, please know that we’ve taken every measure possible to ensure that your time is not wasted. Mitchell and Associates understands your time is valuable.” He cracked a smile, but his face remained firm and unwavering. “You see, I’m a man who values his time greatly, and I extend the same courtesy to you. Tonight, I am speaking to the most important people I may ever cross paths with. We have exclusive investors, executives from the medical industry, board members from highly accredited universities, and,” he grinned, “I believe you all may be asking yourselves this question after our opening presentation: why am I here? This young CEO better not be wasting my time.” He smirked when the audience laughed in comical agreement.

I’d listened to him speak in his James Mitchell, CEO voice before but never had watched him in action like this.

“Tonight’s portion of our two-day conference will introduce you to why you were each exclusively selected by my company to attend this event. I also know why you accepted our invitation. You’ve watched the compilation of videos regarding Dr. Jacob Mitchell and Dr. Collin Brooks, both world-renowned surgeons who have proved they are irreplaceable in their talents and work. Saint John’s is more than fortunate to have two men who have not only earned awards in multiple areas of their respective fields, but through their work, they’ve achieved a level of exceptionalism that has garnered global attention.”

Jim looked over to where his brother Jake sat, alerting us to the doctor in the room that would be taking the stage after his opening statement.

“So, why are you here, and why has Mitchell and Associates selected this particular group of individuals to present our newest ideas to? The answer is simple. Saint John’s new expansions of our heart and neuroscience institutes will not work without you seeing our vision. You see, I am a man who strives to be the best in all I do.” He eyed the room with a somber expression. “But in our work, there is no room for anything short of greatness to ensure the success rates of our patients. Even with having two of the best doctors in the world at Saint John’s, we need to think bigger, and it’s imperative we think better.” He gripped the podium with his strong hands, leaned forward, and with a calculated emphasis, he stated, “In doing so, we need to expand with only the best there is in the medical industry.” He glanced toward the audience to his left, then out to the center of the crowd as he continued. “We also need investors who are serious about where they invest their money. Earlier today, our exclusive investors in attendance were invited to see the return on this particular investment. Mark my words, even though those numbers looked healthy enough for you, those are conservative estimates. You will see a higher return on this investment, and whether it be proceeds or pride in a worthy cause, it will not return to you void. I guarantee that to you, and this is why.” He glanced over to his right, “Dr. Mitchell and Dr. Brooks are only willing to accept interns who graduate at the top of their classes, undergo a grueling interviewing process with them, and have a passion that’s evident in their work ethic. This, ladies and gentlemen, is when you will see something unlike any other hospitals have done before. You will have the best in the medical industry working with overachieving medical professionals who are eager to learn and work with these two doctors closely.” He glanced around the room. “We plan on taking this to an even higher level, having universities bring in their finest students and create a new course of instruction while students watch live surgeries performed by these two doctors as they explain their procedures while performing them.”

I remained silent, watching Jim and Jake exchange smiles that came from nowhere. I grinned at how handsome both men were while they smiled at something all of us could only guess was humorous.

“And with that, I would like to share with you why we must act on this vision. The reason is quite simple. We have deemed it The Bus Test Initiative.

I grinned with the way Jim said it, wondering what the hell he was talking about. Everyone else seemed to follow me in being thrown off when his speech shifted toward some bus test. What the fuck was he talking about?

“Now that I have your attention.” He looked over at Ash with a smart-ass grin. “Allow me to explain the Bus Test. Dr. Mitchell’s wife is happily pregnant and has cravings at the strangest times. Dr. Mitchell will stop everything to ensure his beautiful wife is cared for, especially in the food department. You see, Mrs. Mitchell might crave something that will undoubtedly lead Dr. Mitchell to cross the road tonight to purchase from a convenience store. If Dr. Mitchell were to step off that curb and a bus were to flatten my poor brother,” I could tell Jim was refraining from laughter after looking back at Jake rolling his eyes, “every skill my brother has—everything locked up in his genius mind—would die with him. We would be left wishing we had an opportunity to learn from such an amazing man.” Jim looked back at Jake. “Or if Dr. Brooks were to get hit by the same bus on its return route…” He chuckled while Jake shook his head. Jim became serious while the audience laughed. “Listen, it’s a silly point, but it’s a fact. If we were to lose the knowledge these men have amassed because of a tragic incident, I would consider myself to be a fool never to have embarked on this quest.” Jim’s eyes roamed over the audience again. “I only ask that you listen closely and seriously consider the worthiness of this investment. We need these men, we need more men like them, and the truth is we only have a—” He paused and looked over to Jake, “How long until the baby arrives?” he questioned with humor in his voice. He looked back to us with a smile that stole my breath away. “Regardless, we have less than nine months to come to an agreement.” The room burst into laughter at his wit and charm, and I just fell a few feet deeper for him.

Jim held out his hand to introduce Jake as he walked to the podium. “Please allow me to introduce to you my brother and chief cardiovascular surgeon.” He shook Jake’s hand. “And someone that I surely hope doesn’t get hit by that bus anytime soon. Dr. Jacob Mitchell.”

Jake leaned into the mic. “Leave it to my brother to announce my importance as a doctor by sentencing me to death by bus.” He looked over at Ash, who laughed along with me. “If it happens, you have this one to thank for it.”

As the night went on, I sat in awe of the company I worked for. The event was primarily directed toward their owning Saint John’s hospital and ensuring it would be recognized as one of the best hospitals for cardiac and neuro patients, if not the best. I sat through all of the presentations, fully absorbed by them. Who would’ve thought sitting through something like this would be so informative and intriguing?

If that wasn’t enough, Jim had stolen my heart on yet another level. The charismatic businessman had me—and the entire room—connected to every word that came out of his mouth from the moment he approached the podium. I should’ve known he was this smooth with words, this direct with his approaches, and this passionate about his company.

I’d never met this side of Jim until tonight. I’d been more caught up with the man who ate big macs with me, who role-played as my husband in England, and who took care of me after fleeing his car for the nearest cemetery. The Jim and Mitch who dropped whatever he was doing to pick up my daughter—that was the man I knew more than this one. It sounded ridiculous, but I found myself fascinated with him as a whole now, and the respect I had for him had grown by leaps and bounds.

“The bar is open.” I tapped Ash on her shoulder after Jim thanked everyone for their time and closed out the last of the presentations. “Would you care for something non-alcoholic?” I smiled at the beautiful young woman who was married to Jim’s younger brother.

Her swollen abdomen complemented her petite figure. They say that women have that beautiful glow while pregnant, and that was apparent on all of Ash’s features. Her brown eyes sparkled, her smile was brilliant, and most of all, the young woman had a fun and caring aura that radiated from her. I felt like I’d met a kindred spirit in the small amount of time we’d talked while Joe was doing my hair. I almost felt like I instantly had a wonderful family or group of life-long friends, and I’d only spent a few hours with them.

Ash chuckled and pushed her chair back. “After two hours of sitting, I need to walk or something. I’m dying here.” She cracked a smile that easily made anyone who looked at her smile back. “I’ll head to the bar with you. After the remarkable presentations tonight, everyone in this room will most likely bombard Jake and Jim now,” she said as we stood together. “I definitely think Mitchell and Associates won the crowd over tonight.”

“I completely agree. Jake was fantastic; maybe that’s why Jim’s afraid he might get flattened by a bus tonight.” I laughed.

“That was classic,” she said with a grin. “Let’s hope I don’t need him to cross the street for anything I might crave tonight.”

“Aside from Jim’s goofy analogy, I have to agree with Jim about how important it is that Jake shares his knowledge.” I grinned as we stood behind people waiting to approach the bar. “His presentation actually made me feel more comfortable about coronary disease if that’s possible.”

“Before he and I were an item, he saved my dad’s life,” Ash said as we made our way to the bar, people moving away after getting their drinks. “Jake really is the best there is, and I’m not biased. I guess I have to agree with Jim’s bus-flattening Jake analogy tonight too.” She laughed her sweet laugh and took a sip of the ginger ale she requested.

The bar itself was adorned beautifully to match the splendor of the room, complete with a crystal counter that was backlit with a magenta glow. This entire event was as fancy as it got.

“How long have you and Jake been together?” I asked, interested in the adorable couple’s relationship.

She grinned when I sipped the martini I ordered. “Well, honestly, when we first met, I thought I was only having a one-night stand with some sexy guy named MitchThat was the name he gave me anyway, and it turns out that alias he used that night is poor Jim’s nickname.” She rolled her eyes and laughed, “I think he does that shit to intentionally piss off his brother sometimes.”

“Mitch? My daughter is fascinated with Mitch as her good friend.” I laughed and rolled my eyes. “Jim met her and tried to help her gain some trust with him by saying that people call him Jim or Mitch. Mitch stuck with Addy.”

“Oh shit.” Ash laughed. “Well, hopefully, if Jake meets your daughter, he won’t die laughing when he hears her calling him Mitch.”

“So, how did Mitch become Jake?” I asked.

“By saving my dad’s life.” I could see her eyes glow with passion. “He nearly died, and who would’ve thought that my one-night-stand was the surgeon who would save him from his heart attack that night. It took some time—mainly time for me to get over myself—and Jake and I realized we just couldn’t push away the attraction we had for each other.”

“I love that. What a special story,” I said.

“It’s pretty crazy, though. It all happened so hard and so fast. It took me a while to understand I was in love with the man. It’s sort of hard to accept that word, you know? For me, anyway.”

I looked out into the crowd and saw Jim standing with his brother and a group of men. Earlier I thought I was gawking and obsessing over this new side of him, but could it be that Ash was onto something I wasn’t daring to admit to myself?

“It is,” I answered. “It can be such an overused word, I think. It’s the commitment, the pull toward someone, and you just can’t resist it even if you tried.”

“Yes,” she said, and as we were getting through the small talk, she was cut off by a man to my right.

“Dirty martini?” I heard a low, humorous voice, a little too close to my ear, say.

I pulled my eyes from Ash’s narrowed ones and turned to face the robust man with blond hair, sporting a suit that most likely cost a few pretty pennies.

“And I’m about to order another,” I said. “Are you here with the medical groups?”

“One might say that.” His grin broadened. The man was pretty damn fine looking, a neatly trimmed mustache and beard—yet I instantly didn’t like him.

“I’m not asking what one might sayI’m asking what you say,” I said. I hated it when men in bar situations tried to play coy. “You’re either with the group, or you’re crashing this place for free booze,” I said, looking at his gin.

He smirked. “Maybe there was a stunning woman I caught a glimpse of, and I decided to crash it for her instead.”

“Are you hitting on me?” I must’ve had the most bewildered look on my face because I couldn’t believe something so ridiculous was happening at such a stylish event.

“Going to report me, blue eyes?” he said, his dark brown eyes locking onto mine as he sat on the stool next to the one I took moments ago.

“I might. You probably shouldn’t hit on the girl who’s with the man who could have you thrown out.”

I saw one of the men who’d been assigned as security detail to Ash and me take notice of what was happening. He was dressed sharply in an all-black suit, and he had one of those curly plastic earpieces that people in the secret service wear.

“Is this gentleman giving you a problem?” the man asked as he approached and stood protectively by Ash and me. “He can and will be removed if that’s the case.”

I glanced around to see that Jim’s eyes were locked on where Ash and I sat. I’d like to say this was that jealousy thing in him that he was talking about earlier, but his dark gaze—the scorched-earth look—was telling me he wasn’t a fan of the random dude in a suit who was talking to me. I smiled at him, letting him know it was all good at the bar. He nodded, did some lethal eyebrow arch toward the man at my right, and I could tell he was doing his best to remain in conversation with the group that surrounded him.

“I’m fine,” I smiled at the secret bodyguard, and then to Ash’s playful grin. “I’ll handle the trash in here. I’m sure you get paid to handle the real men.”

The man nodded and backed off.

I turned back to the idiot that I could instantly tell Jim didn’t like, and I was sure it wasn’t because the douchebag was flirting with me. “Looks like your ass is hitting on the wrong girl,” I said, hoping to move him on.

He smiled and leaned against the bar counter. “Trash, huh?” He covered his heart. “This Tom Ford suit tells a different story.”

“Tom Ford, Henry Ford, who really gives a shit? And the suit may tell a different story to you, but,” I took a sip of my new martini, “I’m pretty sure what’s underneath it is trash.”

“You’ve got a sharp tongue, don’t you? That’s pretty fucking hot.”

“What the hell do you want?” I said, now that the curse words were commencing.

“I just want to see what James Mitchell’s little charm is all about. You’ve got to know that’s what you are, right? Just something to show off.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’ll take that as a compliment.” I smiled and looked back to see if Ash was cool with me continuing to interact with this dick. She smirked, arched her eyebrow at me, and I turned back to the douche.

“A compliment? To be some executive’s playmate for the weekend?”

“You have no idea.” I decided to role-play this bitch out of my presence. “No idea,” I playfully grinned at him, “how much I’m enjoying being his playmate.”

He tightened his lips and eyed me. “Where did he pick you from?”

“Pick me fromLet’s pretend that it doesn’t sound like I’m a contestant on a game show for a second, or that I live in a cabbage patch. Does it matter?” I responded, swirling around the olive in my martini glass. “Who the hell are you, and why do you give a damn who’s on Jim’s arm tonight?”

“Perhaps that’s for me to know, and you and that cutie carrying Jake’s kid to find out.”

“A man of mystery?” Ash asked from behind me.

“Oh, he’s definitely got me intrigued,” I said, staring at him. “I want to know more about being James Mitchell’s playmate and what others think about that.”

“You have heard of the circle he plays in,” the man said, seemingly pissed but not leaving. “He and his boys are the Billionaires’ Club, only fucking girls who don’t reach into their pockets for handouts.”

I nearly choked on the sip I was taking from my martini glass. “Holy shit.” I glanced at Ash, laughing, “Jim’s in a club? This is news.” I feigned being amazed, while trying not to laugh at this dip shit who was trying to make Jim look like an asshole.

She pursed her lips and became serious. “Yeah. Sorry that I didn’t let you in on that one. It’s very exclusive.” She chuckled. “Sadly, Jake was kicked out of it after he hooked up with my poor ass.”

“Is that so?” I questioned her with a smile and turned back to the douchebag. “Well, now I feel like shit for being here with him.”

“You should,” he said. “He’s using you.”

“Using me?” I questioned. “I hate to burst your bubble, but I’m not worried about that part. It’s just that I don’t measure up to these exclusive Billionaires’ Club standards I’ve just learned about. I have a feeling that now—since you’ve managed to crack this case wide open—he might get his ass kicked right out of it.” I looked over to see Jim was still in conversation, face dark and unreadable. “I’m broke as fuck. So, please tell me, have I ruined the man’s billionaire reputation by being here with him?”

“James Mitchell would never date outside of money,” he answered.

“Someone said that about a certain doctor as well,” Jim’s brother, Jake, said as he walked up to the man and looked over at Ash. “However, some woman took the heart doctor to school with her free spirit and charms unlike he’d ever seen.”

“Indeed?” Ash said as the douche and I watched Ash and Jake interact. “Charms, huh? I heard she was dabbling in the dark arts so she could take the good doctor down with her.”

Jake gripped the dick’s shoulder, and I smiled when he virtually jumped out of his skin at the gesture. “Far from that,” Jake said. “She was the only one, you see,” he looked at the man who stared darkly at him, “who could tame the wild side of the doctor. So they say.” He sighed. “I believe it’s what they say, anyway?”

Ash nodded seriously. “Well, it’s universally known that she trapped him by getting pregnant. She was a college dropout, and you know those ones will do anything.”

“Tell me about it.” Jake’s blue eyes seemed to twinkle as he stared past me, his hand shaken off from the jerk, “And the horror when he found out about that on their honeymoon as well.” Jake sighed, “She took him for more than just his heart. Fucking amazing heart surgeon falls for her and loses his rightful throne in this Billionaires’ Club that he helped co-found.”

“Billionaires today just can’t catch a break,” I chimed in. “You think Jim will get kicked out when they find out he’s with some chick who drives a beat-up 1980 VW Rabbit?”

Jake smirked. “Last I recall, she’s a single mom also. I even heard he already bought her and her kid a pretty badass car, so that’s something.”

He looked at the dick who’d managed to stick around this entire time for some unknown reason. If the asshole left now, it was apparent he’d have to hold his head in shame, and from what I could discern, this guy wasn’t here for that, and he was most definitely too prideful to walk at this point.

“This is a joke.” The man stared darkly at Jake.

“Does it look like I’m joking?” Jake became more serious. “What the hell are you doing here, Mason?”

“It’s Mr. Forrest to you, doc,” he countered, and all the lame-ass bantering ended. “And I’m here because I’m sick of your brother’s company sliding in and taking every business under the sun.”

“Perhaps that’s because Jim is a goddamn genius, and you’re too slow and unable to keep up with his talent.” Jake stepped back and eyed the man. “And now here you are hitting on his girl? Big fucking mistake to piss off this particular CEO.”

“Yeah?” The man rose from the barstool, trying to meet Jake’s height. “What the hell is your big brother going to do to me?”

“You’re in a bidding war for that.” Jake waved his hand in the air. “What was it? Who the fuck knows.” He sighed. “All I know is winning that account over Mitchell and Associates would take the Forrest Group and bring them the business they need so as not to close-up shop. You need that deal. Even I know that, and I’m not running my family’s business.”

“Jim is nowhere near securing that deal,” he countered. “No fucking way.”

“Then why is your sorry ass here in this room?” I asked, more interested in this dick bag who was here, spying on his competition. “Then you decide to come at me because I’m here with Jim? Give me a break. Is this how you wealthy assholes work? Spy on the competition when you get intimidated? Jim’s speech was pretty badass, so I know that must’ve stung a little.” I smiled at his reddening face. “Now, here we are. You’re trying to make him look like a sleaze to the girl he walked in with. God, I wasn’t wrong when I referred to you as trash in a suit.”

“You’re a little mouthy cunt,” he said.

“Now, now,” Jake said. “That’s no way to talk to a lady, is it, Mason Forrest? Fuck, man, did your parents hate you or something? Mason Forrest…Shit.” He looked over at Ash. “Make sure we pair up first and last names with the little one so he doesn’t end up sounding like a goddamn idiot when he grows up like this guy.”

“Fuck you, doc,” he snapped.

“Mr. Forrest?” Jim’s voice cut through the bullshit, and I could tell this was going to end and end quickly now that we had a CEO-tone slicing through the air. “Is there a reason you’re in attendance tonight?”

“You need to back off our deals, James,” he spat.

Jim’s hand took mine while Jake walked over to Ash, and stood behind us. “I asked why you’re here?” Jim insisted. “I’m unsure as to why the vice president of Forrest Group is at my convention. You’ll explain here and now why you chose to walk in on something that is none of your company’s business.”

“Mitchell and Associates better back the fuck off our medical groups,” he demanded.

“We’re not on them, Forrest,” Jim said. “They chose to show up tonight, and while you were over here acting like some kind of viper with my lady, I was closing and securing handwritten signatures of all the executives and investors that are insisting on funding and joining Saint John’s new medical center. Gotta learn how to do the job, man.” Jim’s voice lightened some. “The days of playing games with a man’s woman to piss off the competition are over. You see, I play chess with my business tactics. You’re playing checkers.”

“Did you merge with Brooks?”

“You’re fucking joking, right?” I heard Jake say from behind me.

“I’m not. I want to know. Did Collin turn that company over to his best friend’s brother?”

“If you follow the stock market,” Jim said sternly, “which I’m suddenly questioning if you even know how to watch the damn thing, you’d have your answer to that question.” Jim’s face grew severe. “Unless I call for a personal meeting with you, I don’t ever want to see you sniffing out my company and its business again. You and I will never have another conversation unless it’s when I’m buying your company out, and I’m quite certain that, if you keep up these childish games, it will be very soon.”

The man said nothing, only glared at Jim, and then stormed out of the enormous banquet hall. Jim looked at me, “Did that asshole say anything bothersome to you?” he asked, looking like he was still in CEO battle mode. “Avery?”

I smiled at him. “You must’ve completely forgotten who the girl is that you’re wearing on your arm tonight.” I sighed and looked over to Jake and Ash. “Though he did mention that Ash was the reason Jake got kicked out of the Billionaires’ Club, and I’m going to hit you straight, Mr. Mitchell,” I said looking back at Jim. “Dating a broke single mom? That shit’s going to destroy you in that elite circle.”

Jim frowned and looked over at Jake’s smile. “For fuck’s sake,” he said in a low voice, “that buffoon brought that up to Avery?”

“Gave her all the criteria and everything.” Ash chuckled. “We’re all betting you’re out next, Jim.”

Jim shook his head and rolled his eyes. “I swear to God that when old man Forrest turns over that company to that idiot, that company will fall.”

“And you’ll be there to catch it?” Jake smirked.

“Nope,” Jim said, the lights dimming and the music picking up to fill the dance floor. “I’ll let it fall and acquire all of the failing businesses under its umbrella. All because he has no idea the meaning of busting your ass to keep a company going and growing. Lately, I’ve found myself exhausted with entitled assholes. Forrest showed his value in coming here tonight. What a singularly stupid fucking idiot.”

“All right, it’s mingle time.” Jake eyed Jim.

“The event is now in your hands.” Jim smirked. “I need a goddamn drink and not in the company of the guests.” He glanced at Ash. “You know you’re not forced to deal with all this nonsense.”

“Jake and I will handle the room.” Ash smiled at us. “Go grab your drink; we’ll manage the rest from here.”

“Why do you always give into him?” Jake looked at Ash with a funny smile.

“Because you’re forever dumping stuff on Jim.” She laughed. “I think Jim and Avery could use the break after rushing down here to take Alex’s place.”

“Thanks, Ash.” Jim smiled at her. “How about you, Avery?”

“I just know I’m starved,” I said, prompting Jim to laugh, then he saw the daring expression on my face. “I was told I’d have some food before, during, and after this fine event. I’m thinking that while dancing is commencing, we could step out for a few minutes.”

“Better get this one back to the hotel room and feed her, Jimbo.” Jake laughed and shook his head. “Ash and I are going to mingle while you two are eating,” he arched a knowing eyebrow at me. “Make that shit quick. Regardless of what my beautiful wife says we’re doing, I’m certainly not fielding all of the BS questions for my brother.” He winked, and then he and Ash drifted into the crowd.

Jim didn’t hesitate to take my hand and lead me out of the large hall. We walked briskly to our room, no words spoken, and the man who’d towered over the douche walked with a purpose that made my insides swirl with excitement. I glanced up at his expression, and I knew this interlude might turn into something I wasn’t expecting from him but would never forget.

We barely made it into the hotel room, the door forced closed by his strong hand, and I was now up in his arms, and his lips on mine in a way they had never been before. I was trying to keep up with his urgent and devouring kiss, but my adrenaline spiked. Fuck, I was so taken by him.

His tongue was forceful, and his groans sent shivers down my spine. “You remember me telling you that you’re mine?” he said in that commanding James voice.

“Yes.” I bit my bottom lip, the territorial look in his eyes was so fucking hot that I could hardly think. “Are you about to claim what’s yours?” I tried to tease him as he placed me on my feet, and his hungry lips found my neck.

I ran my hands through his perfectly styled hair as his mouth skimmed lightly over my shoulder, following his soft but firm hands as they steadied me standing in front of him.

“I’m going to do more than that, gorgeous,” he said, dark eyes locking intently onto mine while he stepped back, slid off his suit coat, and draped it over a chair.

I watched him with a desire of my own as he removed his tie. “Holy shit, I thought the mirror sex was pretty hot…” My thoughts and voice were cut off when Jim walked back over to me and I was lost in this gorgeous man’s fiery look of passion.

His emerald irises searched into my damn soul. “You looked so stunning tonight,” he said as goosebumps covered my sides where his fingertips gently caressed my skin as he eased my dress off me. “Having you back in my life like this, being back together again…” He paused, tracing his knuckles down both of my bare sides. “It’s like we never were apart.”

“I feel the same,” I answered reaching up and unbuttoning his shirt. “I want to pick up where we left off in England.”

Even after our fallout in England and knowing I’d probably never see Jim again—much less getting back together—I felt a draw to him unlike anything I could explain. I felt so comfortable, secure, and complete with him. Jesus Christ, I did love this man. I’d already fallen in love with him in England and didn’t know it until this moment.

My head dropped back as Jim’s hands cupped my ass, and his starved mouth covered my nipple, hardening the moment his teeth gently captured it. God how I loved his teeth and mouth on me like this. I could sense the hunger and urgency in him every time he brought his mouth to taste my body. He made me feel so beautiful, which no man in my life had ever done before.

I was fucking spinning and couldn’t keep up with this new aggressive, yet gentle side of the man I just recognized I was unreservedly in love with. There was no doubt about that now. I loved the Jim and the James side of him. I was going to be in serious fucking trouble if I lost him after I embraced these emotions wholeheartedly. There was simply no replacing him.

“I want you in more ways than you know,” he said as he lifted me into his arms and carried me into the bedroom of our suite.

I worked to slow the wild man down, his eyes still dark with a desire that sent shivers through me and between my legs. “How do you want me?” I asked, after Jim was completely naked and he pressed my body firmly against his.

He was hard and I needed him inside my body that was aching for him. I took the lead in stepping back, pulling back the covers, and crawling onto the bed. My heart was racing with anticipation when I felt Jim’s warm body move next to me and his breath caress my cheek.

“You have to know that I’m utterly in love with you by now,” he said as I turned to lay on my back. “I want more with us, Avery. I hope to God you feel the same as I do?”

His voice was different. It was sincere and suggestive in a way that made me wonder if there was more to his words. “What are you saying?” I asked, my heart pounding under his gaze as his hand massaged the inside of my leg. “Because I know what I want, and that is to never be without you again.”

“I’m telling you that you’re the only one my heart has ever loved. I don’t want anything to ever come between us again, including that fucking piece of latex. Tell me you’re using any method of birth control,” he said. “I want to give you something I’ve never given any woman. Mostly, I have to know if you would even want me like I want you now. When I say you’re mine, this is partly how I desire to show that to you.”

My heart nearly stopped. “Jim,” I said, reaching for his face, “if this is because of that asshole, don’t do something you might regret.”

“I couldn’t care less about that clown,” he said. “Being up there tonight, speaking,” he kissed my side as his hands roamed over my stomach, “seeing you…” He stopped and looked up at me. “That’s when I realized that I was more than in love with you. I can’t imagine my life anymore without you in it, Avery. Having you in attendance tonight was the most incredible part of this entire thing. You supporting me. Fuck, your goddamn smile? I could hardly think.”

I licked my lips and smiled at his eyes returning to mine. “Didn’t seem like that from where I sat. All I saw was a man who knew what he wanted, charmed the room with more than his looks and expensive suits, and I saw your passion for your company in just the way you spoke. All of it. It was intriguing for me to finally experience this side of you.”

“My passion for the company is earnest, and nothing has ever replaced or matched that, and, until tonight, I never believed anything would. Then my eyes fell on the one person that has helped me find life again, life outside of all the bullshit that suffocates me at times. I never understood everyone’s pity for my being married to it until you pulled me out of the pit I’d fallen into. I wasn’t living, I was running a goddamn business and using that to help others have better lives while putting mine on hold.” He took my hand and brought it to his lips. “You have reminded me that my happiness was lost, and I now see that. I saw it tonight more than ever.”

“Jesus, Jim,” I said, my heart sort of breaking for the man. “Was it all that bad?”

“You have no idea.” He smirked, his lips caressing my jawline now. “I won’t lose the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Avery. Even Addison and her sweet, fiery spirit, it’s more than I deserve, but I’m not shying away from stating that I want it. I want it all, gorgeous.”

I smiled at him. “Shit just got real with us, then?”

“It was real before.” He kissed along my abdomen. “It’s just more solid now.” His eyes drifted up to mine while his lips massaged along my hip. “Unbreakable. When I say you’re mine, I mean that sincerely, and I want to take you and me to a level where I’ve never been before in my life.”

“I’ve never been here,” I answered. “I couldn’t imagine what it is you’re referring to now?”

His body covered mine. “You and me, gorgeous, forever. No matter what may happen with your ex, anything—I want you wholly.”

I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I’d never had anyone—damn it, anyone—feel this way about me. What the hell did I do to bring this compassionate and loving man to beg me for a solid relationship?

“Avery,” he said while he cradled me in his arms, his hands drying my tears. “Talk to me. Did I take this all too far and too fast on you?”

“No,” I reassured him with a kiss to his lips and then smiled at him. “Jim, you have to know that I…” I sighed, pulling back the tears that I didn’t expect to surface. “How do I say this? My life has been nothing but shit, and I’m not even close to exaggerating.”

“It’s all in the past,” he said. “I’m here now and never letting you go. It’s you and me now. If anyone wants to waltz in and try to fucking bring tears to your eyes over anything, I won’t tolerate it. I will protect you and Addy from all of your ex’s bullshit. Anything you ask, I’m here for you.”

I swallowed hard. “Is this even real?” I softly laughed. “What did I do to make a life of horrors turn into this dream come true with a man like you?”

“I feel the same as you do.” He smiled. “I had my own hell that I’d built for myself before you, and your sexy little ass pulled me out of it,” he said, nuzzling my neck and rolling my body to mold into where he laid next to me on his side. “I love you, Avery…I fucking more than love you.”

I bit and tugged at his bottom lip. “All in and forever, eh? You’re taking on Addy and me and never letting go?”

“I’d make one phone call, and both of you will be calling my home yours as well,” he said. “Or we take it slow with Addison. I’ll let you lead the way with what’s best for her.”

“Why don’t we start with the fact that I am on birth control.” I eyed him, “I’ve never had unprotected sex before.”

“Nor have I,” he said, more serious again. “Though, I must know, does that mean that you adopted Addison?” he teased.

“Broken condom. What are the odds, right? I trust nothing but the pill after that—and because of that scare, me being too drunk to be smart enough to not screw Derek for the hell of it, I had my ass tested for everything.” I shrunk down some. “I’m telling you, you might not want to commit. Addison is here because I was too drunk to think, had sex with an addict I’d just broken up with, and the condom broke. Still interested?”

“Sometimes beautiful things come from bad,” he said. “Finally, a first for both of us.”

“A first?” I questioned.

“No condom. I want you, and I don’t want the damn thing blocking any further sensations I’m aching to feel while having sex with you anymore.”

“I don’t want to kill the moment, but can we save the awesome sex experience for after this gala thing? I figured this was a quickie, and we’d be back down there before your brother killed you?”

Jim dismissed everything I said by kissing along my throat and reaching his hand down toward my hot pussy.

“Jim,” I said, breathless as he ran his fingers over my clit, igniting my nerves. “Jake and Ash.”

“Jacob is set to give the final farewell. Collin flew in early.” His lips more concerned with my body as he continued to massage it with his lips. “I’m no longer needed. I was merely here for the opening and to secure signatures from our significant guests. We can either do this or go dance.” He looked up at me. “Right now, the bar is open, and the dance floor filled. Your choice.”

I looked at him and smiled. “So, Jake was just—”

“Being Jacob.” He smiled. “I’m done for the night with anything having to do with my company. It’s all you now, as it should be.”

“Are we crazy for being all-in so fast? I mean, it is fast, right?” I said, part of me thinking it was something I had to say to get it out in the air. It didn’t feel fast in my heart, but I needed to know we were on the same page.

“When things are meant to be, it just works. And this—you and me—it works. We just had to wait for the correct timing and for our paths to cross finally.”

I looked at him and smiled. “I love you, James Mitchell.”

That was all that he needed, and Jim and I were well on our way to stamping this commitment in stone. He was right with his philosophy about our paths finally crossing and the timing of it all. I knew I would have never appreciated this man as I did now if I had met him before Derek, or even a year ago, when I was so defensive towards people that I was officially the world’s biggest bitch.

It was strangely perfect timing for the man I felt a connection with and who my daughter loved instantly. Talk about stars aligning. Things like this didn’t happen unless fate was smiling down on you, and that’s why I wasn’t fighting him or this. I was all in.

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