Mr. Grayson: Billionaires’ Club Book 4 (Billionaires’ Club Series)

Mr. Grayson: Billionaires’ Club Book 4: Chapter 23

I’d never been in a position to crave sex in any manner until Alex. This was crazy, but I wasn’t arguing. Having sex with him was off the charts, and any woman who’d experienced him on a sexual level as I had would be a fool not to desire sex after this night.

I was so lost in thought—running my fingertips over Alex’s groomed balls, around his soft cock, and along the hard groove of his V-shaped muscles—that I hadn’t realized I’d sent the sexy man off into a peaceful slumber. It was just as well after I couldn’t seem to get enough of him fucking me as hard and deep as I could take him that I knew for sure I’d be sore in the morning.

I turned into him, draped my leg over his waist, and managed to fall asleep nestled into his side. The last thing I remembered was Alex’s arm pulling me closer to him and his hand covering my ass.

I didn’t know how long I’d been asleep when I woke up to Alex, readjusting himself to turn into me. The only shitty thing part about being woken up was that this intense craving for more sex was worse than it was when I first dozed off.

I was going to be screwed if I didn’t knock this shit off. I’d had hard, good sex with Alex, and I’d fallen asleep at his side. But that wasn’t enough since the dream I’d been woken up from was about Alex and me, and it was so arousing that I was hornier now than I was before I drifted off.

Good grief. I guess this is what happens when the sex is fantastic.

It wasn’t helping that Alex’s hard cock was up against my stomach, either. The aching sensations returned, and my lips were dry, imagining him forcefully kissing me as he’d done. Damn, I loved the way he kissed. The intensity of this man was sexier than hell, especially since I’d never felt a man show this sort of unhinged desire in bed before. I loved how rough he was, the way he groaned, and the deep, raspy sounds of pleasure he made. Who would’ve thought the force of him fucking me hard would be the biggest turn-on ever?

Ugh, why did I have to run my fingertips softly over his sensual body and send him off to dreamland?

Stop thinking about it and close your dumb eyes.

I turned to mold myself further into Alex, who now slept facing me, and draped my leg over his hips. His muscular leg moved between mine and rubbed against my clit. When I felt that Alex’s cock was wet against my stomach, I smiled, thinking the man was hopefully going to wake up as horny as I had from whatever dream hardened his wet cock.

Hoping that he wasn’t in a deep sleep and that he could easily be woken up, I slid my wet entrance over his upper leg. Nothing. I gripped his back and chewed my bottom lip when I moved my clit over Alex’s muscular leg wedged between mine. My eyes rolled back, feeling my swollen clit getting off against Alex’s leg.

Good God, Breanne. Humping the man’s leg now? The fuck is wrong with you?

There was no way I was letting Alex sleep through this new addiction he’d given me. No way in hell. He was rock hard, I needed him in me, and I wanted him now. His wet tip told me the man was having a fucking hot dream, and it was time to make dreams come true with this sexy beast lying peacefully at my side.

I manipulated Alex to lay flat on his back, and with ease, he did. “You are perfect in every way,” I said, softly trying to coax his eyes to open and wake up to quench my need for more.

If he was lost in this dream that his cock was proving he was having, I was happy to awaken him to finish it physically.

I crawled between his legs and started licking his shaved balls, then ran the tip of my tongue from the base of his now dripping cock to the tip. I slid my tongue in circles around it, tasting his salty precum and needing this man to wake his ass up.

“Alex,” I whispered, kissing along his abdomen. “I need you.”

Filled with a warmth sizzling deep inside me, now at a boiling point for wanting his cock buried inside me, I decided to wake him up in a different manner. I slid his tip over my entrance, and if I had one last ounce of decency in me, I would’ve stopped there. But now, I wasn’t able to stop. Wait. Yes, I could. This was…

I sighed when my body felt jolts of blissful energy swarming again after Alex’s hands came up to my waist. Thank God he’s waking up. I smoothed my hands over his chest and watched as he chewed on his lip, eyes still closed, then he groaned while he thrust his cock into me fully.

“Yes,” I whispered in a moan of gratitude.

I started moving up and down, rolling my hips and working his cock as I started rubbing my clit to enhance feeling him inside me again. He was huge and perfect and the best thing I’d had in far too long.

“Fuck yes,” Alex answered in a low growl. Even though his tone was filled with ecstasy, his eyes were still closed. He moved gently in and out, licking his perfect lips while he molded his head further back into his pillow. “Goddamn, I love you.” His voice was distant, and that’s when I stopped my pursuit of fucking him like this.

I studied the sharp features of his face. Was he still sleeping? “Alex?” I said a little louder this time. “Are you awake?”

He mumbled in response, and I couldn’t help but laugh softly. The guy could undoubtedly start in on a good fuck, even in his sleep.

“Dammit, we need a condom,” I said, knowing I was the one awake and thinking clearly.

I went to pull off, but his strong hands kept me in place. “Don’t move, baby. Keep riding me.” I saw his eyes open after he groaned and bit down on his bottom lip. “You feel so fucking good.”

I could see the desire in his eyes, and I could feel it cover me entirely. All I wanted was this sensation. I wanted him deep, and now I could control all of it from where I straddled him. I was about to ride him hard and deep.

And that’s precisely what I did.

Alex thrust himself further into me as I rotated my hips in brisk circles, working my pussy up and down his shaft.

“Faster, baby. Tell me you’re close too. Fuck,” he moaned. His chin tilted up, and I could see that my brisk movements were as pleasurable for him as they were for me. “Oh, my God. You’re so…”

His voice trailed off as his strong hands gripped my waist tighter. Alex captured my hand that rubbed my clit as fast as he moved his cock in and out of me.

His legs came up, and I leaned back against them and moaned when I felt his fingers taking my clit in a way that would make a vibrator jealous of his skills. My breath caught in my chest when his other hand rolled my nipple between his fingers, and he started pumping himself harder up into me.

I was the one spouting off the curse words of ecstasy while Alex worked me like he owned my body. “Fuck, I’m going to come.”

“Rock those hips. I’m right there with you,” he said in his low, raspy voice. “Come on, baby.”

I could tell he was painfully holding back.

I looked at his face, and his eyes were moving from my pussy, where he was creating a massive buildup of an orgasm, then to my tits, and now his eyes were on mine.

“I’m so close.”

“You’re so fucking beautiful. Clamp that pussy hard around my cock.”

I squeezed his fullness as tight as possible, knowing that the more I did that, the harder the orgasm was when I came.

“Harder,” he said, rougher now.

“Oh, God,” I breathed out.

“Come, baby,” he begged.

What the hell was going on with me? I wanted this so fucking badly, and now my body wouldn’t let go of the buildup that forced me to wake him up. I mean, he wasn’t arguing, but I wanted this, and now my body wasn’t letting go.

“Goddammit,” I said in frustration, and that’s when Alex had me beneath him.

“Hey,” he kissed my lips. “Having trouble, love?”

The way he said the words so smoothly and low should have made me lose myself all over him.

“I’m so close. I…”

Alex silenced me with a devouring kiss, his tongue forcefully moving against mine, and I sucked in a breath when he started moving hard and deep into me.

“You want it hard and deep again? Tell me what you need, dimples,” he said, his lips all over my neck and breasts.

I raked my fingers through his soft hair and braced myself for him by gripping his shoulders. “Deeper. Fuck me hard.”

As soon as I said it, that consuming smile of his lit up the room more than the moonlight that peered through the windows. His lips went to work while he intertwined his fingers with mine. The man had me pinned hard against his bed, driving deep into me and pulling out the stubborn orgasm that was worth the trouble it gave me.

I nearly shouted after I ripped my hands away from his and gripped his hair while the orgasm shattered violently through me. Alex’s eyes were swirling and beautiful when his mouth tightened, lips turned down, and then he moved briskly and hard.

“Fuck yes.” He drove in harder. “I’m fucking there,” he said with his face looking wildly stoned. “God, I love this…”

He groaned in pleasure, and I transfixed my eyes, watching him as he climaxed hard. The creased lines in his forehead, a frown on his tightened lips, and his eyes, trying to stay locked on mine confirmed that Alex was coming hard and enjoying the same intensity I’d just felt. This look and his damn sexy moans were partly the reason I think I was addicted to this man. He was sexy before, but he was even sexier now when he rode a hard orgasm.

He was my new drug, and I was unashamedly addicted to him.

He rolled onto his back and kept me on him. “Don’t move. I’m keeping my dick inside you for as long as it takes to make up for being a total asshole and falling asleep on my lady.”

“Your lady?”

“You heard me. My-fucking-woman.” He smiled and shot up both of his eyebrows.

“Well, you certainly left me alone to dream about you fucking me.” I traced my fingers on his chest. “Then I couldn’t go back to sleep after your hard dick,” I shifted my hips to acknowledge him still inside me, “woke me up.”

“My dick woke you up?” His eyes lit in humor.

“Hard, dripping wet, and you even started fucking me in your sleep.”

“Seriously?” he chuckled. “I’m a sleep-fucker too?”

“That you are, and because you’re a sleep-fucker, I couldn’t go back to sleep. So, here we are again.”

Alex chuckled along with me. “Well, since I’ve done the unpardonable sin and left my woman wanting, I’m going to have to make this right to help your beautiful and sexy ass fall into a good, wholesome slumber. That or we give my sleep-fucking dick a few minutes, and I’ll fuck you back to sleep that way.”

“How about we opt-in for a warm glass of milk. I swear to God, I will be worthless to everything under the sun tomorrow if I don’t get any sleep tonight.”

“Hold the fuck up. Warm milk?” He looked at me as if I were his sudden enemy. “First of all, milk is the one drink I cannot stand. I hate that shit. So, I don’t have any here.”

“Whoa!” I smiled. “First of all, you say? Am I to assume you have a second point to make after your assault on milk?”

“And a fucking third point in the lesson of milk…” He arched his eyebrow at me. “Warm milk? The thought of that almost made me throw up in my mouth.”

I pinched my lips together, trying not to laugh at the adorable look of disgust on Alex’s face. “And the third point, Mr. Grayson?”

He kissed my nose. “If you want to go back to sleep, why don’t we try chilling in the spa. I’ll give you some bourbon to knock your sexy ass out. We don’t do milk unless…” he paused, his eyes looking into mine attentively. “Jesus, I might have to break this whole thing off with you because you like milk. Fuck.”

I laughed. “I never said I liked it, but it does help you sleep when it’s warm.”

“Bourbon is your new answer to falling asleep.” He helped me off of him. “That and a nice soak in the spa outside.”

“Now you’re turning me into a sex addict and an alcoholic?”

“The sex addict part is easily cured. You can just move in with me, and I’ll fulfill that desire any time of the day or night.”

“Right.” I rolled my eyes.

“What was the erotic dream about that made you wake up wanting me, anyway?”

I thought I’d torture his pompous ass with my dream after he’d insulted a harmless glass of warm dairy product. “It was more like a fantasy and not a dream.”

“I’m listening.” He eyed me.

“You were fucking me from behind on the edge of your deck, insisting I enjoy the ocean while you fucked me.”

“That fantasy can easily come true.”

“It was in broad daylight with people around.”

Alex smiled. “Again, it can come true.”

“The hell it can,” I said firmly. “I’m getting my swimsuit, and let’s hope this spa and bourbon idea will send me off to sleep.”

“And if that doesn’t work, I’ll fuck you back to sleep, and apparently, since I sleep-fuck, I’ll fuck you even while I’m out too. Sound good?”

I couldn’t resist but to laugh at the man’s arrogance and take his offered hand after he pulled on his boardshorts.

Sitting in the spa overlooking the ocean was not the cure for falling back to sleep, nor did I want it to be. After Alex confirmed it was around five in the morning, I was pretty shocked to realize I’d gotten more than a few minutes of sleep.

“Here, sexy.” Alex smiled at me after handing me a glass of bourbon.

“Do you think we should start the morning drinking hard liquor?” I sipped it anyway and slid close to his side.

“Hard sex requires hard liquor.” He chuckled and sipped the amber fluid from his glass. “Besides,” he curled his lips after the warmth of the bourbon touched them, “it’s all how you view it.”

“How should I view it?” I smiled over at his eyes, reflecting the illuminating spa we were in. “Because the way I see it, this is the best bourbon I’ve had in my life, and I’ll probably be drunk by sunrise and calling for an Uber to prevent—”

Alex’s hand tipped my glass to my lips. “Take a sip, love.” He smiled at me, saying that name smoother than the bourbon he held. “It’s far too early to get into a fight and have angry sex.”

“Angry sex?” I laughed at him.

He pressed his lips together and nodded, “Yes. You see, our sex consists of various types. Angry sex, which is hard and raw,” he looked at me and did his sexy eyebrow arch, “and you pulling out my hair.”

“Ah, I see. So, we have a particular way of having sex? When did this all make itself known to you?”

“Then there’s make-up sex. Everyone has it—sometimes good, sometimes bad. Ours is different.”

I rolled my eyes and couldn’t refrain from smiling as if he were reading from a sex manual.

“How’s our make-up sex? I’m lost on that since we haven’t had make-up sex yet?”

“Simple. It’s you, facing a wall while I hit the Alex-spot, previously known as your G-spot, and I’ll make sure that is taken care of every time my dick is inside you.” He laughed while I watched him going on and making up these silly lines. “Either way, I’m ensuring you know I’m sorry for whatever I did to cause an argument while fucking you up against the wall.”

“And if I piss you off?”

He smirked and took another sip. “Same thing. Me fucking you hard from behind and having you climbing that wall in ecstasy.”

“Let’s change the subject,” I said with a laugh. “Unless you’re already drunk and have a list of various types of sex we’ll be having.”

“Office sex.” He raised his glass to that one. “You might as well put that thought in your head now because it can and will be happening.”

“Yeah, I don’t think so.”

“I do,” he stated. “Because if I can fuck in my sleep, I can surely nail your ass anywhere in that building, and all the employees would be none the wiser.” He looked at me as I studied him to see if he was as serious about this as he sounded. “Trust me, you won’t make it past noon, and I’ll barely survive until ten in the morning after seeing your sexy eyes looking at me with desire for more.”

I sighed and enjoyed the fact that I loved being here at this moment, even if it did consist of Alex bullshitting while we stretched our legs out in his stone spa, allowing the crisp breeze of the salty air to keep us both awake.

“You’re right. Change of subject,” he said. “I’m getting ready to tear your ass up again. So, how will we handle this little relationship of ours?”

“So, this will be more than a friends with benefits situation, then?”

He eyed me with that dark business-stare of his. “I’ve never told a woman I loved her in my life. Hell, I’ve never felt this way about any woman.”

He’d pretty much said what I’d hoped he’d meant from earlier, confirming how I was feeling too.

“Is it weird that we’re just tossing the word love around? Do you think that’s the sex talking?”

“It might be the sex talking for you, but in my case,” he leaned down and kissed my lips softly, “I know these are strong emotions. I know I want you solely for myself, and I know for a fact that I’m never letting you leave me.” His somber expression lightened up some. “You’re sort of screwed if you don’t return the sentiment, and I’m certainly going to look like a freak because I’m not sure I can blot out these emotions. Trust me when I say that I’m not an emotional individual.”

“When did you really start having feelings for me? Was it before or after I made a jackass out of myself the first night I met you?”

He grinned, and his hand came up to rub my shoulder. “That night, I was certainly intrigued, but you were only a piece of hot-ass I wouldn’t have minded fucking.” He chuckled. “Honestly, I don’t know where it all came from, but I’m not pushing it down. I was scared to death I would fuck this all up and hurt you.” He grew distant as he looked out at the ocean the spa faced. “I don’t know. I guess it was acting on kissing you, and then after we did have sex, that’s when I fully knew I could never hurt the one woman who’d gotten through my coal-black heart somehow.”

I rubbed his chest. “I can see it bothers you, though. You get this sad expression in your eyes,” I said, seeing that look again. “I have no idea what the hell you’re thinking or what’s scaring you about me. As for this whole hurting me thing, well, you’ve heard the rumors about what happens to men who fuck me over…” I paused when he smiled.

“You play embarrassing sex tapes of them for everyone they know to see? Tell me,” his eyebrows knit together, and he pulled me close, “did you love him?”

I rolled my eyes. “Honestly, no,” I answered. “Maybe I’m not supposed to say that since we were going to be married, but in hindsight, I can say with certainty that it wasn’t love. I thought it was back then, but I think he was just the closest person around when my dad was first diagnosed, and I needed someone. I was scared, and I needed something constant. My mother’s side of the family went batshit crazy when Max proposed to me at a party they’d thrown for a bunch of wealthy friends.”

“Jesus Christ,” Alex said. “That asshole took away the way I was going to propose too?”

I chuckled. “Yep, and now my crazy aunts can’t work up a greedy appetite to show off and act like they have as much money as their friends.”

“So, you never wanted to marry the man?”

“Again, I think that’s where me needing to feel something constant came in. I knew I was losing my dad, and my mother was already dead. I think I was subconsciously trying to root myself because losing my dad meant I was going to be an orphan, and I didn’t know how to begin to handle that. Getting married and starting a family seemed like a good way to make roots, I suppose.” I’d never admitted that to anyone and saying it out loud to Alex made me feel an odd sense of relief. “Max wasn’t always horrible. He was funny in his own way, and he did things to keep my mind off losing Dad. I sort of clung to him through grief. Theo hated him, though, and the girls had their watchful eyes on him. That’s how I got the video of him having sex with that bitch.”

“Let me guess, Natalia was the friend who set him up?”

“I was so busy being thrown into having the perfect wedding by my aunts,” I looked at him watching me, and I could tell he was definitely interested in this story. “They freaking flew me to fashion week in New York and to Paris to have my gown designed. It was so over-the-top, and I was looking for an excuse to get out of it. My first panic attack happened in the middle of all of that.”

Alex frowned. “My God, was it all that bad? I thought young girls such as your beautiful self loved the idea of big, fashionable weddings?”

“No more than all young boys want to be the captain of the football team. I know plenty of women who want nothing to do with having a big wedding, so that’s a stereotype, buddy. But anyway, yes. Nat’s friend set Max up. That’s why, Mr. Grayson, I should warn you now that if you think you can hurt me, you might want to think again. I have friends who will bury your ass.”

I reached for his cock, which prompted him to lick his lips, swim around to face me, and bring his hands up to my cheeks.

He gently kissed my lips. “I know this is all new between us, and it’s extremely fast. I say we enjoy each other and have fun with it all. I want to keep that dimpled smile on your face, and I will…” he paused, and his expression darkened again. “Bree, I will fucking work my ass off to accept all of these feelings and keep you smiling.”

“Quit burdening yourself with everything between us.” I ran my fingers over his cheek. “I like the idea of enjoying what we found in each other. If that moves in a direction that gets too heavy for you, you have to tell me. It feels like you’re more afraid of failing me in a relationship, and we’re not even in one yet.”

“As I said, I don’t throw the word love around lightly. I never have.”

“I’ve also hoped that the rumors about you are true then.”

His forehead creased in concern. “Oh, great. The angry witch must’ve sent her monkeys to fuck me without my knowledge in rumor-ville, then? What do you know, and how worried should I be?”

I kissed his forehead and smoothed back his wet hair. “Let’s just say the woman who started the rumor would be pretty pissed to know you kissed me while fucking me, and you also made eye contact.”

Unexpectedly he smiled. “Well, shit. How many witches are in The Wizard of Oz? Because if this is the case, it’s all true, and it could be any fling or ex of mine who can’t keep her mouth shut.”

“So,” I eyed him. “You seriously fuck women without so much as looking at them?”

“There’s never been an intimate bone in my body while I’ve had a woman in bed with me…until you. I mean, running baths? That’s all brand new too.”

“What about drinking warm milk?”

I giggled when his hands came up to my sides, and his lips captured mine in a kiss hotter than the spa. Hell, this kiss warmed up my insides, and Alex’s hand slid into my bikini and kicked on the sexual heat.

“I need to step out,” I laughed through his kiss. “You’re cranking up my internal temperature gauge, and I’m burning up.”

“The sun’s rising.” He stepped out and grabbed a towel for me. “How about we enjoy it while wrapped up in this oversized towel and continue talking about how much we love each other.”

I smiled at him and stepped out. “Sounds like a perfect way to start the day.”

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