Mr Garcia (Mr Series)

Mr Garcia: Chapter 28

I sip my coffee as I watch the television on my work computer. The office is abuzz with excitement as everyone waits for the final vote. They’re all doing the same as me, watching the coverage live from their desks.

The footage shows the candidates all sitting in the House of Lords in what looks like a courtroom. The commentators are rattling on about who they think is going to win, and how Garcia is the front runner.


I smile proudly. It seems so surreal that this is my life—that I am dating the Sebastian Garcia.

To me, he’s just a guy who gave a beggar in the street money, and then he bought a bad cup of coffee. It seems like forever ago that we met, and we’ve been through so much bullshit, but somehow, he made me fall madly in love with him.

And, oh, do I love him.

The footage hones in on Sebastian.

This is it.

The next Prime Minister of The United Kingdom is Sebastian Garcia,” the speaker announces.

“Yes.” I clap my hands in excitement. The rest of our office breaks out into cheers and loud yelling.

I watch on as Sebastian glances up to the sound of applause. He looks completely rattled, and I laugh at his shocked face.

The room performs a standing ovation, and Sebastian rises to nervously dip his head and smile. “Thank you.”

I well up with tears as I watch him take to the podium. He’s so humble.

With his dark hair and olive skin, and his big, beautiful heart on display for the rest of the country, I could just die with pride.

“He did it.” Jeremy laughs as he comes around the corner. He hugs me and nearly knocks me from my feet. “He did it!” he cries.

“I know.” I put my hands over my mouth, hardly able to believe it. “He did.”

‘I can’t wait to speak with him.’ I gush.

Jeremy lies back on the chair in my room wearing a goofy grin. “Look at you, all in love with the Prime Minister and shit.”

I giggle as I turn the television coverage off. “Who even am I?”

“The envy of every woman.”

I pick up my pen, and an idea springs to mind. “Don’t plan anything for lunch break today.”

“Why, what are we doing?”

“Buying a congratulatory present.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know. Something special that Sebastian can keep forever. A keepsake.”

“Hmm.” He narrows his eyes. “I’ll brainstorm. We need to blow his fucking mind with this gift.” He walks toward the door and turns back. “Lunch at one?”

I smile. “Sounds good.”

My phone rings and the name Eliza lights up the screen, I smile and pick up.

‘He did it.’ She cries.

I laugh out loud, ‘I know.’

“And can you engrave those?” Jeremy asks.

I smile to myself. We’ve just bought Sebastian the most beautiful set of cufflinks from Tiffany’s. They are simple, gold, and complete with diamonds in the classic pattern on each one. I know he will love them.

“Yes,” the jeweler replies.

“How long will that take?” I ask.

“Around twenty minutes.”

I cringe. “I have to be back at the office. I have a client coming in.”

“I’ll wait for them for you,” Jeremy offers.

“Really?” I smile. “You’re the best.” I kiss his cheek because he really is. I swear he spent all morning googling these damn cufflinks and where we could buy them from.

He nailed the brief. These are perfect.

It just completely filled my credit card, but who cares. It’s for Sebastian.

My phone rings.

April’s Fool

I quickly kiss Jeremy, and with a quick wave, I walk out of the store.

‘Congratulations, Mr. Prime Minister.’ I smile.

‘Can you believe it?’

‘I can. I’m so proud of you Sebastian.’

‘Thank you, it means a lot.’

‘I guess you’re busy?’

“Swamped. Listen, I know we said that we were going to celebrate tonight but—”

“It’s okay if you have something on,” I cut him off, and my heart drops. I can’t help but feel a little disappointed. I wanted to give him my present.

“Well…” He pauses. “My parents have organized a little get together for my close family and friends.”

I frown. His parents?

They live here? Why hasn’t he mentioned them before?


“So, I’ll pick you up on my way home.”

“You want me to come?” I squeak.

“Of course.”

I open my mouth to say something, but words fail me. I mean, it’s one thing to meet the parents and family, but to do it in front of everyone on the night he has been elected Prime Minister of the entire fucking country is my worst nightmare.

“I’ll be there about seven.”

“Okay, sounds great,” I lie.

“See you then.” He hangs up.

I begin to power walk back to the office in complete panic.


Fuck me fucking swinging, what the hell do I wear to this?

A family party at his house… argh!

I text Jeremy.

Sos. Help!

Sebastian is having a family celebratory party tonight.

What the hell should I wear?

My phone instantly rings. It’s Jeremy.

“H-hello,” I stammer.

“He just threw this on you?”

“Yes, and I’m meeting his parents. What will I wear?” I shriek in a panic.

“I don’t know. I’ll have a look for something. Leave it with me.”

“I’m going to get you fired.”

“Oh, like I care. My boss is an asshole.”

I widen my eyes. “One you happen to be dating.”

“Yeah, that’s right, so he can suck my dick. I’m taking an extra hour for lunch. What’s he going to do, fire me? He’s probably staring into Nicolas Anastas’ big brown eyes as we speak.”

“You know, one day you’ll be my assistant and not his.” I smile gratefully.

“Hurry up about it, will you? I’m sick of his bullshit.”

“Haha, okay, I’m working on it, thank you.”

I hang up and rush into my building. Who knew that Jeremy would become such a lovely friend?

I take the elevator and watch the dial going up. If Bart is sleeping with Nicolas behind Jeremy’s back, I’m going to go postal.

That guy’s a fucking asshole.

7:00 p.m.

I read the text from Sebastian.

Pulling into your street now.

I reply.

Okay, I’ll come down.

I run into my bedroom and take one last look at myself. I’m wearing a fitted chocolate colored dress that Jeremy bought me from some fancy designer store, as well as black heels. Gah, my bank balance got fucked up the ass today, but who cares?

I’m meeting the parents.

My blonde, shoulder-length hair is down in loose curls, and I’m wearing natural makeup.

I grab my purse and my coat, and I make my way downstairs.

The black Mercedes wagon is parked at the curb, and Sebastian is standing next to the back door. He sees me, and his face breaks into a breathtaking smile. I practically run and jump into his arms. He laughs as he holds me tightly, and I can tell how excited he is, too.

This is a special day.

He opens the back door, and I slide into the seat. He gets in beside me and closes the door. His lips find mine and he kisses me softly as the car pulls out into the traffic. “Hello, Miss Bennet. You look lovely.”

“Hi.” I dig his present out of my bag. It’s wrapped in black parchment paper with a gold ribbon bow. “I got you something.”

He holds it in his hand. “Why?”

“Because I’m so proud of you, Seb.” I well up. “This is huge.” I roll my eyes. “Oh my God, I’m so emotional over you today.” I smile, embarrassed. “I keep tearing up every time I think of what you’ve achieved.”

His face softens, and he takes my cheeks in his hands and kisses me tenderly. “Thank you. I love it.”

“You haven’t even opened it yet.”

“I already know I love it.” I watch on as he unties the bow and unwraps it. He frowns when he sees the Tiffany’s box. He opens it, and his eyebrows shoot up. He pulls the cufflinks out and stares at them in the palm of his hand.

“They’re engraved.” I smile.

He turns them over and reads the inscription.


I love you


His mouth falls open as he stares at them. “I love them, and I love you.” He quickly begins to take out his current cufflinks and change them over. I smile proudly. I think he likes them.

Ten minutes later, we arrive at his house. The lights are all on, and nerves simmer in my stomach. Kevin steps out of the driver’s seat and opens the back door.

“Thank you,” Sebastian says.

“Thanks.” I smile.

“Have a good night, and congratulations, sir,” Kevin replies.

“Thank you.” Sebastian smiles as he takes my hand. He leads me up the front path to the house, and he opens the door.

“Surprise!” everyone yells.

The house is full of balloons, and streamers are hanging from the ceiling. Sebastian laughs as we walk in. There’s about thirty people here, and everyone is hugging him and laughing. Oh, it’s a happy time.

“This is April,” he announces to everyone.

I fake a smile as all eyes fall on me. I just want the earth to swallow me up.

“Hello, April!” everyone calls, and they all break out into excited chatter.

I glance over and see Brielle and Charlotte. I make a beeline for them.

“Hello.” I smile and kiss them on the cheek. “Thank God you’re here,” I whisper.

Brielle takes my hand in hers. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

We stand back and watch on as, one by one, everyone hugs and kisses Sebastian. Everyone is so excited for him.

Eventually, his eyes find mine, and he smiles tenderly across the room.

I just melt.

“God, the way he looks at you,” Charlotte whispers.

“Right?” Bree sighs. “I miss that new ‘in love’ look. Now, I just get the ‘I’m going to nail you to the bed’ look.”

Charlotte and I laugh.

Sebastian comes over and takes my hand to kiss my fingertips. “Come.” He leads me through to the other living room where he presents me to others.

“Mom, Dad, Violet… this is April. April, these are my parents and my sister.”

“Ah.” His mother smiles. She’s beautiful with dark hair. She also looks kind. “Hello, my darling.” She’s softly spoken and has a Spanish accent. She kisses my cheek. “Finally, we get to meet you.”

“Hello.” I smile, feeling a little better.

His father steps forward, and my heart somersaults in my chest. He’s Sebastian’s double: tall, olive-skinned, and decidedly Spanish looking, only he’s older with grey hair. He’s a very good-looking man.

“Hello, April. It’s lovely to meet you.” He shakes my hand.

“And this is my sister Violet.” Sebastian smiles.

“Hello.” I smile.

She fakes a smile. “Hi.”

My heart drops. Not exactly a warm greeting.

Sebastian’s phone rings, and a name lights up the screen:

Jameson Miles

Huh? What the hell?

He knows Jameson Miles? Surely that’s not the same media tycoon from New York that I’ve heard of.

“Answer it,” his father says,

“Say hi to Jay from us.” His mother smiles.

Sebastian answers the phone. “What do you want?” He smirks, as if something is funny. He listens and then bursts out laughing. “You could be onto something there.” He holds his hand over the phone. “Miles says the U.K. is now in serious trouble.” He laughs as he listens again. “Thanks.”

I smile as I watch him.

“They went to boarding school together in Italy,” his sister tells me.


Someone calls his parents away, and I am left alone with Violet.

I sip my wine nervously as I wait for her to say something.

“So, you’re Brandon’s friend?”

Ah, shit. This is Brandon’s mother. She knows about me, the sex club, and all the other sordid details. That explains a lot.

“I am. I mean, I was.” I shrug. “Unfortunately, we’ve lost touch.”

She nods and bites her lip, as if holding her tongue.

I stare at her, and I can feel her animosity for me.

I have to say this. I know that I have to lay it out on the table right now.

“Look, Violet. I know that Sebastian and I didn’t meet under normal circumstances.”

“No. You didn’t.”

“I just want you to know that Sebastian was the only man I ever saw at that club, and I was never romantically involved with Brandon. It was all a big misunderstanding. Brandon is a wonderful person, but he misread the situation. I know that it probably doesn’t matter to you anyway, because if I were you, I would have already made up my mind of what I thought of me, too.”

She glares at me.

“But I love Sebastian. I would do anything to make him happy.”

Her eyes hold mine.

“I know you’re still friends with Helena, and I understand your animosity toward me.”

“I’m not friends with Helena. I tolerate her.” She huffs. “Barely.”

Shit, she wants to fight. This is going bad.

Bad, bad, bad.

I nod, unsure what to say next.

“I just want someone to love Sebastian like he deserves to be loved,” she says.

I nod again. “I want that, too.”

“If you hurt him…”

“I won’t.”

We stare at each other.

“I’d like it if we could be friends,” I shrug.

She looks out over the other people here.

“I only want what’s best for him,” I say.

“And you think that’s you?”

“Yes,” I reply without hesitation. “Nobody could love him more than I do. If we’ve gotten over all the obstacles, we’ve had thrown at us and still feel like this about each other, I know it’s special.”

She exhales heavily, conceding defeat. “Don’t make me regret giving you a chance, April.”

“I won’t.”

“You need to talk to Brandon.”

“I know.” And I really do know. It’s been on my mind lately. “I was going to call him, but I don’t know what to say.”

“You start with hello.”

“Good advice.”

She gives me her first genuine smile. “It is nice to finally meet you. You’re not what I expected.”

Relief fills me. I think it’s going to be okay. “Thank you. You, too.”

The night has been fun, and people are just starting to leave. Brielle and I are tidying up the kitchen, and Charlotte is sitting at the kitchen counter.

Sebastian walks into the kitchen, talking on the phone.

“Thanks for calling, Son. I love you.” He smiles as he listens. “Yes, I’ll put her on.” He holds out the phone to me. “It’s Brandon. He wants to speak to you.”

My eyes hold his, and he raises a brow. I know this is it. If I want a real future with Sebastian, which I do, I need to fix things with his son. I can’t hold a grudge for the pain he caused me. I have to let it go.

No ifs or buts about it.

I take the phone from him. “Hello, Brandon,” I say, hopeful.

“Hi… April.”

I close my eyes at the sound of his familiar voice. I hold my finger up to the girls and walk out into the backyard for some privacy.

“How are you?”

“I’m good,” he replies. “Long time, no speak.”

I close my eyes and smile as hope runs through me. It feels like things are finally falling into place.

It’s just gone midnight when we finally get up to the bedroom. The night has been filled with cheers and happiness. Sebastian must have received at least thirty phone calls from people congratulating him.

Seb puts his phone on to charge on the bedside, and his eyes find mine across the room.

“You look tired.” I smile.

“Delirious,” he sighs, taking his jacket off. “Shower and bed.”

He walks into the bathroom and turns the shower on.

“Come on, babe,” he calls.

I smile as I undress. What is it with us two? We never shower alone anymore.

Always together.

I walk in and get under the hot water. Sebastian takes me into his arms. I close my eyes against his warm shoulder, his big arms wrapped around me.

“I could go to sleep right here.” I smile sleepily.

“Same.” We both lean on each other, warm, safe and relaxed. Alone for the first time today.

“I like your family.” I smile up at him.

He soaps up his hands and begins to rub them over my body. “They like you.”

“It was a good day, huh?”

He kisses my lips. “The best.”

The phone lights up the darkened room from the bedside. It vibrates on silent with an incoming call.

The sound of April and Sebastian chatting in the shower echoes throughout the room.

The phone rings and then stops.

It begins to vibrate again, the name lighting up the screen:


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