Mr Carlos Huo, She's Your Wife

Chapter 100 My Willful Wife

When Debbie heard what Carlos said, she sneered. "Haha! Don't tell me how to feel! Are you a control freak or something?
Sorry, not today."
"And you're as impossible as ever!" Carlos commented. He didn't like to be disobeyed.
'Me? Impossible?' she mused. "If I'm impossible, then you're unfaithful!"
His eyes widened at her words. Rage flashed in his eyes. Finally, he said, "You've got a smooth tongue, and I want to give it a
try." Before she could know it, he leaned toward her and pressed her red lips with his.
"Mmm..." Debbie tried to break free of his grip, but to no avail.
Realizing what was happening, Emmett coughed to conceal his awkwardness and then raised the partition of the car so that the
couple could have a private space.
The passionate kiss lasted a long time, and Debbie seemed to be suffocating.
She didn't know how many minutes the kiss lasted, but it was not until she felt his erection that he finally let go. She sat straight,
adjusted her messy clothes and pushed him away. "Get off me! God, you're heavy!"
Carlos, however, remained where he was. "Honey, I'll bang you the day you stop bleeding. You don't get it yet—I need you!" he
said in her ear, voice husky from lust. More likely, he felt less like a man when a woman told him no.
Debbie's heart skipped a beat. She could tell from his expression that he was trying hard to fight against his desire. On the one
hand, she thought she should just give in. After all, they might be the only couple in this world that hadn't had sex after being
married for three years. On the other hand, this was her first time and she really felt nervous. "D-Don't be in such a hurry! I think
we need to find a feng shui master to choose an auspicious day..." she stammered.
'I need to find a feng shui master before I have sex with my wife?' Carlos was amused by her reaction and decided to play along.
"I think we also need a press conference to tell the world that Carlos Huo is about to sleep with his wife. Sounds good?"
"Uh...haha..." Debbie gave him an embarrassed smile and murmured, "That's not necessary."
He withdrew his hand from her sweater, sat up and kissed her lips softly. Her lips were a bit swollen from his long, passionate
kiss. She was really turning him on! His voice softened when he said, "Honey, I was wrong. I shouldn't have pissed you off.
Please don't be mad at me anymore. Okay?"

After being hugged and kissed, somehow Debbie felt much better. Now that he had apologized, she heaved a sigh of relief and
complained, "I must have been a playboy in my past life and you were a woman who loved me deeply and I broke your heart.
That's why you're like this."
Carlos tried hard to suppress his giggle and said, "I think you've got it backwards. That's why you're like this."
He was a wise and intelligent man in business, but in front of his wife, he acted like a fool. He had no idea why she was mad at
him or how to cool her down. The only thing he could do was apologize. But was that enough? It is said that an apology without
change is manipulation. Was that what it was? But Carlos Huo was too proud to think about these things. His ego blinded him to
the truth.
The car had been parked in front of the school for a couple of minutes. Emmett tried his best to drive the car slowly so that the
couple would have more time to make out. He figured if there was ever a couple that needed it, it was them. He was loyal to his
boss, and more, didn't want to be exiled to that construction site again. But alas, it seemed that they needed more time.
He wanted to get out and have a cigarette, but decided against it—it was freezing outside. He'd enjoy smoking much less if he
were frozen to the bone. Remaining in the driver's seat, he started up a game on his phone. The solution to Grabblies always
eluded him, and this time he was going to beat level 36.
'Maybe if he gets laid, he won't be so eager to torture me. If she can mellow him out, I'll take her side forever, ' Emmett swore to
The couple in the back seat began to kiss affectionately again. Little did they know what was on Emmett's mind.
Almost suffocated again, Debbie pushed him away—again. "Cut it out. I'm already late for class. If I stay here too long, I'll miss
the whole thing. I thought you didn't like me skipping classes," she snapped.
Carlos grabbed her soft hand and stroked it while exposing her lie. "Your class doesn't start til 10."
Finally Debbie had calmed down, so how was it possible for him to let her go so easily? Last night, when he slept in her bed
alone, he felt very lonely. This was rather strange, because he had never felt that way before. He was always strong, stoic, and
didn't need anyone to make him feel better.
Caught in a lie, Debbie stammered, "Uh... Y-You need to go to work. You're the president. What if something urgent happens?
What if your company goes under because you wasted too much time on me?"
"You're mad at me. I need to make you happy before going to work. Otherwise, I won't be able to focus."

"Haha!" Debbie burst into laughter.
She would never have believed that an overly-serious man like Carlos would act like a spoiled child if she hadn't seen and heard
it for herself.
He kissed her on the earlobe and asked, "You're not angry anymore?"
She pouted her lips and in a soft voice said, "Well, you said you were sorry. I guess I can let it go." Now that Carlos had sent
Megan home and sincerely apologized to her, Debbie decided to let him off the hook this time. 'Why keep it going?' she thought.
'It's just going to make both of us miserable.'
Right now, they both felt happy and wished this moment could last forever.
"Honey, if you aren't feeling well, how about I call in sick for you and take you to my office?" Carlos offered. "I have a couch you
could lie on." He had never paid attention to girls' periods before. It was Julie who had just told him that Debbie might feel
uncomfortable on her period. Pain, particularly headaches and abdominal cramps, was one of the sad realities of menstruation.
Julie once had a classmate who had the worst migraines at that time of the month.
Debbie was never a girl who would admit to being weak. She shook her head and turned him down. "There's no need for that.
We have a heater in the classroom." It would not be that painful if she just sat still and didn't strain herself.
"All right. Call me anytime you don't feel well." He finally let her go and sat up straight. Looking at her messy hair and clothes, he
reached out his hands to help her smooth her hair and adjust her clothing. Then he zipped her up and kissed her on the cheek
It was still snowing outside, so he knocked on the partition and ordered Emmett, "Take the car on campus and park it. See that
she gets to her dorm."
"No, no, no! Please don't. I can walk." There were only two Emperor cars in Y City, and Carlos' was one of them. If people saw
her riding in an Emperor car, she would again become a hot topic. She didn't want all the attention. In fact, that was the last thing
she wanted. Why couldn't he just drive a Buick or a Volkswagen like everyone else?
Last time she was the talk of the town—she had made a show of confessing to Carlos, in order to get back at Gail. Although only
a couple of people had seen it, almost every student had been talking about the matter for days. And the furtive looks and
whispers, as well as the pointing, drove her nuts. If they saw her being driven to her dorm in that car, she could imagine she
would once again hit the headlines. And all she wanted right now was peace and quiet.

"Why not? Don't you want people to know we're a couple?" Carlos asked, not happy. Even though she had told him she loved
him in public last time, that was because she wanted to mess with Gail. He knew that, too.
Carlos was frustrated and wondered why Debbie was acting like this.
Debbie was a little startled by his reaction. She immediately put on a mollifying smile and explained, "Don't get me wrong, Boss.
You know who you are. If people saw me in your car, I wouldn't get a moment's peace. Really!"
"Hmph! You are not allowed to get out unless you give me some sugar."
Debbie snaked her arms around his neck, kissed him on the lips and called out in a sweet voice, "Honey!"
He held her, pressed the back of her head and kissed her affectionately. He didn't let her go until she started to struggle.
While Debbie was rearranging her down coat, Carlos pressed a button to lower the partition and told Emmett, "Open the door for
"Yes, Mr. Huo."
'Seriously? I can open the door myself.' Debbie wanted to turn him down, but Emmett had already left the car.
Before getting out, she zipped her coat to the top, put her hood up and pulled the drawstrings tight, so that only her eyes were
When she entered the dorm, Kristina was still asleep. But not for long. Seeing a shivering Debbie running into the room, she
stuck her head out of the quilt and sleepily asked, "Hey Tomboy, when did you leave?"
"I just went back home to fetch something. It's snowing outside. Why don't we enjoy the winter wonderland and take some
selfies?" While saying this, Debbie took out a heating pad from the drawer and plugged it in. Wrapping it around her hands, she
felt much warmer now.
Sitting up, Kristina looked at Kasie's empty bed and asked in confusion, "Didn't Kasie sleep in the dorm last night? I wonder
where she went."

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