Mr. Billionaire and Ms. Broken Girl

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Stay Alive!
It was so painful that all the bones in lict body seemed to live shaltered.
in the abandoned factory in the suburbs, girl was lying on the dusty concrete floor.
Scarlet blood Ilowed out from 111c botlom ollier head, sind hier delicate litile face was so paleihat there was not atrace
of blood underneath the skin.
Another girl, who was also lifteen or sixteen years old, ran down the shabby stairs. Looking at the girl on the ground,
she said with a guilty conscience, “lade, you fell down yourself. I didn’t push you. Don’t blame me!”
Jade Herring moved her iliin lips and wanted to speak, but she couldn’t make a sound,
Lilly York was looking at the dying Jade on the ground. The fear and guilt in Lilly’s eyes were gradually replaced by
cruelty and satisfaction
Lilly put on a freedy smile. A necklace with a blue pendant hunt from Lilly’s fingertips. Lilly stared at the blue pendant
on the nechace with greedy cyes.
It‘s so beutiful! it looks like it has a sea of stars inside it must be a treasure
Aller adıniring the necklace, Lilly glanced at Jade and said, “My family adopted you out of kindness and provided you with food
and clothing. It’s fine if you don’t know how to repay us. How can you keep bothering us because we’re taking this stupid
necklace from you? You’re so ungrateful!”
Jade looked at the necklace in Lilly’s hand.
It‘s not a stupid necklace. It was left to me by my parents!
It was Jacob York who had made Jade’s parents die and took her family’s property and fortune. Jacob even pretended 10 adopt
Jade. He treated her well in front of everyone, but he treated a dog better when there was no one around.
Lilly liked to steal Jade’s things, and now Lilly even wanted to take away the only thing left by Jade’s parents, or course, Jatle
was unwilling to let Lilly have it.

Lilly smiled and approached Jade. Lilly was holding the necklace above Jades’ face. Lilly swayed it back and forth. Lilly said, “Do
you want it? If you want it take it yoursell.”
Jade tried hard to raise her hand to take back her thing, but her bones seemed to be broken. Except for the slight movement of
her fingers, Jade could not move her arms.
Lilly laughed happily. “Since you don’t want it, it belongs to me! Don’t ask me for it in the future.”
Lilly look back the necklace and put it on her neck. Lilly took out her phone and took a selfie.
Looking at the selfie and touching the blue pendant, Lilly smiled with satisfaction. Lilly glanced at Jade lying next to her feet and
snorted. Lilly said, “Just wait here and die!” Alter that, Lilly turned around and capered away.
Aller some time, Jade rradually became unconscious, and her soul seemed to be pulling way from her body bit by bit.
No, I can‘t die like this. / ust live!
As Jade iliouyhi of that, her body seemed to sueldenly receive a powerful force lade siruled to mover and lie on the ground. All
the strength in her body rathered inler arms.
Jade moved her petile and iliin body forward lintle by little, leaving blood everywhere she passed. Even if her wliole body hurt so
much that Jadelelt numb, she did not stop at all.
Alier coming out of the abandoned factory and climbing over the prass, Jade nally crawled to ile side of the road. It
was already nichtfall, and there were very few cars on the cumply road.
Time passed by. Wlici Jade was in endless despair, a black jeep finally drove over from a distance
Jade’s dimeves flashed with a gliminer of licht. Jade tried to raise lier slender arms and wave them in the air
Finally, the car stopped by the side of the road. The backseat window slowly opened, and a cliscled profile appeared in
front of Jade
Jade raised her head and used the last of her strength to speak with difficulty. “Save me. Plcase save me.”

The man looked down at the little girl who was in a sorry state on the side of the road with his long and narrow eyes.
Jade was only fifteen or sixteen years old. Her body was stained with blood, and her pale face was covered with dirt. It
did not make her look ugly. Instead, under the moonlight, Jade looked miserable and beautiful.
Jade glanced at the intermittent bloodstains behind her that extended all the way to the shabby factory not far away.
Obviously, Jade climbed out from there. Jade looked like she was dying, but she looked tenacious and the light in her
eyes was brighter than the starlight.
Valentino subconsciously opened the car door and got off to approach her. He stood against the moonlight. With his
tall and handsome figure, Valentino looked like a god. Only then did Jade see this man who had appeared in time like a
Valentino’s facial features were chiseled, and he was extremely handsome. Jade had never seen such a good-looking
man before. Valentino was a hundred times, a thousand times more good-looking than the male lead in comic books.
Jade watched as the man gradually approached her. She thought, he is going to save me, right?
Jade opened her mouth and wanted to say thank you, but when the perfect face was close to her, Jade blacked out.

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