
Chapter 38. He Lives

Gemini is panicked, I hear it in his footsteps as he paces and for some weird reason I feel it in my eyes. “She morphed a scenery, Libra.” He breathes, his voice on edge as everyone stays silent around him.

“I don’t care if she morphed the sky, Gemini! You should never have done that.” Satchel chants lightly, finally unlocking me after their not so thought out plan went downhill. “That was dangerous for everyone, for her.”

“Maybe I shouldn’t have, but you would have done the same had you not been locked in a cage.” Gemini growls, his tone holding something back.

“You both need to stop it!” Blaze objects. “This isn’t going to help.” They quieten at his words and I want to thank him for it.

“Do you know how rare it is to morph a scene?” Gemini continues.

“Of course.”

“Scenes aren’t usually threats, people are threats, species, not scenes.” He makes perfect sense but still I don’t get the point, and neither does anyone else as they ask for it. “Ecladen’s Volcano, was a threat to Serenity.” The obvious blows my mind.

“Of course it was, they wanted to throw her in.” Libra says like its something already known.

“Yes, brother, can you shut up and let me explain for once!” Libra scoffs, but all in all, he hushes. “As a morpher, she should only be able to morph the volcano seeing as that was the only part of the scene putting her endanger.” The more he speaks, the more sense he makes and I feel him edging closer to something big as I regain eyesight and control of my body, Libra pulls me to him and I sigh relieved.

Gemini looks at me briefly, the others giving me looks of sorrow I only roll my eyes and urge him to go on. “She was able to morph the entire scene and come to this one, which means that the entire scene was a threat, she shouldn’t have been there.” I hear gasps of fear and shock flow through the room.

“Be serious.” Libra grips me tighter.

“I wouldn’t play like this.” Gemini says.

“I’m right here, tell me if I’m in danger not anyone else.” I snap feeling that all too familiar anger but I push it down. Gemini turns to me with a guilt stricken look on his face, as he should.

“Whatever is in that volcano, wants you.” He tells me, I laugh.

“Doesn’t everyone?” Pain flashes in his depths and I see how he took it, I quickly mumble an awkward sorry. He nods his head, looking away from me as Libra pulls me closer.

“You can’t go near this volcano again.” He says softly, ignoring my protests as he walks away in a rush.

I stand, pushing Libra off me and ignoring everything to rush after him, this isn’t how this goes. No, he doesn’t get to override my plan and just tell me there can be no new plan. I call his name, and he ignores me, turning a corner, then another and I have no choice but to trap him in a force field. A trick I’ve since picked up from the one and only corner of entrapment, Callene.

Just like anyone would, he pushes against the restraints with a scowl on his face, Libra’s face. For once I take the time to stare in awe at how they look exactly alike to a T. The same heavenly golden hair and deep demon eyes, hard jaw and sure stance, brothers, twins. It seems that I’ve never taken time to actually acknowledge it. “This is childish of you, and if you’ve come here for anything other than what I said back there you’re out of luck.” Cold, his voice is cold.

“A sorry would be nice.” I walk toward him. “It would be great actually.”

“I say things only when I mean them.” Gemini looks away from me keeping his answer short and simple. “Feelings aside, I’m not sorry, I did what I had to for you.”

“I was trying to do what I had to for Ecladias, you had no right.” I seethe. “None of you, had a right.” Anger, there it is, full and blooming and burning me.

“Do you honestly think I care?” He says, his back still to me. “I don’t, not at all, that volcano would have taken the thing you love and I couldn’t have that.” Now his voice is a pained whisper that slices through me, remorse replacing the anger. “You need to be a morpher, keeper of elements legendary queen until you aren’t anymore, you need your identity. I’d rather give mine.”

“I’m trying again.” His words mean so much to me, that he would do that for me, but I have to do what’s best. “I’m going to the volcano and I will throw myself in if I have to.” My words are impulsive, I have my father to think about I won’t actually throw myself in, or will I? He turns now, abruptly and angrily, brows furrowed.

“I’ll have you locked in the chambers first.” He challenges. “Your a fool to think I’d allow that.”

“I don’t care what you’ll allow, but I bet I’d get you in the chambers before you ever could get me in. Or maybe I’ll just leave you here.”


“No.” I interrupt. “Its up to me to make the world whatever beautiful place I want it to be, you taught me that.” His depths flicker with emotion as I reach my hand through the force field and graze my fingers over the light stubble forming on his jaw. He grips my hand tightly, saying plenty things through the silent gesture and as much as I want to study the shimmering black of his depths I can’t trust them, just as the first time, so I look away and I pull away not risking letting emotions override my task.

I turn around, hearing an unsteady breath leave his lips. “He lives, Ecladen lives.” He says softly in an afraid tone, I’ve never witnessed him be afraid before. “Somewhere around that volcano is a means of him escaping, he wants you, that’s why the scene was a threat to you. You could get trapped in that scene, its dangerous.”

“Well let him come and get me.”

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