
Chapter 36. Questions Kill

Callene looks at us questionably, smirking all the while. “First question, what is your partners worst deed ever done?” I look to Libra who has wide eyes as his grip tightens on me. “Go on, answer!” I flinch at Callene’s tone.

“Serenity doesn’t have a worst deed, that I know of.” Libra spits through clenched teeth, and I nod in agreement, I don’t know his worst deed I’m still figuring him out.

“Wrong answer.” Callene pulls someone to him with a pull of his finger and swipes there face, all fear leaves as the person faints and drops to the floor. “Oh didn’t I tell you? I’ll put someone to sleep for every wrong answer and for every right answer, I’ll wake someone up. Sounds good, yes?” I say nothing as Callene smirks wider. “And you can’t fool me because I know all the correct answers, I had my sister get inside your heads.”

“You know nothing.” Libra seethes only adding to Callene’s amusement.

“Oh but I do, depth.” He says as everyone watches, still and quiet. “I know that your worst deed is when you burned an entire village because they went against you, when you burned children and pregnant mothers with no remorse all for a simple mistake some of them didn’t even make.” My blood runs cold as he talks, and without thought I pull from Libra’s grasp. “And I know how good burning them made you feel. You two are alike that way, she loves to burn too-”

“Stop it.” Libra screeches, banging against the force field and I draw further from him, slightly guilty to see the horror in his eyes as he sees this.

“Love.” He says softly, reaching out to me.

“No.” I pull away. “Lets just finish this, for the people.” He hesitates but nods nonetheless and I’m glad when he looks away from me.

“Shall we continue?” Callene looks gleeful like a child getting a present. “Serenity, you’re too goody two shoes for a bad deed, the worst you’ve ever done is burned Ravania and she deserved that, so next!” He yells. “What is your partners deepest desire?” He squats in front of our clear cage, clasping his hands together.

“Serenity wants to-”

“Aht!” Callene stands, cutting him off. “You don’t know her deepest desire, and she doesn’t know yours either. Funny how that works. Well, I’ll enlighten you both, Serenity’s deepest desire is to have a family, she sees her kingdom as that chance.” I scoff at how accurate he is, he was really inside our heads. “Libra’s deepest desire is to lose himself in Serenity, for her to save him, he loves her.” Gasps flow throughout the room and Libra only puts his head down, my heartbeat accelerates, nearly jumping out of my chest, he loves me? Love? Love is such a strong word, very strong and I don’t know how to feel, do I love him too? Adrenaline is pumping too much too much through me for me to answer that. “Since I answered that,” he puts three people to ‘sleep’ and I cock a brow up. “That’s my extra from question one.” He smirks. “Serenity let my siblings go now and we’ll stop playing.”

“Are you crazy?” Is all I say before the next question is put on display.

“What is the biggest obstacle in this.. er, relationship?”

“You,” Libra says harshly, “and your nuisance siblings.” Callene smirks at him, swiping his hand and laying another person to sleep, looking to me for my answer.

“War.” I say, watching another body drop at my answer.

“You two know nothing. Gemini who has been waiting in the back, contemplating a plan to free you, is your biggest obstacle, seeing as he also loves Serenity.” I look around for Libra as more people gasp but he doesn’t give us long to register this new information. “Did I mention I plan to burn every sleeping person alive? Oh great.” Oh my god. if we don’t get some questions right soon then we could cost these people their lives.

“Libra and I barely know each other, this game isn’t fair.” I object, ignoring Libra’s face for the sake of my people, our people.

“I suppose it isn’t, but its fun right?” Callene smirks. “If you want to play another game then I’d have to trade Libra for Gemini, or else set my siblings free.” I look between the two choices, if I set them free they’ll load plenty morphers into a volcano, if I play a different game maybe I can wake all the people.

“Put Gemini in.” I make my choice, not bothering to look at Libra’s saddened face, some things are about the kingdom. This, is about the kingdom. Gemini floats in mid air with a raise of Callene’s finger, he replaces Libra who is then sat down with the others.

“The rules of this game are different, its called Callene says, its popular with human children.” Oh god. “Callene says, you both do, lets get started!” Gemini fidgets nervously. “Callene says express your feelings to one another.” Libra looks as if he’s about to vomit, I look away, this is about the kingdom.

“Gemini I thank you for and appreciate everything you’ve done and are still doing for me, I see you as a brother of sorts, that older big brother I never had.” I know it hurts him to hear this, but I have to say the truth, for my people, our people. He looks away from me, Callene holds up his hand, swiping someone awake, I sigh in relief.

“Serenity I.. your strong and amazing, but-”

“Gemini tell the truth, I won’t bash you for it but this is for your kingdom.” I mutter to him, seeing him still at my words.

“I love you.” He pushes out like it hurts him to say and Callene smirks at Libra, swiping someone else awake.

“Callene says, kiss.” Callene clasps his hands together and Libra launches at him in a fit of rage, making him make hand movements like crazy, one hand movement clears the film and I rush out as he puts many others to sleep.

“Go to your rooms, lock them.” I demand everyone, they scatter like ants to do so. Callene throws Libra off him and I take his place, straddling him as my hands work a binding fire around his hands and legs. “I don’t like threats, next time you become one, one of us will die.” I promise him.

“You don’t have it in you, human.” I still at his words. “You just don’t know what’s to come for you, girl.” He smirks and I stand leaving him there, retreating to the meeting room with Libra and Gemini behind me.

“I need us all to put feelings aside, that war everyone’s talking about isn’t so far from us and feelings have no room in a war.” They nod. “Callene has broken one of my fire rings before, he may not stay down for that long so we need a plan because there are four unhappy corners in here and one that’s hiding god knows where.”

“Daelortoze.” Gemini croaks, I nod.

“We all know what he can do, so stay, awake, at all costs.” They nod again. “They were talking about some volcano it was named after one of their parents, they planned to put a lot of morphers in it.. something about an alternative to setting their parents free. Any ideas?”

“The Volcano of Ecladen, its the most deadliest thing in Ecladias, many people have been thrown into it and in exchange the host gets some sort of sick wish granted.” Gemini mumbles, okay bingo, but now we need a plan.

“What if we threw them into the volcano? Its named after their father it should do double the damage.” I rant, still thinking of any way to fix this. “But then there’s always the chance that the volcano could spit them out, or make them stronger.”

“I’m sure if that were the cast they would have dived in it already.” Libra speaks. “There’s one problem with that brilliant plan though, you can’t go near the volcano without losing your identity.”

“You mean like-”

“No more morpher queen, no more elements. You’ll be a human, really a human this time, a no one.”

“So we’ll do it.” I say. “I’ll do it, I’ll throw them in.”

“No.” Gemini objects. “You’ll lose everything.”

“I was basically a human once, I’ll get over it. Human or not I am some one.” I assure him.

“You’re not doing that, at the volcano you won’t have the elements anymore, do you get that? Your fire rings will lift, giving them enough time to.. to hurt you.” He chokes out. I want to reach out to him, to kiss him and tell him it’ll all be okay but as the thought of him burning innocents enters my mind I can’t, I can only look away and as I see him bow his head I know he understands.

“I have to do this, I have to try. Either you two are with me or not, but I will get them in that volcano even if I have to jump in with them,” I hold a hand up to silence them. “As I said, either you two are with me, or not.”

“This is for the world.” Gemini says. “A battle between mind and heart, this is that battle.” He looks to Libra who now has raw realization in his eyes. A battle between mind and heart. “Destiny and want, we have to let her fulfill her destiny, brother.”

“No.” Libra objects. “I love her! You think I’m going to let her go on a suicide attempt? Not for this world, not for anyone.” Its the first time he’s ever declared his love for me and it brings a sense of enjoyment and happiness to me despite what we’ve been through in the past hour, but I have to, I have to go and as I say this, as Gemini agrees Libra stands- flipping the table over. “Please, stay there are other ways, there are always other ways.” He pleads with me. A sign from the stars will beg her to stay, Libra is my sign from the stars, his name is an astrological sign. “I love you, I’ve never loved anything and if you love me back please just.. please, love.” A battle or a heart. Do I love him? I feel for him more strongly than I’ve ever felt for anyone but is this love? He has my heart but I have to battle, I can’t be selfish.

“I don’t want to lead to a world’s damnation, Libra. I hope you understand.” He shakes his head as I hold his face in my hands, lifting myself up and leaving a light kiss on his lips. He steps away, hurt all over his face and he still shakes his head in denial. And so I do the rational thing, I create a ring of fire around him and he looks down in shock. “Until we meet again.” I smile weakly at him.

“Serenity let me out.” He bangs against the nothingness. “Serenity I’m serious, this isn’t a joke let me go.” I take steady steps toward him, reaching inside the ring to hold is angered and afraid face.

“I’ll be back for you.” I nod, kissing his cheek lightly, he trembles attempting to pull me through with him but I quickly pull away trying to stomach the look of utter hurt on his face as his eyes beg me not to go.

“Gemini I need Satchel and Blaze here and your best fighter, come on.” I try to ignore Libra’s demands to let him out, I can’t let him out as much as I want to set him free, to stay here and live the fairy tail life with him while the world falls apart around us but I can’t. I chose a battle as I leave him trapped for his own good, I don’t chose a heart. Because sometimes you have to go into battle in order to even have a heart, Aisha taught me that.

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