
Chapter 34. Kingdom

Eventually my shirt stops glowing, and eventually every no one in Ecladias is in the diner party room standing patiently there. Nervousness itches at me through the material of my dress, it seems I’ve changed twenty times in today alone, though I’m sure its a new day now, the morning to be exact. I stare at myself in the mirror, my pale blue eyes, skin that was pink just hours ago and straight auburn hair- courtesy of a flat-iron like machine.

I’ve been through so much in these pasts months, some good, some bad but still I stand. Tired, yes, drained of a tremendous amount of energy, yes and a train wreck, definitely but I’m here. Standing in a gorgeous pastel purple lace dress, tight fitted, long sleeve with a sweetheart neckline and layers flowing past my feet, a gift from the animation Darla and on my head rests the crown Abby made for me a couple months ago. To wear things they’ve made, them being key parts in my new life, in my rein, I feel more confident. The confidence goes no wear when Libra’s eyes scan me in that intense and just way that he does.

“You’re by far the most gorgeous queen I’ve ever lyed eyes on.” He says, lacing his suited arm through mine as I grip my shirt tightly.

“You don’t even have eyes, so I’m all the more flattered.” He chuckles, unaware of how nervous I really am. We walk in, arm in arm and everyone parts for us mumbling and whispering, bowing their heads. Libra holds my hand as I walk up to the thrown and take a seat there, he stands and demands every no one sit, and they do along with many giddy animations.

“Its time, love.” Libra whispers in my ear, it really is time. This is it, this is the day I get my kingdom.

“Hello, everyone.” The animations bow their heads, replying to me as the no one’s await my instruction. “Animations, I’d like you all to meet the no ones- the morphers.” Chatter and awes start again. “I need your full attention.” I smile trying to keep myself together. “No ones, you have no power, no queen, no identity but this is because your identity was stolen from you by my mother, Queen Emilia of the fifty-ninth rein. She never passed down the morpher power, which is why you do not have it but I have it today, here, I am going to give you all back your identities. I am Serenity, Queen of Morphers, keeper of the Animations, your queen. Since I have been here in Ecladias I haven’t had a kingdom, I thank my good friends Lord Gemini and Lord Libra for letting me experience what it is to rule here with them in their lands and I thank the animations as well but I have longed for my species, the rest of which I am queen to and I can only hope you all have longed for me as well, and that you all will except me.”

“How do we know your serious?” Someone calls, getting agreement around the table. I raise a hand to silence them.

“Have you ever wondered where it is your identities flew off to? Or why all the morphers disappeared and in their places came you all?” To this, they agree as well. “As you may know, in order for a generation to progress, the ruler has to pass over the powers as well as the crown. Well, Emilia preserved her generation, stripping mine from everything that was rightfully theirs- yours. The generation was never passed down, this is why you all are considered no one’s.” No one objects. “Words can’t describe how wonderful it is to be in the presence of you all, and I am ready to give each on one of you what belongs to you but only if you all will have it.” Chatter sounds again, but this time I let it, this is a choice that they need to make. If they don’t want the power I won’t give it to them, I’ll just have to compromise in some way to get it to the next generation.

“My queen.” Delaware’s voice silences every other, he stands from his seat and on instant, kneels before me, every animation falling in line like a domino effect. Libra kneels down after every animation does, his head bowed just like theirs as if I’m his queen too. I smile and with that smile, Gemini kneels next to Libra, then the first morpher, then the next and like the domino effect again everyone is knelled before me. Their queen, I’m their queen, I fight a tear of joy at this.

“You may rise.” I stand, my hands crossed in front of me and one by one they do rise, I grab Libra’s hand pulling him to my side with a wide smile on my face toward him. “Is everyone ready for the ceremony?“′

“We are.” Someone speaks out.” And just like that I end up seated at the table again, with morphers coming up to me and bowing individually and I’m reminded of when I’d first met the animations, when I’d named them.

“Everyone needs to bleed into the small cup in front of them, she needs all your blood for this.” Libra says, and they do as he says pricking their fingers and letting blood drip into the small cups. Then all the cups are emptied into one moderate sized bowl and to my disgust, my shirt is soaked in it turning from the prettiest creme color to maroon and the stench of blood makes me gag.

“Do I have to touch this?” I whimper, Libra only chuckles at me, placing a hand on the small of my back.

“Yes love, it’ll be over soon.” There it is again, that switching of roles where he’s the one assuring me and I have to say, I like it. I slowly place my hands on my blood soaked shirt, flinching from the warm silky feeling of the blood around my hands, soon I get used to it but it still disgusts me.

“The sixtieth rein has begun, here the souls of new morphers begin.” With these simple words, the shirt starts glowing faintly again, I try to remember my mother’s- Emilia’s words and they seem to come easily to me, like they’re already engraved into me. “Here I hand every no one their rightful power, the power of morphing.” The shirt bursts with light as bright as the animation forest, Libra and Gemini coward away from it covering their depths. I feel the warmth and security radiating from the light, it feels safe in the weirdest way and I take notice to every no one visibly still, their eyes focused on the light and blazing with it. “I give them their identity, they are morphers and morphers morph, may they morph.” Light now fills the room, blinding light and I hear the twins wince, dropping to the floor but the light of course does nothing to me, I try and speed up the process in fear of hurting them. “Each piece of power in this shirt, is a piece that belongs to one of them, I give it to them. May they morph.”

It isn’t a gust of wind like with Emilia and I’m thankful for that, but instead its something beautiful. Light fills the room and I’m lifted from my thrown and into the air- the blood vanishes from my hands, I look around frantically, seeing nothing but bursts of color from every direction and my dress melting into something else. Eventually its not purple lace anymore, its a shinning silver made from an indescribable material stopping right at my knees with no sleeves. The bursts of color continue all the while I just float in the air as if strings are keeping me there but an indescribable feeling courses though me as the light dials down and I am brought slowly back tot he ground in a different pair of shoes as well, gorgeous flat ones that match the crown Abby made join the soil of the animation forest.

I look around, astonished and feeling accomplished more than ever as my eyes land on animations and morphers kneeling before me with a sudden glow to them. This time, other than all the other times people have bowed to me it feels efficient, I feel like a queen. Like a ruler with a kingdom and people looking up to me for guidance, security. Little do they know I need them more than they need me, I need my kingdom more than my kingdom needs their queen. I mean they’ve done fine without me so far, right? Its me that has been a wreck without them.

“All hail, Queen Serenity of the sixtieth rein.” Delaware calls.

“All hail, our queen.” They follow up in unison, my heart swells inside my chest, this is mine, my kingdom. Libra latches his arm through mine.

“You may rise.” I say.

“You did it love.” He whispers. I did it. “The greatest queen the morphers have ever had in the making.” His voice booms, laced with adoration as it travels throughout the forest.

“Libra you spoke to soon.” I push his shoulder, my face in flames.

“Have I? How so?” He asks innocently as everyone stands.

“Yes, because you aren’t taking me out yet.” The words are hard to form and his gaze makes me coward away. His lips tug upward in a smirk.

“Be patient love, by the way I fancy that stunning dress much more.” Is all he says before his attention is turned from me to the scene before us where the animations and morphers are playing and talking with gleeful looks on their faces. “How would you all like to meet the Specters?” I widen my eyes at his proposition, not expecting it but recalling my promise to Lijen that I’d bring them to meet and the crowd looks just as dazed but they nod happily still. Libra smirks. “Buia, here.” He commands. The forest darkens completely until I feel those familiar little creatures crawling up me and then Libra lifts the darkness.

Most crawl to Gemini, who has been so quiet I almost forgot he was here and others, including Lijen runs up to Libra. “Maestros.” They exclaim, the animations and morphers watch them unsure of what to do and I smile at this, letting Lijen up my arm.

“Regina della luce.” He purrs in Italian. “You look beautiful as always.” His small lips peck my hand and Libra grabs him off me by the ear, I giggle at his yells of protest.

“Specters meet the animations and morphers.” I say in attempt to ease the awkwardness. “I hope you all get along.” I say, looking toward a group of deviously smirking specters. “We will, all get along. Won’t we?” I ask them.

“Yes, custode. Sure we will.” The words roll off their tongue before they leave Gemini’s side to mingle in the forest full of colors.

Libra and I watch them get along surprisingly well, even Lijen has jumped down and seems to be- hugging, Abby. I giggle at this, as well as the ‘this is disgusting’ ‘how can you all live here?’ ‘this looks like hell’ and ‘black wouldn’t hurt’ I hear sputtering from the mouths of many specters, they are just like their masters. I call Gemini over, of course he looks around and is hesitant like he’s been a lot lately. Despite that though, he still walks toward us, stands with us and watches the animations, morphers and specters interact with each other.

“I don’t know what’s going on with you.” I turn my head and whisper. “If there’s something up you don’t have to through it alone.” He stills at my words, shaking his head.

“I’m fine.” Is all he says.

“That’s the biggest and most told lie in the human world, I’m guessing in this world to.” He says nothing, showing me I’m right and that he’s not fine but as I see that he doesn’t want to discuss it- and as Libra pulls my arm, I don’t press the issue.

“Love, look.” I follow his finger to the site before me, a group of specters are pouring black paint over some things while some animations look in disapproval but that’s not what he’s pointing to. Abby and Lijen are perched up in one of the many trees, he holds a luscious yellow flower but with a wave of his small hand it turns crisp black, though still it shines and stands tall. It reminds me of Libra in a way, dark but still beautiful, sure despite the darkness inside him he still is a beautiful creature. Different, dark, but beautiful and shiny like that gem your not suppose to touch but would feel so smooth beneath your hands if you could just touch it for one second. Lijen hands the flower to Abby and she blushes furiously, admiring it, I see the satisfaction and relief on the specters face that she likes it, his darkness.

“The flower is kind of like you.” I say, the words vomiting from my mouth without thought. “Even in darkness, its beautiful. And there’s a brightness beneath it.”

“You think I’m, beautiful?” He teases, I feel the heat rushing up my neck on instant.

“No- well yes.” I flush as my words scramble. “I think your gorgeous, but that’s not the point.” He chuckles deeply, grabbing my arm so that my body presses against his.

“I think your gorgeous.” He says softly, pecking my nose. “More beautiful than every flower in this forest, or anywhere.”

“I think,” I consider shying away but, you only live once, right? “I think your darkness is gorgeous, like the flower’s.” His eyes glimmer green and my heart stammers at the sight as I look into them. “I accept your darkness, if you didn’t know. I accept every part of you especially your darkness because that’s what I like most about you. You shine in darkness like the night.” This time, his eyes don’t stop glimmering that bright green even as he brushes my lips slightly and looks back up, telling me that I am the shine in his night, his depths don’t return.

Not until Gemini gasps from behind us do they buffer, before disappearing completely. I turn to him on instant to see his depths wide with shock, and this all I know to know that he saw what I’ve been trying to hide from some time now- Libra’s eye color.

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