
Chapter 32. Recover

After we get to Gemini’s room he panics just as much as Libra, maybe more. He says we need to go to Melinda but we can’t all go, so he vows to stay and watch over the manor which is still on lock down. Apparently the carriage won’t get me there fast enough, so he same bird from the cave is called and Libra places my body onto it, I hold onto its sides as tight as I can in my now worsened state. I grip the crown tightly, as I have been ever since it was passed down to me but it doesn’t feel right- efficient to wear.

I’m sweating an entire river but freezing all at once and I shake rapidly due to it, Gemini wouldn’t let me get any covers or anything because he says it can do damage, he says I’m not actually freezing its just my body trying to adjust. Libra wraps his arms around my waist and the heat and comfort it gives me stops the chills I’m having but only to a certain extent. He calls for the bird to go and it does, I can’t even cherish my first flying experience as I’m lifted in the air because of the things my body is now going through.

The flight is a blur, I zone out into the conversations of the morphers only zoning back in when Libra picks me up again and speaks to Melinda’s door, stating who he is and it bursts wide open. “Doctor!” He calls, the door slamming behind us, she comes from one of the halls in a night gown with her white hair in a ponytail.

“My lord, is everything okay?” Her eyes go wide beyond her glasses but I barley see it, I barley see anything everything is slightly blurred.

“Libra I can’t see.” I mutter in an afraid tone, he holds me tighter, rushing past Melinda.

“She’s dying.” His voice shakes as he says it and Melinda catches up immediately. “Over a hundred morphers from the last rein’s powers are in her.” Melinda gasps, opening a door in which her and Libra both walk through.

“That’s not suppose to happen, the morphers from that rein aren’t even suppose to have powers in this one I don’t understand.”

“Inside Emilia’s cave, was Emilia. She preserved herself and the morphers as well, as you know she’s Serenity’s mother and so you understand the problem here.” I can’t even find time to feel betrayed on yet another person knowing of my mother, I can’t find time to feel anything other than the coldness of my skin and the heat burning on the inside. Libra sets me down on a familiar hospital like bed and pulls up a seat next to me, it seems every time I lay on this bed I’m out of my mind, or too much in it.

“Serenity how do you feel?” Her question makes me agitated but I know its mandatory that I answer it.

“For the past hour someone has been rapping my head with a sledge hammer and using me as a needle pillow, now I feel like an oven is on high inside of me but I’m standing in a fridge and there’s so many conversations going on inside my head until I’m not sure whether I’m telling you how I feel, or how they feel.” I wrap a first around my hair again, spitting the words through clenched teeth. Libra rubs the side of my face in a manner that soothes me slightly as Melinda fumbles around with the stuff on her counter.

“She needs to let them go, they’re not hers to keep.” She says like its so simple, but it doesn’t feel so simple. Its starting to feel like they’re hanging on to me, clinging to me. “Have you ever heard of the no one’s my lord?”

“Their everywhere, of course I have.” Libra says, his voice impatient as he continues to rub my face, bring his other hand down to my side to grip mine.

“How many are there in the depth lands? And how many morphers are inside her?” She comes closer to me, muttering for me to still before pouring something on my face that feels like ice but cools my insides on an instant.

“Over one hundred and I don’t know how many we have do I look like Gemini to you? We have plenty I know that.” I squeeze his hand in a silent request for him to be nicer, and his voice and tone calm. “There’s roughly twenty here, their all in Ania we all know they took it over after the morphers disappeared.”

“No, the no one’s are morphers. They have to be, think about it, Emilia never passed down the powers she preserved her generation and that’s why the no one’s have no power. Serenity has the power meant for them, you need to get every no one in Ecladias in the same room as her. She’s their queen and unless she’s acknowledged and goes through the process of passing them their power, she’ll blow and with her, the entire morpher species.” Libra gasps and I fight to push out the voices and take in this new information, I’ll blow, I’ll blow, that’s all I hear.

“How much time do we have?” Libra grips my hand tighter.

“From the looks of her, a day. Emilia kept her generation so she never had to bear this power, when she gave over the thrown she gave over the power as well, Serenity won’t be able to take it for long. She already has the elements, she can’t take it my lord.” Melinda says, her voice filled with sympathy.

“Please.” I whimper, feeling Libra stiffen beside me. “Please Libra don’t leave me.” The voices get louder and though I’m no longer melting on the inside I’m still freezing and shaking on the outside. “I.. I need you.” I ball up again, shivering but I know its not cold here.

“My lord some one has to gather them, we’re running out of time.” Melinda says.

“We need a room I have to stay with her, call Gemini and tell him of how urgent it is for him to get all the no one’s here now. Make sure to explain the situation to him.”

“Take any room.” She says softly before leaving the room. My vision is going in and out, buffering, at times I can see and at times I can’t. Libra’s hands wrap around me again, picking me up but I object once I’m off the small bed.

“I want to walk, I feel weak I don’t want to be weak I.. I’m a ruler.” I lick my chafe lips as he sighs deeply, slowly setting me down, my legs wobble beneath me from not having used them in a while but I steady them and cling on to Libra for support.

“Yes love, you are a ruler but rulers take breaks too.” He assures me softly, its weird having the roles reversed yet again, him comforting and assuring me. “I don’t want you to stress on anything right now, relax okay I’ve got you.” The familiar words stick with me as we make our way through the freezing hall. He opens the first door in sight, holding me up as we walk inside and it seems even more cold here. Libra switches on the light and its a lovely room from what I’m able to see but I don’ have it in me to admire the redwood floors and creme colored walls mixed with the simple elegant deign of every small table and piece of furniture.

Libra lays me down and I oblige, shivering still, he walks toward a cabinet that sits on the wall, he returns with a bottle of clear liquid that looks almost like baby oil but shimmers a slight blue when it hits the light. “This is warming liquid, I’m going to rub it on you if your okay with that. Your shivering like a feign.” I laugh weakly at his attempt to joke nodding to his question, if that will stop this cold feeling I have then so be it. He sits next to me, his eyes racking over my entire body and I shiver more but not due to the ice that coats my body. “Take some of this off, I can’t put it on clothes.” He smirks faintly and I roll my eyes, taking off both of my jackets as well as my second pair of pants, all the while Libra watches me in a gaze mixed with pain and adoration.

I shiver more, pushing the clothes aside while laying down in only a flimsy long sleeve and tights. I attempt to take off my socks as well after rolling up both my pants and shirt sleeves but a feeling of weakness washes over my body on instant. Libra aids me in taking them off, placing them with the other clothes then standing over me and opening the bottle. He pours some in his hands, rubs it together and runs both hands slightly over one leg. His hands are smooth and the oil does its purpose, leaving heat in every spot his hands trail. This goes on for my second leg, my feet and even my face but when he goes to raise up my shirt I suddenly feel naked as his eyes burn holes into me. He pours a little more of the oil on his hands, slowly massaging it onto my stomach as I stop shaking. “Libra?” I call, my voice low as my vision continues to go in and out. His eyes snap to me, he stares at me with an emotion I’ve never seen on him before, fear.

“Love.” His finger lightly trails over my jaw line causing a stir inside me, his face inches closer to mine until his forehead is touching my jaw and I play in his golden curls. “I fear I need you way more than you could ever need me.” He tilts his head upward, his lips teasing mine for only seconds before I raise my head up a little, closing my basically nonfunctional eyes as his lips crush against mine, I taste the fear in his kiss but all my worries of dying vanish in it. His lips feel made for mine, I can’t think of anyone else feeling the soft texture of them and the thought it brings a murderous feeling over me.

Libra climbs over me, holding himself up slightly, he leaves fragile kisses over both my eyes as green shimmers in his. It stays for over five seconds and my heart stammers as I think for a second that he almost got his eye color. “Don’t be afraid for me.” I bring my hand up to his face feeling him shudder under my touch. “Death has to meet us all, and I’m sure Gemini has it under control. Tribulations right?” I smile weakly. “We can overcome them.”

“Death is the friend we’re all afraid to meet, the stranger who stalks our life just waiting for a reasonable chance to abduct it and death will not wait for us, but neither should we wait for death.” His words pierce my mind, he gets from above me and stands up. “Your a ruler, so rule. Stand up and lets leave here, we’ll gather the no one’s and we’ll save you.” I raise myself up feeling better other than the blurry vision.

“I can barley see, how will I do anything?” I feel helpless if anything.

“I’ll be your eyes, you need to recover and I’m here to be anything you’re not capable of being now love, get up we’ve got a bird to catch.” I smile, nodding and placing my socks and shoes back on but leaving the excess clothes on the bed. I grab the heating oil and follow Libra out the door. He tells Melinda we’re leaving, and she explains that Gemini already has every no one in these lands at the manor and all rulers sending their no one’s to the manor. We call the bird and take off, landing at the manor in no time.

I rush into Gemini’s arms, feeling as if I haven’t thanked him enough for all he’s done for me since I’ve got here, it seems he’s always making moves on the sidelines with no one to appreciate him. He stiffens under my touch for a few seconds before returning my hug. “Thank you, for everything.” I whisper pulling away. Gemini looks shyly down at me, a faint smile forming on his lips but its a sad one.

“They’re all in the battle room, waiting for their queen.” He bows and I smile as Libra comes to stand next to me, he snakes his hand around my waist, Gemini’s eyes briefly travels there but he says nothing. “Are you okay?” There’s something foreign in his tone.

“Yeah, its getting better Libra and Melinda have helped me through the worst.” Something flashes through his depths gone as quick as it came.

“Uh, yeah.” He says, stumbling over his words, Libra tilts his head at him. “I’ll meet you all in the battle room.” Libra tightens his grip on me. I ignore it as we walk to the battle room, I nearly falter several times as I repeatedly lose my vision. Once at the entrance I stop to look, to admire the few no one’s that are here but also stopping in fear. I’ve been a queen all this time and while that wasn’t a walk in the park to come to terms with, this is more scarier than that ever was. Though I’ve been a queen for months now I’ve never had anyone to rule over, yes Gemini and Libra opened the doors to their lands to me and have shared their power, their subjects with me but I’ve never had any of my own. To see over twenty people of my kind, to see people who have looked for me just as I have wondered for them, thinking I didn’t exist and vice versa I’m terrified. What if they don’t accept me as their queen, what ifs cloud my mind.

“I’m scared.” I say to Libra who has now stopped in his tracks to see what’s wrong with me. “They probably don’t want me as a queen, I don’t even make rash decisions look at me, I wouldn’t be about to die right now if I’d thought forcing Emilia into giving me the crown through.” My voice shakes and so does my hands, I feel like an addict going through a withdrawal.

“Love, calm down your shaking.” Libra touches me and normally his touch would calm a raging storm but now it does nothing as my entire body rakes with shakes. “Think of everything you’ve done so far, you’ve made peace with the corners, saved my life you’ve kept threats from hurting the manor. You’re a great ruler have you seen how many plans you’ve made? How important you’ve been in ruling these lands with us? I would even accept you as my queen so I now they will as well.” He grabs the crown from my hand, I’d forgot it was even there and in one swift motion sets it on my head.

“I’m the one who set the corners free, it was only right I clean up my mess I caused Aisha’s death, let out Emilia I’m the reason you almost died.” I trace his bandage with my shaky fingers, there’s dried up blood from earlier on it.

“These people need you, their entire lives they’ve been considered below others, outcasts all because they never had a queen, they never had anything to give them a place in the world and their entire lives people have called them no one’s people have told them that they’re nothing more than humans.” His voice is hard now. “You can give them a place Serenity, so give it to them. In doing this think of everyone, think of your kingdom.” I walk toward them without another word, he’s right.

“Hello.” My raspy voice booms through the room and everyone turns to look at me on an instant. “If your here now, that means your a no one or at least that’s what society paints you out to be but I, Serenity, queen of the morphers have come to tell you that couldn’t be more far from true.” I feel myself shake more with each word, I’m getting worst. “Delaware, animations, come please.” I smile as a ball of light surfaces in the center of the room, the no one’s back away as plenty animations and Delaware walk out of it.

“Queen, are you okay? I feel you, your getting worst.” Delaware runs to me and I nod.

“I”m okay, I need you guys here to witness something, get in position please everyone. As you all know I hold the powers of every morpher inside me, powers that were to be passed down to this rein but failed to be due to complications caused by my mother, Emilia.” Delaware’s eyes widen in shock, shock that I know this but again I don’t let betrayal get to me. “The morphers went kind of extinct and in their places, came the no one’s. The no one’s, are the morphers. And inside of me, your queen, is the power belonged to you.” Gasps and mutters go around the room, the animations are now in a circle and I see the surprise everywhere.

I let them have their surprised moment because I know, I’ve had plenty so far. They chatter among themselves and I let them, fascinated by the fact that I finally have a kingdom, my own kingdom and this isn’t even the half of it. Libra’s gaze catches mine from across the room, I smile at him and his face visibly pales, he rushes to me on an instant and I’m confused even more so when everyone else looks my way with mouths hanging open as well.

“Love get down from there, your skin is turning pink.” Libra grabs my waist, lifting me from the bleachers and onto his shoulder. “Your getting worst, Gemini’s in the corner go meet him and see if he knows how to get some of this power out of you.” I do as he says, going to Gemini for help while looking wide eyed at my skin, it is turning pink.

Not only that but the plump green veins in my arm look about ready to burst and shoot blood everywhere. “All you have to do is give the power to them the same way Emilia gave it to you, but you’ll need their blood to touch your skin. You can’t do it until we have each no one here or else the power will be unequally divided and we could lose all of you.”

“Gemini I am turning pink!” I run my fingers through my hair. “What do you want me to do? Melinda said I could blow, blow! I don’t think I can do this, I..” The voices start again and I swear I feel my blood banging against my skin. Gemini grabs my hands but that doesn’t subside the shaking.

“You’re not going to blow up, the rest are on their way I just need you to calm down Serenity.” My hands shake in his, I breath in and out in an attempt to sooth myself as the morphers rack my brain with conversations helpless to my situation. At any moment my blood could burst from my skin like I’m one big water balloon, and that’ll be the end of me and every morpher, ever.

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