
Chapter 3. Out of this World

When Gemini pestered me to leave I thought for sure we were leaving in that overpriced sports car, if I knew what it really was when I first came home today I would have been freaked. But after morphing a trilan, I cant name one thing that would freak me out at this point.

The coachman holds his head high, only slapping the horses with the whip when they slow up. As soon as I stepped into the car and it turned into a carriage I was convinced I was going crazy. Surely two horses and a person couldn’t be stuffed into one tiny little car, I was sure that this was some sick version of a haunted Cinderella story. Where Gemini is my black eyed god father and the car used to be a rotten pumpkin.

“How long til we’re there Gretel?” Gemini grumbles to the coachman.

“Thirty minutes your highness.” The man answers in no time. The way he refers to Gemini as your highness confuses me, I let it go because I have a way more important question.

“How long til we get where, exactly?” Its a question that’s been burning my tongue since he started rambling on and on about us needing to leave.

He looks at me and smirks. “Out of this world.” He shrugs, examining me, waiting for a reaction.

“I’ll believe the internship in Venus Sway La before I believe that there’s actually some other world, and that we’re thirty minutes away from it now.” I narrow my eyes at him, careful not to look into those awful black things that had me in darkness just a few hours ago. He only chuckles and mumbles something about how in the dark I am. No darkness can be as bad as the ones beneath his eyelids.

After a few more minutes the carriage stops, Gretel gets out and walks around to Gemini’s side, opening the door for him. He’s on my side in seconds, he’s fast.

Gretel opens my door, not that I needed him too. I step out and look at his feet first, like I said he’s fast, and after the day I’ve had, call me George. Instead of feet, there are octopus arms below him.

They’re bright purple on top, and a darker purple on the bottom. The suction cups that are on them are the same bright color as the top. “Gretel is half octopus.” Gemini calls, seeing me studying the coachman’s feet. I nod and walk away muttering him a thank you for opening the door, I didn’t mean to stare.

Trees like that in the cartoons are everywhere, they are all luscious green and well shaped. In the middle of them all, stands a dark black mansion, it shines as the sun bounces off of it, and pink flowers pop out like a sore thumb, covering every spare inch around the mansion. Every window pane is speck and span, clean enough to eat off of as it looks from here.

“Come on, the sun will leave soon.” Gemini demands. I follow him to the front door, despite not liking his tone of voice, there’s no telling what could happen wherever I am when the sun goes down.

The door reminds me a lot of Gemini’s eyes, its the same color as them, and has no door knob. A thick voice with an accent I can’t exactly pinpoint sounds from the door. “Hello, state yourself.” It draws out in an almost sleepy tone.

“Lord Gemini.” Gemini replies. What is he the lord of?

“Master.” The voice chuckles, its a sickening sound. The nonexistent food in my stomach threatens to leave me. “You return to us in one piece.” The door flings open.

Gemini ignores the voice and walks through. He walks into, nothingness. It looks just like my dream. Darkness, not a pinch of light comes from the home but he walks through it not phased. “Enter Serenity.” The voice commands, how does whoever it is know my name? “Do not be afraid, the darkness is only dark to those who fear it. A morpher like yourself can tame it. But it is no threat to you.” Its words drag, slur almost, like its been talking for years.

It is not a threat to me. Those words ring in my head over and over, until a feeling that says this darkness is not a threat to me, that the voice’s words are true, settles inside me. I walk into the house, the door slams shut behind me. The darkness eases up, before leaving completely, showing tons of beautiful black furniture that has an old time aura. Its like something from an old English movie, except everything has been taken over by charcoal.

I look around for Gemini, who is no where to be found. There are so many questions flowing through my mind that its hard to grasp onto one, and Gemini is a book filled with all the answers. I can’t believe he’s left me at the bottom of a mansion, a mansion with no door knob at that, how would I ever leave here if I wanted to? Would the door swing open for me as well with simply my name being said?

“A morpher.” The voice pulls me from my thoughts, I look around for the owner of it but come up empty. The door talks, I wouldn’t be surprised if the walls did to. “Your kind has been non-existent for ages in this world. How did Gemini manage to track you down in the human world?” It continues, and I continue searching everywhere for the person talking to me. “If I must say,” the voice is closer now, the person is right behind me, “maybe they are right to call him the smarter brother. I never did fancy these quests.”

Slowly, I turn around, only to come eye to eye with black pools. I immediately look away. “I see brother wasn’t so skeptical about using the depths on you.” He laughs, throwing his head back as the same golden strands that cover Gemini’s head shake on his. “Don’t worry love, depths are a privilege that even a morpher won’t get from me.” He smirks. He looks exactly like Gemini, same face and body structure, same height, hair, and god awful eyes. If he weren’t wearing different clothes, and didn’t have that obnoxious accent, I would have been sure he was Gemini.

“Twins?” He nods, seeming to know what the one word question means.

“Sadly. Though I honestly think I’m more dashing, don’t you?” Gemini’s cocky brother walks away with a face of mock consideration. “I’m Libra.” He turns back around to face me. The way their names are both birthday signs both confuse and intrigue me. “You must be famished, care to see the kitchen?”

Just as I prepare to tell him no thanks, my stomach betrays me by growling. He walks away, taking that as a yes, and I follow behind him finding that I’m in fact to hungry to argue. I didn’t even feel the hunger until he asked, the anxiety had overridden it.

We pass many halls, they are all made with black marble, white is swirled in them and its the most color I’ve seen in here. A pair of see through double doors come into view, they’re rimmed with black but when we open them, I see that the kitchen is anything but black.

Colors are everywhere, red pans and pots. Silver utensils. Green measuring cups. Mahogany table cloths and curtains, even light grey walls and not the dark ones that fill the parts of the house I have seen. Everywhere you look, there’s something of color. The other side of the room has a log round table that looks to be holding an entire buffet. My feet carry me there, I’m hungrier than I let on.

There’s dishes I cant even name on this table. The only things I can call by name is the sandwiches, cupcakes, fried chicken and some kind of spaghetti roll things, where the noodles are stuffed inside garlic bread. I take one of those and stuff it into my mouth, I probably look like I don’t have any home training but these things are heaven in a ball. There’s Parmesan cheese and ground meat in them and before I know it, I’ve eaten three of them.

“Save some room for the things you’ve never tried.” Libra says in an agitated voice. His plate is filled with things I’ve never seen before and again, call me George, forgetting all morals I dig in a grab a long fried thing, dipping it in the green sauce that’s on the side of his plate. Its warm against my lips as I bring it to my mouth. This is good, way better then those noodle balls. Its chewy like nothing I’ve ever had, but the outside is very crispy making up for that. The green sauce mixes with it and gives me serious spinach juice vibes. I eat another from Libra’s plate and he laughs again.

Not a regular laugh but the kind that says I know something you don’t. “Is it good morpher?”

“Serenity.” I grumble, waiting for him to tell me what it is I’ve just shoved down my throat.

“Octopus. Humans do eat it right?” As soon as the words leave his mouth Gretel’s legs flash through my mind. I just ate Gretel. The octopus is spilling from my mouth and into Libra’s plate. I’m embarrassed, very embarrassed, but Libra doesn’t seem to be bothered. He laughs. “Let me guess, you’ve met Gretel.” He smirks, he knew all along and fed me that knowing I would think of Gretel and lose it once he told me what it was.

“Idiot.” I mumble, grabbing a cup from the table and gulping it down.

“Easy on the wine, brother would kill me if I got you drunk.” Libra chuckles again. I grab some kind of subway sandwich, three cookies and a cupcake, consuming it all like a vacuum before washing it down with more of that delicious wine. I need answers, and now that my hunger is gone I’ll pester this bimbo until I bleed him dry of answers if that’s what it takes. “Wouldn’t think such a pretty morpher would have such an appetite.” His vomit filled plate is gone now, I have no idea where it went but a clean one sits in his hands. He brings the octopus to his mouth and devours it.

“We need to leave here and go sit down, now. I need answers and a lot of them.” I grab his free hand and pull him from the kitchen not sure where it is exactly that I’m taking us. His amused voice mumbles the directions to his room through mouthfuls of octopus. After two flights of stairs and three hallways, I’m opening his sleek black room door.

Libra stumbles in, me trailing behind him and I’m not even surprised by all the black that covers over every crevice of his room. I make my self at home on his bed, staring up at the creamy smooth black ceiling. His laugh sounds through the room as the top of the bed dips down from his weight. “What would you like to know morpher?” I can here the smirk in his voice. I won’t tell him to call me Serenity again, I don’t need to get sidetracked by something so petty.

“First, what are you?” This question has been my first since I though I was dreaming but found myself hypnotized by Gemini’s eyes. “What’s with your eyes? Where am I?” The last question is just an add on, Gemini said he was taking me out of this world and even though I didn’t believe him, Libra keeps referring to where I’ve come from as the “human world”.

“Your on Saturn.” He simply says. Like another planet Saturn? That’s impossible, scientists haven’t even landed on Saturn yet, how could I be on it. He bursts into full on laughter, his head falling back and hair shaking. “Should’ve seen your face, your too human for your own good morpher. Your in Ecladias. A void or two from the human world.” This time there’s no hint of a joke on his face, and from the things I’ve seen today, another world doesn’t seem that far fetched. So I nod for him to answer my other questions, the ones I’m more interested in then what planet I’m on.

“Gemini and I are depths.” I turn on my side to look at him while he speaks. “And we have depths.” I’m confused as to how they could have something that they are, I guess it shows on my face because Libra continues to explain. “I am a Depth.” He starts. “My eyes, those are called Depths. And what Gemini obviously did to you to have you asking this, that’s called A Depth.” All this constant use of the word depth has my head spinning as I try to grasp onto these new information.

“But, what did he do to me to bring me into, a depth?” I try the words out on my tongue, a depth.

“Its simple really, all you have to do is focus solely on the person you want to put in one, look them in their eyes for a few seconds and boom, you’ve trapped them inside the darkest parts of themselves. Of course it only works if their darkest parts are vulnerable at the moment.” Libra seems to enjoy explaining things to me, as a smirk crosses his face. “Once your in a depth, only the Depth that put you there can unlock you from inside yourself. Being a morpher and all, you would be able to unlock yourself but only if the person who locked you in is a threat to you, or helps you find your way out.” Threat. Why does that word hold so much weight on my spirit all of a sudden.

“Every time someone says the word threat.. I have some sort of-”

“Battle inside yourself?” Libra’s eyes beam like a kid in a candy store. I simply nod. “This is too good to be true, a real life morpher. I’ve read many books of your kind.” He shakes his head, kicking his feet up on his bed.

“Tell me about being, whatever I am.” I chose my words wisely.

“Gladly.” He smirks.

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