
Chapter 11. Dark

Even though there’s a feeling washing over me, like I’m in the midst of a horror movie, I still follow him deeper and deeper into the chamber room.

I scream once I feel something crawling up me, and Libra laughs. More things crawl up me, all over me, I stomp and yell, not able to see what they are exactly. For a solid five minutes this goes on, and Libra laughs so hard that a tear falls from his depths. His laugh mixes with plenty tiny ones.

“Play nice with the keeper of luce.” He says in an amused tone, from my father, I understand his every word, all the crawlies go away as he speaks again. “Luce” The darkness lightens enough for me to see the pitch black little creatures that were crawling on me. “Formazione

They form a triangle, there’s so many of them and they all stare up at me with their beady colored eyes. Their small bodies are black, like depths, but their eyes vary in colors.

“Maestro” One says in a creepy voice. Libra smirks at him, as his little blue eyes gleam with mischief. “We’ve missed you.” They all bow.

“Anything for the keeper of luce.” He says, his small feet stomping toward me. “How we have longed to see meet her.” His voice sends chills through me. I watch as one runs up to Libra and stands at his feet. As soon as I see his tiny green eyes, he has my complete attention.

He taps Libra’s foot in order to gain his attention. Libra’s lips quirk up as he looks down, looking as if he already knows who it is below him. “Hey, bimbo.” He insults as he bends down, letting the green-eyed creature climb into his palm.

“Hi, prick.” The creature replies sweetly. Libra looks at him, happily. He smiles, the first ever smile I’ve ever seen, and it looks good on him. “You never come see us anymore.” He pouts. “I’ll let it slide this one time because the morpher is a beauty.” He fails at whispering and I giggle as he winks.

Libra looks toward me, shaking his head and calling me over. I stumble over little black creatures who yell at me in vile tones for nearly stepping on them. Once I’m in front of Libra I examine the creature more. His body seems to be covered by some sort of suit, or maybe that’s their skin.

His green eyes glimmer with that same fire I saw in Libra’s and two pearly white rows of sharp teeth are on display when he speaks. “They’re called specters.” Libra’s voice snaps me from my trance. “I keep them just as you keep the animations.” He explains further.

I nod, focusing on the specter in his palm. I hold out my hand for him and he happily jumps into it, mumbling to Libra about me being pretty again, and how he likes me already.

And again, Libra shrugs him off. “Your very handsome yourself.” I say, looking into his eyes.

He smiles at me, stooping down and kissing my palm. I giggle, and catch Libra smirking in the corner of my eye. "If the keeper is this gorgeous, I can’t wait to meet an animation.”

The others gag, but we both ignore them. “I’ll bring one to meet you one day.” I say. He smiles before turning back to his master.

“Master Libra, you need this generous soul in your life.” He smirks.

Libra rolls his eyes. “Lijen, you need a smack or two in your life.” He replies, and as they began to bicker, I see Libra in Lijen. He seems to be a part of Libra, aspects of Libra’s personality can be heard and seen in him. The specter even goes so far as to jumping on Libra’s face and smacking him, its almost like there’s a carbon copy of Libra’s personality inside Lijen.

“Now you’ve got a smack in your miserable little life.” He huffs.

“The only thing miserable about it is that I’ve got to be bothered with you. And the only thing little about it, is also you.” Libra drops Lijen to the ground, the specter tumbles onto his face before standing angrily.

I laugh as he kicks the end of Libra’s foot, pouting when it doesn’t budge. The others come, they all hold on to something, a crown. Its black of course, with sparkling black diamonds and gorgeous swirls, diamond shapes and other designs.

Libra bends to one knee, squatting to their level. They place the crown onto his head. It contrasts with his semi-messy golden hair, he looks up and I see how the crown brings out his eyes.

All the specters kneel to their lord. “Aumento” They all stand, smirking at him. “Have you all eaten?” He questions. They tell him no and with that, Libra starts walking to a corner. He comes grabs something, coming back shortly after with a gooey black substance in his hands.

He bends down again, letting them remove his crown, before turning his attention to what I’m guessing is their food. He lets it roll off his hand, not caring about the substance left behind on his hand. They all take a portion and begin to eat, others cleaning Libra’s hands off with their tongues.

We say goodbye when they finish, and make our way out of the chambers. The walk is quiet enough to hear our own breathes, but I quickly change that as I think of Lijen.

“Lijen is a mini version of you.” I say.

Libra scoffs. “What Lijen is, is a pain. He’s the most agitating of them all.” I see behind his words as he tries deeply to hide his smirk. Lijen’s eyes flash through my mind, how they’re the same color as Libra’s and my next question flies out.

“What’s up with their eyes?” They all had colored eyes, all different colors. Blue, brown, grey, you name it.

“They hold eye colors.” He shrugs. “When we lose our depths, our eye color comes from the specter that holds it.”

So Lijen holds Libra’s eye color, that explains why they act alike. I keep this to myself as we part ways, only nodding to each other.

I go to the room that’s now mine, but its only matter of minutes before Aisha is at the door. She tells me that there will be a dinner in an hour, and that its mandatory that I attend, that my clothes will be dropped off shortly. I nod, glaring at her when she tries to slip an apology in her speech.

She leaves and only a few minutes later does someone stop by, handing me a dress and heels. I grab some undergarments from one of the dressers. Gemini had them packed with clothes for me on my second day here.

After taking as shower, brushing my teeth and taming my auburn locks, I slip on the dress. Its always been a habit of mine to do everything before putting on my clothes.

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