Moral Stand (Aether’s Revival Book 7)

Moral Stand: Chapter 26

The soft bed told Gregory where he was before he opened his eyes. “Hello, my dark heart. I’m glad I get to talk with you again before another resonance.”


“It makes me happy to help you, dear one. If not for the boost from the solstice, this would be inadvisable right now. Because of the excess energy you and the others will generate during the solstice, I can do this and bring Victoria to your dreams next time.”


He rolled to the edge of the bed closest to Darkness. “You know what I want you to tell them, right?”


“Yes. Did you want me to use their voices for you?”


“No. I’d like to hear your voice, dearest.”


A soft murmur of happiness came from the shrouded figure. “Very well, my heart. I will paraphrase the messages to cut out the repeated comments from the youngest. All three have things they wanted you to know, but there was a lot of overlap.”


“I’m all ears.”


“That is far from true,” Darkness said huskily, “but let me begin.” Clearing her throat, she took on a reading tone as if reading an actual letter to him. “From Nessa’s letter first: ‘The three of us are doing well, Greg. Vicky got your town, Daciana had the one Jen used, and I was placed where Yuki had been. Things have been hard, but Mindie has been a great help to us. She told us all the things you did to make things easier and how to bond your men as a unit. You didn’t need to have her give us vela, but we used it as she suggested. The yuzu and supplements for the solstice will be put to good use, too. We strive every day to make sure we’re as perfect as we can be for when we meet again. Our clanmates with us strive, too, taking us as role models. We’ve shared some of what you left us to promote the clan ideal of always helping each other. We hope that it won’t hinder us, but it feels right.’”


“It’s the best thing to do…” Gregory murmured.


“‘We heard about you three all getting awards during the tournament at the end of the year. We’ll be doing our best to match you, as always. Mindie and Willof are keeping what the tournament entails from us, saying you didn’t know beforehand, either. We’ve taken that challenge and will make our clan proud, but moreover, those we yearn to join. The rings and bracelets made all of us giddy. The promise of you accepting us pushes us to strive with all we have. Being able to pass this message through Darkness makes us even happier. We hope to continue to do so through the long years ahead of us while our magus postings keep us apart.’”


“Please, Darkness…” Gregory said.


“I will, but let me finish,” Darkness replied softly. She cleared her throat again. “‘Also, thank you for letting us have fun with Mindie. We’re all very eager for the solstice to pass. She told us that, once we’ve all told her, we can do more than just let her watch. We’ve been respectful of the lines that have been set, but it’s hard to have her there and not be able to do more with her. I can say this with all honesty: we love you, Greg. We will make the clan proud as we continue to push to be your equal when we meet again. Your prized mare, Nessa.’”


Gregory’s face flushed at the comments about them wanting Mindie, reddening further at her use of her own desires to end her letter. “She… umm… wow.”


“She is accepting that she can be a little brazen with you and that you will accept her,” Darkness purred, “but she is not the only one. Let us go on to Daciana’s, shall we?”


“Uh… yeah,” Gregory said, feeling a little off-kilter from the way Darkness had phrased the last part.


“‘Alpha, I was so happy to have you accept me. I am eager to wear your collar; the ring and bracelet made us all happy, but knowing you will own me makes my soul soar and my legs weak. I want to spend this entire time telling you more, but Nessa said we should focus after a little bit of personal talk. She helps me a lot. I know my instincts would control me a lot more if not for her steady hand to help. It will make my time away from her and Vicky even harder, but I will use your gifts to help me stay focused during those years. We hope that the three of us might find a posting together, at least. It would help all of us, but both Nessa and Vicky think it’s unlikely. The sage would find it hard to make it seem accidental.’”


“Oh…” Gregory whispered. “I thought we had it rough. I never… damn…”


Darkness snickered. “You worry for them, which is good. But it will not be as bad as they fear. I will not tell you more, and them nothing at all. The worry helps push them more this year and when they have their adept postings.”


Gregory’s heart lightened slightly. “They’ll have a magus posting together?”


“I am not telling,” Darkness giggled, then cleared her throat. “‘We are working hard. Yuki’s parents gave us the best men. I’ve heard comments from the town guards about how much they seem like imperial soldiers, not mere magi guards. We owe her family and the clan for making sure we have such good men. Frederica was shocked, but thrilled to have men so well-trained. She isn’t like us, but she will be loyal to the clan. We’ve talked a lot with her and she is a good friend, but she doesn’t understand our desire to all share you. She doesn’t deride us for that, so we’ve stayed friends.’”


“I’m glad they have another friend and that Frederica is staying with the clan. She was a good fighter when I saw her in the novice tournament.”


“She will stay loyal to the clan,” Darkness reaffirmed, then went on with the rest of Daciana’s letter, “‘We’ll be waiting as the years pass to be with you again. Dreaming and passing messages like this will help all of us; my heart is warm and my soul is happy. The only thing that would make it better would be your strong hand stroking my head as you tell me I’m a good girl. Always your faithful wolf, Daciana.’”


“I love them…” Gregory whispered. “How is it possible to love so many people so much?”


“Because your heart is able to encompass them. The past lives help, but you have always been able to love more than most. Vicky’s is the last of theirs. Hers is not as forward in some ways.”


“Because she hasn’t had her moment in a dream yet.”


“‘Greg, I hope you’ve been well. We’ve all been worried about your adept posting— you were sent to the worst possible one… I’m sure that it’s all politics. Not your posting, but the reason you were sent there. I know you’ll be fine, and my faith in you never wavers. I’ll admit to you that I’ve been jealous of my friends and lovers. Being the last of us three has been difficult; I was the last of us to join the novice group, too, so maybe it’s fitting in other ways. The solstice cannot come fast enough. I yearn for my kiss and to bare my soul to you and my future wives. Even with that waiting for me, I’ve not slacked on my training with my men. If anything, it’s honed my mind to do even more. I will not let my dreams fail because I couldn’t focus.’”


“She’s okay, right?”


“She is fine, my heart,” Darkness murmured. “‘I don’t have the little tidbits to tease you with, as I haven’t shared my desires yet. I was advised by Mindie to not turn this letter into that, either. I listen to her as I would Yuki, as she is the closest we have to the family with us here. It has been terribly difficult to keep my hands off her when she watches us play. She is beautiful, sensual, and thoroughly naughty. I can’t wait to tell you my desires, to lay myself bare before you and them. Hehe… let that mental image stay for a moment, please? It’s the only tease I can manage right now.’”


Gregory swallowed, shifting on the bed. His mind had already supplied the idea before she’d asked him to think about it.


“‘Do not worry for us, Greg— focus on your adept posting. When the long years finally pass and we can meet and wed, you will have a lot of love to accept. The three of us have plans for that day— very detailed plans— that we refine often as we experiment with each other. I’m a naughty tease, aren’t I? Hmm… you’ll find out soon enough just how naughty. Please dream of me a little before the solstice. I dream of you and our family almost nightly. That’s why I have to meditate first thing every day; I have to recenter my mind for training. Your wife in waiting, Vicky.’”


Gregory exhaled slowly, a small smirk on his lips. “She really is trouble, isn’t she?”


“You will see in time, dear one. I will tell you Claudia’s next.”


“Oh, I wasn’t expecting one from her. I feel bad now.”


“Shh… she was just as surprised,” Darkness whispered before she started on the letter. “‘Greg, I was so shocked to talk with Darkness and be offered this opportunity. It’s been a year, but feels so much longer since we were last together. I think of you every day and dream of you and the others almost as often. It makes my mornings a bit… chaotic, but well worth the extra time needed to get the day started. Aliminus has been the pain I always thought he would be. He still derides my training, but can’t argue with my growth. It isn’t as bad as the first few months after we parted, but at least once a month, he tries to get me to stop training my brain path. His other attentions have finally passed, too… I thank Griselda every day for that. It was her constant attention to me that stopped him. I would be in a far worse place if not for my devoted maid. Elsa will be the head maid of our home in the future, I accept that, but I will keep Griselda as my personal maid. It would be wrong to do otherwise.’”


“It really would, especially since it’ll be at least a decade or more before she can join us as a wife.”


“It really would be wrong. Griselda is thankful for you and Claudia giving her this life. Claudia will not have anyone else as loyal as Griselda beside her until she joins the family.” Darkness cleared her throat to get back to the letter. “‘I’ve been told that, once I find my resonance, I will be able to have a dream with you, Yuki, and the others to explain everything. It is required for me to be a wife. Since it is a firm requirement, I will make sure that I don’t hesitate when it comes time. I worry a little about what they will think of me, but I know I will hear theirs in time, too. I am especially intrigued by what yours is, Greg. The struggle on your face when I offered some things makes me wonder about your desires, especially.’”


“She’ll be surprised,” Gregory chuckled. “It won’t be as shocking as she thinks.”


Darkness giggled, but continued, “‘The ring has been a constant source of help to me. It inspires me to push as much as I can every day. I am the last of your potential wives, but I will not be the least. That’s not to say that I think you would treat any of us that way, but I want to be more than just an addition to the family. Please, dear one, think of me as often as you can, and know that I yearn for the day in the years to come when we can proudly admit our marriage to the world. Even if you have hundreds of wives, I will accept what is as long as you can give me the love I hope to feel. Your future wife— I have the contract to prove it— Claudia.’”


Gregory laughed at the end of her letter. “You do indeed, Claudia. I’ll be happy for the day we talk about resonance. More than that, I look forward to when we can declare our marriage, too.”


“The next letter is from Roshana, my heart.” She cleared her throat before starting on it. “‘Greg, we hope you are well. Your posting is terrible, but we know you’ll be fine. The clan continues to grow here. With the tournament coming up, Dia has already talked with quite a few hopeful novices. She’s just waiting for the tournament to end to take them to the tea house and test them. Ling and I have been happy to assist with the clan, teaching the novices during aether class, and even assisting with physical conditioning class. You would be proud of the young of the clan: they are earnest, kind, and eager to show that magi can be more than they are now. Some of them even go to the orphanage with us on their days off to help with the children. I’ll leave that to Clover’s letter. I don’t have much to say… I feel bad for that, but I’ve laid my heart at your feet already.’”


“Bound in a ribbon…” Gregory murmured.


“‘Ling, Clover, and I study Krogga in depth. We want to help as much as we can when we see you next year. It is such a vastly different place from the Velum Empire and Limaz. The culture and people will take some adjusting to get used to, but we’re doing our best to adjust already. We all look forward to the tea ceremony Yuki told us we’ll have, because after that, we’ll have our dreams realized. All my love, my dear heart. Yours, forever bound to you, Roshana.’”


“Subtle, but reminding me of what she desires. I’ll do my best for her and the others.”


“We all know, dear one,” Darkness smiled. “Ling is next. ‘Greg, be safe, please? We’ve concluded that it’s a political game to have sent you to the north. This doesn’t make us happy, but we can accept it, as next year, you can accept us. The clan grows, and we help as best we can. Dia has praised us for showing the way to represent the clan. Bishop even thanked us for helping the academy the way we are. I find myself missing my excitable lover most nights, but Roshana has helped me stay happy. She cuddles me every night, and that keeps me content. When Clover does join us, the nights are a little more… wild, but it’s always filled with love. Know my heart aches to be in your arms again, to have my ears nipped, and to sleep contentedly with our wives in a puddle.’”


“I’ll do my best to make it happen as often as we can,” Gregory murmured.


“‘Clover’s letter will include news from the orphanage. I won’t intrude on her space. Our excitement for next year grows with each passing day. Dia has promised us that we’ll leave before the year actually ends. This way, we can be in Krogga when Jenn arrives. We’ll behave ourselves, but I’m sure you wouldn’t begrudge us some kisses and snuggles, would you?’”


“Gods, no.”


“I will tell her that,” Darkness giggled before going on, “‘I hope you approve, as we all want the warmth of our loved ones while we wait for you. I pray every night for your safe posting and travel to meet back up with us. Just be safe, and know that we love you deeply. Your kitten to cuddle, Ling.’”


“I’ll cuddle you often, Ling, my sweet, calm one.”


“She will melt when I tell her,” Darkness murmured. “Now, Clover… brace yourself, my love.”


Gregory swallowed at the ominous tone.


“‘Greg, I love you. My heart beats every day thinking about Krogga. Honestly, it’s you I think about, but that’s where we’ll meet again, so there, too. I’m sorry to say this, but… Baylyss isn’t doing well. Her age is catching up to her rapidly, and I’m not sure she’ll see another year. I’ve done as much as I can to help, but it isn’t good. Dia has been here often, speaking with Baylyss, as they both know the end is coming. It’s been painful to see and makes me cry, but I keep it from the children. They’ve been heartbroken enough seeing her decline. I wanted a happy letter, but thought you should know.’”


Gregory swallowed the lump that’d formed in his throat. “I…”


“This is why magi hardly ever stay near their friends and family after the academy,” Darkness said gently. “Dia and Baylyss knew this day would come. Be proud that you brought untold happiness to Baylyss— her time with the children was the bright point of her late years. Dia is very grateful to you, too. She knows it all started because of Elsa.”


Gregory wiped at his eyes. “I can’t do anything, can I?”


“Not for them. Just being who you are, and showing the world what should be, is what would help them most. Baylyss prays to Aether that you and your friends will change the world, to make sure no others endure what she and Dia did.”


“Okay…” Gregory whispered, accepting that hope on his shoulders. “I was going to, but I can let it be even more important to my friends.”


“Clover’s letter tries to make a rebound to happiness. She updates you on the children; the ones you knew and the newer additions to the orphanage. The ones you knew have never wavered from their goals. Enzo especially has bloomed as an artist, and has new art for all of you. She also has a letter from him for you. It asks you to accept him as your butler when the time comes.”


“Of course,” Gregory whispered. “All of them who want to can be in the home with us.”


“I will let her know that she can use that to motivate them for the little time she has left with them.”


“Who’ll take over the orphanage when Clover goes, and Baylyss…?” He trailed off, not wanting to finish his sentence.


“Your friends,” Darkness said. “Daciana, Nessa, and Vicky will spend their magus years at the academy. All three will care for the orphanage for their five years while also helping with classes and the clan. The children will have guidance from those you trust most.”


The fear that’d grasped his heart vanished. “Thank Aether…”


“They already do,” Darkness said. “Clover closed out her letter much like the others, hoping to tease you a little and trying to distract you from the terrible news.”


“I’ll have to thank her for not holding back bad news when I see her. Life is never all good news.”


“Mindie’s letter is next, dear one,” Darkness said, pushing on to help him. “‘Husband— I love saying that to you— the year has been eventful with our friends here to learn. I’ve behaved as we discussed, but they are… tempting. It has been a strain at times, but I’ll never break the faith of our family. After the solstice, I will not be as reserved. I’ll whisper all the details to you in Krogga.’”


Gregory swallowed, trying to let go of the sorrow and enjoy Mindie’s letter.


“‘Frederica Ferentini has been a delight, as well. The loyalty she has to the clan is admirable, and she listens to me and our friends intently. The growth of her aether following the Peaceful Fist has equaled our friends before, but is now slowly falling behind them. That only drives her to train harder, but we know the real reason why. Even then, she’s advanced past everyone not of the clan, making her proud to show the strength of Aether’s Guard. There’s a real friendship between her and the others. When she heard I was also your wife, she was shocked, and we had a discussion about you and all your wives and hopeful wives. She thinks we’re all a little crazy to chase just you, but she doesn’t mock anyone. There’s someone she likes, too, but she’s been adamant about waiting until her magus posting is over before seeking more with him. The trio have teased her about it, but it’s all in good nature.’”


“That’s the elephas eurtik clanmate, right?”


“Ezekiel Elephta, yes. The pair of them will be a shocking couple; their size disparity is rather large, but the love they will have for each other will rival you and your wives.”


“I hope Vera blesses them many times over then.”


“Oh, I am sure she will,” Darkness snickered. “Back to the letter. ‘My heart worries for you, but my faith holds strong. Half a year has passed since we held each other last, and it’ll be nearly a year from now before we can hold each other again. We’ll all wait for you in Krogga, dear one. Stay safe; we’ll back anything you need to do. Just make sure to come to us. Your watchful healer, Mindie.’”


“Did they all finish their letters like that?” Gregory chuckled.


“Most, yes. I might have suggested it to make you squirm.”


Gregory stared at the corner. “I’ll make sure to reward that when I can.”


A small shiver and gasp came from the corner of the room. “Promises, promises.”


“I wouldn’t fail to fulfill a promise to my wife.”


“Jenn is next,” Darkness murmured as she let the warmth infuse her. “‘My heart, the year drags on for me. I patrol, but it hasn’t been terrible. The two town magi are pigs who’ve asked me more than once about me ‘being lonely.’ Next time one of them asks if I want to spend the night with them, I’m going to hurt them. Neither is more than two ranks into magus, so I’m pretty sure I can kick their asses.’”


“Damned idiots…” Gregory growled.


“She will handle it, dear one, just as you will handle the magus problem you currently have.”


“Justina or Artok… neither is a good choice, but at least Artok won’t try to sleep with me.”


“Your wives would be very happy to hear that you are not even remotely interested. I can tell them that, can I not?”


“Yeah. Add that as a note to my letter to them. I trust you to make it good.”


A soft happy murmur came from Darkness before she cleared her throat. “‘I’m sure your posting is much more eventful. Just be safe. All of us know you’ll survive, but we want more than you just surviving. Happy, healthy, and ready to be hugged, loved, and fucked. I know that’s not what you expect from me, but this year is making me antsy to have you again. I dream of you, Yuki, and the others all controlling me. It makes my dreams quite exciting and my morning frustrating, but it whets my appetite for next year. I’ll need Yuki and Mindie to help sate me until you arrive.’”


Gregory exhaled, shifting slightly on the bed once more.


“‘Dear one, I love you. We all do. Please don’t hate me— or us— for teasing you a little. Just let it remind you that you’re loved and desired by all of us. Your fierce fighter and pliant lover, Jenn.’”


“My dreams are going to be many and varied tonight, aren’t they?”


“Oh yes, with maybe me included in them,” Darkness whispered huskily. “One more before sleep, my heart.”


“Yuki…” Gregory murmured, thinking about his first wife.


“‘Dearest soul, I’m not sure heart is enough with you. You are my heart as I am yours, and we share our hearts with all our wives and eventual wives, but you are so much more to all of us. I do not think ‘dearest soul’ even encompasses it. Know that I miss you terribly, and I am counting the days until we meet in Krogga.’”


“If I only knew exactly how many days, I probably would be, too.”


“‘I’ve made it to Alturis— it’s my western-most stop on my patrol. I also have Linom as one of them. It takes me six days to go one way on my trek, with only a night’s stop in Linom each way, but we have two days of rest in Alturis and Sanlo. We’ve encountered only two bane beasts the entire time so far. It has been a quiet patrol, but my men stay focused. The villages have been welcoming in a way that most people in the empire aren’t. Seeing where you grew up helps me understand your kindness. If only the entire empire was like these humble villages.’”


“It would be so much nicer…”


“‘My first time in Alturis was… difficult. Your father was very welcoming; most of the village was. Your past lover and her sister were passively hostile. Eloria even got into an argument with Gunnar when he tried to play peacemaker. It took a few months, but we’ve reached a stable place of understanding. I had to correct them when they tried to ridicule you for marrying more than me. I’ll admit that I might’ve been a bit forceful with them for that, but once they understood the love that we all have for each other, they stopped. Now, we have tea every time I come to the village. We chat about your past, and Amoria has finally accepted things. My telling her that I was jealous of her being a mother helped. It makes her prideful that she has something I do not, nor will have for many years.’”


“Ria…” Gregory sighed, though he was glad they’d all found common ground.


“‘I doubt anything of import will happen for me this year. Even with as quiet as it is, I still push my training forward. My men continue the Peaceful Fist, as well, like I’m sure Jenn’s and yours are, too. I’d bet you’re finding your morals tested, dearest. If you take a stand, we’ll be behind you. Just please balance what you want with what would be best for all of us? We aren’t in a place where we can overturn things yet, but you can pick at things that aren’t being done correctly.’”


“She knows me so well.”


“All of you,” Darkness said. “Yuki knows all of you. It is how she balances and weighs things. Even if you broke every law and freed the town’s slaves wholesale, she would still do her best to support you… though that would end in disaster for the entire family.”


Gregory bowed his head. “I’ll do what I’ve already planned. Is that too much?”


“No. Trust yourself, my heart. Yuki and the rest all do.”


Exhaling slowly, Gregory nodded.


“‘I’m sure one or more of our wives and friends have teased you,’” Darkness went on. “‘I’m tempted to do the same, but you already know that I will never have enough of your love. You’ll be cared for in every way we can think of in Krogga. I’ll lead our wives and new wives in making sure you’re sated… from Clover on her knees to Ling’s cuddle at the end, including our bound bunny, pliant fighter, and voyeur fox. Just mentioning that has me tingling with my own desires. I can honestly say that when I finish this, I will be in bed, my hand rubbing vigorously to bring me relief from my own naughty thoughts.’”


“Yuki…!” Gregory groaned as he shifted.


“‘Dream of all of us, dearest soul. We all yearn to be reunited with you in mind, soul, and especially body. Even our princess in Buldoun is yearning to be with us. I’m certain of it, even though I haven’t heard from her yet. You’ll never want for love with your family… beyond this year, that is. Our dark heart has it the worst. Darkness, we all long for you to be our equal in all things. When the time comes, we’ll drown you in the love and attention you have to deny yourself now.’”


“We will,” Gregory agreed firmly.


“Thank you,” Darkness whispered. “Almost done. ‘Dearest, never doubt that we will do what needs to be done. I’ll do my best to guide us to the least painful paths. Anytime you want to push for something, I’ll back you fully, but for tonight, please dream of me, alone and then with our wives. Your devoted wife who will shower you in your desires, Yuki.’”


Gregory sighed as he stared into the distance. “I’m the luckiest man in the world…”


“I would say so, but your life will also not be easy,” Darkness murmured. “It is time for—”


Gregory never let her finish; he sprang off the bed at her. The tendrils snatched him, even as he infused his body to resist them. “Just a kiss!” he growled, straining to reach her. “I love you, my dark heart!”


Darkness sobbed with joy at his words, but also sorrow that she had to stop him. “Soon, dearest. Soon, but not tonight.”


He came within a few feet of her before his aether was sapped and he faded away. As the last of him vanished, Darkness threw herself forward through his fading essence. Sobbing, she collapsed on the bed, her body shaking with need.


“It hurts, my love. It yanks at my heart that we have to wait. But I will endure this pain for the love to come. The fact that you fight so fiercely to reach me makes my soul sing… even though I flinch in horror at what would happen if you did before the right time.” She lay there for what felt like hours, just breathing in his lingering scent as she tried to calm her emotions.

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