Moral Stand (Aether’s Revival Book 7)

Moral Stand: Chapter 23

Rolling over, Gregory’s eyes came open. “My dark heart, how are you?”


“I am well, dear one,” Darkness giggled. “My core always warms when you greet me, but to have you use my special nickname makes it even better.”


“I miss seeing you when you’re conserving your strength.”


“As I miss you, my heart. You will not get extra time with your wives beyond hearing about their resonances. I am sorry, but it will strain me. I am making sure everyone knows ahead of time.”


Gregory sat up, sitting on the edge of the bed closest to her. The shadows still shrouded her, but they were lessening each time they were together. “Will I see you when I finally become a magus?”


“Yes, but not right when you become one. I think it would be better when you are all in Krogga together. It will be far less strain on me that way. I will show myself to your younger friends and Claudia at the same time; I just will not bring them to you for that dream.”


Gregory exhaled— he was sure seeing her would answer many of the questions he had. Krogga would be an important step in his life in many ways. He’d marry Clover, Ling, and Roshana while stationed there, and now, he’d finally get to see his dark heart, too. “But will we be able to touch you?”


Darkness trembled. “Maybe a brief touch or two, though not the hugs I want, nor what I deeply crave.”


“Oh… Master tier?” Gregory asked.


“Yes… oh yes…” Darkness whimpered. “How I long for those years to fly by so we can finally…” She trailed off with a soft sigh.


“When we become magus, will our progress slow?”


“Yes. Bishop has trained for years with two paths, but she was barely sixth rank of the magus tier when you left the academy,” Darkness said. “Nearly thirty years and that is where she has gotten, which is quick for most magi.”


Gregory swallowed as he took in the news. “We’ve come close to breaking records, haven’t we?”


“If not for my interference, you would have shattered them as a novice, dear one. The same would be said for your family and friends that I allowed to walk the three paths. Instead, I drained off the excess to let you grow faster than many have in generations. I have used some for these dreams, but the majority will be fed back to you from magus tier onward. Even then, your progress will slow.”


“Because each tier increases the amount of aether we have. It has to take more and more to reach each new tier and rank.”


“Exactly. You were the first to understand how the structure worked. A magi that is a full tier higher is nearly impossible to compete against in raw aether for most lower-tiered.”


“Hmm… it makes sense.”


“Walking the three paths does not just triple how fast you grow,” Darkness whispered. “It synergizes to do even more. It will not take you twenty years to become a master magi.”


“Won’t that draw Toja’s attention?”


“Not right away… the world is shifting toward upheaval, so other issues will have his attention. If things go the way they seem to right now, you will have time to solidify friends, gather allies, and be ready to declare yourself before it comes to conflict with him.”


Gregory took a deep breath. “I just worry that he’ll find out before I’m ready. He’d crush me if he found out now.”


“He would. Toja has been waiting for your rebirth… not as he should, but to destroy you before any others know. It is my fault…”


Gregory stood up, then forced himself to sit again. He wanted to go hold her, soothe her pain, but he couldn’t, not yet.


“Thank you, dear one,” Darkness sniffled. “I know what you wanted to do, and that warms my heart, but we have taken long enough. I am about to bring your wives and Daciana to you. Do not let them distract you beyond their kisses and resonance. This will not be easy for me.”


“I’ll keep them focused, if Yuki doesn’t.”


“That is a good point. Our first wife is the best at making sure things are done as they should be,” Darkness whispered. “Here they are.”


The bed suddenly had four naked women on it. He turned to face Daciana, putting Mindie behind him, Jenn to his side, and Yukiko behind Daciana. There was no hesitation— Gregory leaned forward, kissing the part-wolf eurtik who yearned so fiercely to be his wife.


Daciana whimpered, pressing into him to kiss him feverishly. When Yukiko pulled her back after a little bit, she growled, baring her teeth and ready to attack whoever took her away from Gregory.


“Daciana!” Jenn said firmly.


“Sorry!” Daciana went crimson realizing what she’d done. “Instincts.”


“We understand,” Yukiko said, gently turning Daciana’s head and kissing her softly. When their kiss broke, she smiled. “But we want our turns and don’t have a lot of time.”


Jenn leaned in to claim hers, putting her hand on Daciana’s neck to keep the excitable woman in place. “It’s okay, but don’t snap at us,” she chastised Daciana gently.


“Sorry…” Daciana whimpered.


Mindie leaned past Gregory, tilting Daciana’s lowered head back up. “Shh… Accept the love you deserve.”


Daciana let out another soft whimper when their kiss ended; she was near panting with embarrassment, but also desire. “Yes… from our family, always.”


Yukiko put her arms around Daciana. “Now, resonance. Begin.”


Daciana glanced into Gregory’s green eyes, then looked away, biting her lip. Her tail would’ve wagged, but it was pinned with Yukiko holding her. Instead, her furred ears twitched as she took a calming breath. “Fear is first. Fire… it’s in my blood. My family has always been afraid of fire. I’ll shy away from it if I can.”


“Which explains your reactions during the tournament,” Yukiko nodded. “Continue.”


“My weakness is my heritage. Not because of how people see me, but because sometimes, it takes over my thoughts. Like the growl… sorry.”


“We understand, and we can help with it, as your lovers and friends will, too,” Jenn murmured, stroking Daciana’s leg. “Go on.”


“Strength… devotion.” She locked eyes with Gregory. “Alpha, I will never fail you. You’ll be my master in all things. I will guard, hunt, or kill any you need me to. I’m your fangs, Greg. It’s in my soul. My family stood by you in the past— I’m sure the stories passed down over the generations are true. I will be there beside you, always.”


Gregory reached out, stroking her hair beside one of her ears. “I know. I can see it in your eyes, Daciana. I’m worried I’ll not meet your expectations, but I’ll try to be the man you see me as.”


Daciana leaned her head into his hand. Heart beating fast, face flushed, she never wanted to wake from this moment.


“One more,” Mindie whispered. “You’ve heard ours. Now tell us your desires.”


Daciana let out a soft whimper when Gregory’s hand pulled away. “Desires… to be treated as his most loyal hound.” Her face was scarlet, but she met his eyes again. “Pet me when you wish, tell me I’m a good girl, and show me any affection at all, no matter where or when. And… put a collar on me with a tag telling the world… that you own me.”


Gregory’s face blazed at her declaration, but he gave her a smile. “Good girl.” With that, he leaned in and kissed her nose. “Be a good girl and complete your training and postings. When you’re free to come to me, I’ll have your collar and tag waiting for you.”


Daciana whimpered, her whole body shivering with need. Just as she was about to lunge at him, she vanished.


“Say goodbye. Get your last kisses,” Darkness said from her corner, the strain obvious in her voice. “She is dreaming of ravishing all of you.”


“I’ll be doing the same,” Jenn admitted, kissing Gregory. “Be safe.”


“I will,” Gregory said.


“We love you, and I’ll help them,” Mindie said, claiming her own kiss.


“Thank you, my dear healer.”


Yukiko pressed him flat to the bed, the others already gone. “Your friends accepted me— a letter is on its way. I miss you with all my soul.” Her lips met his softly, but her tongue was demanding, reveling in his mouth until she’d vanished just like the others had.


Gregory lay on the bed breathing fast, his body aching with need. “I miss all of you…”


“As they do you,” Darkness whispered. “Take a few moments. The strain is gone now.”


Sitting up, he faced her corner. “Darkness, you said you could pass messages between us. Is that still possible?”


“Next rank up. I will let them know so they can prepare what they want to say to you.” She chuckled. “I can even mimic their voices when telling you, as I can for them when I tell them yours.”


Gregory smiled at the idea of hearing his wives’ voices when he grew next. “Please? I’ll write it all out, but it’ll be better to tell them here than entrusting a letter being sent through the empire.”


“Very true, dearest. They have been told. I will include the three at the academy, as well. You will have a lot of messages the next time we speak. Oh, and Victoria will see you on the solstice.”


“I wonder if I’ll have started to crack down on the slavers by then…?”


“Hmm… Good and bad come from your plans. The good outweighs the bad. That is all I will say.”




“She will not be a wife, if you are worried,” Darkness snickered. “But… she has a part to play in what you are planning. She will open doors that would not have otherwise been opened.”


Exhaling in relief, Gregory stretched. “Good.” He didn’t give her a warning; he lunged for Darkness.


Shadows snagged him. Some broke away, but the majority held, sapping his aether and his ability to stay awake. Darkness whimpered, her eyes locked on Gregory. “That could be dangerous… but soon, dear one… soon.”


“I’ll never stop… trying…” Gregory murmured as his head dropped to his chest.


When he fell asleep, Darkness banished the shadows between them. He faded away; her hand was outstretched toward him, shaking as she forced herself to stay in her seat. A sob broke when he was finally gone. Looking at the bed, she lunged onto it, inhaling deeply where he’d been pushed flat.


“This year will test even me… the next might be harder, making sure we do not touch too long, but I want a touch… just one simple caress,” Darkness whispered as she took in the lingering scent of him. “Please, dear one, when you see me… please… please accept me.”


The room faded away, leaving just Darkness and the bed before even they vanished into nothingness.

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