Moonville Series 1: Secret Lovers

Chapter 7

It was Richard's last subject for the day. So far, everything is good. This is his first day as a student in Tarlac. He just moved here last month, as per his parents' request. He graduated from high school in Manila where he has lived since he was six years old. He was sad that he had to leave his friends there, but he's glad he moved here to Tarlac, with his parents and best friend.

He's now in the School of Arts and Humanities because his last subject is Philippine Literature. He suddenly remembered the girl he had been with earlier in Philippine History. He wished she could be his classmate in all his subjects. His classes became boring after Philippine History. Funny but for the first time, he didn't feel bored in history class.

As soon as she entered the classroom that morning, she already caught his attention. Maybe it was the yellow blouse she's wearing. She literally brought the sun inside the room. And then the awkwardness. She was obviously embarrassed when all the students in the classroom looked at her. How could she not be looked at? She was like an angel in a sea of mortals.

Richard looked at the entrance and was stunned. In a good way. For in the light of the afternoon sun, there she is. The girl named Alex. And just like that morning, it looks like she's looking for a seat again. It's like a déjà vu; it made Richard think it wasn't real. Maybe he was just hallucinating because he really could not take the memory of that girl out of his mind? Or was it for real, like the smile she just gave him when she finally caught sight of him? He smiled back. Yeah, maybe this is for real.

And it was really real. The next moment, Alex was standing in front of him.

"Excuse me. Is this seat taken?" she asked, indicating the seat next to him. "Nope."

"Can I sit there?"

"Of course."

She smiled at him and then she sat down next to him.

"Can you believe it? Our first and last subjects are the same," Alex said.

"Maybe that's what they call fate." Then Richard thought of what he just said. 'Aww!' he thought to himself.

Alex looked at him innocently. 'Don't freak out, please,' he secretly begged.

Alex smiled. "Maybe you're right."

Richard felt the world suddenly got better.

"Welcome to our school," Alex said.

"Thanks. I'm actually starting to like it here."

"Really? Are you transferring?" she joked.

He laughed. "If only I can. Do you have pre-med courses here?"

"So you're taking your pre-med? BS Bio, right?"

Richard nodded. "My parents are both doctors." "Wow! You guys are a family of doctors."

"How about you? Your dad's also into Arts?"

"Business," Alex replied. "But I have no interest in that. Unlike Ate. She's taking up BS Accountancy. As for me, Arts is really my passion. It's good that my parents allowed me to take this course." Richard was about to ask what their family's business is, when their professor arrived, and their class started.

After class, Richard continued wooing Alex. He will not allow it to just end that way. He must make a move as early as possible. He has to make a move now.

"I really don't enjoy Literature that much," Richard said, just to start a conversation.

"I actually do," Alex said.

'Oops! Wrong move,' he thought. "Really?"

"You know what? I understand you. Completely."

"Enlighten me."

"There are two kinds of people, right? It's based on the two sides of our brain. You should know that."


"I guess so." Of course, Richard heard about it, but he wants to watch her speak. He likes watching her facial expressions while telling stories and he likes the sound of her voice. "First are the logical people, those scientists, philosophers, mathematicians... The next one is the creative people. Artists, writers, composers... "So you're saying that artists are not logical?"

"It's not like that," Alex said. "They're just more inclined to things that have more to do with the Arts. Like me. I'm an artist and I also love literature. But the memorizations, reasoning and all those stuff, I hate them. Then there are people like you, you hate Arts. You don't like Literature. But you love memorizing History stuff. "

If you're loving the book, is where the adventure continues. Join us for the complete experience-all for free. The next chapter is eagerly waiting for you!

Richard laughed at the expression on her face. It's like she dislikes History very much.

"I thought you said you love hearing what happened before?"

"Yes but... I guess I just love gossiping."

They both laughed. Richard was enjoying so much that he did not notice his cousin arrive to pick him up. Since he just moved in to Tarlac last month, his mother still does not allow him to drive his own car. So for the meantime, he was told to go home with his cousin Bryan. As for going to school every morning, his parents drop him off before they go to the hospital owned and managed by their family - the Tarlac General Hospital.

"Hi Cuz!" Bryan greeted upon seeing him.

"Cuz!" They did a high five.

Bryan looked at Alex.

"This is Alex. Alex, this is my cousin and best friend, Bryan."

"You look familiar," Bryan said.

"You too," Alex said.

'Oh no!' Richard thought. What does this mean? Serendipity? Bryan and Alex having that soulmate moment? 'No, this can't be!'

"Gosh! I know I know you," Alex said trying to remember.

Bryan's expression suddenly changed. "I think I already know."

But before Bryan can explain, a girl suddenly approached them. "Alex!"

They all looked at her.

"Ate!" Alex was still as jolly as ever, even with the girl's obvious grumpiness.

"Now I clearly remember," Bryan said.

If you're loving the book, is where the adventure continues. Join us for the complete experience all for free. The next chapter is eagerly waiting for you! Richard looked at Bryan. He gave him a questioning look that the latter immediately read.

"Richard, this is Angelica Martinez. She is the daughter of two of MPCF and Associates partners, Mr. Benjamin and Mrs. Alicia Martinez. They're from Moonville." And Richard clearly understood. This grumpy girl is a part of their family's nemesis, the Martinez. But, if Alex called her Ate... Richard looked at Alex. She is also looking at him.

"Alex is her sister," Bryan continued. "Alexandra Martinez, if I'm not mistaken."

"That's right," Alex said. Her demeanor has also changed. Maybe because she felt like something's not right.

"This is Richard Quinto," Bryan told Alex. "He's the son of Dr. Ricardo Quinto, from the Quintos of Moonville."

Richard was just looking at Alex, who is also staring at him. They both refuse to believe what is happening. "Alex, let's go!" Angel commanded.

Alex just continued staring at Richard. He could feel like the world is starting to crumble. "Alex!"

Alex finally gave up. She looked at her sister.

"Okay," she said softly.

Richard felt Alex wanted to look at him for the last time, but she held back. He watched her go to her sister and leave. Then he felt Bryan's tap on his shoulder.

"Yes Cuz. Unfortunately, she's a Martinez."

Richard can't believe it. He still doesn't want to believe it. Out of all the girls that he could like, he fell for the one who came from their family's nemesis. So how is it then? You and me against the world, just like Romeo and Juliet?

'Romeo and Juliet,' Richard thought. Yes, that's how it feels like. A pair of star-cross'd lovers, from two families with ancient grudge. But like those two characters, only their families are the enemies. 'Tis but her name that is his enemy. And with the help of the powerful forces of love, they were able to express their feelings to each other, even if it means Romeo climbing up the high balcony.

'I can do that.' A thought suddenly struck him. 'Maybe I could be Romeo.'

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