Moonlit Fur Chronicles: Torn Fur

Chapter 21 Getting Answers

We had class tomorrow so Quinn and I said our goodbyes to Ellis, Kai, Phoenix and Jules. I wasn’t too excited to leave them alone at Quinn’s place but they promised to take care of it. Quinn returned the van to the rental company at the airport. We boarded the plane, the trip was uneventful. We cuddled the whole way, I’m positive Quinn fell asleep but my mind burned with questions. Why was I the only one to control my wolf? Was it an Alpha thing or a me thing? I needed to chat with Casey. My chance came soon enough. We finally arrived at the campus. We were both exhausted, Quinn’s nap on the plan hadn’t been restful. The dorm had filled up again. Students chattered and lingered everywhere. It was a little odd to see the building full again.

I was bombarded with an unfamiliar odor when I opened the door to our dorm room. I looked around for the source of the offensive smell. I rolled my eyes, it was the wolf skin rug. I totally forgot about it. It was still in its packaging, I had dropped it when Quinn and I jumped on each other. I picked it up and unwrapped it. I unrolled it and examined it. The taxidermist had kept the skull and paws intact, the rest was flat and soft. The jaws of the skull were propped open in a wide toothy snarl. I loved it! It had the dark aesthetic I adored and was a tribute to my commitment to my pack. I unrolled the rug and positioned the skull towards the door. “Looks great,” Quinn complimented. “It really does,” I agreed. I got a wonderfully nasty idea.

I grabbed Quinn from behind and kissed her neck. “Someone feels better,” she purred. I slipped my hand under her shirt and placed it on her warm belly. A shiver of desire tingled through me. My hands explored her body and teasingly traced the waistband of her skirt. “Reese,” she breathed. “I want more.” I hooked my finger under her waistband and seductively pulled it lower and lower. Quinn moaned, I slowly reached between her legs and massaged her. She bit her lip and whimpered. I enjoyed her whimpers and moans. I slipped her skirt down to her ankles, she stepped out of it and kicked it away. I peeled off her shirt, caressed her chest, and kissed her neck. I kissed her shoulders all the way down her back and dropped to the floor. I made sure I was in the middle of my new wolf skin rug. I pulled her down on top of me, her legs straddled my torso. I slid her along my body so her knees were on either side of my head. I bent my knees, Quinn placed her hands on my knees, and stabilized herself. I set my tongue to task, she gasped and moaned and my tongue flitted, flicked, and licked her.

It took a minute for Quinn to catch her breath, “Did you plan on doing this on our new rug?” I slipped my tongue in her and wiggled it. “Reese, you naughty girl.” She exclaimed, “It’s a brilliant idea, doing this on our new rug. Poetic justice, you might say.” I wholeheartedly agreed. Quinn’s body shuddered with delight. Her breath was short and heavy. “You make me feel so good, Babygirl.” Quinn turned around, pushed my knees open, and swung her head down between my thighs. Her tongue began to tease and torture me, I gasped. She giggled at my reaction, “You didn’t think I was gonna let you have all the fun, did you?” My hands gripped her waist tightly, her tongue skills were unbelievable . A muffled scream rolled off my lips, Quinn moaned, “Good girl, let me know how good it feels.”

My phone chirped loudly. It was my alarm to wake up for classes. We had fallen asleep wrapped up in each other. Quinn must have draped one side of the wolf rug over us in the night. I disentangled myself from Quinn, crawled to the shower and cranked it on. I stretched my arms, back and legs as the water grew hot. “Reese,” Quinn called from the wolf rug. “In the shower, come join me,” I answered. I heard quiet curses and sounds of struggle from the other room. Quinn was tangled up in the wolf rug. “Do you need help over there?” I chuckled. “Dammit motherfu..” Quinn growled in frustration and stomped into the bathroom. I tried to hide my smile but to no avail. “You think that’s funny do you?” She accused in mock angry. “You’re gonna get it now!” She lunged at me, grabbing me. She tickled me ferociously.

Quinn gently pushed me towards the water. “Hey now,” I cried out, “you’ll make me all wet!” She stepped under the water after me, “That’s the idea.” She kissed me passionately, her hands caressed my chest. “Oh that’s the stuff,” I moaned in her ear. Quinn growled quietly, “I want to ravage you again. But we have to get ready for class.” Her hands explored my curves. “Well make yourself useful then,” I handed her my body wash. Quinn moaned softly as she dragged my soapy loofah across my skin. I beamed and thoroughly enjoyed the attention and her touch. She took her time and made sure every inch of me was covered in soap. I could tell she really enjoyed my body. I wanted more, it would have to wait. I still needed to talk with Casey about what happened over the weekend.

We finally pulled ourselves together enough to just barely make it class before the bell rang. The hours ticked by slowly as the professor droned on about this and that. It felt like being turned into a werewolf made this college business irrelevant. I felt frustrated that I was stuck here bored to tears instead of out with my pack. It felt weird that my pack was split up on different sides of the country. I was anxious and couldn’t sit still, so I bounced my leg to relieve some tension. My inner wolf began to stir, which only raised my anxiety level. Finally it was time to get out of there. I collected my school gear and raced for the door. “Reese!” My professor called out. I growled under my breath, turned around to face her. “Are you okay? Your grades are starting to slip. You seem preoccupied, bored even. Do you want to talk about it?”

I tried to keep my voice even, “I am dealing with a family situation. It’s unbelievably stressful. We should get it sorted in a few months, hopefully sooner.” My professor gave me a sympathetic look. “I appreciate your concern, I really do. There’s just nothing to be done about it at the moment.” She nodded, “If there’s anything I can do, let me know.” I thanked her and walked away. I found Quinn outside our dorm building. I ran inside, dropped my school supplies, and quickly returned to Quinn. We walked together into the woods towards Casey and River’s RV. It felt nice to get back into the woods, it felt like home. The woods helped to calm my wolf, most of the time anyway.

“I want to quit college,” I began. Quinn didn’t say anything, just listened. “It feels like a waste of time now that I have a pack to look out for. It seems unimportant dealing with microscopic bugs and mess.” We walked in silence for a moment, “Are unhappy with what’s happening in your life besides werewolf stuff. Or do you want to fully commit to the werewolf life?” Her question caught me off guard. I needed time to think about it, “Let me get back to you on that.” We strolled past trees, through ditches, and over rocks. Soon enough we arrived at the RV. Casey and the rest were huddled around the fire with s’mores in hand.

I asked Casey and River if I could speak with them inside the RV. They agreed, River brought a small plate of s’mores with her and we climbed the steps. After we settled down, I recounted my tale of blood and horror that happened over the weekend. They listened as I described how I felt through the whole encounter. They had comparable reactions to Quinn’s reaction when I shared that I could usually control the wolf. “I have been around werewolves for a while now, I’ve never heard of anyone being able to control their actions after they phased into their wolf form,” Casey explained. “It might be a special gift you have. I don’t think it’s an Alpha ability.” River contributed, “As for uncontrollable shifting, it happens when you keep in human form too long. It’s just like emotions, you have to let them out or express them before they blow up on you. I heard of it happening before.”

Casey complimented, “That is a great comparison, River. ‘Just like emotions’ I’m going to steal that one.” She grinned. “That’s what happened the night we met you. We were letting off some steam, just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.” I raised an eyebrow, “So if you weren’t in control of your wolf form that night…why did you walk away from me? You could’ve easily killed me.” Casey cleared their throat, “That’s a great question. I don’t know. It might be because I valued River more than you. Might be because my wolf didn’t view you as a threat. I simply don’t know the answer.” I shrugged my shoulders, “At least I got some answers.” I asked them what they thought about me wanting to quit college. River suggested it might be a bad idea. She had a remote job to make money while she and Casey traveled around and enjoyed nature in their RV. Casey, being a mechanic, could keep the truck and trailer functional.

I thanked them, they had given me a good deal to think about. We went back outside to join the others by the fire. The boys, Ash and Max, gave Quinn an update on the housing situation. They had found a beautiful spot of land with plenty of acreage to let our wolf selves run around. Max loved the idea of having little ‘apartments’ which consisted of a bedroom and bath with shared a large communal kitchen and living space. The property in question was about a two and a half hour drive on dirt and gravel roads. There was nothing around it for miles and miles. It was absolutely perfect. The house we designed was very large and therefore costly to build. Quinn reassured us that she would take care of it. I was excited. The sun began to hide behind the trees, Quinn and I had to get back to our dorm for classes. On the way back, I shared with Quinn everything Casey and River explained to me. It was logical that we needed to transform and let the wolf run free once in a while. I was glad to learn more about my wolf side. I was very excited.

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