Moonlit Fur Chronicles: Torn Fur

Chapter 2: Then There Were Three

Two days had passed and the school was buzzing with rumors about the missing kids. Some said they had run away together, some said they were high on illegal drugs and partied in the woods, some thought they were out camping. No one knew the truth and even fewer would believe the truth. The weird thing was that I was no longer the new kid. Two new students had apparently enrolled this semester as well. I didn’t care much. People were always coming and going. Class was about to start in a few minutes. As I walked into the classroom, I smelled something strange and earthy, yet familiar. It reminded me vaguely of pine needles. The investigation was short lived, I knew exactly where the smell was coming from. “Class, please give a warm welcome to Casey and River, our new students,” the professor spoke a little too loudly and eagerly.

The new students were sitting towards the front of the room. Casey was a huge person, easily six feet tall and looked like he could bench press a car. He had rich dark shoulder length hair and wore a charming smile. River, on the other hand, was short and skinny. Even though she was not physically imposing, she carried herself with an intimidating aura, as if she was wary of an imminent threat. She eyed me curiously, sizing me up, determining if I was a threat; then I noticed her arm. Her arm was covered in a brace from the middle of her palm to just under her elbow. River glared at me with barely contained rage. Casey sensed the hostility between us and put a hand on Rivers’ shoulder. They whispered something in Rivers’ ear and her face became indecipherable. Casey flashed me a smile and a friendly wave. River glared at Casey, who shrugged back at her.

The wolf in me growled angrily when I passed them to my usual seat in the back. It sensed something in them that it did not like. I swallowed the urge to throw something at them. I was a loner not a bully. The air in the room was stuffy and dry; I seriously needed a break by the time class ended. I was already outside when Casey and River walked out of the building. A playful breeze blew through the trees. It wafted my scent toward the pair of newcomers. River tensed up as soon as she noticed my scent. Her head turned slowly and angrily in my direction. I thought I heard her growling. Casey let go of her hand and walked slowly toward me. My inner wolf rose up ready for a fight. Casey put both of their hands in the air to indicate peaceful intentions, my wolf seemed to ignore the gesture. Casey seemed to sense my wolf’s reaction because they stopped about ten feet away. “I know we got off on the wrong foot the other night. I’d like to make amends if I can.” I had nothing to say so I said nothing. “River and I found them like that,” they continued. “We aren’t the type to hurt people if we don’t have to.” The silence was deafening. “You fight well,” they continued.

I was angry, “It’s your fault! And hers,” I jerked my chin toward River. “It’s her fault. You killed those missing kids! You were about to attack my friend and me. It was purely self defense!” Casey took a step back, “You’ve got some bad info there. Yes, we were fed on a deer we killed deeper in the woods. We don’t kill people!” I snarled, “Sure, and you didn’t hide the leftovers too?” Casey looked confused. “Yeah! Someone hid the bones after you picked them clean.” A frown crossed Casey’s face, “Someone hid the bodies you say?” I glared at them, “Don’t deny it!” Casey sighed, their shoulders dropped, “Kiddo, you do know that River and I aren’t the only ones out there, right?” I was shocked, my jaw dropped open. “Really. There are signs all over the woods,” Casey continued. “Wolf tracks, makeshift campsites and shelters. I’m honestly surprised you didn’t know.” Here I was thinking I was utterly alone with this furry curse, “No I didn’t know. I just…” I looked away. Casey was quiet for a minute.

“You’re new, aren’t you?” Casey’s question hung in the air. I didn’t return his gaze. “Reese,” I whispered. “My name is Reese.” Casey nodded, “Nice to meet you Reese. I wish it was under better circumstances.” I experienced a whole range of emotions in a few short minutes. I wasn’t alone. There were others like me. Some of them were murderers. I swallowed hard. “Why did you walk away that night? You could’ve easily beaten me.” Casey frowned softly, “I told you Reese. We do not hurt people, especially not our own kind if we can avoid it, even though you attacked River.” I took a step forward, “You were going to attack Sloan and me!”

Casey quietly asked, “How long have you been a wolf?” I sat down on the grass with my back against a tree. I wasn’t entirely comfortable with that question, my inner wolf demanded I remain silent. Casey knelt down beside me and motioned to River to join us. She shook her head stiffly. Casey gave her a stern look. River slowly made her way closer but remained standing. “River, this is Reese,” Casey explained. “She…” Casey stopped and looked at me, “your pronouns are she/her, yes?” I nodded and Casey resumed speaking to River, “She is new to her fur and I think we should help her get accustomed to her new skills.” River gave him a look that made me think she’d rather bite her wounded arm off. “That is why we had the unfortunate miscommunication the other night.” Casey gave River a moment to think.

River seemed to relax just a little. Her voice was low and almost comforting, “You fight well, Newbie. Most don’t have that level of skill, even the older wolves.” I muttered a soft thank you. I was very overwhelmed with all this new information. I wondered if I should include Sloan in all this. If I did, it wouldn’t be soon. I needed to process it all. I was sure he would be tickled pink to know everything. Casey looked at me, “If you want we can share what we know about being…’extra fuzzy’′ they grinned at their own joke. River rolled her eyes and smiled. “Casey is always making dumb jokes like that.” Casey laughed a deep charming laugh. “You know you like my jokes.” Casey and River flirted back and forth with their eyes. If I was honest with myself, I wanted that same level of intimacy and companionship that they shared. I needed to find someone who could love a wolf, that was the hard part.

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